animal farm(动物庄园)英文原版笔记-第五章(5-2)

animal farm(动物庄园)英文原版笔记-第五章(5-2)



When the animals had assembled in the big barn. Snowball stood up and, though occasionally interrupted by bleating from the sheep, set forth his reasons for advocating the building of the windmill.


He said very quietly that the windmill was nonsense and that he advised nobody to vote for it, and promptly sat down again; he had spoken for barely thirty seconds, and seemed almost indifferent as to the effect he produced.


At this Snowball sprang to his feet, and shouting down the sheep, who had begun bleating again, broke into a passionate appeal in favour of the windmill.


Until now the animals had been about equally divided in their sympathies, but in a moment Snowball’s eloquence had carried them away. In glowing sentences he painted a picture of Animal Farm as it might be when sordid labour was lifted from the animals’ backs.


eloquence n 雄辩,口才(e 出 loqu ence)


loquacious a 多嘴的,话太多的(loqu acjous多…的)

circumlocution n 转弯抹角说话(circum 绕圈 locu tion)

colloquial a 口语的(col共同 loqu ial=共同说=口语)

colloquy n 谈话(col共同 loquy=共同说=谈话)

colloquium n 学术讨论会(col共同 loqu ium=场所=一起说的地方=讨论会)

elocution n 雄辩,朗诵法(e出 locu tion=说得出话=雄辩)

eloquence n 雄辩,口才(e 出 loqu ence)

eloquent a 有说服力的(e loqu ent)

interlocution n 对话(inter在…之间 locu tion=二者之间说=对话)

obloquy n “中伤,谩骂(ob坏 loquy=说坏话)”

soliloquy n 独白,自言自语(soli独白 loquy说=独白)

somniloquy n 梦话(somni睡 loquy=睡着了说)

sordid adj. 肮脏的;卑鄙的;利欲熏心的;色彩暗淡的


His imagination had now run far beyond chaff-cutters and turnip-slicers. Electricity, he said, could operate threshing-machines, ploughs, harrows, rollers and reapers and binders, besides supplying every stall with its own electric light, hot and cold water and an electric heater.


But just at this moment Napoleon stood up and, casting a peculiar sidelong look at Snowball, uttered a high-pitched whimper of a kind ho one had ever heard him utter before.



At this there was a terrible baying sound outside, and nine enormous dogs wearing brass-studded collars came bounding into the barn.


bay n. 海湾;狗吠声 vt. 向…吠叫 vi. 吠叫;大声叫嚷

7.VERB 动词(犬)连续吠;(狼)连续嚎叫 If a dog or wolf bays, it makes loud, long cries.

A dog suddenly howled, baying at the moon.


Too amazed and frightened to speak, all the animals crowded through the door to watch the chase.


One of them all but closed his jaws on Snowball’s tail, but Snowball whisked it free just in time.


Then he put on an extra spurt and, with a few inches to spare, slipped through a hole in the hedge and was seen no more.



they were the puppies whom Napoleon had taken away from their mothers and reared privately.



4.VERB 动词 抚养;养育;养大 If you rear children, you look after them until they are old enough to look after themselves.

She reared sixteen children, six her own and ten her husband's...


It was noticed that they wagged their tails to him in the same way as the other dogs had been used to do to Mr Jones.


In future all questions relating to the working of the farm would be settled by a special committee of pigs, presided over by himself.


preside vi. 主持,担任会议主席 vt. 管理

The animals would still assemble on Sunday mornings to salute the flag, sing ‘Beasts of England’ and receive their orders for the week; but there would be no more debates.



In spite of the shock that Snowball’s expulsion had given them, the animals were dismayed by this announcement.


dismay n. 沮丧,灰心;惊慌 vt. 使惊慌;使沮丧

Even Boxer was vaguely troubled. He set his ears back, shook his forelock several times, and tried hard to marshal his thoughts; but in the end he could not think of anything to say.Some of the pigs themselves, however, were more articulate.


marshal n. 元帅;司仪 vt. 整理;引领;编列

vi. 排列

articulate adj. 表达能力强的,口齿清楚的, 发音清晰的 vt. & vi. 清楚地表达,形成关节; (用关节)连接


Four young porkers in the front row uttered shrill squeals of disapproval, and all four of them sprang to their feet and began speaking at once. But suddenly the dogs sitting round Napoleon let out deep, menacing growls, and the pigs fell silent and sat down again.


menacing ★☆☆☆☆

1.ADJ-GRADED 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词 威胁的;威吓的;危险的

Suppose you had decided to follow Snowball, with his moonshine of windmills -- Snowball, who, as we now know, was no better than a criminal?


moonshine n. 月光,空谈,妄想

Discipline, comrades, iron discipline! That is the watchword for today.


watchword 口号,标语



1.N-COUNT 可数名词口号;格言

Once again this argument was unanswerable.



1.ADJ 形容词 无法回答的;没有答案的

2.ADJ 形容词 明摆着的;无可辩驳的

if the holding of debates on Sunday mornings was liable to bring him back, then the debates must stop.


The skull of old Major, now clean of flesh, had been disinterred from the orchard and set up on a stump at the foot of the flagstaff, beside the gun.


disinter vt. 掘出;发掘;显露

After the hoisting of the flag the animals were required to file past the skull in a reverent manner before entering the barn.


reverent 尊敬的,敬畏的

rever=awe (敬畏)

revere 尊敬

reverent 尊敬的,敬畏的

Napoleon, with Squealer and another pig named Minimus, who had a remarkable gift for composing songs and poems, sat on the front of the raised platform, with the nine young dogs forming a semicircle round them, and the other pigs sitting behind.


Napoleon read out the orders for the week in a gruff soldierly style, and after a’ single singing of ‘Beasts of England’ all the animals dispersed.



1.ADJ 形容词军人式的;有军人气概的 If you act in a soldierly way, you behave like a good or brave soldier.

【搭配模式】:usu ADJ n

【语域标签】:FORMAL 正式

There was a great deal of soldierly good fellowship.


disperse vt. & vi. (使)散开, 驱散


Here Squealer looked very sly. That, he said, was Comrade Napoleon’s cunning. He had seemed to oppose the windmill, simply as a manoeuvre to get rid of Snowball, who was a dangerous character and a bad influence.



This, said Squealer, was something called tactics. He repeated a number of times, ‘Tactics, comrades, tactics!’ skipping round and whisking his tail with a merry laugh.



The animals were not certain what the word meant, but Squealer spoke so persuasively, and the three dogs who happened to be with him growled so threateningly, that they accepted his explanation without further questions.




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