


Wink 莫名感到忧伤的那几天,我明白



Boston - Augustana


in the light of the sun, is there anyone? 在那耀眼的阳光下,有人吗?

oh it has begun... 喔..这一切都将开始

oh dear you look so lost, 喔..亲爱的,你看起来那么失落

Eyes are red and tears are shed, 眼睛红红的,泪也流了下来

this world you must've crossed...you said... 你说,日子终究还是要过下去的

you don't know me, you don't even care, 你不了解我,甚至毫不关心

you don't know me, you don't wear my chains... 你不了解我,不能容忍我

I think that I'm just tired 我只是累了

I think I need a new town, 我需要一个崭新的小镇

To leave this all behind... 把一切抛在脑后

I think I need a sunrise, I'm tired of the sunset 我需要晨曦,而不是晚辉余霞

I hear it's nice in the Summer, 我听说那里夏天很棒

Some snow would be nice... 能下点雪也很好

Boston...where no one knows my name... 波士顿...一个没有人认识我的地方

The Scientist - Coldplay


come up to meet you 为了见你而来

tell you i'm sorry 对你诉说我的抱歉

you don't know how lovely you are 你不知道你有多可爱

running in circles 绕着转圈

coming in tails 停在背面 (走到终点)

heads are a science apart 正面朝上违背了我的设想

tell me you love me 说你爱我

come back and haunt me 回来萦绕着我

oh when i rush to the start 哦 快让我回到从前吧

nobody said it was easy 没人能从容面对

it's such a shame for us to part 多么遗憾我们要分开

nobody said it was easy 没人可以从容面对

no one ever said it would be this hard 可也没人说过这会如此之难

i'm going back to the start. 我将独自一人回到从前

Stop Crying Your Heart Out - Oasis


Hold up, hold on, don't be scared 撑下去 在继续 别畏惧

You'll never change what's been and gone 事实无法改 过往已难追

May your smile. Shine on. Don't be scared 愿你的笑容 永远灿烂 不要畏惧

Your destiny may keep you warm. 命运之神永远眷顾著你

Cos all of the stars are fading away 因为所有的星星正逐渐隐去

Just try not to worry you'll see them some day 不要担心 有天你将还会看到他们

Take what you need and be on your way 带走你所需 准备上路去

And stop crying your heart out 收起你的泪 别再哭泣

Get up. Come on why you scared 站起来 来吧 你在怕什麼(我一点也不怕)

You'll never change what been and gone 事实无可改 过往已难追

Wake Me Up When September - Green Day


Summer has come and passed 夏天来了又走

The innocent can never last 那份纯真永远不会持久

wake me up when september ends 九月过去时 记得唤醒我

like my fathers come to pass就像父辈们来到这个世上是为了离开

seven years has gone so fast 七年时间过的如此之快

here comes the rain again 这里又下雨了

falling from the stars 从星星缓缓落下

drenched in my pain again 痛苦被浸湿了

becoming who we are 成为了真正的我们

like my father's come to pass 就像我的父亲来到这个世上并离开

twenty years has gone so fast 二十年时间过的如此之快

wake me up when september ends 九月过去时 记得唤醒我

wake me up when september ends 九月过去时 记得唤醒我

wake me up when september ends 九月过去时 记得唤醒我

Somewhere Only We Know - Keane


I walked across an empty land 经过这里到处空空荡荡

I knew the pathway like the back of my hand 这条路我了如指掌

I felt the earth beneath my feet 觉得整个世界就在自己脚下

Sat by the river and it made me complete 坐在河畔回忆过去发生的一切

Oh simple thing where have you gone 那份清纯何处可觅

I came across a fallen tree 我从一棵枯萎的树旁走过

I felt the branches of it looking at me 感觉它的枝叶正凝视着我

Is this the place we used to love? 这是我们的爱巢吗

Is this the place that I've been dreaming of? 这是我一直梦寐以求的地方吗

I'm getting old and I need something to rely on 我已长大希望找到一位红颜知己

So tell me when you're gonna let me in 你何时才会向我敞开心扉

Somewhere only we know? 我们的两人世界

Somewhere only we know? 我们的两人世界

She Will Be Loved - Maroon 5


Beauty queen of only eighteen 仅仅18岁而美丽的小女王

She had some trouble with herself 她自己内心有些烦恼

He was always there to help her 他总是会在守候着去帮助她

She always belonged to someone else 但她总是一直属于别人。。

I drove for miles and miles 我驾着车子,走了许多路程

And wound up at your door 终于来到你的家门前

I've had you so many times but somehow 虽然我已经与你在一齐好几次,但又如何?

