

首页休闲益智Draw Story更新时间:2024-07-30


105. damage 熟义:v/n 损坏

He claimed $ 7000 damages from the taxi company.

n. 赔偿金

106. dash 熟义:v. 猛冲

Being badly ill, he was dashed to hospital.

vt. 急送

His mother dashed him into going to school every day.

vt. 催促

107. dawn 熟义:n 拂晓,v. 破晓,天亮

The truth began to dawn on him.

vt. 开始明白

108. desert 熟义:n 沙漠

He deserted his wife and children and went abroad.

v. 抛弃,离弃

We sheltered from the storm in a deserted hut.


109. develop 熟义:v. 发展,开发,研制

Did you have the film developed?

v. 冲印,冲洗

develop a disease 得病

He developed a cough.


develop a habit 逐渐形成一个习惯

110. difficult 熟义:adj 困难的

You must get the permission of your difficult mother before getting married.

adj. 难以取悦的,不易满足的

111. deal with




Do you deal with Sm ith,the butcher?你与肉商史密斯有生意往来吗?

108. dismiss 熟义:v. 解雇,开除

He just laughed and dismissed my suggestion as unrealistic.

vt. 拒绝考虑某人的意观点等

112.do (熟义:做,制作)

The shoes won't do for mountain-climbing.


Practice and determination will do wonders.

v. 创造

Everything is doing well.

vi. 进展

113. down 熟义:adv. 向下,在下面

I paid $1000 down on the car.

adv. 作为首付款

114.draw (熟义:画)

The football match between the Korean team and the American team was sowonderful that it drew a lot of people,though in the end they drew the match.


What moral are we to draw from the story.

v. 获得,取得,推断出

115. drive v. 驾驶

Hunger drove her steal.

v. 迫使某人做不好的事

116. delicate 熟义:adj. 精巧的,微妙的,脆弱的

I admired your delicate handling of the situation.

adj. 巧妙的

117. deliver 熟义:递送,传递,发表演说,接生

Only education can deliver people from misery.

vt. 解救,拯救,使摆脱

118. deposit 熟义:v. 把钱存入银行

He deposited the book on the desk.

vt. 放下,放置

119. divorce 熟义:v. 离婚

You can't divorce science from ethical questions.

v. 使分离,使脱离。



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