

首页卡牌对战克隆战争 Clone Evolution更新时间:2024-04-17


In theory, cloning technology is still very immature; In practice, the success rate of cloned animals is still very low, some of the born individuals show physiological or immune deficiency, and the rate of animal disability is quite high and accompanied by premature aging. In addition, the ethical impact of cloning technology (especially the application of human embryos) and the strong public reaction to words also limit the application of cloning technology.


Con: the negative problems that cloning technology brings to human beings




When cloning technology is more andmore familiar to people, the cloning of humannature has become the focus of controversy, thescientific community, political circles, religiouscircles have triggered a discussion on the ethicalissues arising from the cloning of human beings.Many countries in the world have legislated against human cloning. However, in early 1998,an American scientist proposed a human cloningexperiment aimed at procreating offspring forinfertile couples. Antinori, a famous Iltalian "cloneenthusiast", announced that a cloned fetus would be born in January 2003. The first issue ofdiscovery magazine in 2003 also named 2002the "year of cloning", on the grounds that cloningtechnology had entered the stage of human cloning at that time. "Although the world doesnot want human cloning, there will be one," themagazine asserted. The biggest problem broughtabout by human cloning is from the ethical circle, mainly manifested in several aspects: first,human cloning changes the definition of human.The production of human is the crystallization of human and human life will be thrown into chaosand crisis; Second, cloning human beings willdisrupt human relations and damage the familystructure. Husband and wife, father and son thesemost basic human relations, in the clone there will disappear, kinship, long and young order willcollapse overnight. And, asexual reproduction canmake a couple choose to clone themselves, thespouse and the children have no relationship, sO,the family is still necessary? Third, human cloningwill lose human dignity and rights. Human cloningis produced in the laboratory, used as some kind of tool or means, but human cloning is alsohuman, is a special group of human beings. Andafter the clone is born also has the normal personall emotion, the thought, also has the normal loveand marriage question, but, how should we satisfy their love and marriage request.


Cloning has risks.


Cloning technology is prohibited for human cloning, there is also a big reason for itsimmature technology, if used to clone humanwill have a great risk, mainly in the followingaspects. First, although many mammals havebeen successfully cloned in recent years, the success rate is extremely low. "The success rateof cloning animals is very low," said wilmut. "inthe experiment of breeding dolly, the successrate was only 0.36 percent." Cloned animalsoften die young because of a genetic defect.The researchers found that dolly's cells hadshorter telomeres than normal, meaning thecells were in a more senescent state, and thatcloned animal fetuses tended to develop fasterthan normal animals. Dolly was euthanized whenshe was under seven years old because of a lung infection that could not be cured. Imagine,cloning animals can still be used for euthanasia,if the cloning of children is disabled children, we can be euthanized? How much of a burden willthat place on society? Second, all the genes ofthe clone are identical to those of the somaticcell supplier, resulting in a single gene. Althoughthe replacement of defective genes with healthygenes will reduce the occurrence of genetic diseases, many scholars believe that "reproductivecloning" destroys the right of individuals to haveunique genotypes and reduces the adaptabilityand competitiveness of the population. The diversity of gene pool is extremely important forthe preservation of species and the evolutionof organisms. Imagine, when a virus attacks aclone, it may lead to the destruction of the entireclone population or even the entire human race.In addition, many scholars also worry that theemergence of human cloning, will make peoplepurposefully choose the sex, then the genderimbalance will become a major social problem.


Thinking on cloning technology


Like fertilizers, the emergence of a nuclear bomb, with the progress of science and technology, people use various means ofchanging the nature changing society, however,science and bring benefits to people at the same time also poses a potential danger, science and technology has become a globalproblem, because it is a double-edged sword,you reasonable use it, it will benefit mankind, ifimproper use or misuse, abuse, then, humans ,may toward self-destruction. Cloning technologybrought the Gospel to many incurable diseases,brought hope to millions of patients and family, butit must be restricted because of ethical and moral,science and technology is the first productive force, but if you want to sacrifice the bottom line isthe most basic human society ethics to promotethe development of science, that there's no pointin science and technology for human? Humanscan create these emerging technology in practice,also should have moved to regulate the abuse ofthese techniques, we can't let moral constraints the development of science, also cannot let theprogress of science and technology from the monitoring of moral, human need to be reconciledreasonable subjective initiative into full play, to make it good for people rather than hidden trouble. Science and technology should be a greatcause for the development of mankind now and inthe future, and should be developed and createdin the spirit of sustainable development and people-oriented ideas.

1) 克隆将减少遗传变异,通过克隆产生的个体具有同样的遗传基因,同样的疾病敏感性,一种疾病就可以毁灭整个由克隆产生的群体。 可以设想,如果一个国家的牛群都是同一个克隆产物,一种并不严重的病毒就可能毁灭全国的畜牧业。

Cloning would reduce genetic variation,so that the individuals created by cloning wouldhave the same genes, the same susceptibility todisease, and one disease could destroy the entirepopulation created by cloning. lt is conceivablethat if all the cattle in a country were cloned, amild virus could devastate the country 's livestock industry.

