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5 things to know about Windows 11: A relocated Start menu, support for Android apps and more

关于 Windows 11需要知道的5件事: 重新定位的开始菜单,对 Android 应用程序的支持等等

Windows 11 moves the Start menu to the middle.

Windows 11 将开始菜单移到中间。

Microsoft just moved your Windows Start button. But don’t worry, you can move it back.

微软刚刚移动了你的 Windows 开始按钮。 不过别担心,你可以把它移回去。

The redesign of the iconic Windows menu, now in the center of the screen rather than the corner, is just one of a slew of changes that Microsoft announced Thursday for the next version of the software that runs your home PC or the laptop you’ve been assigned to use at work or school.

重新设计的标志性的 Windows 菜单,现在在屏幕中央而不是角落,只是微软周四宣布的一系列变化之一,下一个版本的软件,运行你的家庭电脑或笔记本电脑,你被分配在工作或学校使用。

With Windows 11, which will arrive later this year, Microsoft is both giving its old-faithful operating system a facelift and trying to make it more relevant to a post-pandemic world where we work and communicate differently. Microsoft’s video chat service Teams is built right in — and, in a first, you’ll also be able to use some of the Android apps previously just available on phones and tablets.

随着今年晚些时候发布的 Windows 11,微软不仅给其老派的操作系统带来了翻新,而且试图让它更适合我们以不同的方式工作和沟通的后大流行时代。微软的视频聊天服务团队就是内置的,首先,你还可以使用一些以前只能在手机和平板电脑上使用的 Android 应用程序。

This upgrade, the first new flagship version of Windows in six years, is a sign that Microsoft is on the defensive. It is still by far the most-popular laptop and desktop computer software, with Windows 10 used by some 1.3 billion people. But in recent years, it lost market share to computers running Google’s Internet-focused Chrome OS — particularly in schools — and even to Macs made by longtime rival Apple.

这次升级是六年来 Windows 的第一个旗舰版,标志着微软处于守势。它仍然是目前为止最受欢迎的笔记本电脑和台式电脑软件,大约有13亿人使用 Windows 10。但最近几年,谷歌的市场份额被运行谷歌专注于互联网的 Chrome 操作系统(尤其是在学校)的电脑抢走了,甚至被老对手苹果(Apple)的 mac 抢走了市场份额。

In the first quarter of this year, Windows dropped to 75 percent of the global market for computers from more than 80 percent in 2020, says International Data Corporation analyst Linn Huang. The decline is partly due to coronavirus supply constraints on Windows PCs, but it also shows Windows has a long-term challenge appealing to consumers beyond corporate IT systems. In the last decade, smartphones have become the most-important devices in most people’s lives — and Windows doesn’t run on any of them.

国际数据公司(International Data Corporation)分析师黄(Linn Huang)表示,今年第一季度,Windows 在全球电脑市场的份额从2020年的逾80% 降至75% 。这种下降部分是由于冠状病毒对 Windows 个人电脑的限制,但它也表明,Windows 对企业 IT 系统以外的消费者具有长期的吸引力。在过去的十年里,智能手机已经成为大多数人生活中最重要的设备ーー而 Windows 却不在其中任何一个上面运行。

Windows 11 has been tweaked to work better on touch screen computers that double as mobile tablets. And under the hood, Windows 11 will also run on computers with a kind of processor known as ARM, seen on mobile devices and used in Apple’s latest computers, that are more power-efficient and get less hot.

Windows 11 已经过调整,可以在兼作移动平板电脑的触摸屏计算机上更好地工作。 在引擎盖下,Windows 11 还将在配备了一种称为 ARM 的处理器的计算机上运行,这种处理器可以在移动设备上看到并用于 Apple 的最新计算机,这些计算机更节能且发热更少。

As much as Microsoft wants customers to love Windows, a large contingent likely aren’t interested in new bells and whistles; they just don’t want Microsoft to break what’s already working.

尽管微软希望客户喜欢 Windows,但很多人可能对新的花里胡哨不感兴趣。 他们只是不想让微软破坏已经在运作的东西。

Microsoft squeezed a lot into a 45-minute online launch presentation filled with hyperbole about making Windows feel like “home” and partly derailed by streaming challenges. So we took a step back and picked the five most important things to know about Windows 11.

微软在 45 分钟的在线发布演示中投入了大量精力,其中充满了关于让 Windows 感觉像“家”的夸张,并且部分地因流媒体挑战而脱轨。 因此,我们退后一步,挑选了有关 Windows 11 的五个最重要的知识点。

1) Move Over ‘Start Menu’

1) 移动“开始菜单”

It’s the end of an era: The Start menu is no longer at the bottom left of your PC desktop.

