

THE SF-24 IS HERE! 这里!

Maranello 13 February 2024马拉内罗 2024 年 2 月 13 日

The Ferrari SF-24 was launched in front of a small audience of guests today, while the rest of the world watched online. It is the 70th car the company has built to take part in the Formula 1 World Championship. Attending the presentation at the Fiorano track were President John Elkann, CEO Benedetto Vigna and Vice-President Piero Ferrari, along with representatives of the partners, as well as team members, starting with Team Principal Fred Vasseur and the drivers Charles Leclerc and Carlos Sainz. The busiest season ever, with no fewer than 24 races, gets underway next week in Bahrain with the only pre-season three-day test session, followed by the first grand prix at the same venue, on Saturday 2 March.
今天,法拉利 SF-24 在一小群嘉宾面前发布,而世界其他地区则在线观看。这是该公司为参加一级方程式世界锦标赛而制造的 70 辆 th 汽车。出席费奥拉诺赛道发布会的有总裁约翰·埃尔坎 (John Elkann)、首席执行官贝内代托·维尼亚 (Benedetto Vigna) 和副总裁皮耶罗·法拉利 (Piero Ferrari),以及合作伙伴代表以及车队成员,其中包括车队领队弗雷德·瓦瑟 (Fred Vasseur) 以及车手查尔斯·勒克莱尔 (Charles Leclerc) 和卡洛斯·塞恩斯 (Carlos Sainz)。有史以来最繁忙的赛季,至少有 24 场比赛,将于下周在巴林拉开帷幕,届时将有唯一一场为期三天的季前测试赛,随后于 3 月 2 日星期六在同一场地举行首场大奖赛。

Concept. The SF-24 is the third car of the new Formula 1 ground effect generation, but it breaks with the tradition of the past two years, starting with the look of it. The design group, led by Enrico Cardile, aimed to give Charles and Carlos a car that is easy to drive and that reacts predictably, with as a starting point, the positive feeling the drivers had in the cockpit over the final few races of last season. The goal is to allow them to make the most of the power unit’s potential, combined with their undoubted skill behind the wheel.
概念。 SF-24 是新一代一级方程式地面效应的第三款赛车,但它打破了过去两年的传统,首先是它的外观。由恩里科·卡迪尔 (Enrico Cardile) 领导的设计团队旨在为查尔斯和卡洛斯提供一辆易于驾驶且反应可预测的汽车,以上赛季最后几场比赛中车手在驾驶舱内的积极感觉为出发点。目标是让他们充分发挥动力装置的潜力,结合他们无可置疑的驾驶技能。

Colours and details. At first glance, the car is aesthetically very different to its predecessors and this also goes for the livery. Following a positive reception in Las Vegas last November, white makes its return together with yellow – always Ferrari’s second colour –, an evident link with Modena but also a nod to the Maranello marque’s other main racing activity apart from Formula 1, namely the World Endurance Championship. As was the case last year, the SF-24 and the WEC 499P share the same shade of red, again this year with a matt finish on the Formula 1 car. It’s not the first time that a Ferrari Formula 1 car has featured yellow, although the yellow longitudinal stripes have not been seen since 1968, while this year, for the very first time, it’s paired with white. There is therefore less black on the car than in previous years, now restricted to the floor, the bargeboards, part of the halo and other small areas. The wheels are red with a double white and yellow stripe, these colours also featuring on the race numbers – 16 and 55 – which continue to use the Maranello marque’s official font, Ferrari Sans, this time in italics.
颜色和细节。乍一看,这辆车在美学上与其前身有很大不同,涂装也是如此。继去年 11 月在拉斯维加斯获得好评之后,白色与黄色(一直是法拉利的第二颜色)一起回归,这与摩德纳有着明显的联系,同时也向马拉内罗品牌除了一级方程式赛车之外的其他主要赛车活动——世界耐力赛——致敬。锦标赛。与去年一样,SF-24 和 WEC 499P 共享相同的红色色调,今年一级方程式赛车再次采用哑光饰面。这并不是法拉利一级方程式赛车第一次采用黄色,尽管黄色纵向条纹自 1968 年以来就没有出现过,而今年,它首次与白色搭配。因此,车上的黑色比往年少了,现在仅限于地板、挡板、部分光环和其他小区域。车轮为红色,带有白色和黄色双条纹,这些颜色也出现在比赛号码上 - 16 和 55 - 继续使用马拉内罗品牌的官方字体 Ferrari Sans,这次是斜体。

