

首页卡牌对战Wanna Survive更新时间:2024-04-29


Liquidate 2% at the fund immediately. That's our war chest.
300 million. Nice rack. Legal defense is paid for.
How many billions are out the door at the first redemption?
You should gate the whole damn fund before they start a run on...
We're fucked.
That's not the impression you gave out there. Pretty tough talk.
You think I'm overreacting?
I think... open war isn't good.
For who?
For anyone. I think your whole mentality right now is a mistake. You're not accepting that certain things are out of your control.
Damn right I'm not.
And it's causing you to lose more control. If you wanna get it back, if you really wanna survive this thing, then you may need to set aside the piece of you that's... raging, and do something that makes you a little uncomfortable.

He's not gonna flip? –

No, he will, because you're gonna make it happen. All of you. Everything you have on him, get underneath it.
Not the what -- the why. What motivates him. Fears. Goals. Scars. He has a weak point, and we need to twist a knife in it.

Is there something else?
We know how Axelrod's operation works. He keeps himself insulated.
Is there a point you're trying to make?
Some random PM at Axe Cap isn't gonna have the goods. We need inner circle. Bill Stearn is our best shot.
Is this something you think I don't understand?
Hey, I just don't want Axe to walk away with a fine and a family office like Birch.
Is that what you think I'm doing? No. Axe is no ordinary billionaire. He's not Steven fucking Birch. He's an icon of the wealth of our age, and he is a fraud. So when he falls, he's gonna hit the ground hard. Skilling got 14 years for Enron. I'm gonna beat that.

I just wanna take this one to trial, let the jury decide.

We're gonna put him in a cell, and everyone is gonna see --in Washington, in the fucking press -- there's no better defender of the public trust than this office.
They'll say Chuck Rhoades did that, and no one is out of his reach.
You're damn skippy they will.


get underneath it 深度挖掘

He keeps himself insulated. 他总能让自己置身事外。

war chest 专用款项; 专款

rack 在俚语中有奶子,乳房的意思。Nice rack在这里被译为“顶级装备”

inner circle 核心集团


Lara. You shouldn't be here. Come in quickly. I think they're watching the house. They went through everything. They broke Bill's home office--the door, in half. And I was getting the key. Look at this. All our accounts are frozen. They didn't even wipe their feet.
Sandy, stay strong, okay? It's a difficult time for everyone.
You brought muffins?
This is your mortgage, property tax, insurance, school tuition, and that's for your foundation. Everything is taken care of, for as long as this lasts.
Thank you. Thank you so much.


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