



World's best dynamic headphone




Pros: Imaging, Inner Detail, Natural Decay and Instrumental Timbre, Comfort, Massive Soundstage, does all the cooking and cleaning


Cons: One more cable than most people need, a little pricey, hard to put down at the end of the evening when you really need to get some sleep。


Since I received the HD800 S I have put in somewhere between 100 – 150 hours of listening mostly on two different amps (and a little on a 3rd). I also did a lot of comparisons with my up to now favorite current production headphone, its older brother the HD800.


Overall, I have found the HD800 S to be a worthy of consideration for anyone thinking of purchasing a TOTL headphone. It features a wide open sound stage, revealing with lots of inner detail perfectly extracted, very realistic rendering of timbre and decay for acoustic instruments and is very well extended at both ends of the spectrum. While an overall bright headphone, it doesn't suffer from the peaky treble its older sibling—albeit at the expense of a little air and instrument separation and definition. It seems to handle any genre of music with aplomb and sounded good on both solid state and tubes. I think it is definitely the best dynamic headphone on the market and competitive, depending on your taste, with any current production headphone available. Oh and it's probably the most comfortably headphone I have ever used (which means the same as HD800).

总体上,我认为对于任何想要买一个顶级(TOTL=Top Of The Line)耳机的人,HD800S是值得考虑的。HD800S以宽大开放的声场为特点,并展现出大量的完美解析的内在细节,非常真实地呈现声学器材的音色和衰减(残响)并且在频响的两端有极好的延伸。尽管总体上是明亮音色的耳机,但HD800S并没有他的同门兄弟HD800的高频尖锐的问题—--不过代价是,少了一点点空气感和乐器分离度和清晰度。HD800S似乎能够沉着应对任何音乐类型,并且对管乐和实体乐器声音都能够很好还原。我想,它绝对是市面上最好的动圈耳机,对比任何当前量产的耳机都非常有竞争力,当然还要取决于你的听音偏好/口味。噢,还有它大概是我所用过的佩戴最舒适的耳机(这意味着和HD800一样舒适)。

When you buy it what do you get? A usb stick with your personal diffuse sound field graph, measured by Sennheiser on your pair that allegedly takes a whole bunch a time to produce. That's certainly better than having to get Sennheiser to send you one like I had to with the HD800 (it took two tries for me). Probably one more cable than you really need (ie one single ended and one balanced) some promotional "blah blah what great purchase" material, the headphones (they are matte black), a flimsy outer box with pictures of the headphone on it and a much more sturdier box you will want to keep for storage or if you move or sell it. You can look for pictures elsewhere.


I am one of those who tried the Anax mod and then undid it. So you can say I didn't like it, but I do like the S one heck of a lot. I also should mention that a youth squandered on lots of rock 'n roll at high volume probably means I am less sensitive to trebly phones than some.


What follows is a collection of impressions, which, in order to help people calibrate, are mostly in comparison to the HD800.


In general the differences between HD800 and the S aren't subtle, but they ain't night and day. It's a lot like the differences between many TOTL headphones, the differences are slightly exaggerated when you try to express it writing. It is less subtle than trying to figure out the differences between two excellent amplifiers, you don't need to switch back and forth a bunch of times to hear it, it is obvious from the start, but only after many hours and of listening was I able to begin to better understand the differences. In general we can say the Classic is brighter, the younger S is relatively warmer. Both are detail monsters with big sound stage. The classic maybe a little more so. But wait! There's more...


Rocking Out摇滚乐

I started by listening mostly to rock music, since that is where I found the classic HD800 sometimes problematic. In the beginning I mostly listened on my Lehman BCL because I can go back and forth between classic and youngster easily since it has two single-ended head-outs. I have also listened a little bit to my Icon Audio HP8 mkII amp with NOS Sylvania 6SN7 (70s) and a modern JJ gold pin ECC83, my current fave tubes so far.

一开始,我主要试听摇滚音乐,因为就是从这我发现经典的HD800有时候有些小问题。一开始,我主要接雷曼BCL耳放听音,因为这个耳放有2个单端输出端口,这样我就可以很容易地在HD800和HD800S之间切换。另外,我也在换装NOS Sylvania 6SN7电子管和金脚ECC83电子管的Icon Audio公司HP8 mkII耳放上试听了少许,这2个管子是我目前最喜欢的电子管。

I listened to a variety of stuff old and new. I will just pick two albums that pretty well exemplify what I discovered.


