

首页模拟经营Airline Manager中文版更新时间:2024-10-24

















$ git clone https://github.com/VundleVim/Vundle.vim.git ~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim


$ vim ~/.vimrc set nocompatible " be iMproved, required filetype off " required set rtp =~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim call vundle#begin() Plugin 'VundleVim/Vundle.vim' Plugin 'tpope/vim-fugitive' Plugin 'git://git.wincent.com/command-t.git' Plugin 'file:///home/gmarik/path/to/plugin' Plugin 'rstacruz/sparkup', {'rtp': 'vim/'} call vundle#end() " required filetype plugin indent on " required



$ vim :PluginInstall



$ vim PluginInstall qall


然后慢慢等!慢慢等!慢慢等!这里敲黑板,画圈圈记起来,笔者当年就是进入这个界面一脸懵逼发现不会动就Ctrl C了,然后就以为自己配置失败了 o_O。

仔细看,最左边正在安装的有个>符号,新增的插件有个 符号,左下角的英文也是已经相当明白了!



$ git clone https://github.com/yiranzai/oh-my-zsh.git ~/.oh-my-zsh

$ cd ~/.oh-my-zsh $ ./install.sh -----------------------------warning------------------------- | The installation is successful, please execute | | source ~/.zshrc | -------------------------------end---------------------------



