One such official was Wei Yuan (1794–1856), a midranking Confucian mandarin and associate of Lin Zexu, the Guangzhou governor whose crackdown on the opium trade had triggered British intervention and eventually forced him into exile.
But what the West conceived of as a process of enlightenment was seen by some in China as a philosophical assault.
“启蒙运动”这个词随着它被公 知们滥用,以及与西式“自 由 民 主”绑定在一起,渐渐在中文网络变得带有贬义了。同样用来描述鸦片战争后中国被迫“开眼看世界”的过程,我也会产生相似的感觉。
During the negotiations that followed, the gap in perceptions was as wide as ever. The British pressed on with missionary conviction, presenting their negotiating positions as a public service that would at last bring China up to speed with the modern world.
Palmerston dispatched Lord Elgin to lead a joint British and French march on Beijing, with orders to occupy the capital and “bring the Emperor to reason.” As retaliation for the “Dagu Repulse” and a symbolic show of Western power, Elgin ordered the burning of the Emperor’s Summer Palace, destroying invaluable art treasures in the process—an act still resented in China a century and a half later.
这种残暴的强盗行为至今仍未改变,比如法国在非洲的殖民掠夺,大英博物馆里装满了世界各国的文物,美军在叙利亚偷石油、在伊拉克偷黄金等等,然而他们还把自己当作文明国家、自 由灯塔,欧盟外交与安全政策高级代表博雷利的“花园与丛林理论”认为:“欧洲是花园,世界其他地方大部分都是丛林。而丛林可以入侵花园。我们必须更多地参与世界其他地方的事务,否则世界其他地方就会入侵我们...... ”
Barbarian claims of sovereign equality, once dismissed in Beijing as risible, shaded into ominous demonstrations of military dominance. Foreign armies occupied China’s capital and enforced the Western interpretation of political equality and ambassadorial privileges.
这里提到了两个平等,作者声称外国主张的是主 权平等和政 治平等,入侵别国、割占领土、索要赔款、*人放火…这是哪个位面的“平等”?
我一直非常不理解西方的这种厚颜无耻的同时对自身恶行的美化,前几天我看到Aaron Bushnell事件才意识到,他们的这种歪曲事实、极力美化自身的行为,不仅是为了让别人相信,也是为了让自己人相信。因为美国人里也有真心相信自己国家是在维护正义和和平的,他们是帝国的“六郡良家子”,一旦真相被戳破,信仰破灭的打击是毁灭性的,而这些人本可以成为这个国家最后的栋梁和基石。
For these services Moscow exacted a staggering territorial price: a broad swath of territory in so-called Outer Manchuria along the Pacific coast, including the port city now called Vladivostok.14 In a stroke, Russia had gained a major new naval base, a foothold in the Sea of Japan, and 350,000 square miles of territory once considered Chinese.
He carried himself with such otherworldly serenity that one British contemporary compared him, with a mixture of awe and incomprehension, to a visitor from another planet. China’s travails and concessions, his demeanor seemed to suggest, were but temporary obstacles on the route to the ultimate triumph of Chinese civilization.
The present situation is one in which, externally, it is necessary for us to be harmonious with the barbarians, and internally, it is necessary for us to reform our institutions. If we remain conservative, without making any change, the nation will be daily reduced and weakened…Now all the foreign countries are having one reform after another, and progressing every day like the ascending of steam. Only China continues to preserve her traditional institutions so cautiously that even though she be ruined and extinguished, the conservatives will not regret it.
我觉得美国现在也有点像,最口 嗨的总是议员们,反而前参联会主席马克米利一类军人出身的高官更谨慎。
Li argued that China should open schools in its major cities—including its capital, which it had fought so long to safeguard from foreign influence— to teach foreign languages and engineering techniques.
李鸿章提出来要在各大城市包括首 都开办学校,教授外语和工程技术。
Li framed the project as a challenge: “Are Chinese wisdom and intelligence inferior to those of Westerners? If we have really mastered the Western languages and, in turn, teach one another, then all their clever techniques of steamships and firearms can be gradually and thoroughly learned.”
我对李鸿章不甚了解,印象中电视剧《走向共 和》里对他的描绘跟本书中作者的观点类似。
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