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(1)作者根本不了解帐篷的破损情况,事实上即使9名队员每个人手持两把小 dao同时操作,也无法在一瞬间割开那么多形状各异、大小不同的缺口;






作者为李淼,他开篇就声明“我拉黑的 都是智力发展有问题的”,这篇文章引发了知乎上13页的讨论,但没人发现他引用的日记是假的,而这种假只要有点登山常识的人就可以识破,从日记中作者暗指登山队在暴风雪的呼啸中迷失方向错误地攻顶了霍拉特夏福尔山,然后又从山顶走到山下的森林去寻找营地,但由于在森林中没找到合适的营地又重新走回到山坡上扎营,看到这里我当场笑趴,先不说在暴风雪天气中这种可能性有多高,我只能慨叹什么样的人才能写出这种反常识、反逻辑、反人类的文字呢?一瞬间我就知道这日记是假的,然后去查真日记,果不其然。因为这假日记,作者所引用的其它证据的可信度大大降低。











Jan 23

The group (10) takes train No.43 from Sverdlovsk to the city of Serov.

Jan 24

The group (10) arrives at Serov in the morning where Krivo was detained for soliciting and singing out loud, and released, and a drunk accuses them of having stolen his vodka.

Jan 25

The group (10) arrives by train in Ivdel and takes the bus to Vizhay

Jan 26

A truck takes the group to a logging community called 41st settlement (aka 41st district or quarter)

Jan 27

The group hires a sled for 24 km to North-2 mining settlement (abandoned)

Jan 28

Yuri Yudin goes back with the sled due to poor healt (sciatica), the group now consist of 9 members

they spend the night on the banks of Lozva river

Jan 29

The group on skis makes their way from Lozva to Auspiya river where they spend the night

Jan 30

The group pitches their tent on the banks of Auspiya river

Jan 31

The group spends the night on the banks of Auspiya river and leaves provisions on a raised platform (labaz) to lighten their backpacks for the ascent

Feb 1

The group starts late, goes 500m off their planned route and pitch their tent on the north slope of Kholat Syakhl

what is nowadays called Dyatlov Pass is not where they went but where they intended to go

Feb 2

All members of Dyatlov Group die in a mysterious way

由此可以看出,他们在Kholat Syakhl山北坡扎营前已经在Auspiya 河岸连续三晚扎营,去Kholat Syakhl山北坡扎营是计划之中的,并非因迷失方向而误爬

以下摘取的为登山队从27日开始到事发之前所有可用的日记,从日记的记述中可知雪很厚(1,22 m),尽管气温是零下18C到零下24C,但空气温暖干燥,风不大,天空晴朗得近乎完美。 文中也提到最后一天他们相当晚才出发,只走了2.5英里就在下午5点于Kholat Syakhl山北坡扎营,此地距离Otorten山仅10英里


The weather’s really good. The wind is at our backs, and the lads made a deal with the locals for a horse to drive us to Second North settlement.

But it will be about 24 km from the 41st Settlement. We helped Uncle SLAVAunload hay from a carriage and waited for the horse (it went to get more hay and wood). We waited until 4:00 PM.

The boys started copying some songs. One man sang beautifully. We heard a number of illegal prison songs (Article 58 counter-revolutionary crimes).

Before that we bought four loaves of bread. Soft warm bread. We ate 2 loaves.

Horse is slow. What a pleasure to go without backpacks.

We covered 8 km in 2 hours. (River Ushma).

It's getting dark. The horse is causing the delay. Yuri Yudin is still with us. He suddenly fell ill and he can't continue with the TREK. He wants to gather few minerals for the University and return.

Second North is an abandoned geological site consisting of 20-25 houses. Only one is suitable for living. In complete darkness we found a village and the house. We started a fire with wood boards. Smoke came form the stove. Several people hurt their hands on old nails. Everything is well. Then the horse came. We were talking and joking till 3 in the morning.


January 27 - Dyatlov group leaves 41st district with uncle Slava, backpacks on a sled pulled by a horse, skiing towards 2nd Norther setlement

January 28

We were awaken by the rumbling voices of Yurka Kri and Sasha Kolevatov. Weather so far is smiling at us. It's only -8C outside.

