

首页休闲益智Run Guys更新时间:2024-04-26


“The whole season,” Harden said. “They’ve been running double-teams at me. I’ve never seen that in an NBA game, where you’ve got really good defenders and you’ve got other guys just running (at) a person at the top of the key, you know. ”

“整个赛季,”哈登说。 “他们一直在对我进行双人包夹。 我从来没有在 NBA 比赛中看到过这样的情况,在这样的比赛中,你会面对很好的防守队员,而其他队员只是在关键位置跑动。 ”

在过去的两场比赛中,哈登每场只出手16次,这是他自赛季揭幕战以来出手次数最少的一次。 但是他说他打算继续把球传给队友。

“We’re confident, man. I have all the confidence in the guys, man, whoever it is,” Harden said. “I get off the basketball. That’s what we’ll live with. They’ll continue to run guys at me at the top of the floor. Guys have to make plays and we did that (against the Clippers). We had an opportunity with a minute to go, and things didn’t go our way. So, heads up and get ready to go on Sunday.”

“我们很有信心,伙计。 我对他们有信心,不管是谁,”哈登说。 “我传球给他们。 这就是我们将要面对的。 他们会继续派人到外线来限制我。 对阵快船的比赛中,我们做到了。 我们还有一分钟的时间,但事情并没有按照我们的方式发展。 所以,准备好周日出发吧。”


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