经典回顾-射雕英雄传 第二回 江南七怪-5(双语)

经典回顾-射雕英雄传 第二回 江南七怪-5(双语)

首页休闲益智Cylinder Rush更新时间:2024-05-11

  Qiu Chuji stretched out his right hand to take it and smiled: "The seven monsters in Jiangnan deserve their reputation!" Then his face sank, and he shouted to Jiao Mu: "What happened to those two women? You forced them to keep their two women's families in the temple. What's your heart? As long as you touch one hair of them, the thief monk, I will break your bones and raise ashes, and burn your Fahua Temple to white!"


Zhu Cong waved his head and said, "Master Jiao Mu is a noble monk. How could he do such shameless things? Taoist Priest must have listened to the rumor of villains. It is extremely false and can never be trusted."


Qiu Chuji angrily said, "I saw it with my own eyes. How could it be false?" The seven monsters in Jiangnan were all in a daze. Jiao Mu said: "Even if you want to be famous in Jiangnan, why do you want to ruin my reputation... You... you... you go to Jiaxing Mansion to inquire. How can I do such a bad thing?" Qiu Chuji said with a sneer, "Well, you invited a helper, so you wanted to rely on more to win. I am in charge of this matter, and I am determined to let you go. You should not have hidden good women in the Buddha's land. What's more, the husbands of these two women were loyal and good, and suffered a lot."


Ke Zhenhu said, "Taoist Priest said that Master Jiaomu had collected the two women, but the Master said that he had not. Let's go to Fahua Temple to find out what is right and what is wrong, and then we will know? Although brother is blind, others are not blind." The six brothers and sisters echoed in unison.


Qiu Chuji sneered: "Search the temple? I have searched inside and outside for a long time. But when I saw the two women go in, they were gone. I couldn't imagine it. I had to ask the monk to hand over the people." Zhu Cong said, "Those two women are not human." Qiu Chuji stared and said, "What?" Zhu Cong said solemnly, "They are fairies. They can either hide themselves or escape from the earth!" At that moment, the six monsters could not help smiling.


Qiu Chuji said angrily, "Well, you are going to amuse me. The Seven Monsters of Jiangnan have decided to help the monk today, haven't they?"


Ke Zhenqiu said with awe: "Our ability is low, and in the eyes of the experts of Quanzhen Sect, it is not enough to laugh. But our seven brothers also have a little reputation in Jiangnan. People who know us are willing to say that the seven monsters in Jiangnan are crazy, but they are not cowards. We dare not bully others, but we can't let others bully us."


Qiu Chuji said: "I know the reputation of the Seven Xias in Jiangnan is not bad. You have nothing to do with yourself. Don't rush to the muddy waters. I'll let the monk take care of what I have to do with him. Now I'll forgive you. The monk can go with me." Then he stretched his left hand to pull the Jiaomu wrist. Jiao Mu's wrist sank, and then he took it away.


Han Baoju, the god of horse king, saw the two men move their hands and shouted, "Taoist, are you being reasonable?" Qiu Chuji said, "How about Uncle Han?" Han Baoju said: "We trusted Master Jiaomu. He said that if there is no one, there is no one. Who can lie to others?" Qiu Chuji said: "He can't lie. Could it be that Qiu would lie to him for no reason? Qiu saw it with his own eyes. If he sees the wrong person, I'll dig out this pair of moves for you. I'm sure I'll find this monk. Seven people are also sure to intervene, aren't they?" "Not bad," said the seven monsters of Jiangnan


Qiu Chuji said, "OK, let me give a drink to each of the seven people. After you drink, please stretch out your hand." Then he sank his right hand, lowered the copper jar, opened his mouth and drank a lot of wine in the jar, and shouted, "Please!" With a shake of hand, the copper jar flew to Zhang Asheng again.


Zhang Ya thought to himself, "How can I drink if I hold the copper jar on my head like that?" Step back two steps at once, put your hands on your chest, and when the copper cylinder flies to you, turn your hands outward, and the copper cylinder is hitting your chest. He was fat, and his chest was full of fat. He held the bronze jar like a cushion. Then he got lucky and his chest muscles popped out, blocking the flying of the bronze jar. He put his hands around the bronze jar, hugged it tightly, bowed his head in the jar and drank a lot of wine. He praised: "Good wine!" His hands suddenly retracted and stood against his chest. The copper cylinder had not yet fallen. It was a move of "moving mountains with two palms" to push the copper cylinder out. This move is both powerful and quick to change. It is really a good kung fu from other people. Wanyan Honglie looked aside and was secretly frightened.