这是一个时代的终结:开始菜单不再位于 PC 桌面的左下方。

The new Start menu sits at the bottom middle and allows you to quickly see pinned apps, as well as a few recommended apps based on what you’ve used before. (Not to worry though — if you don’t like it in the middle, there’s a setting that lets you move it back to the corner.)

新的“开始”菜单位于底部中间,可让您快速查看固定的应用程序,以及一些基于您以前使用过的应用程序推荐的应用程序。 (不过不用担心——如果你不喜欢它在中间,有一个设置可以让你把它移回角落。)

Windows 11 also comes with new, if basic, productivity shortcuts. If you tend to have multiple apps and windows going at once, you can hover over any window to reveal different options for organizing your screen. Maybe it’s two windows side by side, or one big window with a few smaller ones floating next to it. Click on the configuration you want, and your windows will “snap” into that shape.

Windows 11 还带有新的(如果是基本的)生产力快捷方式。 如果您倾向于同时运行多个应用程序和窗口,您可以将鼠标悬停在任何窗口上以显示用于组织屏幕的不同选项。 也许它是并排的两个窗户,或者一个大窗户旁边漂浮着一些小窗户。 单击您想要的配置,您的窗口将“对齐”成该形状。

People who want to jump between entirely different desktops can do that, too. Not only can you have different desktops for home, school and work, but they’ll also follow you around to whatever Windows 11 computer you’re using. Your different computers can sync up over the cloud: Leave work, open your laptop at home, and your screen should be just how you left it — windows, tabs and all. The Start menu even saves your most recent files, so you don’t have to click around to reopen them.

那些想在完全不同的桌面之间跳转的人也可以做到这一点。你不仅可以在家里、学校和工作中使用不同的桌面,而且它们还会跟随你到你正在使用的任何一台 Windows 11电脑。你的不同电脑可以在云端同步: 离开工作,在家打开笔记本电脑,你的屏幕应该和你离开时一样ー窗口、标签和所有的一切。开始菜单甚至可以保存你最近的文件,这样你就不必点击左右重新打开它们。

2) The Windows app store gets Android apps

2) Windows 应用商店有安卓应用

For the first time, you can get Android apps on your Windows PC, which is a big plus if your favorite apps have clunky Web versions like Instagram or no Web version at all, like Google Home. Now, Android apps will be downloadable in the Windows 11 app store, though you’ll have to jump through a few hoops. The Android apps actually come through a partnership with the Amazon App Store (used by Amazon’s own Fire tablet devices), which you’ll have to log into separately with an Amazon account.

这是第一次,您可以在 Windows PC 上获得 Android 应用程序,如果您最喜欢的应用程序具有笨拙的网络版本(如 Instagram)或根本没有网络版本(如 Google Home),这将是一个很大的优势。 现在,Android 应用程序将可以在 Windows 11 应用程序商店中下载,但您必须跳过几个环节。 Android 应用程序实际上是通过与亚马逊应用商店(由亚马逊自己的 Fire 平板设备使用)建立合作伙伴关系的,您必须使用亚马逊帐户单独登录。

It remains an open question how much people want Android apps on a PC. Past attempts to port Android apps into Windows have been technically tricky and largely unpopular. Partnering with Amazon to deliver Android apps could help — although Microsoft’s last collaboration with Amazon, when it combined its Cortana voice assistant with Amazon’s Alexa, was a flop.

有多少人希望在 PC 上使用 Android 应用程序仍然是一个悬而未决的问题。 过去将 Android 应用程序移植到 Windows 的尝试在技术上很棘手,而且在很大程度上不受欢迎。 与亚马逊合作提供 Android 应用程序可能会有所帮助——尽管微软与亚马逊的最后一次合作是失败的,当时它将 Cortana 语音助手与亚马逊的 Alexa 结合在一起。

The security implications of Android apps on Windows 11 also aren’t clear. Can Microsoft catch and stop any malware that might arrive hidden inside Android apps? Microsoft said it couldn’t give any answers yet, since the companies are just beginning their partnership.

Android 应用程序在 Windows 11 上的安全隐患也不清楚。 Microsoft 能否捕获并阻止任何可能隐藏在 Android 应用程序中的恶意软件? 微软表示目前无法给出任何答案,因为两家公司才刚刚开始合作。

Microsoft is also trying to bolster its Windows app store by offering developers financial incentives not available on Apple’s rival App Store. Apple has alienated developers by taking large cuts of the revenue from in-app purchases; Microsoft announced it will give developers 100 percent of their earnings in many situations.