I want more 我想需要你的爱更多.....

I don't mind spending everyday 我毫不介意花费我整天的时间

Out on your corner in the pouring rain 在倾盘大雨中,站在你家楼下的拐角处

Look for the girl with the broken smile 寻找着一个心碎微笑的女孩

Ask her if she wants to stay awhile 邀请她是否想与我停留片刻

And she will be loved 和告诉她我对她的心意

She will be loved 她会拥有我的爱

Tap on my window knock on my door 轻叩我的窗口,轻敲我的门

I want to make you feel beautiful 我只想令你觉得一切都美好

I know I tend to get so insecure 我知道我不太成熟

It doesn't matter anymore 那完全不要紧

It's not always rainbows and butterflies 世上不会总是有彩虹和蝴蝶

It's compromise that moves us along 这使到我们不断向前行

My heart is full and my door's always open 我的心和我的门总是为你打开

You can come anytime you want 只要你想的话,你就随时能来

I know where you hide 我知道你藏身在哪里

Alone in your car 独自在你的车中

Know all of the things that make you who you are 晓得令你变成如此的一切

I know that goodbye means nothing at all 我也知道再见并不意味什么

Comes back and begs me to catch her every time she falls 在她每次失落时都能安慰,鼓励她

Goodbye My Lover - James Blunt


Did I disappoint you or let you down?我让你失望或使你消沉吗~?

Should I be feeling guilty or let the judges frown?我应该感到内疚或让罪恶感降临吗~?