Listening to the hi-res, Stephen Wilson remix of Yes's Fragile, the classic HD800 sounds a little sibilant on Roundabout: "I'll SSSSpend the day your way". The youngster reveals no such emphasis. The album is musically amazing and but the recording quality, even after it's been Steven Wilsonified, is so-so. The youngster just sounds so much more right. The classic has a tendency to sound grainy on this recording. For example the South Side of the Sky sounds like the VU meters are way into the red when the sound it at a crescendo, ("seems like all eternity), well at least if you are listening to classic. But the young guy makes this sound, well, smoother—the grain is almost all gone.

首先听的高分辨率音乐是来自Yes摇滚乐队的Fragile专辑,由Stephen Wilson制作的混音版,经典的HD800在Roundabout那首歌的"I'll SSSSpend the day your way"当中的S有点点齿音。而晚出的HD800S则没有这种情况。专辑本身音乐性极好,但录音质量只能说平平常常,即便是大名鼎鼎的Stephen Wilson制作。HD800S的发声明显要正确自然的多。经典的HD800在这个录音上则发声有种颗粒感趋向。例如,在South Side of the Sky这首曲中,在声音响度逐渐增大的片段,如果用HD800则听起来就像标准音量计(VU meters)的指针已深入右端红色区域(就像所有声音都经久不衰)。但HD800S则让声音更平滑,颗粒几乎全消失了。

However, the heightened treble of the original does give in some cases the sense of a little more air and details. As an example of this, I was listening to a hi-res version of David Gilmour's newest, Rattle that Lock. The song Dancing Right In Front of Me has a beautiful solo towards then end. Under the guitar are classic Floydish sounding background vocals. It sounds further down in the mix on the youngster and noticeably more up front on the classic. I have no idea which is more correct, but on this pristine recording the instrument definition, the air and the inner detail seems a little better on the classic. But, the slightly warmer tonality, and the way the cymbals splash seems more right somehow on the S.

不过,被强化的HD800高频频段有时确实带来稍多的空气感和细节。以高分辨率版的大卫吉摩尔(David Gilmour)最新专辑-- Rattle that Lock为例来说明这点。其中Dancing Right In Front of Me这首歌从头到尾都有非常优美的独唱,吉他声背后是经典的Floyd风格的背景和声。在HD800S中人声听起来更远更低,但在HD800中则感觉靠前靠上。我不知道哪一个的声音更准确,但是在这个经典录音中,乐器清晰度、空气感和内部细节等方面,经典的HD800表现要稍好。但是,某种程度上,稍偏温暖的调音以及钹镲声的表现方式在HD800S上要更好加自然。

In general, the youngster seems to be better suited to brightly recorded and poorly recorded material. I have heard Sennheiser is saying that the S is more extended at the bottom end the its classic older bro. On the rock tracks I played it was really hard to tell if this is indeed the case.


Dancing to Hip Hop and Electronica


So the next day, I tried some hip hop and electronica.

So who was bass king was harder to discern on the rock tracks from the day before, but boy on hip hop it was so much easier. Kendrick Lamar's recent masterpiece, To Pimp a Butterfly, just sounds overall better on the HD800 S. Other albums I played were the recent release by Colleen, Captain of None and Jamie XX, in color. I always liked the bass on the HD800, articulate and extended, but honestly it lacks a little in the slam department.


HD800和HD800S到底谁是低音之王,前一天的摇滚唱片中难于辨别,但在男声嘻哈乐中就要简单得多了。就Kendrick Lamar最近说唱杰作-- To Pimp a Butterfly专辑(58届格莱美最佳说唱专辑)来说,HD800S听感完胜。其他我试过的专辑是最近Colleen发行的Captain of None和Jamie XX的In Color。我一直喜欢HD800的重低音,清晰而且下潜很好,但是坦诚地说在超猛烈的低音部分它还是欠缺一丁点。

Kendrick Lamar's Wesley Theory, just hits harder and seems to go a little lower on the youngster. Maybe it is because the youngster sounds warmer than the classic all I can say is on Hip Hop, hands down I would grab the S every time.