$ vim ~/.vimrc set nocompatible " be iMproved, required filetype off " required " set the runtime path to include Vundle and initialize set rtp =~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim call vundle#begin() " alternatively, pass a path where Vundle should install plugins "call vundle#begin('~/some/path/here') " let Vundle manage Vundle, required Plugin 'VundleVim/Vundle.vim' " NERD-tree Plugin 'scrooloose/nerdtree' Plugin 'majutsushi/tagbar' Plugin 'fholgado/minibufexpl.vim' Plugin 'godlygeek/tabular' Plugin 'plasticboy/vim-markdown' Plugin 'jeroenbourgois/vim-actionscript' Plugin 'cespare/mxml.vim' Plugin 'vim-scripts/xmledit' Plugin 'msanders/cocoa.vim' Plugin 'Yggdroot/indentLine' Plugin 'tfnico/vim-gradle' Plugin 'adragomir/javacomplete' Plugin 'scrooloose/syntastic' Plugin 'flazz/vim-colorschemes' Plugin 'molok/vim-smartusline' Plugin 'bpdp/vim-java' Plugin 'mattn/emmet-vim' Plugin 'vim-airline/vim-airline' Plugin 'vim-airline/vim-airline-themes' " All of your Plugins must be added before the following line call vundle#end() " required filetype plugin indent on " required " To ignore plugin indent changes, instead use: "filetype plugin on " " Brief help " :PluginList - lists configured plugins " :PluginInstall - installs plugins; append `!` to update or just :PluginUpdate " :PluginSearch foo - searches for foo; append `!` to refresh local cache " :PluginClean - confirms removal of unused plugins; append `!` to auto-approve removal " " see :h vundle for more details or wiki for FAQ " Put your non-Plugin stuff after this line "============================================================================= " General settings "============================================================================= highlight OverLength ctermbg=blue ctermfg=white set colorcolumn=120 set nocp " Tab related set ts=4 set sw=4 set smarttab set et set ambiwidth=double " Format related set tw=0 set lbr set fo =mB " Indent related set cin set ai set cino=:0g0t0(susj1 " Editing related set backspace=indent,eol,start set whichwrap=b,s,<,>,[,] set mouse= set selectmode= set mousemodel=popup set keymodel= set selection=inclusive " Misc set wildmenu set nospell " Encoding related set encoding=utf-8 "set langmenu=zh_CN.UTF-8 "language message zh_CN.UTF-8 set fileencodings=ucs-bom,utf-8,cp936,gb18030,big5,euc-jp,euc-kr,latin1 " File type related filetype plugin indent on au BufRead *.as set filetype=actionscript et au BufRead *.mxml set filetype=mxml et au BufRead *.mml set filetype=mathml et " Display related set ru set nu set sm set hls set nowrap syntax on " Refer to: https://github.com/bpdp/vim-java set ofu=syntaxcomplete#Complete "if (has("gui_running")) " colo bluegreen "else " colo bluegreen "endif " Default Colors for CursorLine highlight CursorLine ctermbg=Blue ctermfg=Yellow " Change Color when entering Insert Mode autocmd InsertEnter * highlight CursorLine ctermbg=Darkgray ctermfg=Red "Revert Color to default when leaving Insert Mode autocmd InsertLeave * highlight CursorLine ctermbg=Blue ctermfg=Yellow " autocmd vimenter * NERDTree autocmd vimenter * if !argc() | NERDTree | endif autocmd bufenter * if (winnr("$") == 1 && exists("b:NERDTreeType") && b:NERDTreeType == "primary") | q | endif let g:NERDTreeDirArrows=0 let g:NERDTreeWinSize=30 au BufRead,BufNewFile *.gradle set filetype=groovy " set foldmethod=indent " set foldnestmax=2 let g:indentLine_leadingSpaceEnabled=1 let g:indentLine_leadingSpaceChar='.' let g:indentLine_color_term=7 let g:indentLine_color_gui='#FFB3B3' " let g:indentLine_char = '|' hi Modified guifg=black guibg=#FFA500 set statusline=%2.2n\ %t\ %h%#Modified#%m%r%*%=%l%L\ ,\ %P let g:smartusline_string_to_highlight='%2.2n %t %h' au BufNewFile,BufRead *.groovy setf groovy au BufNewFile,BufRead *.gradle setf groovy if (has("autocmd")) autocmd Filetype java setlocal omnifunc=javacomplete#Complete endif " ============================================================================ " Shortcuts " ============================================================================ " Escape arrow in putty map <Esc>[A <C-Up> map <Esc>[B <C-Down> map <Esc>[C <C-Right> map <Esc>[D <C-Left> map! <Esc>[A <C-Up> map! <Esc>[B <C-Down> map! <Esc>[D <C-Left> map! <Esc>[C <C-Right> " Move lines nmap <C-Down> :move . 1<CR> nmap <C-Up> :move .-2<CR> " Toggle line number nmap <F12> :set nu!<CR> imap <F12> :set nu!<CR> " Toggle NERDTree window nmap <silent> <F9> :NERDTreeToggle<CR> nmap <silent> <C-O> :NERDTreeToggle<CR><ESC> " miniBufExploer config let g:miniBufExplMapWindowNavVim=1 let g:miniBufExplMapWindowNavArrows=1 let g:miniBufExplMapCTabSwitchBufs=1 let g:miniBufExplModSelTarget=1 " buffer change nmap <S-Tab> :bn<CR> nmap <S-Left> :bp<CR> nmap <S-Right> :bn<CR> " Toggle Tagbar nmap <C-t> :TagbarToggle<CR> "============================================================================= " Modes "============================================================================= function EnglishMode() "set imactivatekey= "set noimcmdline "set iminsert=0 "set imsearch=0 setlocal nospell endfunction command -nargs=0 EnglishMode call EnglishMode() function ChineseMode() "set imactivatekey=C-space "set noimcmdline "set iminsert=2 "set imsearch=2 setlocal nospell endfunction command -nargs=0 ChineseMode call ChineseMode() function TextMode() setlocal nocin setlocal nosm setlocal noai setlocal tw=0 endfunction command -nargs=0 TextMode call TextMode() function CodeMode() setlocal cin setlocal sm setlocal ai setlocal tw=0 endfunction command -nargs=0 CodeMode call CodeMode() function MailMode() call TextMode() setlocal ft=mail setlocal tw=0 endfunction command -nargs=0 MailMode call MailMode() function BBSMode() call MailMode() call ChineseMode() setlocal ft=bbs setlocal fenc=cp936 setlocal tw=0 endfunction command -nargs=0 BBSMode call BBSMode() function VikiMode() call ChineseMode() setlocal ft=viki endfunction command -nargs=0 VikiMode call VikiMode() "============================================================================= " Functions "============================================================================= function TimeStamp() let curposn= SaveWinPosn() %s/\$Date: .*\$/\=strftime("$Date: %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S$")/ge %s/Last Change: .*$/\=strftime("Last Change: %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")/ge %s/Last Modified: .*$/\=strftime("Last Modified: %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")/ge " Replace once and never update. %s/Created: *$/\=strftime("Created: %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")/ge call RestoreWinPosn(curposn) endfunction command -nargs=0 TimeStamp call TimeStamp() function AutoTimeStamp() augr tagdate au! au BufWritePre,FileWritePre * call TimeStamp() augr END endfunction command -nargs=0 AutoTimeStamp call AutoTimeStamp() function NoAutoTimeStamp() augr tagdate au! augr END endfunction command -nargs=0 NoAutoTimeStamp call NoAutoTimeStamp() command -nargs=1 Margin exec "match Error /.\\%>" . (<args> 1) . "v/" command -nargs=0 NoMargin match none function CodeLayout() call CodeMode() WManager Tlist endfunction command -nargs=0 CodeLayout call CodeLayout() function CodeLayoutSmall() call CodeLayout() set columns=141 exec "norm \<c-w>l" set nu set lines=100 endfunction command -nargs=0 CodeLayoutSmall call CodeLayoutSmall() function CodeLayoutLarge() call CodeLayout() set columns=226 exec "norm \<c-w>l" set nu vsplit set lines=100 endfunction command -nargs=0 CodeLayoutLarge call CodeLayoutLarge() " ============================================================================ " Plugins settings " ============================================================================ " Tlist let Tlist_Use_Right_Window=1 let Tlist_File_Fold_Auto_Close=1 " A let g:alternateNoDefaultAlternate=1 let g:alternateRelativeFiles=1 " Viki let g:vikiNameSuffix=".viki" autocmd! BufRead,BufNewFile *.viki call VikiMode() " BBS autocmd! BufRead,BufNewFile *.bbs call BBSMode() " Mail autocmd! FileType mail call MailMode() " XML autocmd! FileType html,xml,yaml setlocal sw=2 ts=2 " FencView let g:fencview_autodetect=0 "============================================================================= " Platform dependent settings "============================================================================= if (has("win32")) "------------------------------------------------------------------------- " Win32 "------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (has("gui_running")) set guifont=Bitstream_Vera_Sans_Mono:h9:cANSI set guifontwide=NSimSun:h9:cGB2312 endif " For Viki let g:netrw_browsex_viewer="start" " For tee set shellpipe=2>&1\|\ tee " VimTweak if (has("gui_running")) command -nargs=1 SetAlpha call libcallnr("vimtweak.dll", \"SetAlpha", <args>) command -nargs=0 TopMost call libcallnr("vimtweak.dll", \"EnableTopMost", 1) command -nargs=0 NoTopMost call libcallnr("vimtweak.dll", \"EnableTopMost", 0) endif else "------------------------------------------------------------------------- " Linux "------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (has("gui_running")) set guifont=Bitstream\ Vera\ Sans\ Mono\ 9 endif " For Viki let g:vikiHomePage="~/document/Viki/index.viki" let g:netrw_browsex_viewer="kfmclient exec" set makeprg=build endif


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