'Cause I saw the end before we'd begun,因为我在我们开始之前就看到结束了

Yes I saw you were blinded and I knew I had won.是的,我看到你盲目且我赢了

So I took what's mine by eternal right.於是我永恒的拿走属於我的

Took your soul out into the night.拿走你的灵魂到夜里来

It may be over but it won't stop there,也许结束了,不过它并不会在那里停止

I am here for you if you'd only care.如果你在意的话,我一直在这里等著你

You touched my heart you touched my soul.你触碰我的心,触摸我的灵魂

You changed my life and all my goals.你改变了我的生活且改变了我的方向

And love is blind and that I knew when,我知道爱在何时是盲目的

My heart was blinded by you.我的爱因你而盲目

I've kissed your lips and held your head.我亲吻你的嘴唇且扶著你的头

Shared your dreams and shared your bed.和你共享梦与床

I know you well, I know your smell.我知道你很好并且知道你知道

I've been addicted to you.我已完全沉溺於你

Goodbye my lover.再见了我的爱人

Goodbye my friend.再见了我的朋友

You have been the one.你曾经一度在那里

You have been the one for me.你曾经为了我在那里

I'm so hollow, baby, I'm so hollow.我是如此的空虚,亲爱的,我是如此空洞

I'm so, I'm so, I'm so hollow.我是如此的,如此的,如此的空洞

Into The Fire - Thirteen Senses

在那部空中决战里听到这首Into The Fire,充满力量的怒吼,燃了整个电影。

Come on, come on 来吧,来吧

Put your hands into the fire 把手放入火中

Explain, explain 解释着

As I turn and meet the power 当我转身我遇见了力量

This time, this time 这时候

Turning white and senses dire 从纯洁到可怕

Pull up, pull up 停下

From one extreme to another 从一个极端到另一个极端

From the summer to the spring 从夏天到传天

From the mountain to the air 从高山到天空

From Samaritan to sin 从撒马利亚到罪恶

And it\'s waiting on the end 直到最终

And now I\'m alone I\'m looking out, I\'m looking in 现在我孤单,我照料,我寻找

Way down, the lights are dimmer 随着路的延伸,灯光越来越暗

Boulevard Of Broken Dreams - Green Day


i walk a lonely road 我走在空无一人的路上

The only one that I have ever known 我唯一记得的路上

Don't know where it goes 我不知道他通向哪里

But it's home to me and I walk alone 但我知道他通向我的家,我孤独的走着

I walk this empty street On the Boulevard of Broken Dreams Where the city sleeps


and I'm the only one and I walk alone 而我是唯一清醒的人,我孤独的走着

I walk alone 我孤独的走着

I walk alone 我孤独的走着

I walk alone 我孤独的走着

My shadow's the only one that walks beside me 只有我的影子陪伴着我

My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating 只有我的虚弱的心脏还在跳动

Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me 我希望有人能发现我

'Til then I walk alone 直到我死

Pieces - Sum 41


I tried to be perfect我努力追求完美

But nothing was worth it却遭人唾弃

I don't believe it makes me real这难以置信的现实

I'd thought it'd be easy我曾以为这轻而易举

But no one believes me却没人相信

I meant all the things that I said我所说的都是认真的

If you believe it's in my soul如果你还相信我灵魂深处的存在

I'd say all the words that I know我会向你坦诚一切

Just to see if it would show你会看到它真实的颤动

That Im trying to let you know但我还是想让你懂

That I'm better off on my own 或许我会走自己的路

This place is so empty我的世界如此空虚

My thoughts are so tempting我的想法是如此诱人

I don't know how it got so bad我不懂为什么会变成这样

Sometimes it's so crazy that nothing can save me有时它会疯狂得甚至无法拯救

But it's the only thing that I have但这已是我的所有

If you believe it's in my soul如果你还相信我灵魂深处的存在

I'd say all the words that I know我会向你坦诚一切

You are Beautiful - James Blunt

上尉诗人这首You are Beautiful的音乐录像带令人无法忘怀。在音乐录影带里,没有花俏的布景,没有大量电脑特效的后制,James Blunt 一个人站在靠海的悬崖边,一句一句真切地唱出邂逅刹那的美丽及感动。唱着唱着,James Blunt 便一件件地退去身上的衣服,及随身携带物品,包括菸盒、鞋子、手表…,就像以最真切最诚实地告白一般,唱出男女邂逅时的感动。当歌曲快结束时,随着歌曲最后一句歌词“我知我不可能再拥有你”,James Blunt 便一跃而下向悬崖边里的海面跳去。

My life is brilliant.我的人生缤纷灿烂。

My life is brilliant.我的人生缤纷灿烂。

My love is pure.我的爱如此纯真。

I saw an angel.因为我见过天使。

Of that I'm sure.对此,我深信不疑。

She smiled at me on the subway.她在地下铁上对着我微笑。

She was with another man.虽然身边伴着另一个男人。

But I won't lose no sleep on that,但我可不会为此辗转难眠,

'Cause I've got a plan.因为我已有心理准备。

You're beautiful. You're beautiful,你就是这么美,你就是这么美,

You're beautiful, it's true.你就是这么的美,这是千真万确。

I saw your face in a crowded place,我曾在人潮拥挤之处瞥见你的脸,

And I don't know what to do,这令我不知所措。

'Cause I'll never be with you.因为我和你永远无法相依。

Yeah, she caught my eye,是啊,我视线被她占据。

As we walked on by.在我们擦身而过的瞬间。

She could see from my face that I was,她应该可以从我的神情看出,

flying high,我欣喜若狂飞上云霄,

And I don't think that I'll see her again,我想,我将再也见不到她。

But we shared a moment that will last till the end.但我们共享了永恒的片刻。

You're beautiful. You're beautiful.你就是这么美 你就是这么美。

You're beautiful, it's true.你就是这么的美 这是千真万确。

There must be an angel with a smile on her face,我看到了笑起来跟她一模一样的天使,

When she thought up that I should be with you.当她也想到我们应该在一起时。

But it's time to face the truth,但,该是面对事实的时候了,

I will never be with you.我知我不可能在拥有你。


Wink 让歌词变成脚印,经过忧金色的困境








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