在Kendrick Lamar 的Wesley Theory这首歌中,HD800S的下潜稍更深一点,低频冲击感更强。可能因为HD800S相比HD800调音偏暖的原因,每次听Hip Hop歌曲,我都更想用HD800S。

On electronica it isn't as clear. For example on Colleen's I'm Kin. The sense of air around the singer's voice is seductive and in general the track sounds slightly more open on the classic. But the thump of the bass is deeper and fatter on the youngster. Similarly on Jamie XX Gosh, the way the highly processed vocals jump out of the mix on the HD800 is totally cool. But again the track hits deeper and warmer in a good way on the youngster.

在电子乐上,这种感觉则不那么明显。比如,听Colleen的 I'm Kin这首歌,环绕歌手的空气感非常诱人并且整体上HD800在这首歌曲中的声底要稍微更开放一些。但是HD800S的重低音的重击感要来得更深更厚。类似的,听Jamie XX 的Gosh时,高度处理过的人声从背景中跳跃而出的感觉非常酷,但是HD800S仍然很好的展现了其更深、更暖的低频。

I think that the very nature of highly processed modern music makes it hard to say which headphone is more accurate. Unless you are the person who created it, I don't know how you can say for sure what it should sound like. On both headphones the presentation was excellent. On the more bassy tracks I would probably go for the youngster.


So far I would say things for me tilt slightly towards the youngster. On some tracks I felt like I could hear a little more deeply into the music with the classic, probably due to what some call the hotter treble energy. It was actually really nice on very well recorded music. But on older or less good recordings I would definitely give the nod to the youngster. Overall I prefer the tonality and bass response of the youngster over it's sometimes more revealing older brother. The soundstage on S was pretty much Sennheiser HD800 big. I like that, for some reason that I don't get, some don't. If you don't, you won't like the S.


Does it sound like a piano?


Next, I wanted to try some classical stuff. There I wasn't sure which way things will fall. First of all I think that up to now it was hard to think of a headphone that I like as much for chamber music, the SR 009 expensively amped maybe is equal. I have an emotional bias towards the classic, it was hearing piano on the HD800 that originally seduced me. So I put the classic aside for day and only listened to the S to recalibrate my ears a little. For me this was going to be an important test: While acoustic albums often have almost as much studio wizardry and processing of the sound as their electric cousins, I have a much better idea what acoustic instruments are supposed to sound like, especially since I have guitars and a Steinway baby grand lying around the house.


Again I am just singling out a couple of recordings that exemplify what I think I heard.


Igor Levit's recent release in Hi-Res, Bach, Beethoven and Rzewski is not only amazing music but very well recorded. With this music I find the comparison a little more difficult. The classic gives a more lit up presentation, which makes certain nuances of the attack of hammer on the string really much easier to discern. That is really cool. There is an open airiness to the presentation with HD800 that is seductive. It also seems just a hair's breadth short of completely realistic. It comes closer to right than any headphone I have heard except maybe the Stax 009 for solo piano. But when I last ab'ed the star Staxen and HD800 side by side a year or so ago, they were really slight differences of the same general idea ( one a little more grainy at times the other more effortless at the high end but sometimes seemed to be a wee less authoritative at the low end). But both seemed just a teeny tiny bit tilted up which gave this really compelling you can hear every nuance thing that I like. Ok so how does the youngster sound?

伊戈尔列维特(Igor Levit)最近发行的高清专辑,其中含有巴赫、贝多芬和弗雷德里克·列夫斯基的作品,不仅是极好的音乐而且录音质量也很好。在这些音乐上,我发现对比变得有点稍稍更困难。HD800呈现出更明亮的听感,这使得音槌击打在琴弦上的细微差别能够更容易辨别。这确实很酷。HD800上更开放的空气感也使听感很有吸引力。它也似乎距离完全的真实感只有一发之隔(非常逼近)。它比任何我听过的耳机都要更接近正确的声音,可能除了SR009的钢琴独奏。不过差不多一年以前,我把SR009和HD800面对面AB对比时,发现它们在整体思想上确有一点点区别(有时其中一个更多颗粒感另一个则在高频端有点无力感,但有时好像在低频段有那么一丁点的缺乏真实可信度)。但是两个耳机相互之间都只是有那么极小的一点优势来吸引你去听到那些我喜欢的细微之处。好了, HD800S听起来又会如何?

