麻布台之丘 | Heatherwick Studio在日本东京设计的首个街区

麻布台之丘 | Heatherwick Studio在日本东京设计的首个街区


Heatherwick Studio 在东京市中心一处设计的新区域已由日本首相揭幕。该项目名为麻布台之丘,是日本顶级城市景观开发商森大厦株式会社(Mori Building Co. Ltd.) 三十年城市再生项目的桂冠之作。

A new district in the heart of Tokyo designed by Heatherwick Studio has been opened by the Prime Minister of Japan. The project, known as Azabudai Hills, is the culmination of a thirty-year regeneration process steered by Mori Building Co. Ltd., Japan's leading urban landscape developer.

©Kenji Masunaga

©Raquel Dinz

新街区由住宅楼、商业空间、一所学校、两座寺庙、艺术画廊、办公室和餐厅组合而成,共同坐落于 2.4 公顷的绿色公共景观内。Heatherwick Studio是该处公共空间和裙楼建筑的首席建筑师。

The new neighbourhood is made up of residential buildings, retail spaces, a school, two temples, art galleries, offices and restaurants, all set within 2.4ha of green, publicly accessible landscape. Heatherwick Studio is the lead architect of the public realm and the podium level architecture.

©Raquel Dinz

设计鼓励通勤者、当地居民和公众之间建立实质上的联系,8.1 公顷的项目总面积区域内,树木丛生、鲜花盛开、水景秀丽。蜿蜒步道和可步行体验的屋顶斜坡激发人们探索,与朋友小聚。

The design encourages purposeful connections between commuters, residents and the public, and the 8.1-hectare district is filled with trees, flowers and water features. Meandering routes and walkable rooftop slopes invite exploration and informal gatherings.

©Kenji Masunaga

Heatherwick Studio 创始人 Thomas Heatherwick 说道:"我们的创想在于打造出以不同方式与人们产生情感共鸣的区域。通过将文化、社会设施与巧妙的探索式立体景观相结合,我们为访客和当地社区营造出让人们相互联结,共同享受的开放式绿色公共空间。以设计为东京献上一个欢乐而独特的公共场所,在多年之后仍备受人们珍爱"。

Thomas Heatherwick, Founder of Heatherwick Studio, said: “We were inspired to create a district that connects with people’s emotions in a different way. By combining cultural and social facilities with an extraordinary three-dimensional, explorable, landscape, it’s been possible to offer visitors and the local community somewhere to connect with each other and enjoy open green public spaces. This is a joyful and unique public place for Tokyo, designed to be cherished for many years."

©Raquel Dinz

东京的建筑新旧并置,大大小小的建筑相互挤压。本项目设计颂扬了这种丰富的混合层次,以及这座城市特有的多样性和密度。新景观包括宽阔的公共花园、中央广场和 "云"活动空间。现在,这里已成为东京最绿色的区域之一,也延续了森大厦株式会社志在打造花园城市的承诺,让景观为自然和人们同时提供支持。

Tokyo is a juxtaposition of old and new architecture, with large and small buildings pressed up against each other. The design celebrates this rich mixture of layers and all the variety and intensity of the city. Residents and visitors can come together and be inspired by a new landscape that includes extensive public gardens, a central square andThe Cloud event space. It is now one of Tokyo’s greenest urban areas and continues Mori Building Company’s commitment to creating garden cities where the landscape simultaneously supports nature and people.

©Raquel Dinz

在长达三十年的场地再生过程中,森大厦株式会社与 300 多家居民和企业合作,使该地区焕发出勃勃生机,目前已有90% 以上的原租户和企业都选择重返新区。

Throughout the thirty-year regeneration of this site, Mori Building Co. collaborated with over 300 residents and businesses to bring the district to life. Over 90% of the original tenants and businesses have now chosen to return to the new district.

©Raquel Dinz

麻布台之丘还有望获得WELL初步认证,混合用途开发项目的最高级别LEED社区开发认证,以及LEED的BD C(建筑设计/核心筒与外壳发展)认证, 成为世界上获得此类权威认证的最大地块之一。

Azabudai Hills is also on track to become one of the world’s largest sites to receive the preliminary WELL certification, the highest-level LEED Neighbourhood Development certification for mixed use developments, and LEED’s BD C (Building Design/Core and Shell Development) certification.

