

首页游戏大全The Past Within英文版更新时间:2024-06-21


或者全程睡过去,抑或不想浪费学术,就如斯1 0!种可能性。想补救讹谬不可能的,不妨重新攻读一遍从正月初一下车伊始的课程。然则我觉着这是不兴许的,干吗?因为字都无意间写,课还会想上吗?解答题属于每题倘若瞎写一举都有一两分,考个位数岂但是“数学好难,这些假名看都看不懂!”的问题,更进一步“考查是啥,不写与否。”的题材。








The child's math test scores 6, and his father cries with anger What about 6 points in math for children Or sleep through the whole process, or don't want to waste academic work, such as 1 0! Two possibilities. If you want to remedy the fallacy, you can't be afraid to study again from the beginning of the first month. But I don't think so. Why? Do you still want to go to class because the words are written unintentionally? The answer questions belong to each question. If you write blindly, you will get one or two points at one stroke. The single digit test is not only "mathematics is so difficult, but you can't understand these pseudonyms!" The question of "what is it, whether it is not written or not" goes further Subject matter. There is no other way out for learning to make mistakes. From your perspective, you don't want to squeeze into the Dugu bridge. Maybe you have planned another route long ago. According to the Weiji agency, you may collect rent after the high school entrance examination. Maybe you are better than the top students in your class. If you miss this example, please sign up for a tutorial class that needs to be taught on a weekday. Otherwise, the rest of the lessons outside the math exam are hopeless. Pupils who scored more than 80 points in the exam were moved to cry. What was the experience of their own children counting down? Xiaowen, a fifth grade primary school student in Jiaozuo, Henan Province, was jokingly happy and sobbed after he got the results of the mid-term exam. Although Xiaowen got more than 80 points in the exam, in fact, it was not a high achievement, but this Xiaowen's words have been a great breakthrough for a long time. In the past, he scored more than 60 points in the exam. Moreover, his grades were inferior in the class. His father Hou Sheng felt a special joke after looking at his child's performance. In the past, Xiaowen never struggled in his studies. He played games until about 11:00 a.m. every morning. It was rumored that his class hours were not perfect, which led to his poor academic performance Not only does the teacher feel very helpless about this child, but Mr. Hou also has special worries about Xiaowen. In this regard, since the Hou intellectual, his family's children have been able to win the perfect way to make the old man's cheeks shine, but Xiaowen can't get a good score in the exam for days. Therefore, Mr. Hou secretly determined to improve Xiaowen's academic performance. So he often urged the child to do his homework. At the same time, he confiscated his cordless machine and did not allow him to play games again. The years of playing games every day are all spent on studying. This time Xiaowen will have such a big breakthrough. At the moment when he saw his achievements, he couldn't even believe his good eyes. Not only did he score more than 80 points in one subject, but the average score of each subject was more than eight points. In general, Xiaowen and daddy's efforts have not been wasted for such a long time, and they finally watched the success. Since the children who are supposed to be able to talk about their academic performance are getting worse, Chun Xuan simply doesn't want to break things and never shoots the children. Instead, she should accompany the children to study together and strengthen their success. Whenever the children have a certain period of time when they are rising, our generation should go to praise them. It is not delicious. The praise is enough to record the merits of less than half of the material aspects, which makes them feel that studying is a matter of endless witticism. It is possible that compared with those children who have become famous and excellent, the continuous failure of good children will indeed make their parents look very proud. However, if the children can grow up healthily and cheerfully within their ability, they can. It is not because this matter makes children feel inferior.


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