






英文名称:Yunnan province made kuping three six cents




钱面:珠圈内满汉文“光绪银元”,上环“云南省造”, 下环“库平三钱六分” 内圈“光绪元宝”四个字,字体俊秀。 [光]字最后一笔竖弯勾,做了一个鸟的造型,鸟嘴紧连[光]字一瞥。光绪的[绪]字中间那一瞥,仿佛刀柄,一刀刺进了[绪]字的心脏。[元]字,锤击鸟眼,有吸干大清元气之意。 [宝]字的宝盖上面一点,探出宝盖下方,字体写的柔弱飘逸。

钱背:正中蟠龙图,左右各一六点花星。蟠龙为短须龙,眼神灵异炯炯有神;龙鳞雕刻细密有致,腾云驾雾,身姿遒劲有力;龙爪张扬,神武有力;龙身盘踞太阳,尽展皇家威严大气。此蟠龙图 是中国所有龙洋图案银元(包括国外发行的所有银币)中,工艺最精湛,雕工最完美,浮雕感最强烈的品种,镜面平整光滑,轮廓十分清晰,犹如一条银龙呼之欲出。


清代钱币以光绪元宝为最,光绪元宝是其中收藏的大类,历来都受到很多藏家的关注,光绪元宝是清朝光绪年间流通的货币之一,由两广总督张之洞率先引进英国铸币机器铸造银元和铜元,之后各省纷纷仿效,由于当时时局不稳定,因此几乎在全国的各个省都有专门的货币铸造厂,因此我们会发现那个时代的货币上都有鲜明的铸字,共有十九个省局铸造。除中央户部,地方省所铸铜元,皆在其正面上缘标明是哪个省的造币厂铸造的,不同版别的光绪元宝都有独特的韵味 光绪元宝之中又以江南省造为最。

清代以来经历了多场战争,光绪元宝损失严重,至今,数量已经极其有限。光绪元宝,这种钱币非常独特,它所代表的不仅仅是金钱,还有光绪年间的经济情况。为此,众多收藏家都纷涌而至,以期能够找出光绪元宝,以满足清代经济研究所需。 一枚小小的古钱币,蕴藏着丰富的历史元素。如今遗传在世的精品古钱币虽然并不多,但是每枚精品古币价值却是不菲。





英文名称:Guangxu ingot made in Jiangnan Province





背面中心是一条细长七尾飞龙,龙尾后面有祥云云彩,这是一个新设计的背面,龙也是一条新设计的龙。在龙纹饰四周上下方为英文:KIANG NAN PROVINCE 7 MACE AND 2 CANDAREENS,左右各一个玫瑰花饰。此枚光绪元宝江南省造甲辰品相佳,包浆明显,甚是罕见,具有极大的收藏价值,同时现在的市场价格也比较高。



1897年(光绪二十三年)6月21日,湖南巡抚陈宝箴向清廷奏请铸造银元,获准后从英国定购了银币铸造设备。『湖南省造光绪元宝库平七钱二分银币』的铸造时间大约在光绪二十四年 (1898年),因铸额小传世稀罕而不为广大历史钱币收藏者和研究者所熟悉。本人认为,其铸造银币的钢模可能由当时银币铸造和「钢模制作」技术较为成熟『湖北银元局』代为制作。




英文名称:The Guangxu Yuan treasure house in Hunan province is two cents




湖南省造光绪元宝库平七钱二分银币:正面中央珠圈内镌满汉文“光绪元宝”四个字,珠圈外上端镌汉文铸地“湖南省造”四字,下端镌汉文币值“库平七钱二分”几字,左右两端各镌一个长六花星,意为长寿花,汉字书写风格和「湖北省造光绪元宝」的汉字风格形神相同,可以认为均系同一位书法家所书。银币背面中央镌蟠龙图和云纹,可见龙眼内有睛,表现压力十足,为开门真品,上端环镌英文湖南省HU-NAN PROVINCE,下端环镌英文币值库平一两7 MACE AND 2 CANDAREENS,左右两端各镌一个六点花星。





英文翻译:Guangxu Yuanbao was the currency of the Qing Dynasty, which was in the period of Westernization Movement. This trend of thought also affected the coinage industry. In the 13th year of Guangxu, the governor of Guangdong and Guangdong, Zhang Zhidong, entrusted the British minister to order a full set of coinage machines in the UK, and made the first silver and copper coins in the Guangdong Money Bureau. Later, provinces followed suit, buying foreign machinery to cast silver, which also made the silver coin infected with Western colors.

