

首页休闲益智throw it out更新时间:2024-05-06






Today I'm going to give you some advice on how to stop translating into your native language.

今天 我会给你一些如何停止脑补母语翻译的建议

Because a lot of people have this problem.


I've asked lots of English learners and learners of other languages,


and they say: "I would be able to speak so much more fluently if I could stop translating".

他们说 我能说的更加流利 只要我能停止脑补翻译

Okay so I've been thinking about this question for a long time,

于是我就思考了这个问题 思考了很久

and I have actually made some notes on my phone,


just because I want to get it in the right order for you,


so bear with me.


So, how to avoid translating into your native language?

那么 究竟应该怎样避免翻译成母语呢

Well, the first tip I can give you and this will not apply to everyone is don't start in the first place,

我要告诉你们的第一个秘诀 它可能不是适用于每个人 那就是不要在一开始就想完全避免母语翻译

if you are in like a beginner level of English, some translation is inevitable.

如果你是英语初学者 一些翻译是在所难免的

I mean, you are going to do it.


However, think back to when you were a baby.


How did you acquire your first ever language?


Your mother tongue.


You learn through observing, seeing, watching, hearing, smelling, tasting, watching actions,

你是通过 暗中观察 默默留意 静静倾听 耳朵听 鼻子闻 嘴巴尝 来学习语言的

you didn't learn through translation,


because you had nothing to base your translation on,


because you had no mother tongue,


so babies are capable of learning a langue without any other language as reference,

所以小婴儿能够学习一门语言 而完全不用参考其他语言

yet, we find it incredibly difficult.


So, what you need to think is simplification.

所以 你所应该做的是简化

Babies start small and over years and years and years they build their vocabulary,

婴儿从很小的时候就开始学 然后经过一年又一年 不断增加词汇量

and you need to apply this to yourself as well,


It's much more effective to learn vocabulary by observing and taking things in,


than it is to just you know looking something at a dictionary,


and that brings me on to my next point.


Oh my God! I'm so hot!

天 我好热啊

And that brings me on to my next point,


which is grab your bilingual dictionary and throw it out of the window!

那就是拿起你的双语大字典 往窗外那么潇洒一丢

Don't do that, okay? It might land on somebody's head.

开玩笑哈 砸到人就不好了

Just place it to one side very carefully,


and then pick up your monolingual dictionary.


Is that the word for it?


And then, pick up the dictionary in the language that you are learning.


In many of your cases it would be English,

对你们很多人来说 也就是全英词典

and start letting the language define itself,


so with words like nouns and verbs it can be a little difficult to understand,


but that's what you need to learn through observation.


When you are looking at adjective, adverbs and other things like that,

而对于形容词和副词 或者其他一些词

try to understand the definition in that same language first,


because what you are going to be doing is training yourself to think in the language that you are learning.


Which brings me on to my third point.


Oh my God! What a beautifully well planned out video this is,

天哪 这个视频的顺序安排简直不要太好

so my next two points are about thinking and speaking to yourself in that language,

所以接下来的两点 是关于思考和自言自语 用英语做这些

Now I actually recommend that you start by speaking out loud to yourself in the other language.

我强烈建议你们 从用英语大声对自己说话开始

However speaking to yourself in the other language is a really really key factor in learning to think in the language,

然而 用英语与自己对话 是一个非常非常非常重要的因素 在这个学习用这一语言思考的过程中都是这样

and you will start to notice your own errors, specially when you hear yourself speaking out loud.

你会开始注意到自己的错误 尤其是在你和自己对话的时候

Once you are comfortable speaking out loud to yourself in private in that additional language.


Move on to starting to think.


Now, I think speaking should come before thinking.


But that's just my opinion, everybody learns in different ways.

但这只是我的意见 每个人都有不同的学习方法

I personally think it's easier to spot errors and get comfortable when you are speaking out loud.