After breakfast, some of the guys lead by Yuri Yudin, our well- known geologist, went to look for local minerals. They didn't find anything except pyrite and quartz veins in the rock. Took them long time to wax their skis and adjust the mounting. Yuri Yudin goes back home today. It is a pity, of course, that he leaves us. Especially for me and Zina, but nothing can be done about it.

Started at 11.45. We go up the river Lozva. We take turns to head the group for about 10 minutes. Snow cover is significantly less than last year. We have to stop and scrape the wet, melting snow from the bottom of the skis. Yurka Kri is behind and makes sketches of the route. The bank of the river near Second North (especially the right bank) are limestone cliffs that rise high at places. Overall the terrain becomes flatter, entirely covered by forest.

We stop to rest at 5:30 pm on river Lozva. Today we spend our first night in the tent. The guys are busy with the stove, seWINGcurtains out of sheets. With some thing completed and others not, we sit at dinner. After dinner we sit for long time around the campfire and sing heartfelt songs. Zina even tries to learn to play mandolin under guidance of our musician Rustik (Rustem Slobodin). Then we resume our discussions, mostly about love. Someone comes up with an idea that we need a special notebook for ideas that we might come up with. Conspiring, we started going into the tent two people at a time. The suspended stove radiates heat and divides the tent in two sections. The further section is occupied by me and Zina. Nobody wants to sleep by the stove. We agree that Yurka Kri (Krivonischenko) will sleep there. On the other side sleeps the person on duty (Sasha Kolevatov). Yurka couldn't stand the heat and after laying down for 1-2 min, he got up and moved to the second section cursing and accusing us of treason. After that they still argued about something for a long time, but at the end all was quiet.

Lyuda Dubinina - this entry is not signed, but can't be anybody else but Dubinina.

January 28 - Yuri Yudin departs from a 2nd Northern settlement. Another depressing abandoned place on vast stretches of Siberia. Some of the houses ("izba" in Russian) are abandoned and began to fall apart.


Second day of our hike. We made our way from the Lozva river to the Auspiya river. We walked along a Mansi trail. The weather is –13C. The wind is weak. We often find ice on the Lozva river. That's all.

Nick Thibeaux

P.S. Witless writing in two days!

30 January 1959

Diary is written in the cold on the go.

Today is a third cold night on the bank of Auspiya river. We are getting used to it. The stove does a great job. Some of us (Thibeaux and Krivonischenko) think we need to build steam heat in the ten.The curtains in the tent are quite justified. We get up at 8:30am. After breakfast we walk along the Auspiya river, but the ice again doesn't allow us to move forward. We went on the bank on a sledge-deer trail. In the middle of the road the saw Mansi shed. Yes, Mansi, Mansi, Mansi. This word comes up more and more often in our conversations. Mansi are people of the North. Small Hanti-Mansijskiy nation loCATed in Salehard with 8 thousand population. Very interesting and unique people that inhabit the North Polar Urals, close to the Tyumen region. They have a written language, and leave characteristic signs on forest trees.


Weather: temperature in the morning - 17 С

day - 13 С

night - 26 С.

The wind is strong, south-west, snow begins to fall, heavy clouds, drop in temperature. The temperature is normal for Northern Urals.

This is a story about the forest. Mansi signs tell about animals they saw, resting stops and other things. It is particularly interesting to solve its meaning for the tourists as well as historians.

Deer trail turns into а trodden path, and then ends. To go without a trail is very hard, snow is 120 cm (4 feet) deep. The forest gradually thins and trees get smaller. You can feel the altitude. Lots of dwarf birches and pines. It is impossible to walk on the river. It is not completely frozen, there is ice and water under the snow. We have to go back on the bank of the river. The day is over and we have to find a place for bivouac. That's the stop for the night. Strong west wind. It blows the snows off the cedar and pine trees, creating the impression of a snow fall.