Since the Qing Dynasty has experienced many wars, the rare guangxu ingot has suffered serious losses, so far, the number has been extremely limited. Dragon pattern guangxu ingot, this kind of ingot is very unique, it represents not only money, but also the economic situation of guangxu years. Therefore, a large number of collectors are flocking to find out the dragon pattern guangxu ingot, to meet the economic research needs of the qing dynasty.

The collection is introduced

Chinese name: Yunnan Province made Kuping three money six silver coins

Yunnan Province Made Kuping Three Six Cents

Specification: One piece

Category: Miscellaneous

Appearance: Beautiful

Money surface: bead circle full Chinese "Guangxu silver yuan", the upper ring "made in Yunnan Province", the lower ring "Kuping three money six points", the inner ring "Guangxu yuan bao" four words, handsome font. [light] the last pen vertical curved hook, made a bird modelling, beak closely connected [light] word glance. Guangxu's [xu] the middle of the word that glance, as if the handle, a knife stabbed into the [xu] word heart. [Yuan] word, hammer bird's eye, there is the meaning of sucking up the Qing Yuan. The cover of the word "Bao" is a little above the cover, protruding below the cover, the writing is soft and elegant.

Money back: in the middle of the dragon figure, about one six flower star. Panlong is a short bearded dragon, with bright eyes. The dragon scales are finely carved, and the posture is vigorous and powerful. Dragon claw publicity, Shenwu powerful; The dragon's body is squatting in the sun, showing the royal majesty. This flat dragon figure is all Chinese dragon design silver yuan (including all foreign silver coins), the most exquisite craftsmanship, the most perfect carver, the most intense sense of empowerment variety, the mirror surface is smooth and smooth, the outline is very clear, like a silver dragon is looming.

This coin is naturally coated with paste, grayish-brown coated with paste, with clear font, fine lines and enough pressure. It has been identified as genuine silver coin. Silver coins no matter from the dragon scale, outline, gear, font, the Guangxu Yuanbao is a superior product, especially pay attention to the existence of the status quo, making its investment value is increasing, the market price of ancient coins is also bullish all the way, become one of the most popular collection of domestic and foreign collectors.

Qing dynasty COINS in guangxu stove, for the most, guangxu, silver piece is the collection of categories has always got the attention of a lot of collectors, guangxu stove is one of the currency circulation of the qing dynasty emperor guangxu years, by zhang zhidong, governor of guangdong takes the lead in the introduction of the British COINS casting silver and copper coin machine, after the provinces to emulate, because at that time, the situation is not stable, so almost in all provinces throughout the country have special monetary foundry, so we will find that the currency has a distinct type of The Times, a total of 19 ShengJu casting. In addition to the Central Ministry of Housing, the copper coins cast by local provinces are indicated on the front edge of which province's mint is cast. Different versions of Guangxu ingots have a unique flavor. Among them, Guangxu ingots are made in southern China.

Since the Qing Dynasty has experienced many wars, Guangxu Yuanbao suffered serious losses, so far, the number has been extremely limited. Guangxu Yuanbao, this kind of coin is very unique, it represents not only money, but also the economic situation of the Guangxu period. Therefore, a large number of collectors are flocking to find out the guangxu ingot, to meet the needs of economic research in the qing dynasty. A small ancient coin, rich in historical elements. Today, although there are not many fine ancient coins alive, the value of each fine ancient coin is not cheap.

