


导语:我本计划去欧洲旅游,但遇疫情,只得“身未动,心已远”,我在太空梦幻中创作这一美文,希望与你分享。本文是中英文版,欢迎读者对照参考阅读, 体验不同语言的魅力和韵味!

阳光希腊Sunshine Greece

Where is the island full of love which comes from the deep of heart

of Princess Sissi who is very beautiful ?

True love and happiness in beautiful dream

灵感来源: 梦幻希腊

Source of inspiration from: Dream of Greece


Author: Junying(June)Deng


Opening spirit


Who is the most beautiful woman in the world?

Where is the most beautiful woman who is coming from in the world?


Where is the island full of love which comes from the deep of heart

of Princess Sissi who is mixed up the beauty and wisdom together?


Where is the enchanted Pink Beach which loved by the heart of many charming girls?

哪里是世界上最玄幻的日落? 哪里可以追溯这世界最圣洁的神话?

Where is the most mysterious sunset in the world?

Where can we trace the most holy myth of the world?


Where is the most romantic temple in the world?


Where can we find the miracles, legends, secrets and touching that

have long been precipitated in this universe?

希腊的海滩Beach from Greece


So, with this galaxy which produce all of the most shocking soul

full of charm and heart-shaking, Well, It is a great honor for me to introduce myself.


My name is Greece

我是世界上最美丽的女人的发源国,我自信,我的确美撼凡尘, 香肌玉肤, 是最富魅力的绝代佳人。

I am the country of origin titled as the most beautiful woman in the world, I am confident that I shake the beauty of the earth, fragrant muscle with jade skin, is the most attractive goddess who has the unequaled beauty.


Nickname: the warm cradle of Western Civilization, the world's most beautiful paradise island, gorgeous.

世界奇迹:奥林匹亚宙斯巨像, 罗德岛太阳神巨像,雅典卫城,是美爆眼球的风景.

The miracles of the world: the Olympia Zeus, the Colossus of Rhodes, the Acropolis of Athens, is the beauty of eyeball bursting scenery.


Language: Greek and English (if you praise that I have the language talent, then I can say: Rome, Turkish)

爱情:我是情侣的蜜月天堂,我拥有世界最美的岛屿, 看!沉船湾,被誉为地球上最美丽的爱巢, 如果你爱她就带她去沉船湾吧!在蔚蓝的海水上飞驰,在温柔的细沙上漫步,拾一枚纯白鹅卵石作为爱情海誓山盟的信物!是不是马上可以俘获她的芳心呢?

Love: I am the paradise of honeymoon, I have the most beautiful island in the world, look! The Shipwreck Cove, is known as the most beautiful home on the planet, if you love her, please take her to Shipwreck Cove! Flying in the blue sea, walking on the white sand, picking up a pure white cobble-stone as a love souvenir! Is it possible to capture her heart immediately?


Sex: an extremely beautiful lady – the type of small cute.


Evaluation: it is often said that my breathtaking beauty which overthrows states and cities


Fate: all the people who have seen me are destined to love me at first sight. Even if they see me at the countless times, they still can't resist the beauty of my secret love.

古诗词:芙蓉如面 娇艳惊人 艳冠群芳 风华绝代,哇!来自中国的古典美蕴,与我现代希腊的美依旧和谐交融.

Ancient poetry: face looks like the lotus with amazing beauty, wow! I still blend of modern Greece that is full of beauty and harmony with the classic beauty of Chinese ancient poem.

性格:我千娇百媚, 仪态万方,但是也不失热情火爆,是美与爱的魅力女神,我曾吸引了宇宙中充满着冒险欲和征服欲的人类呀!

Personality: I exquisitely dainty and ravishingly beautiful and keep popular enthusiasm, is the beauty and love of goddess, I was attracted the human from the universe which is filled with adventure and desire to conquer.

希腊名人寄语: 每个人身上都有太阳,主要是如何让它发光。


Greek celebrity message: everyone has the sun, is mainly how to let it shine.



Sunshine: the sunshine of 300 days in Greece on every year - where there is sunshine, where is the source of happiness.


Friendly reminder: seeing some real beautiful masterpieces, there is no regret on earth!


The door of happiness: open to friends all over the world,

welcome, welcome, and welcome – let’s saying three times on the

important things!


At this right time, Greece sincerely invites you to share the beauty of classical masterpieces!

希腊的美景Beauty from Greece


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