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1、Out of question和out of the question

(1)out of question

这个相当于“out of doubt , depend upon it”也就是“means there is no doubt or unquestionably”。所以本意表示“毫无疑问,没问题的”。例句:

He is an honest man and his honesty is out of question.


(2)out of the question

意思是“Impossible or not allowed and therefore not worth discussing”,不可能,不允许或不值得讨论的,或“不可能;不知底细;根本谈不上”,例句:

I was hoping we could eat here tonight, but it looks like that's out of the question.


2、He is outside和 He is out


outside是一个比较具体的词,一般指在建筑物或空间附近的外面。例如:He is outside他在办公室外面(不在里面,可能在外头抽烟、聊天);

Out 比较抽象,例如:He is out.他不在办公室(不知道在哪,也有可能下班了)。



We always eat outside.(x)

We always eat out.(√)


I live outside.(x)

I live by myself(√)

3、out of the blue

out of the blue“突然的,意外的”。

These troubles did not come out of the blue. 这些麻烦并不是凭空而来的。

4、out of control失控

The girl have got out of control.


拓展:1.与out of搭配的动词短语与名词短语


get out of 离开 出去

take sth. out of 拿出某物

let sb. out of 让某人出去、 离开

come out of 出去

sb run out of sth 某人用完某物


out of breath 上气不接下气的

out of control 控制不了的

out of date 过时的, 废弃的

out of doors 在露天, 在户外

out of one's mind 疯了

out of season 不合时令的, 过时的

out of sight, out of mind 眼不见,心不烦

out of someone's way 与某人惯常的做法不一样, 不顺路, 不妨碍

out of the way 不同寻常的

out of touch 不联系, 不接触, 未发挥特长或才能

out of work 失业的

out of control 失去控制

out of date 过时的,不用的

out of order 出障碍;秩序混乱

out of place 不相称的,格格不入的

out of practice 久不练习,荒疏

out of sight 看不见,在视野之外

out of the question 毫无可能,根本不可能

out of question毫无疑问


break out (战争等)爆发;使逃脱,使逃走

check out 结帐后离开,办妥手续离开

cut out 删掉,割去

drop out 退学,退出

fall out 脱落;争吵,闹翻

figure out 计算出;估计

find out 查明;找到;发现

go out 熄灭;外出

hand out 分发,散发

die out 消失,灭绝

lay out 布置,安排,设计;摆出,展开

leave out 忽略,遗漏;省略

look out 留神,注意

make out 写出,开列;看出,辨认出

pick out 选出;辨认出,分辨出

point out 指出,指明

put out 熄灭;关(灯);公布,出版

run out (of) 用完,耗尽

set out 动身,起程;开始

stand out 引人注目;杰出,出色

try out 试用,试验

wear out 穿破,用坏;(使)疲乏,(使)耗尽


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