模块化可持续设计实践 | 齿轮花园

模块化可持续设计实践 | 齿轮花园






Landscape Design: Atelier Scale Fabrication Lab

Project Location: DeYang, China

Landscape Area:300㎡

Completion Year: 2023



△ 大小景观作品浪花园


The Wave and the Vortex are two low-cost and recyclable display gardens. Their creation originated from observations and reflections on domestic flower shows and garden exhibitions. In just two months of exhibition, Wave Garden and Vortex Garden were highly recognized and loved by the public. What excited the team the most was that the Vortex achieved the recycling and reuse of garden materials, and both gardens have also won numerous awards in the professional field. This design thinking and practice have gradually been understood and recognized by government departments, who have invited us to participate in their garden shows. The Gear Garden is another practice of the team’s sustainable design thinking.

△ 2023年的齿轮花园©鲁冰

△ 2023年的齿轮花园©鲁冰

△ 由六边形种植模块组成的齿轮花园©鲁冰



A Garden Made of Gears


Deyang is a national industrial base and one of the earliest industrial areas in Sichuan. In our research on Deyang's local culture, the team discovered that ErZhong (China Second Heavy Machinery Group) is an special memory of Deyang citizens. The historical industrial genes are visible in this city, and they have been deeply rooted in the daily lives of citizens.

△ 2023年齿轮花园©鲁冰

△ 2023年齿轮花园©鲁冰

△ 2023年齿轮花园©鲁冰


The Gear Garden continues the team’s previous modular design approach for recyclable gardens. The module typology comes from Deyang, an old industrial city. We extracted the gear elements and transformed them into hexagonal modules with a side length of 500mm and a diameter of 1000mm. This shape provides convenience for the scale construction of roads and resting spaces in the design process, as well as the positioning and placement in the later construction stage.

△ 模块功能由它不停变化的高度所决定,在场地中变化成道路、座椅 、种植池©鲁冰

△ 仿若洞穴的花园空间里,光影成为了主角©鲁冰



A Heavily Rusty Garden


In the initial module material selection, we preferred corten steel. The team believe that only the heavy texture of weathering steel can fully express the history and spirit of this city. However, due to cost control reasons, the team had to find a low-cost material that could replace it. After a lot of investigation and research on rust craft on the market and multiple material tests in the factory, the team finally found a material that has the texture of weathering steel and can control costs well. Through spraying iron powder on the surface of specially treated galvanized steel plates and reacted quickly to generate rust marks, the material achieved the best display effect of rusted steel plates.

△ 在工厂做好防锈处理后,油漆师傅现场做锈©陈翔

△ 装置表面铁锈的反应过程©陈翔

△ 在种植盒锈反应的过程中,我们发现它很像王希孟的千里江山图©陈翔



Fast-constructed Garden


From construction entry to garden opening, it only took 20 days. This further confirms the advantages of modular construction: rapid realization of design ideas, precise control of quality and cost.


After entering the construction site, the team found that the current site was a slope with a height difference of one meter. Based on the experience of building the Vortex, the team quickly decided that after the main support column of the device was installed at the top, the remaining modules only needed to be arranged according to the terrain, without too much intervention in the site.

△ 齿轮花园顶部装置的施工过程©陈翔

△ 工人快速的将道路模块与种植模块在场地中顺应地势布好©陈翔

△ 植物种植与花园出入口道路模块高度的调整同步进行©陈翔



A Garden with Resonance


During the construction of the garden, an elderly passerby stopped and observed for a long time. He told the team that looking at this garden reminded him of the days when he used to work in the factory. A rusty garden can reflect the temperament of a city. The team were honored and happy that this rusty Gear Garden can resonate with the builders of this city.

△ 忆往昔的老者©鲁冰

△ 忆往昔的老者©鲁冰

△ 齿轮花园旁路过的儿童©鲁冰

△ 齿轮花园旁路过的儿童、中年人、老人©鲁冰


The team regard the Gear Garden as a work that connects designers and ordinary people. The process of creation and construction is professional, while the use and appreciation of the garden belong to the ordinary people. For designers, the happiest feedback is the tacit understanding and resonance between the designer and the user.

△ 热情高涨的阿姨们摆出各种拍照的POSE©鲁冰

△ 热情高涨的阿姨们摆出各种拍照的POSE©鲁冰



A Real Documentation


Lu Bing, the photographer who took photos for the Gear Garden, said "my principle of selecting photos is not to put beauty in the first place. I value the story, user participation, and social significance of the photos more. The composition, light and shadow, color, and so on are only auxiliary and techniques." Agreeing with this point of view, the team decided not to modify or beautify the original photos, but to directly publish them, showing the different experiences that the Gear Garden brings to visitors with the most authentic images.

△ 人们驻足、观赏、互动、休憩©鲁冰

△ 人们驻足、观赏、互动、休憩©鲁冰

△ 人们驻足、观赏、互动、休憩©鲁冰

△ 人们驻足、观赏、互动、休憩©鲁冰

△ 人们驻足、观赏、互动、休憩©鲁冰



A Planting Experiment


If hardscape design needs to be precise, then softscape design is relatively precise. After forming the key spatial atmosphere and structure, the team can respond to emergencies and make tactical adjustments at any time. Therefore, the planting design from the early stage to the final implementation will not be entangled with the existence of individual species or the placement of individual plants.

△ 矗立在夕阳下的齿轮花园©鲁冰


The planting design of the Gear Garden will prioritize the stability and controllability of the plant community structure. After selecting woody plants and perennials that are relatively stable in the site habitat as the community framework, the team will add and adjust according to the specific situation on site, such as adding eye-catching surprise plants, inconspicuous base plants, or low-key plants that are not in the flowering period. The team used this method to make the plants rich in changes over a longer time dimension.

△ 齿轮花园的植物设计©鲁冰

△ 齿轮花园的植物设计©陈翔


Due to the determination of the early plant scheme and the construction of the group community structure, the specific plant species have become a relatively flexible and maneuverable part. This gives the team more opportunities to try new plant species and different plant arrangements and combinations, and the new effects generated by collisions. At the same time, this provides great convenience for the team to make plant adjustments in combination with specific on-site conditions in the later stage. For example, for local scarce species or species with large price fluctuations due to seasonal influences, the team can quickly find replaceable species based on the plant framework built in the early stage according to color, texture, height, and other factors.

△ 齿轮花园的植物设计©鲁冰

△ 齿轮花园的植物设计©鲁冰

△ 开展前一天,设计师对部分种植效果不理想的植物进行调整©陈翔



△ 用“意念“在种花的帆姐©陈翔

△ 此时此刻只想坐着干活的楠姐©陈翔

△ 完美融入现场的星爷©陈翔

△ 帆姐内心在咆哮:“想深圳!想吃饭!!想下班!!!“©陈翔











Design Name: Gear Garden

Project Name: 2023 Deyang Rose Exhibition Deyang Garden

Project Location: DeYang, China

Landscape Design: Atelier Scale Fabrication Lab

Design Team: Qin Yan, Xing Ye, Xiang Chen, Fan Wang, QingNan Li

Planting Support Team: Fan Wang, Qin Yan, QingNan Li

Producer: Huicheng Zhong, Bingxing Lin

Client: De Yang Urban Management bureau

Construction: Atelier Scale Fabrication Lab

Photo Credit: Bing Lu,Xiang Chen




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