








Tesla’s Shanghai plant dormant, fuels speculation on delivery

The Global Times also consulted a Tesla pr representative about where the plant is actually located, and the answer I got was "I don't know."


With the help of some local guides, I finally arrived at the site. There are streets on three sides of the site; on the fourth lies the Suitang River. It takes one about 1.5 hours to make a cycle around the site on foot.


(图片拍摄:Xie Jun)

A construction worker who was clearing land around the site confirmed to the Global Times that the plot was for Tesla's Gigafactory. He said he was not a construction worker for the Tesla project, but occasionally he was assigned the job of clearing roads nearly the site. Another security guard at Sany, whose plant is near the Tesla factory, also confirmed the aforementioned site is the land plot for the Gigafactory.


(图片拍摄:Xie Jun)

From what the Global Times saw, Tesla is very serious about keeping the project under wraps. The construction site is surrounded by black clapboards that block the view of anyone who's passing by. It is further separated from the adjacent roads by small creeks and fences. Signs forbid trespassing as well as aerial photography.


(图片拍摄:Xie Jun)

Peeking through gaps in the walls and peeping into the site's main entrance on Lianggangxidadao, the Global Times saw almost no signs of construction, such as heavy machinery at work. The land has been leveled, but there were almost no construction workers to be seen. Maybe because of the rain, the plot looked desolate like a piece of wasteland.


A security guard, who said he had just recently started to work there, hadn't noticed much construction work during daylight hours. He also said he did not know what project he was guarding when asked by the Global Times.


(图片拍摄:Xie Jun)

Dormant activity at the site of the Tesla Gigafactory is fueling speculation that the company may not be able to deliver units as scheduled amid strong competition in China.


According to a post on the Municipality's official WeChat "Shanghaifabu" account recently, Tesla's factory is expected to start partial production in the second half of next year.



A construction supervisor surnamed Dai told the Global Times it can take at least about one year from start to production if construction work is in full swing for a medium-sized manufacturer. Tesla refused to disclose proceedings on the Shanghai plant when contacted by the Global Times on Wednesday.

记者咨询了一位姓戴的工厂监理。他表示对于一般规模的工厂,如果全马力开工的话,从开始到投产基本上起码要花一年左右的时间。记者周三也联系了Telsa, 但其表示不愿意透露上海工厂进程的消息。

Tesla has bet on a strategy to localize production to cut costs and extend its footprint in the Chinese market, but any benefits from that strategy will be "too slow in coming to help Tesla's pressing problems," said Zeng Zhiling, an analyst at Shanghai-based consultancy LMC Automotives.


Tesla's sales in the Chinese market plunged 70 percent year-on-year to just 211 vehicles in October, following a 37 percent drop in the third quarter, according to the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers.

根据中国汽车工业协会的数据,特斯拉在中国市场的销量十月份只有区区211 辆车,同比下滑了70%。而第三季度特斯拉的销量也下滑了37%。

Following plunging sales as well as tariff changes, Tesla moved to cut prices on Model 3, Model X and Model S within two months, according to media reports.

因为销量的下滑和关税政策的变化,特斯拉两个月内下调了Model 3, Model X 和 Model S的售价。

"Tariffs resulting from the China-US trade war may have taken the biggest bite out of Tesla's sales in China," Zeng told the Global Times.



But there might be a deeper problem for Tesla - rising competition from domestic players such as BYD Auto and NIO.


In November, BYD sold more than 28,000 EVs, up 123 percent year-on-year, while NIO delivered 3,089.



A taxi driver surnamed Wang told the Global Times that Roewe had already put more than 300 electric cars into use as taxis in Shanghai. The brand is about to put another 4,000 electric taxis into operation in the city, the driver disclosed.


Wang, who drives one of those Roewe cars, said that Roewe EV is comfortable to drive. These cars "only lose to Tesla in mileage, but I don't think it's a problem with so many charging stations in the city," he said.




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