


临近申请截止日,很多同学在申请时突然发现自己申请的院校要求提交一份学习计划study proposal,而对于这样关乎申请又关乎未来的计划该如何着手准备却感到很迷茫。这篇文章我们将会通过几个详细的案例为你分析到底应该如何去准备自己的学习计划,希望借此帮助你更有针对性的去准备自己的申请材料。如果你对于学校视频准备也存在问题,可以直接搜索“视频”关键词就能获得对应的视频攻略了哦!

一般而言,学校对于申请阶段要求的学习计划study proposal文件并不会要求你写的太过宽泛,而是要着眼于某个具体的项目,甚至一些学校会要求你列出具体的设计方法、目标等。此外很多学校对于最终的格式、字数等也有着严格的要求和限制,一定要在准备阶段先详细了解学校的要求哦!

首先我们看一下伦敦传媒学院的MA Service Design专业的学习计划要求,这个专业的要求相对比较全面,对于细节处的要求比较多。


All applicants will be expected to outline a proposal for a possible Major Project in their application (you will not have to use this as your major project on the course, it is just an exercise).

The Major Project Proposal should describe your area of interest, field of study and the particular focus of your intended work and should include a rationale to show why this is a valuable service design project for you to undertake. The proposal should include an overview of the methodology, how you intend to go about producing the project, and an indication of what the outcomes could possibly be (but not a fully developed outcome).
We want to know that you are passionate about a project, able to identify a suitable project topic, and can put together a plan for how you would go about working on this project.

You can (but don’t have to) use the following headings for guidance:
Project Summary
Research Question (What do you want to find out)
Research Background, Field of Study, Context
Rationale (why is this a valuable project in this discipline)
Project Stakeholders (who is affected by the project)
Proposed Approaches, Methods and Methodologies (how you would carry out this project and why you think this is appropriate)
Possible Outcomes of the Project (not a fully developed outcome, just an indication of what the outcome might be)
References and Bibliography (only a few key ones)



接着我们再看一下英国皇家艺术学院MA Design Products专业对于学习计划的详细要求,对比伦敦传媒学院,看看两所学校不同专业对于这份材料的要求区别。


Your research/project agenda can have images and should have clear references to anything that is not your own work. This is a piece of writing defining an area of interest within the field(s) of design. It is separate from the research you include as part of specific projects in your portfolio. It is not exclusive to manufacture, technology, sustainability, user-centred design or other. However, it should be well grounded within the discipline of design. It can be a personal provocation or something that you want to build. It should propose a research question that you are interested in exploring whilst on the MA Design Products programme. The agenda does not have to define the ‘final outcome’ but the potential. Make good use of visual materials, references, etc – anything that helps illustrate the potential in the field and your personal perspective on it. Do not feel obliged to produce a piece of academic writing.

If you have active interests in making, craft, electronics or other, then we want to know. Maybe you work in a FabLab, or volunteer; regularly visit manufacturers/factories; work in a foundry or have experience in a code club? Maybe you collect antiques, or visit a lot of different places and cultures? Anything that enriches your process and learning. It could include exhibitions you visit, or a collection of your favourite design vernaculars. You should not be overwhelmed by this, the staff are trying to see how you look at the world, inform your interests and potential design directions. We suggest this is compiled into one PDF.

皇艺的学习计划对于具体学习计划的格式字数等没有详细的要求,但是对于内容却有着自己独特的说明,这个说明乍看上去其实说的很模糊。如果我们再耐心一些进行深入的思考就会发现,其实RCA是希望通过这封推荐信更深入的了解你在某个特定领域的能力和想法, 如制造技术、可持续性设计、以用户为中心的设计等方面,当然了也可以是用户体验或者服务系统方向的。你的学习计划可以是图文并茂的。此外如果你有一些独特的兴趣或者经历,比如你有志愿者经历、有计算机编程能力,也都可以通过这份学习计划去具体呈现。最终你的学习计划一个单独的PDF文件汇总上传就可以。





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