微软还试图通过向开发者提供苹果竞争对手 App Store 所没有的经济激励措施来支持其 Windows 应用商店。 苹果从应用内购买中大量削减收入,从而疏远了开发者; 微软宣布将在许多情况下向开发人员提供 100% 的收入。

3) Windows gets live-updating widgets — and its own news feed

3) Windows 获得实时更新的小部件——以及它自己的新闻提要

Windows 11 also introduces a whole new screen of info. A panel of Widgets, which you access by swiping in from the left edge, makes Windows feel a bit more like a phone or tablet — and will offer up all sorts of new distractions. Widgets are like apps that include live updates, like weather, stocks and your calendar. You can pick the ones you want, and Microsoft says eventually it hopes to include more from content creators.

Windows 11 还引入了全新的信息屏幕。 您可以通过从左边缘向内滑动来访问小部件面板,这让 Windows 感觉更像是一部手机或平板电脑——并将提供各种新的干扰。 小工具就像包含实时更新的应用程序,例如天气、股票和日历。 你可以选择你想要的,微软表示最终希望包含更多来自内容创作者的内容。

The new widgets screen will also include its own feed of news articles, kind of like Facebook’s algorithmically generated news feed. Microsoft says it will choose the news it presents using artificial intelligence that learns your preferences from what kinds of articles you interact with most often in the widget.

新的小部件屏幕还将包括自己的新闻文章提要,有点像 Facebook 的算法生成的新闻提要。 微软表示,它将使用人工智能选择它呈现的新闻,该人工智能从您在小部件中最常互动的文章类型中了解您的偏好。

4) Teams is built in for video calls and chats

4) Teams 内置于视频通话和聊天中

For many of us, the must-have communication apps during the pandemic were Zoom and Slack. But Microsoft also made inroads with its Teams service, which combines video conferencing and chat into one.

对于我们许多人来说,大流行期间必备的通信应用程序是 Zoom 和 Slack。 但微软也通过其 Teams 服务取得了进展,该服务将视频会议和聊天合二为一。

Now Microsoft is integrating Teams right inside Windows 11. You’ll be able to contact and start chats with people directly from the Start menu. If those people aren’t on Teams, you can message them over SMS instead, which sounds … confusing? We’ll reserve judgment until we see how it works.

现在,Microsoft 正在 Windows 11 中集成 Teams。您将能够直接从“开始”菜单与人联系并开始聊天。 如果这些人不在 Teams 中,您可以改为通过 SMS 向他们发送消息,这听起来……令人困惑? 我们将保留判断,直到我们看到它是如何运作的。

It’s a bold move for Microsoft. First, Teams might cause some confusion for people who have grown accustomed to Skype, a different video chat and communication app also owned (and promoted) by Microsoft. Second, Microsoft has also been accused by Slack of using Teams for corporate bullying. Will Slack get the same ability as Teams to integrate directly into Windows 11?

这对微软来说是一个大胆的举动。 首先,Teams 可能会给已经习惯 Skype 的人带来一些困惑,Skype 是一种不同的视频聊天和通信应用程序,也是由微软拥有(和推广)的。 其次,微软还被 Slack 指控使用 Teams 进行企业欺凌。 Slack 能否获得与 Teams 相同的直接集成到 Windows 11 的能力?

“We absolutely are going to run Slack great on Windows 11,” Microsoft’s corporate vice president Yusuf Mehdi told us.

“我们绝对会在 Windows 11 上很好地运行 Slack,”微软公司副总裁 Yusuf Mehdi 告诉我们。

5) You can download Windows 11 as a free update later this year

5) 您可以在今年晚些时候下载 Windows 11 作为免费更新

Think of it as Santa’s little upgrade. Microsoft was a little squishy on specifics, but a finished version of Windows 11 should be available around the 2021 holiday season. It will be a free update to owners of Windows 10 PCs — at least the newer ones that can run it.

把它想象成圣诞老人的小升级。微软在细节上有点含糊不清,但 Windows 11 的完整版本应该会在 2021 年假期前后推出。这将是 Windows 10 PC 所有者的免费更新——至少是可以运行它的较新 PC。

How will you know if your PC is fast enough? There are some hardware requirements, such as a newer processor, four gigabytes of RAM and at least 64 gigabytes of storage. Microsoft has a PC-checker tool you can use.

您如何知道您的 PC 是否足够快?有一些硬件要求,例如更新的处理器、4 GB 的 RAM 和至少 64 GB 的存储空间。 Microsoft 有一个您可以使用的 PC 检查工具。

And the good news is Windows 11 is built on the same basic code base as Windows 10, so older apps and drivers mostly shouldn’t break (like with the notorious Windows Vista.)

好消息是,Windows 11 构建在与 Windows 10 相同的基本代码库上,因此较旧的应用程序和驱动程序大多不应中断(就像臭名昭著的 Windows Vista 一样。)

Finally, what happens if you don’t upgrade? Microsoft says it will continue to support Windows 10 until Oct. 14, 2025.

最后,如果不升级会怎样?微软表示将继续支持 Windows 10,直到 2025 年 10 月 14 日。


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