hackeresssss empire

hackeresssss empire

首页休闲益智Mr Escape更新时间:2024-07-11

《hackeresssss empire》


a sunny afternoon.a gardon.

before plastic hospital.

hacker was walking alone in sunshine.

hacker sat on a bench,faced to scenery.

a stranger went to a the bench.

strangersat on bench, too.

both of them were chatting on a bench pleased.

s:what do u do for ur life?

h: i do nothing,i,m a new money.

s:guess,what do i do for my life?

h:a banker?

s: a killerrr!

h:good,would u pls introduce me a job? i wanna be a killer,too.killing by my right and earn money in left.pls?

s:no pls. r u Mr.money?

h: gosh! u r a killer.r u going to kill me?damnn it.

hacker tried to escape.

s: stop escape.Mr.money.

h: have u paied any government tax for the job u do?

s:no.killer never pay any tax!

h:have u got a killing license?

stranger moved his hand into his suite.

s:a license,here!

stranger moved a gun out,holding on his hand.

s:mr.money.killer doesn't need any killlling license!

h started to excaping.

h: u must to pay tax even if u fart anywhere anyhow in the land U'S'A'.


a gardon. high view

both of them were chasing in the gardon.

both of them were fighting in the gardon.

both of them were chasing a round a pond/river.

hacker jumped into water heroicly.close up.


new pic on water

water waved.

a group of piranha were swimming in river in water.

a man jumped into water.

water waved.

a man swam with fishs.close up.


new pic aside of river.

a killer jumped into water with gun in his hand heroic.close up.


new view. under water.

two of men were swimming with fishs together.

fishs looked at hacker.

h: killer behind me never pay tax!

a group of piranha ate a killer.

piranha: this is the end for people who pay taxless./this is what happens for people.who pay taxless.

6 new view

a hacker walked out from water.

hacker talked to pic,

h:this is the end for people who pay taxless.

7.close up.

ring bell.

hacker won.arised his arms.


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