First kilometres. The SF-24 will run on track for the first time for filming, photographic, marketing and communications purposes, but of course these first few kilometres give the team a chance to carry out a shakedown and allow the drivers to get an initial idea of how the car behaves on track, having assessed it on the simulator in recent weeks.
第一公里。 SF-24 将首次在赛道上运行,用于拍摄、摄影、营销和通信目的,但当然,最初的几公里让团队有机会进行试运行,并让车手初步了解如何运行最近几周在模拟器上对其进行了评估,这辆车在赛道上表现良好。

Fred Vasseur, Team Principal: “Presenting a new car to the world for the first time is always a very exciting moment for me and the drivers, even if we are all already thinking about the moment we will go head to head with our rivals on track. This year, we must start off where we left off at the end of last season, when we were consistent front runners, with a view to constantly improving in all areas. The longest ever Formula 1 season awaits us and Charles, Carlos and I all agree, we must be more cinical and effective in how we manage the races, making bold choices, in order to get the best possible result at every Grand Prix. It’s often said that your fans can give you an extra gear and that will definitely be true in what will be a very closely contested championship and we are proud to know we can count on our “tifosi” from around the world.”
车队领队弗雷德·瓦塞尔 (Fred Vasseur):“首次向世界展示一辆新车对我和车手来说始终是一个非常激动人心的时刻,即使我们都已经在考虑与竞争对手正面交锋的那一刻。追踪。今年,我们必须从上赛季结束时我们一直处于领先地位的地方开始,以期在各个方面不断进步。有史以来最长的一级方程式赛季正在等待着我们,查尔斯、卡洛斯和我都同意,我们必须更加谨慎和有效地管理比赛,做出大胆的选择,以便在每场大奖赛上获得最佳成绩。人们常说,你的粉丝可以给你额外的装备,这在竞争非常激烈的锦标赛中肯定是正确的,我们很自豪知道我们可以依靠来自世界各地的“tifosi”。”

Charles Leclerc, Driver #16: “I like the look of the car a lot, including the white and yellow parts on the bodywork. But of course, what really interests me is how it will perform on track, as that’s all that matters. The SF-24 ought to be less sensitive and easier to drive and for us drivers that’s what you need in order to do well. I expect the car to be a step forward in several areas and from the impression I formed in the simulator I think we’re where we want to be. This season the aim is to be front runners all the time and I want to give our fans plenty to cheer about, by dedicating race wins to them.”
查尔斯·勒克莱尔(Charles Leclerc),16 号车手:“我非常喜欢这辆车的外观,包括车身上的白色和黄色部件。当然,我真正感兴趣的是它在赛道上的表现,因为这才是最重要的。 SF-24 应该不那么敏感并且更容易驾驶,对于我们驾驶员来说,这就是你想要表现出色所需要的。我希望这辆车在几个方面向前迈出一步,从我在模拟器中形成的印象来看,我认为我们已经达到了我们想要的目标。本赛季的目标是始终成为领跑者,我希望通过将比赛胜利奉献给我们的车迷,为他们提供充足的欢呼。”

Carlos Sainz, driver #55: “When I saw the SF-24 for the first time, I couldn’t wait to jump in and fire it up. Now, I’m looking forward to driving it on track to see if it correlates with the feeling I had from the simulator, which is that it’s the step forward we all want. The aim is to have a car that’s more driveable and therefore able to run at a consistent race pace, as these are the basic requirements to fight for wins. We drivers have done our very best to give the engineers precise feedback and I’m sure the workforce in Maranello will have listened to our needs. We want to give the fans something to cheer about, as they were so supportive last year, even when things weren’t going our way.”
55 号车手卡洛斯·塞恩斯 (Carlos Sainz):“当我第一次看到 SF-24 时,我迫不及待地想跳进去点火。现在,我期待着在赛道上驾驶它,看看它是否与我从模拟器中得到的感觉相关,那就是这是我们都希望向前迈出的一步。我们的目标是拥有一辆更易于驾驶的赛车,从而能够以一致的比赛节奏行驶,因为这些是争取胜利的基本要求。我们司机已尽最大努力为工程师提供准确的反馈,我相信马拉内罗的员工会倾听我们的需求。我们希望给球迷一些值得欢呼的东西,因为去年他们非常支持我们,即使事情没有按照我们的方式发展。”