©Raquel Dinz

在该开发项目当中,Heatherwick Studio设计了我们的第一所学校-东京英国学校,面积达15,000 平方米,是市中心最大的国际学校。其设计充分利用当地的气候优势,将室外学习空间和休闲空间无缝衔接,分布在八个楼层,让学生和教师在此享受愉快的学习和工作。

As part of the development, Heatherwick Studio has designed its first school, The British School of Tokyo. At 15,000 sqm, this is the largest international school in the heart of the city. The design takes full advantage of the local climate with a seamless flow of outdoor learning and recreational spaces spread across eight levels, where students and teachers can enjoy working.

©Raquel Dinz

Heatherwick Studio 的合伙人兼项目组负责人 Neil Hubbard 说道:"在过去的 10 年中,我们一直在努力挖掘东京独有的特色,同时努力为其现代建筑环境增添新鲜而柔和的元素,希望创造出充满多样性、引人入胜的景观和探索空间。不同的设计语言形式在这里融会贯通,我期待看到人们探索这个地方。”

Neil Hubbard, partner and Group Leader at Heatherwick Studio said: “Over the last 10 years, we have tried to get under the skin of what makes something distinctively Tokyo, whilst at the same time adding something new that’s fresh and soft to its modern built environment. We wanted to create vistas full of variety and intrigue and spaces to explore. It’s a confluence of different families of design all brought together in one place. I can’t wait to watch people explore it.”

©Raquel Dinz

©Raquel Dinz


An estimated twenty-five to thirty million people will visit this new public district every year.

Project Name: Azabudai Hills

Location: Tokyo, Japan

Client: Mori Building Company
Completion Date: November 2023
Size: 8.1ha
Design Director: Thomas Heatherwick
Group Leader: Neil Hubbard
Project Leader: Michael Lewis
Project MAnager: Elisa Simonetti
Technical Design Lead: Andy McConachie
Project Team: Adam Peacock, Adriana Cabello, Ana Diez Lopez, Alberto Dominguez, Andy McConachie, Artur Zakrzewski, Aurelie de Boissieu, Ayumi Konishi, Charlotte McCarthy, Chi Chung, Dimitrije Miletić, Elli Liverakou, Etain Ho, Etienne de Vadder, Gabriel Belli Butler, Ho-ping Hsia, Ian Atkins, Iván Linares Quero, Jacob Neal, Jorge Xavier Mendez- Caceres, Jose Marquez, Kacper Chmielewski, Kanru Liu, Kao Onishi, Katerina Joannides, Ken Sheppard, Laura Barr, Lorenzo Pellegrini, Luis Sacristan, Luke Snow, Mat Cash, Megan Burke, Michael Cheung, Nic Bornman, Nicolas Leguina, Nicolas Ombres, Nilufer Kocabas, Ondrej Tichy, Paalan Lakhani, Paul Brooke, Philipp Nedomlel, Ruby Law, Sayaka Namba, Silena Patsalidou, Silvia Rueda, Steven Ascensao, Takashi Tsurumaki, Ville Saarikoski, Wang Fung Chan, Yanny Ren

Executive Architect (Plots A/B2): Nihon Sekkei
Executive Architect (Plot B1): Nikken Sekkei
Executive Architect (Plot C): Yamashita Sekkei
Tower Designer: Pelli Clarke & Partners
Interior Designer (Plot A – Retail): A.N.D Nomura Co., Ltd
Interior Designer (Plot A – Residence): Yabu Pushelberg
Interior Designer (Plot B1 – Residence): Marco Costanzi Architects
Interior Designer (Plot B2 – Residence): SCDA (Soo Chan Architects)
Brief: Winkreative
Lighting Design (Retail Interiors): Light Design Inc.
Lighting Design (Event Space Canopy): L’Observatoire International
Lighting Design (Landscape): Sirius Lighting Office
Retail Entrance Design (Plot A): Sou Fujimoto Architects
General Contractors: Obayashi Corporation (Plot C) Shimizu Corporation (Plots A and B2) Sumitomo Mitsui Construction (Plot B1)

资料来源、版权所有:Heatherwick Studio


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