As usual we quickly start a fire and pitch the tent on some fir branches. We are warmed by the fire and go to sleep.

31 January 1959

Today the weather is a bit worse wind (west), snow (probably from the pines) because the sky is perfectly clear.

Came out relatively early (around 10am). Took the same Mansi sled trail. Tillnow we walk along a Mansi trail, which was crossed by a deer HUNTERnot long ago.

Yesterday we apparently came across his resting stop. Deer didn't go much further. The hunter didn't follow the beaten trail and we are now inhis steps.

Today was surprisingly good accommodations for the tent, air is warm and dry, despite the low temperature of -18C to -24C. Walking is especially hard today. Visibility is very low. We can't see the trail and sometimes we have to advance gropingly. All we can do is 1.52 km (1 mile) per hour.

We are forced to find new methods of clearing the path for the skis. The first member leaves his backpack on the ground and walks forward, then returns and rests for 10-15 minutes with the group. Thus we have a non-stop paving of the trail. It is especially hard for the second to move down the new trail with full gear on the back. We gradually leave the Auspiya valley, the rise is continuous, but quite smooth. Fir trees are replaced by wiSPYbirch-wood. We came out of the tree line. Wind is western, warm, penetrating. The speed of the wind is similar to the air draft created by a taking off airplane. Firn, open spaces. I can't even start thinking of setting up a storage. It's close to 4. We have to start looking for a place to pitch the tent. We are going south in Auspiya river valley. This apparently is the place covered with the deepest snow. Wind is not strong, snow cover is 1,22 m. Tired and exhausted we started the preparations for the night. Not enough firewood. Frail damp firs. We started fire with logs, too tired to dig a fire pit. We had supper right in the tent. It's warm. It is hard to imagine such a comfort somewhere on the ridge, with a piercing wind, hundreds kilometers away from human settlements.

Dyatlov (last record in the diary)

January 31 - Dyatlov group leaves some of their gear in a forest on a platform set high above ground (known as "labaz" or camp base).

February 1 - The group leaves on the last day of their trip. They start out fairly late and walk for only 2.5 miles. They set a tent around 5 pm on a slope of Kholat Syakhl just 10 miles from the Mount Otorten. They eat their last dinner between 6- 7 pm. Subsequent investigation showed that one or two of the members left the tent to relief themselves. Since Semen Zolotaryov and Nicolai Thibeaux-Brignolle were better dressed it was suggested that it was the two men who left the tent before something happened.


Photo by Yuri Krivonischenko. It seems like there were members of the group that were sent out to scout the pass, and they just came back. Very interesting shot - it recorded one of the important moments in the fate of the group. The tourists stopped at a halt, on the border of the forest, to put on warm clothes and prepare for further ascent in the mountain. While the group was gathering firewood, Dyatlov and Kolevatov went further up to assess the conditions. Igor Dyatlov on the left, talking to Semyon Zolotaryov. Igor is on the skis, Alexander Kolevatov listens to what Igor is saying and looks at Semyon or at some of the guys behind him. To the right is Semyon Zolotarev, he threw a jacket on his shoulders and listens attentively to what Igor is saying with a serious expression on his face. Behind Semyon is Yura Doroshenko, he goes to his backpack. In the background on skis is Rustem Slobodin with a heavy backpack, with boots on top of it. On the previous photo there was an ax sticking out of his backpack, now it's not there. They are cutting wood for the night. Rustem warms his hands in his pockets and looks at Lyuda and Nikolai. Next to him on the ski is Zina Kolmogorova. She is slightly bent forward and puts her left arm on her shoulder strap from the backpack. Near Zina on the right, stands Nikolai Thibeaux-Brignolles on skis, on his shoulders hangs a heavy backpack. With his right hand Nikolai is helping Zina to put her backpack on her shoulders. In the foreground, with his back, next to the dwarf birch, stands Lyuda Dubinina. She warms her hands in the pockets of her trousers and looks at the guys. On the snow there are two backpacks, one is Yuri Doroshenko's, and the second must be Semyon Zolotaryov's. To the backpacks are attached brush and firewood for the stove. The group stands in a small hollow on the edge of the forest. From the right of the group is a small hill, on which grow dwarf, ugly birches. Strong headwind, Blizzard, visibility no more than 100 m.