Enrico Cardile, Technical Director Chassis: “With the SF-24 we wanted to create a completely new platform and in fact, every area of the car has been redesigned, even if our starting point was the development direction we adopted last year and which saw us take a leap forward in terms of competitiveness in the final part of the season. We have taken on board what the drivers told us and turned those ideas into engineering reality, with the aim of giving them a car that’s easier to drive and therefore easier to get the most out of and push it to its limits. We did not set ourselves any design constraints other than that of delivering a strong and honest racing car, which can reproduce on the race track what we have seen in the wind tunnel.”
底盘技术总监 Enrico Cardile:“对于 SF-24,我们希望创建一个全新的平台,事实上,汽车的每个区域都经过了重新设计,即使我们的出发点是我们去年采用的开发方向,我们在赛季最后阶段的竞争力取得了飞跃。我们采纳了驾驶员告诉我们的内容,并将这些想法转化为工程现实,目的是为他们提供一辆更容易驾驶的汽车,从而更容易充分利用并将其推向极限。除了提供一辆强大而诚实的赛车之外,我们没有给自己设定任何设计限制,它可以在赛道上重现我们在风洞中看到的情况。”

Enrico Gualtieri, Technical Director Power Unit: “Even though power unit development is frozen by the regulations, it doesn’t mean that 2024 does not present some interesting challenges. We will be tackling more races than in any other year of the championship and that will require us to react more quickly, with fewer hours available on the test bed. To prepare for this, we have reviewed all the processes relating to the engine - preparation, signing-off and management - in order to maximise performance. Furthermore, we have worked very closely with our partners to further optimise procedures relating to reliability: for example, at the track, thanks to the regular monitoring of the fluids in the car, Shell is able to constantly check on the state of health of the power unit.”
动力装置技术总监 Enrico Gualtieri:“尽管动力装置的开发被法规冻结,但这并不意味着 2024 年不会出现一些有趣的挑战。我们将比锦标赛的任何其他年份都要应对更多的比赛,这将要求我们反应更快,测试台上的可用时间更少。为了为此做好准备,我们审查了与引擎相关的所有流程——准备、签核和管理——以最大限度地提高性能。此外,我们与合作伙伴密切合作,进一步优化与可靠性相关的程序:例如,在赛道上,通过定期监测赛车内的液体,壳牌能够不断检查赛车的健康状况动力单元。”

SF-24 技术规格


Chassis made from carbon čbre composite honeycomb, with halo protection for the cockpit.

Longitudinal Ferrari gearbox with 8 forward gears and reverse
纵向法拉利变速箱,带 8 个前进档和倒档

Hydraulically controlled rear differential

Brembo ventilated carbon discs (front and rear) with electronically controlled rear brakes
Brembo 通风碳盘(前部和后部),带电子控制后制动器

Push-rod front suspension, pull-rod rear suspension

Weight including coolant, oil and driver: 798 kg
重量(包括冷却液、机油和驱动器):798 kg

18” front and rear wheels

Bodywork and seat in carbon čbre

Power unit 动力单元

Name: 066/12 名称:066/12

Cubic capacity: 1600 cc

Maximum rpm: 15,000

Supercharging: single turbocharger

Maximum fuel Ďow rate: 100 kg/hr
最大燃油流量:100 kg/hr

Cončguration: 90° V6 配置:90° V6

Bore: 80 mm 缸径:80毫米

Stroke: 53 mm

4 valves per cylinder
每缸 4 个气门

Direct injection, max 500 bar
直接喷射,最大 500 bar

ERS System ERS系统

Cončguration: hybrid energy recovery system with electric motor generators

Battery pack: Lithium-ion batteries with a minimum weight of 20 kg

Maximum battery pack capacity: 4 MJ
最大电池组容量:4 MJ

MGU-K maximum power: 120 kW (163cv)

MGU-K maximum rpm: 50,000
MGU-K 最大转速:50,000

MGU-H maximum rpm: 125,000
MGU-H 最大转速:125,000


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