The S sounds warmer, a little richer, it goes a little deeper when he hammers away on the left end of the ivories. The decay seems more like it sounds when I sit on the couch and someone plays the piano in the living room about 2 meters (6 feet) away. It is also little less clear and a little less airy than the classic. But on the classic there were a few places where Igor hit the tinkly keys on the right end of the piano pretty hard and the seeming air and clarity gave way to a slightly too sharp sound. It is lessened on the S for sure. I actually ran over to the piano and started banging on it and then listened again to the recording. It's not really the same piano and a different room etc. But it is always good to hear what the real thing sounds like. On richness, I gives it to the S. On detail, I gives it to the classic. On which is more natural? I thinks I gots to say the S, the timbre was just a little more right. But some will definitely like the classic better here. It is the more fun headphone on Igor Levit's recent recording of Beethoven's Diabelli Variations. Did I just say the classic is the more fun headphone? No one ever says the HD800 is the more fun headphone on head-fi. But here I am saying it, on head-fi, in this particular case. On hip hop, funness is totally with the youngster, Does anyone who listens to classical piano care about funness? Maybe in this case. I dunno we are splitting hairs anyway, but that is a big part of the funness here at head-fi: Making a big deal out of small diffs.

HD800S听感更温暖,也更丰富饱满,当演奏者敲击左端的琴键时能下潜更深一些。声音的衰减效果听起来更像是我坐在起居室的沙发上听着前面差不多2米远的钢琴演奏。同时,HD800S相对HD800要少一点点清晰度和空气感。但是在HD800上,当演奏者很重地敲击钢琴右端的某些琴键时,表面上的空气感和清晰度却被稍偏尖锐的声音代替。在HD800S上则毫无疑问被减少了这种听感。实际上,我还真跑到我自己的钢琴上去敲击然后重新听录音。当然,他们并不是同一个钢琴也不在同一间房。但是听听乐器的真实声音总是有益的。关于听感的丰富饱满,我偏向支持HD800S;在细节上,我偏向经典的HD800;关于哪个声音更自然,我想我得说是HD800S,它的音色稍微更正确。但是有些人毫无疑问会更喜欢经典的HD800,在Igor Levit专辑的贝多芬迪亚贝里变奏曲中,HD800S是一只更有乐趣的耳机。我刚刚当真说HD800是更有乐趣的耳机?没有人曾说过在耳机HIFI中HD800是一只有乐趣的耳机,但我在这里这么说了,头戴式耳机系统,在此特定情况下。听嘻哈音乐,乐趣则完全在HD800S。听古典的钢琴曲时,有谁会关心趣味呢?好吧,也许在这,我不知道我们是不是在吹毛求疵/钻牛角尖,但是这正是头戴耳机系统里很大一部分的乐趣---在细小的差别里寻找非常重要的事。

Dueling Violins小提琴对决

One thing I have discovered while living in France are all the small labels doing audiophile sound and dynamic performances of chamber music. The scholarship is sometimes astounding. Some of it is mixed on the HD800! I don't know how much of it makes it outside of France, I guess everyone has heard some of the Alpha label recordings. Checkout the stuff with Cafe Zimmermann doing Bach. But I digress. For this test I used a recent release by L'Aura Rilucente Handel & Haym: Trio Sonatas in hi-res. Haym is quite a discovery, apparently a contemporary/collaborator of Handel. His trio sonata in D was a revelation, with quite a thrilling Allegro for the finale.

当我生活在法国时,我发现一件事:所有小唱片公司都在做高保真发烧音频和有动态性的室内乐。有时还获得令人震惊的学术成就。其中一些还被HD800采纳。我不知道其中有多少扬名于法国之外,我猜每个人都听过一些法国Alpha唱片公司的唱片吧。用法国齐默曼咖啡屋古乐团表演录制的巴赫器乐作品集(PS:该唱片获得过金音叉奖)来作为对比的音源应该理所当然。但我并不这么认为,在这个测试中,我用了最近由发行的采用高分辨率音频技术录制的Handel & Haym的三重奏奏鸣曲—由L'Aura Rilucente乐团表演。N.F. Haym(全名)是个被发掘的音乐才子,与Handel同时代且两人相互合作。他的D大调三重奏鸣曲是个启示录,其收尾部分有着非常惊心动魄的急速乐章。

On both headphones you can clearly make out the two lead violins furiously trading licks back and forth, with cello harp and organ underneath. The sense of air around the instruments is absolutely to die for with the HD800 and the instrument separation is fantastic. Every sound seems to suspended perfectly in space. This headphone was made for music like this. And yet, every now and again the lead violin is just a wee bit too strident or sharp. I suspect with my no longer young ears, this bothers me less than some.