2) 克隆技术的使用将使人们倾向于大量繁殖现有种群中最有利用价值的个体,而不是按自然规律促进整个种群的优胜劣汰。从这个意义上说,克隆技术干扰了自然进化过程.

The use of cloning technology will makepeople tend to multiply the most useful individualsin the existing population, rather than promote the survival of the fittest of the whole populationaccording to the natural law. In this sense, cloning interferes with natural evol ution.

3) 克隆技术是一种昂贵的技术,需要大量的金钱和生物专业人士的参与,失败率非常高。多莉就是277次实验唯一的成果。虽然现在发展出了更先进的技术,成功率也只能达到2-3%。

Cloning is an expensive technology thatrequires a lot of money and the involvement ofbiological professionals. The failure rate is veryhigh. Dolly was the only result of 277 experiments.Although more advanced techniques have been developed, the success rate is only 2-3%.

4) 转基因动物提高了疾病传染的风险。例如,如果一头生产药物牛奶的牛感染了病毒,这种病毒就可能通过牛奶感染病人

Genetically modified animals increase therisk of disease transmission. For example, if a cowproducing pharmaceutical milk is infected with avirus, the virus can infect a patient through the milk.

5) 克隆技术应用于人体将导致对后代遗传性状的人工控制。克隆技术引起争论的核心就是能否允许对发育初期的人类胚胎进行遗传操作。这是很多伦理学家所不能接受的。

The application of cloning technology tohuman body will lead to the artificial control ofthe genetic traits of offspring. At the heart of thedebate over cloning is the possibility of allowinggenetic manipulation of human embryos in the early stages of development. This is unacceptable to many ethicists.

6) 克隆技术也可用来创造“超人”,或拥有健壮的体格却智力低下的人。而且,如果克隆技术能够在人类中有效运用,男性也就失去了遗传上的意义。

Cloning can also be used to create superhuman beings, or people who are physicallystrong but mentally weak. And if cloning can beused effectively in humans, men will lose their genetic significance.

7) 克隆技术对家庭关系带来的影响也将是巨大的。一个由父亲的DNA克隆生成的孩子可以看作父亲的双胞胎兄弟,只不过延迟了几十年出生而已。很难设想,当一个人发现自己只不过是另外一个人的完全复制品,他(或她)会有什么感受?

Cloning will also have a huge impact onfamily relationships. A child cloned from a father'sDNA can be regarded as a father' s twin brother,only born decades later. It's hard to imagine howa person feels when he or she finds out that he or she is an exact copy of another person.



Cloning technology leads to genereplication, will threaten the maintenance of genetic diversity, biological evolution will appeara reverse reverse process, that is, from complexto simple, which is extremely detrimental to the survival of organisms.


Human cloning is the replacement andnegation of natural reproduction, breaking the self-discipline of biological evolution, with a typicalanti-natural nature. It is contrary to the basic cultural trend of advocating the unity of heaven and man and returning to nature.


The realization of self-reproduction andself-reproduction through cloning technology maylead to the disorder of the relationship between body and mind.

4. 身份和社会权利难以分辨。假如有一天,突然有20个儿子来分你的财产,他们的指纹、基因都一样,将无法识别。

ldentity and social rights are indistinguishable. If one day, all of a sudden,there are 20 sons to share your property, theirfingerprints, their genes are all the same, they will not be identified.


People who may be in favor of human cloning have a point of view: to solve the problemof infertility. But the next generation cloned from a sterile person will still be sterile.


In the study of human cloning, if there isabnormal, defective human cloning can not bedisposed of at will like cloned animals, this is alsoa trouble. Therefore, in the current environment,not only concepts and institutions, but also thewhole social structure do not know how to accept human cloning.


According to the information cloning organisms have premature aging,'"dolly" is also, so has died.


For the ethics circle, human cloning is related to a very serious ethical problem, becauseit violates the basic principles of ethics, such as the principle of no harm, the principle ofautonomy, the principle of equality and so on.



Some people think cloning can be usedto save endangered animals. Others say not,because saving endangered animals requires improving their ability to reproduce. Cloning doessomething else: it produces offspring with exactlythe same genetic structure; And cloning is anywaya way of reducing reproduction. We should savethe living cells of as many individuals as possiblefrom endangered animals as soon as possible,and perhaps technological advances will save them in the future.


Clone technology faced the crisis of logic,we don't have the human blood relationship, this isthe most basic human social relations, if the mostbasic social relations in the future, the foundationfor the establishment of a social human changed,human society is inevitable underlying disorder,we human beings have no way to deal with theseproblems, the misery is the destruction of culture.


If the development of human cloning technology, the world is not only the only one ofUs humans, but also the only one of our humangenetic genes, this person is very fragile anddangerous, once his death is the end of ourhuman. The only weakness is that we need thesame diversity of food, if the food is just cloning,once there is a crisis, we will have a food crisis, human survival will become a crisis.


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