

首页角色扮演失落的琴弦The Lost Strings更新时间:2024-06-16


古琴爱好者正在弹奏经典曲目 【图/视觉中国】











Baoyu was completely carried away:

"Oh, coz! How wonderful it all sounds! But I am afraid I still don't understand these peculiar characters. Please teach me how to read some of them."

"I don't need to teach you. It's easy."

"But I am such a fool! Please help me! Take that one there—all I can make out is Hook, with Big on top and Five in the middle."

Dai-yu laughed at him.

"The Big and Nine on top mean you stop the string with the thumb of your left hand at the ninth fret. The Hook and Five mean you hook the middle finger of your right hand slightly and pull the fifth string towards you. So you see, it is not what we would call a character, it's more a cluster of signs telling you what the next note is and how to play it. It's very easy..."

古琴的弹奏是左手按琴弦,右手弹琴,琴身外侧有十三个镶嵌的标志,叫做“徽”,是定音的标志。闵福德用“the ninth fret”来翻译“九徽”,十分恰当。“fret”的意思是琴格,也叫音品(牛津字典的解释是one of the bars on the long thin part of a guitar, etc. Frets show you where to press the strings with your fingers to produce particular sounds.)。这一段最难处理的是最后一句,“并不是一个字,乃是一声”。如果翻译成It is not a character, but a sound (或note),就偏离原意了,因为原文说得很清楚,那不是一个字,而是几个字组合在一起,表示左手按弦的位置和右手弹奏的位置和手法,如此这般才能弹奏出所要的琴音。闽福德将这句看似简单实则复杂的话详细地解释出来,告诉外国读者,那不是一个字,而是一堆符号,告诉你是什么音高,如何弹奏(a cluster of signs telling you what the next note is and how to play it)。为了突出黛玉耐心解释的口吻,霍克斯还用了“so you see, it is not what we would call a character, it is more...”,用聊天的语气,让对话娓娓道来,场景如在眼前。




"The essence of the Qin," replied Dai-yu, "is restraint. It was created in ancient times to help man purify himself and lead a gentle and sober life, to quell all wayward passions and to curb every riotous impulse. If you wish to play, then you must first seek out a quiet chamber, a studio with distant view, or upper room; or some secluded nook 'mong rocks and trees, on craggy mountain-top, by water edge... Let the weather be clear and calm, a gentle breeze, a moon-lit night. Light some incense, and sit in silent meditation. Empty the mind of outward thoughts. Poise Breath and Blood in Perfect Harmony. Your Soul may now commune with the Divine, and enter into that mysterious Union with the Way.

"As the ancients said, true music-lover have always been few. If there is no one able to share your music's true delight, then sit alone, and serenade the breeze and moonlight, hymn the ancient pines and weather-worn rocks; let wild monkeys and venerable cranes hear your song, rather than the vulgar mob, whose dull ears would only sully the precious virtue of the Qin.

"So much for the setting. The next two essentials are finger-technique and touch. And before you think of playing, be sure to dress in a suitable style—perfectly in a swansdown cape or other antique robe. Assume the dignified manner of the ancients, a manner in keeping with the chosen instrument of the sages. Wash your hands. Light the incense. Sit on the edge of your couch. Place the Qin on the table before you, and sit with your chest opposite the fifth fret. Raise both hands slowly and gracefully. You are now ready, in body and mind, to begin.

"You must while playing observe carefully the dynamic markings—piano, forte, allegro, adagio—and maintain a relaxed but serious manner at all the times.

"Goodness me!" cried Bao-yu. "I was thinking we could do it for fun! If it's as complicated as that, I'm not sure I'd be up to it!"

第一句,“琴者,禁也”,语出南宋《琴议篇》,意思是琴的内涵是为了禁邪归正,以和人心。闽福德将这句话译为“The essence of the Qin is restraint”,很好地诠释了“琴者,禁也”文字背后的深意。林黛玉的第二句话,是对“琴者,禁也”的进一步解释。古人制琴,原为治身、养性、止淫、去奢,闽福德将这四种功能逐个译出:“It was created in ancient times to help man purify himself and lead a gentle and sober life, to quell all wayward passions and to curb every riotous impulse”。刚看到这句话,感觉闽福德的翻译有点长,就试着将“原以治身”和“涵养性情”合在一起译为to cultivate one’s mind and character,将“抑其淫荡”和“去其奢侈”合并译为to curb waywardness and extravagance。这样一来,字数少了很多,但却增加了waywardness和extravagance这样的抽象名词,语意反而变得模糊了。思来想去,还是闽福德厉害,不服不行。

接着,林黛玉又强调了抚琴时的心境:心不外想,血气平和,才能与神合灵,与道合妙。原文非常雅洁,所以译文也不能拖沓,心不外想—Empty the mind of outside thoughts—排除外部杂念;血气平和—Poise Breath and Blood in Perfect Harmony—平衡呼吸与血脉;与神合灵—Your Soul may now commune with the Divine—魂与神交;与道合妙—enter into that mysterious Union with the Way—与道合一。闽福德的译文不仅清晰准确,还有极强的节奏感,实属难得。

弹奏古琴,讲究坐姿身法,不能摇头晃脑,前仰后合,亦不可飞抚作势,态度轻薄。所以,林黛玉说要“将身就在榻边,把琴放在案上,坐在第五徽的地方儿,对着自己的当心,两手方从容抬起:这才心身俱正”。Sit on the edge of your couch. Place the Qin on the table before you, and sit with your chest opposite the fifth fret. Raise both hands slowly and gracefully. You are now ready, in body and mind, to begin.我觉得,这段话中最难翻译的,倒是貌似简单的“从容”二字。大部分词典(参见外研社的《汉英词典》)对“从容”的解释是calmly, unhurriedly, leisurely,但放在本句中均不妥帖。calmly指沉着冷静,unhurriedly指不急不迫,都是面对外部情况时的态度;leisurely虽然将就可用,但又偏于闲散,所以,闽福德非常巧妙地用了slowly and gracefully,于平淡无奇中显示出深厚的功力。




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