This photo captures a key moment. What happened here? It may seem that Igor, as the head of the group, made a gross mistake, led tourists to a radial ascent without having made storage and the group was in extremely unfavorable conditions. Here everything depended on the further choice of the route. ...Today, probably, we will build a storage. ... Apparently, there was no certainty, Igor himself did not know exactly where they would build the storage? If the group was going to follow the route; the river Auspiya - the river Lozva - mountain Otorten, they should overcome a pass and go down to a valley of the river Lozva.

The ascent to the Mt Otorten, by plan, was supposed to happen from the valley of Lozva river, but then they would not need need the brush and firewood before going through the pass. The group reached the pass early, and during lunch, Dyatlov decided to stack up with firewood and go up the pass for an overnight on the ridge. There was still enough bright time of day to continue the trek for the day. Igor intended to raise the group with full equipment to Mt Kholat Syakhl. There he planned to spend a cold overnight, then to cross the northern peaks of the Kholat Syakhl and descend to the valley of the Lozva river, build a storage and continue to Mt Otorten.

After careful consideration Igor decided that the exercise to spend the night on the pass will make more sense if they leave the extra load here.

On this photo is captured the moment when Igor is explaining to Zolotaryov his change of plan:

(a) go back to Auspiya river for a warm and sheltered campsite

(b) make a storage, leave an extra load

(c) next day continue to Mt Otorten without descending from the pass. They would have already built the storage and left the extra load on Auspiya river. The standard route to go up Mt Otorten was from Lozva river. Dyatlov had a different idea in mind - once on top of the pass to continue on the ridge light from extra weight, trek eASIly on firm ice on the ridge of Mt Kholat Syakhl without loss of altitude, and spend a warm night on the lake, theSourceof Lozva river

(d) make an ascent to Mt Otorten and set off on the return journey.

五仁月饼 发表于 2018-11-13 14:37






Russian scientists believe that tourists came to the area where under certain circumstances the force of gravity can fluctuate. Petersburg physicist, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Institute of Engineering and holder of more than one hundred patents German Erchenko believes that the significantly decreased external pressure threw the hikers out from the tent.

Scientists have long studied thermodynamics, hydrodynamics, various aspects of the nature of gravity and weightlessness of bodies. He believes that Dyatlov tourists came to the area, which at the confluence of circumstances can have significantly decreased force of gravity. "It formed a corridor of a kind, in which Earth's gravity decreased. The tourists in the tent - sleeping or just getting ready, had time to undress. And then "unknown force" began to lift them up off the floor and drag them into the direction of the corridor", said the scientist. As the outside air pressure was significantly lower than inside the tent, "people began to push outwards", the scientist said. "The emerging tourists instantly pushed the tent from the inside, and since the pressure in their bodies still remained high, they received "unexplained" internal injuries - including broken bones.

"Some of the tourist died instantly, others remained alive for some time, but the bodies once outside the tent remain hovering in the air as though lying on a horizontal surface. In this position same force pulled them to the side", said the physicist. According to Erchenko's calculations, the phenomenon lasted only a few minutes. This period of time was enough to throw people in 1-1.5 kilometers distance. "They flew one by one or in groups from the tent, to be scatter on the slope and in the woods. When they were falling in the snow from a height, not being able to protect themselves, they received the injuries on their faces, which were disfigured", adds Erchenko.

The physicist says that if the tourists did not get out of the firmly fixed on the ground tent, perhaps they would not have died. In addition, according to the scientist, such EVENTs are not uncommon on the area. People, cattle and wild animals are dying in a similar manner with an alarming regularity. "For those who in the future will go visit Dyatlov Pass, it is worth bearing in mind that the corridor where the gravity to Earth is decreased can "open" again. Hunters in the area often go in the woods and the big question "Why is this happening in this place" needs yet to be surveyed and answered, summarize the specialist. ADFAVE.RU


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