The HD800 S on the other hand really nails the timbre and the decay of the instruments which sound a hair more natural. It seems to be just enough less strident on the higher registers than its more experienced sibling. This comes at the expense of air. The difference between the two is small, but very definitely there. It isn't like I have to go back and forth ten times and listen really closely to discern a difference.


At this point I decided to switch amps. I leave the Lehmann with its two SE outputs and go over to the more laborious to compare Icon Audio HP8 MK ii with its single output. The HD800 shines on this amp, more holographic sound and less strident than the Lehmann. It is why I bought it. Everything is right with the world once again. Until I switch over to the S, and once again I feel like the timbre is slightly more correct. The S doesn't sound as different on the tubes as its bro, but I still like it better on tubes. And while I have again given up a bit of air and definition around the instruments, in addition to the timbre and decay, I get a blacker background. It's a tradeoff. If you are happy with your HD800 as is, I would say you need to audition rather than buy an S on the blind.

这时,我决定更换了耳放。我放下了莱曼耳放和它的2个单端输出端口,换上了更费力的ICON音频只有单个输出端口的HP8 MK ii放大器。HD800在这个放大器上光芒闪耀,更立体的声音同时比莱曼放大器上要稍一些尖锐感。这就是我为什么买了HP8 MK ii。一切都又恰到好处了。直到我重新换上HD800S,然后再一次我感觉到音色稍微更正确些。HD800S的声音并没有像HD800因耳放带来的不同,但我仍然更喜欢HD800S。当我再次丢失一点点空气感和清晰度,改善一点点音色和衰减,我却得到了一个更黑的背景。这是种平衡折衷。如果你喜欢HD800它本来的声音,那我想说你应该多试听而不是盲目的买HD800S。

A Trip to Symphony Hall


So next I try symphony. I am a bit of a freak about Mahler's ninth, especially the second movement. So for this, I chose Kubelik with Symphonie orchester des beyerischen Rundfunks from 1967. I have heard it something like a hundred times and I decided to go for 101. Going back and forth between phones, this time sticking with the tubular goodness of the Icon, it is all becoming pretty clear now.


Tympani go a wee bit lower and hit a wee bit harder on the S. Experience counts though and in this case older bro has it for instrument separation & definition, especially on the complex crescendos. And again on the S the timbre sounds more natural, and less strident. The warmer sound generally works here—it sounds more natural— but it is still a pretty bright headphone. Just a little less so. And gosh those tympani thump soooooo satisfyingly.


Jazzing Things Up


Going back to the days with those black spinning things that got worse sounding every time they spun around, Kind Of Blue by Miles Davis was one of my reference points for evaluating a new component. Using the 2013 high-res stereo version and the Icon, I soldier on. One of the cool things about doing an eval is I get to lose myself in music for a bunch of hours and then a bunch more.

回顾爵士时代那每况愈下声音,Miles Davis作曲的Kind Of Blue专辑是我评价一个新音乐类型/成分的参考点之一。就着2013年高清立体声版本和Icon放大器,我继续干着我的对比测试。做测评时其中很酷的一件事是,我要让自己一次次地在音乐中达到好几个小时的忘我状态。

Here I start with the S. I don't think I have ever heard opening track, So What, ever sound better on headphones (maybe on a SR007 mk1 on BHSEE, but that was a looong while ago). The opening bass line hits deep and yet articulate, you hear all the inner detail and sub tones. No mud being slung today. Then just to see if your system is up to snuff Miles starts slow then gently squeals. The new kid, HD800 S, just walks up to the line of too sharp but nails it. It seems perfect. Live Trumpet will be sharp and a bit piercing, and the S renders it pretty close to perfect. No detail is lost, the timbre is spot on, but I ain't wincing.