Jiangnan province, belonged to the Ming dynasty in nanjing region (south zhili province), the qing shanhaiguan, in qing shunzhi two years (1645) along the Ming system set up originally, jiangnan ChengXuan the abolition of nanjing as the position of capital, the governor government set in ning mansion (now nanjing), the early years of the qing emperor kangxi, originally for change ChengXuan provinces, originally the change to the jiangnan ChengXuan jiangnan province.

The area of Jiangnan Province was roughly equivalent to that of today's Shanghai, Jiangsu and Anhui provinces, Wuyuan County in Jiangxi Province and Shengsi Islands in Zhejiang Province. Both the "Nanzhili Province" of the Ming Dynasty and the "Jiangnan Province" of the Qing Dynasty were among the richest regions in China at that time. At the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, the tax revenue of Jiangnan province accounted for one third of the whole country, and the number of people from Jiangnan province who made the list in each scientific examination accounted for nearly half of the whole country. Therefore, there was a saying that "half of the outstanding talents in the world come from Jiangnan".

The collection is introduced

Chinese name: Jiangnan province made guangxu ingot

English name: Guangxu Ingot Made in Jiangnan Province

Category: Miscellaneous

Specification: One piece

Appearance: Beautiful

The front of the bead circle in Manchu Chinese "Guangxu Yuanbao" four words, the top inscription is "made in Jiangnan Province", the bottom is "Kuping seven money two", on both sides of the "made in Jiangnan Province", about the land branch dry years Guimao years. On the side of the word "sockets", the English word "HAH" is engraved, and the bead circle in the middle is composed of 99 small dots.

The center of the back is a slender seven - tailed flying dragon, there are auspicious clouds behind the tail, this is a new design of the back, the dragon is also a new design of the dragon. Around the dragon decoration on the top AND bottom are English: Kiang NAN PROVINCE 7 MACE AND 2 CANDAREENS, left AND right one rose decoration. This Guangxu Yuanbao Jiangnan Province made Jia Chen product phase is good, the wrap pulp is obvious, is very rare, has a great collection value, and now the market price is relatively high.

Real money eyes are the eyes, but not for replicas eyes sunken hole, looks very inflexible, genuine silver cloud has grain, it is a roll of moire, look at the dragon scales, such as seed pearls inlaid on its, squama have greatly small, extremely natural transition, this coin patina nature, downy light, the surface has a small amount of copper oxide green green rust, plus brown-black silver oxide rust, interweave together, this is because the old silver is a copper amount, together for real, no doubt, extremely collection value.

This coin: the collection "the words are convex, the strokes are round and deep, the edge teeth are standard, the ring teeth are raised, the particles are clear, the pearl grain of the dragon scales is not nihilistic and sticky, the ground chapter is smooth and smooth as a board"; "Delicate appearance, its wrap pulp into the bone, mature old natural, deep typing mouth clear, obvious circulation traces, edge teeth clearance, dragon scales clear". Patina nature, the overall neat, clear font, beautifully designed, no depletion, deformation, quality perfect, BiMian floating green rust, is a natural oxidation, and the level of silver coin is the collection, the collection value, is a dark horse in the coin collecting, ancient people out jiangnan, collection, which means "home mahoganypanelled splendour.

On June 21, 1897 (the 23rd year of Guangxu Emperor), Chen Baozhen, governor of Hunan, requested the Qing court to cast silver coins. After being approved, he ordered silver coin casting equipment from Britain. "Hunan Province made Guangxu Yuan Treasure House Ping seven two silver coins" casting time about in Guangxu twenty-four years (1898), because of the small cast handed down from generation to generation and is not familiar with the majority of historical coin collectors and researchers. I think that the steel mold of its casting silver coins may be made by the silver coin casting and "steel mold production" technology is more mature "Hubei Silver Yuan Bureau" for the production.

On June 21, 1897 (the 23rd year of Guangxu Emperor), Chen Baozhen, governor of Hunan Province, requested the casting of silver coins. After being approved, he ordered a batch of coinage equipment and a full set of "Guangxu YuanBao" steel molds from Heaton and Son Mint in the UK, and then cast a number of sample coins of Koping seven and two in Heaton Mint. On the front side of the sample coin, four words "Guangxu Yuanbao" are engraved in the dot circle, four words "made in Hunan Province" are engraved, and six words "Kuping seven money two points" are engraved, and both sides are engraved with flowers. In the middle of the back is a dragon picture, and the periphery is English, and the two Arabic numbers "7" and "2" are engraved.