我个人认为在大声说的时候更容易发现错误 表达自如

Now, the speaking out loud, we should do in private,

大声说话 你应该在一个私人空间里做这件事

but the thinking I want you to do it everywhere,

但是用所学语言进行思考 我希望你时时刻刻都用英语思考

on the bus, seeing what goes past,

在公车上 看到窗外飞逝的事物的时候

it's a useful method where you observe everything around you and you check to see if you know it in your chosen language,

这是个很有用的办法 你可以观察身边万物 自我考察在英语中是否也知道它

yeah, so by thinking in English and I'm talking about, you know describing people, if you see someone walking think to yourself,

通过用英语思考 我指的是 描述其他人 如果你看到什么人在走路 在脑中想一想

"That man is walking" "He is walking down the street",

这个人在走路 他在沿着这条街走

or just go in through your motions,

或者 就看看自己的动作

"I'm getting off the bus" "I'm going to go to the shops",

我正要下车 我要去商店

in your head,


you are just starting to immerse yourself in the language,


Ah! That beautiful word! Immerse.

哇 沉浸 真是个好词啊

to immerse yourself,


Brings me on to point number five which is immersion,

这就来到第五点了 那就是沉浸

and that's actually one of my favorite words,


I know I have a lot of favorite words but immersion, that's nice, that's a nice word.

虽然我喜欢的词汇有很多 但是沉浸 真的是个好词

So immersion is something that you should be doing throughout your learning experience,

所以 沉浸就是你应当做的事情 在整个英语学习过程中都应该这么做

and it's something that you can do whilst multitasking which is one of my favorite things.

在做其他事情的时候也可以做 这是我喜欢做的事情之一

So, when I'm doing something that doesn't require a hundred percent concentration,

在我做一些事情的时候 这些不需要百分百的注意力的事情

like cooking or cleaning,


I always have something on in the background,


cleaning, cooking, washing the car, gardening, whatever,

打扫房间 煮饭 洗车 整理花园 无论做什么

whatever any task that allows you to listen to something else at the same time as doing something else,


have something on in that language in the background,

能够一边做事一边听 那就放点这种语言的什么听一听

I know I'm saying it as if it's revolutionary,


but really don't forget to do it,


I know you can waste so much time and miss out on so much learning.

不然你会浪费大把学习时间 错失许多学习机会的

By, by having it on in the background and not even listening you will be getting used to pronunciation and accents,

通过背景播放 即使没有在认真听 你也会逐渐习惯其中的发音和口音

by listening and concentrating on what they are saying,

而当你认真听 注意他们在说些什么

you will be familiarizing yourself with certain grammar different vocabulary,

你将会逐渐熟悉具体的语法词汇 不同的词汇

but also you will notice where you are lacking.

同时 还会察觉到自己的缺漏

My last point is make it daily.


Focus on frequency and consistency.


Okay, I always say to my students,


that twenty minutes a day of high quality.


Not even studying, just language acquisition,

即使不是正经地学习 仅仅是语言习得

I sometimes surprise myself with the words that come out of my mouth.

我有时都惊讶 我居然能说出这么高级的词

Twenty minutes a day of high quality English time.


There we are, that sounds more like something Lucy would say,

就是这样 这听起来才更像是我会说的话

it's much much much more valuable,


than a hundred and forty minutes all in one day,


So, make the general immersion,

所以 让自己沉浸式学习

and the thinking and the speaking to yourself,

用所学语言思考 用所学语言和自己说话

something that you do throughout your day, make it part of your routine.

都成为你平日里会做的事情吧 让这些成为你的日常

Make it become automatic to you.


You know I sometimes now go for an hour thinking in Spanish,


or you know thinking out loud in my head in Spanish and then I realize and I go,

在脑中用西班牙语自言自语 然后我才反应过来

God! You know, I just said something, I've just been speaking Spanish the whole time,

天 我居然一直在用西班牙语讲话

and it is because I do it so often, it becomes automatic.

正因为我常常这么做 这就变成了下意识的行为





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