这里,我先从HD800S说起。我不觉得自己曾听过这个开场白—So What这首曲子在耳机上更好的声音了(也许在BHSEE系统上的SR007 MKI上听过,但那已是很久之前的事情了)。开场的低音声线冲击很深并且很清晰,你能听到所有的细节和副调。没有任何拖泥带水。你只需要看你的系统是否良好地随着Miles缓慢开始然后慢慢发出吱吱刺耳声。新的HD800S,只是刚好触及刺耳的界线但稳住了。它似乎很完美。现场小号有点尖锐和刺耳,但HD800S以几近完美地表现出来。没有任何细节丢失,音色也非常精准,但我不会就此停住。

By contrast, the HD800 is just a little less convincing. Unlike on some tracks where it is hard to tell a difference, here the bass doesn't go quite as low and doesn't hit quite as hard. Still there is this really nice inner detail and if I hadn't just heard the S, I would say the bass is pretty close to perfect. But when Miles Horn comes in, that is where the real differences are laid bare. On one hand I feel like I hear a little more of the breathiness of the Trumpet, but with it comes a kind of sibilant misbehavior, when Miles suddenly careens into the upper register of the instrument. Later in the album, on places where Miles is more retrained (e.g. the opening bars of Freddie the Freeloader), the slightly extra bit of air gives a hair better sense of definition and detail, but still a little bit at the expense of tonality compared to younger bro.


Ladies and Gentlemen, the Grateful Dead

女士,先生们,伟大的Grateful Dead摇滚乐队

I saved this for last because it is my personal fetish and some of you will just wanna skip to the conclusion, if anyone has even bothered to read this self-indulgent trope-fest to this point. In my sig I mention that aural bliss is Dark Star from Philadelphia in '72. Dark Star is a psychedelic opus that represents everything that is great and sometimes bad about the tripped out improvisational style of the Grateful Dead. There are a couple of simple verses, the chords are few and easy to play, it becomes a holy modal stomping ground for group weirdness and no two version are alike, some are really, really not alike.

我把这个保留在最后是因为它是我个人的爱好之物,而一部分人可能想直接跳到后面的结论部分,是否有谁甚至愿意受累去读这样肆意地堆砌辞藻到这个时候。再我的签名中我曾提到来自1972年迷幻音乐类型的Dark Star是一场听觉盛宴。Dark Star是一部迷幻乐作品,表现了一切有关脱离Grateful Dead乐队即兴风格的事物,这些事物是伟大的而有时也不好。有几个简单的规律,如和弦很少且也容易创作,这些规律变成了乐队标新立异创作的一种神圣模式偏好从而没有两个版本是相似的,有些确确实实的不相似。

When I listen to this track from Dick's Pick 36, I simply forget about which headphone is better. No matter which phone I use, the gear melts away and I am lost once again in Jerry-land. And at the end of the day that is what makes this hobby (and both of these headphones) great.

当我听Dick's Pick系列的第36合集的Dark Star时,我干脆忘记了哪个耳机更好。不管我使用哪个耳机,周遭的世界都渐渐消失而我再一次沉浸在Jerry(主音吉他手、主唱的名字)的世界里。正是这让我的爱好还有这2个耳机在这天结束时显得非常美好。

In conclusion:结论

HD800 more air, sometimes better instrument separation/definition. HD800 S sometimes goes a little lower and slams a bit more, warmer, blacker background, less prone to piercing highs, even more natural timbre and decay. S better with rock, hip hop, poor recordings and maybe electronica. Classical music, it's harder to say— In general it's the S but on some recordings the air and instrument separation of the classic is quite beguiling. Jazz is similar to chamber music, but because of the prominence of bass and drums I think the S takes the show. Both seem to scale with amplification, both like my tube amp best. (I have three amps around here to try). I suspect the S is less amp dependent, but someone with more different amps would be better off answering this. It MIGHT mean that total cost of ownership is less, in that you might find with the S a more modest amp will be enough than is required for the classic. More research will be required and head-fi being what it is, in a six months we will likely know. The S is certainly the best Dynamic driver headphone available today. It seems to work with every genre of music I threw at it, improving on an already great set of cans.

In this suddenly crazy world of Head-fi summit phone pricing, the HD800 S seems like it is priced well. If you sell the cable you don't need you are only a couple of hundred bones above the classic, which is starting to look damn cheap. If I were really pressed for funds and could stretch, now is the time to get a used HD800. Otherwise try an S.