The collection is introduced

Chinese name: Hunan province made guangxu yuan treasure house flat seven money two

The Guangxu Yuan Treasure House in Hunan Province is two cents

Category: Miscellaneous

Specification: One piece

Appearance: Beautiful

Hunan province made seven binary silver money guangxu yuan treasure ping: positive central bead circle engrave full Chinese "guangxu ingots" four word, bead outside the upper engrave Chinese cast "hunan province to build" four words, bottom engrave Chinese currency "library flat seven binary" a few words, six flower on each engrave a long star, meaning longevity flowers, Chinese character writing style and the "hubei province made guangxu ingots" of Chinese style, the same shape and can think of are the same calligrapher's book. In the center of the silver coin, the dragon picture AND moat pattern are engraved on the back, which shows that there are eyes in the longan, showing full pressure. It is the real product of the door. The upper ring is engraved in English in Hunan Province, AND the lower ring is engraved in English in the value of Kuping 1, 2, 7 Mace AND 2 Candareens, with a six-point flower star on the left AND right ends.

On the back of the coin is the dragon pattern: the Chinese dragon is worshipped as a sacred creature. "The Dragon Tu is the totem of the Chinese people. The emperors and their descendants in all dynasties of China are called the Dragon Son and the Dragon Sun. The image of the dragon was used exclusively on royal articles. According to historical records, as early as in the period of Emperor Wudi of the Han Dynasty, the "three platinum products" were cast with the figure of "dragon". Later, in the Song, Yuan and Ming dynasties, a small number of coins in circulation were cast with dragon patterns. Especially in the history of money, the dragon is more graphics. In the late Qing Dynasty, during the reign of Guangxu and Xuantong, the gold, silver and copper coins cast by the government were mostly cast with dragon figures on the back. According to incomplete statistics, there are nearly a thousand types of "dragon" coin patterns on silver coins in the Qing Dynasty. These dragons are even more ever-changing. This coin is a sitting dragon, surrounded by auspicious clouds, which gives people the feeling of flying in the clouds and dominating the world. In ancient times, only the royal family could claim to be the real dragon and the son of the heaven, and the dragon also symbolizes the king.

Edge tooth indentation is very obvious, neat and neat, performance pressure is full.

Silver pressure: Since the qing dynasty republic of China, use the imported version machine, pressure up to 50 tons, the technology until the end of the republic of China, also not be transcended, so domestic imitation silver to design more blurred, internal tooth is linked together, and teeth, so a lot of professional coin collectors, a look at the coin, pressure is not enough, is a disguised form of replicas, genuine silver COINS, the pattern is clear, both side of tooth, in time, all very neat, and there will not be connected, and teeth, the tooth length is consistent, uniform, there will be no length is differ, there will be no edge of helical, or teeth marks very shallow, because money is to use a kind of small equipment, Around the edge of the silver coin, roll a circle, we call it hobbing, a lot of Yin and Yang teeth and other special gear is rolled out, forming a circle of rolling marks on the edge of the coin, so we see the first thing is to see whether its pressure is enough, whether the line is clear, no flaws, redundant traces.

This coin's handwriting is clear and clear, the performance is full of pressure, the positive and negative oxidation is consistent, the original light coating pulp, the silver is warm and moist, and it is a genuine silver coin. No doubt, a close look at this coin's perfect appearance, without knock, damage, deformation and so on is a rare collection of copper coins. It is recommended to collect and pass down. Money is an important part of the history of a country, with respect to its particular historical period in the history of COINS occupies the important position, it not only represents the modern family-run regime of the qing dynasty feudal culture, also reflects the rise and fall of modern history, economic and vicissitudes of life, has the very high value, historical research and economic value for collection.


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