Qiu Chuji took a big drink from the copper vat and shouted, "I'd like to give Brother Ke a vat of wine!" Throw the copper cylinder at Ke Zhenhu.


Wanyan Honglie thought to himself, "How can he catch this man who is blind?" However, he did not know that Ke Zhenhu was the first of the seven monsters in the south of the Yangtze River, and his martial arts were also the best of the seven. He could hear the subtle concealed weapons with no difference. When this huge copper jar was thrown, it was very clear. He just sat with his mind at ease, as if unaware, until the copper cylinder flew over his head, and then his right hand was lifted, and the iron rod was already at the bottom of the cylinder. The copper cylinder was spinning on the iron rod as fast as if a person playing with a plate was playing with a bamboo stick against a porcelain plate. Suddenly, the iron staff tilted and the copper cylinder tilted slightly. I saw that it was going to fall down and hit him on the top of his head, but didn't it break his brain? It was known that the copper jar was inclined, but it did not fall down. The wine in the jar shot down like a line. Ke Zhen'eu opened his mouth to catch it. The wine on it couldn't stop pouring down. He swallowed three or four mouthfuls of it. The iron staff moved slightly, and it was in the middle of the bottom of the cylinder. Then he sent it up, and the copper cylinder flew up. He swung his stick and struck. There was a loud and deafening noise. The jar flew to Qiu Chuji and there was a continuous buzzing sound all around.


Qiu Chuji smiled, "Great Xia Ke must like to play with the top plate." He caught the copper cylinder. Ke Zhenhe said coldly, "I was poor when I was young, and I begged for a living with this thing." Qiu Chuji said, "The poor can't be moved. This is called a big man. I respect the fourth elder brother Nan!" He lowered his head and took a sip of wine in the jar. He threw the bronze jar at Nan Xiren, a woodcutter from Nanshan.


Nancy Ren did not say a word. When the copper cylinder flew in, she raised the shoulder pole to block it in the air. With a loud noise, the copper cylinder was blocked in the air and fell down. Nancy Ren stretched out her hand to take a sip of wine in the jar and ate it. She crossed the pole and knelt on her right knee. The pole was above her left knee, and her right hand was pulled down on one end of the pole. The other end of the pole held the bottom of the copper cylinder, pulled up the copper cylinder and flew in the air.


He was about to return the jar to Qiu Chuji. Xiayin in the busy market laughed and said: "Brother, you are a small business. If you like to take advantage of small businesses, you can easily beg for wine." He grabbed Nan Xiren's side, and when the copper cylinder fell down again, he took a bite of wine and ate it. Suddenly he jumped up and put his feet against the cylinder. He put his feet up in the air and shot back like an arrow. The copper cylinder was also kicked out by his feet. He and the copper cylinder flew out from the opposite direction, and the copper cylinder flew to Qiu Chuji. He catapulted himself onto the wall and slid down gently. Zhu Cong, a skillful scholar, waved a folding fan and said, "Wonderful! Wonderful!"


Qiu Chuji took the copper vat, took another big sip of wine, and said, "Wonderful! Wonderful! I would like to pay tribute to my second brother." Zhu Cong screamed out: "Oh, I can't help it. I have no strength to bind a chicken. I have no capacity for a cup of wine. I will be drunk if I don't kill myself..." Before the call was over, the copper cylinder had already flown to him. Zhu Cong shouted, "It's killing me, help, help..." He put the fan in the tank and sent it to the entrance. He turned the fan handle upside down and pushed it out against the tank. With a loud jump, he broke a big hole in the floor and fell out of the hole. The sound of "help, help" came from the hole. Everyone knew that he was putting on airs, and no one was surprised. As soon as Wanyan Honglie saw his fan handle, the copper cylinder flew back. A small folding fan had the same strength as Nancy Ren's heavy copper and iron pole. He was shocked to himself.



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