HD800有更多的空气感,有时更好乐器分离和清晰度。HD800S有时有稍稍更好的低频下潜和稍微更强的冲击感,偏暖音色,更黑的背景,少一些高频尖锐刺耳的倾向,甚至更自然的音色和衰减。HD800S在摇滚、Hip Hop、质量较差音源上表现更好,在电子乐中可能也要好点。古典乐上则难说,总体上是HD800S占优但是在某些音源上它的空气感和乐器分离度确有点欺骗性(不真实)。爵士乐和室内乐的情况类似,但是因其突出的低频和鼓声,我想HD800S主宰了对决。两个耳机声音都与放大器相关,它们都在我的电子管耳放上表现最好(我有三个放大器来做比较)。我猜测HD800S对耳放依赖性要少一些,但是谁如果有更多的耳放来做测试的话应该能更好地回答这点。这很可能意味着HD800S的全部购置成本会少一些,因为相对HD800,HD800S可以配置一个相对更平常的耳放就满足要求了。这还需要更多的研究,这也是HIFI的本质所在,大概6个月之后我们可能会得到答案。HD800S一定是当今可买到的最好的动圈耳机。我给它任何音乐类型,它都能工作的很好,在本就已经极好的耳机(HD800)上做出改进。


I predict that the S will be loved by the professional reviewer class. They mostly wanted to love the classic, but couldn't even though they respect it. With the S they get their perfect lover and their perfect spouse in a single package.


Lots of people been asking about this compared to the HEK. I think no one can actually tell youwhich is better, they sound so different. Personally, I didn't like the more relaxed sound of the HEK as much as the HD800, I feel it gave up just a little too much detail to get there. I did a side by side with the HD800 this summer. It may be more of an all-rounder than the HD800 but now the S changes that equation.I also don't like how heavy it is, my neck gets sore. And finally, I don't have the same confidence in the longevity of the Hifimann, yet. And even more finally, $3000 is even crazier money. Too crazy for me with all the other stuff I could buy, given the fact that I find it a side grade at best. If you heard the HEK, liked it and were thinking of getting it, I would recommend auditioning the HD800S. The slightly warmer more natural sound then the classic while retaining most of the precision, makes me think a few of the people tilting to the HEK might tilt back.

很多人想询问HD800S与HE1000的对比评测。我想没人能确切地告诉你哪个更好,他们的声音如此不同。就个人来说,正如我不喜欢HD800的程度,我不喜欢HEK那种更松弛的声音,我认为HEK放弃了太多细节来达到它的声音风格。今年夏天,我曾做过HEK与HD800之间面对面的对比。相比HD800,HEK可能更加全能,但是现在HD800S改变了这个局面。我也不喜欢HEK的重量,我的脖子压得酸痛。最后,我对HifiMan公司能生存多久没有与其产品对等的信心。更决定性的,3000美元价格更加疯狂。对我而言这个价钱太疯狂了,我可以买任何其他的东西,事实情况是我发现它充其量只是一个小修小改的拉皮产品(意思是不是重大实时性的升级,side grade这个词来自于软件领域,意思是一个软件只是另一个软件在功能上的类似物或者指同一个软件的不同平台产品而主版本号没变)。如果你听说过HEK,喜欢它而且想拥有它,那我建议你去试听HD800S。温暖而比HD800更自然的声音同时却最大程度地保留了精准度,让我觉得曾经倾向于HEK的一部分人可能会倾向HD800S。

Don't ask me about LCDs, I don't like'em and I could explain why ( heavy, quality control issues, sound), but who cares. For me, if it isn't the S, I would go for a SR009 or if, as rumored, the new SR007s are really better than the early mkiis then they are worth a look. The new Stax SR L700 seems like it is worth a shot. But they all will come to even crazier money and you are locked into idiosyncratic amps.

不要问我LCD系列,我不喜欢它们而且我有充分的理由解释为什么(太重,品控问题,声音等),但谁在乎呢。对我,如果不是有HD800S,我会转向SR009或者新的SR007,如果后者真如谣传的那样确实好于早期的SR007 MKII那它们就值得一看。Stax新出的SRL007似乎值得一试。但是它们都会带来更疯狂的定价同时你也将受限于一些特殊耳放。

I would recommend that anyone who has the HD800 try to demo before upgrading blindly. I can imagine some people not wanting to lose the little extra bit of airiness and precise definition between instruments for the more restrained charms of younger bro. For people who were scared away by the hot treble of the classic, now it's time to give the new baby a look. As always on head-fi YMMV.

我建议所有已经有HD800的人在盲目升级HD800S之前先试听。我能想象一些人并不想为了HD800S那更内敛的魅力而失去那稍微多一点点的空气感和分离度。对于那些被HD800猛烈的高频所吓跑的人,现在可以考虑试试新的HD800S了。在头戴式HIFI耳机上,每个人的感受总是不尽相同(YMMV= your mileage may vary,意思是以不同的方式体验特定的事物,结果因人而异)。



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