


Am I required to apply for a Singapore Blue Identity Card (SBIC) if I am a Singapore Permanent Resident (SPR)?


Yes. All SPRs aged 15 and above are required to apply for a SBIC within 30 days after becoming a SPR. Children below 15 years of age are not required to apply for SBICs.

哥,你先弄清楚什么是蓝卡, 什么是PR行么!!好吧,回答你:要,满15岁以上的都要申请。

I am a SPR. Do I need to apply for a work pass to work in Singapore?

我是PR 我需要申请工作准证么?

As a SPR, you are not required to apply for any working pass in order to work here. However, it does not exempt you from having to apply for registration or any other conditions stipulated by the respective professional bodies.

你傻啊你?? 有PR 了你还要毛工作准证

I am a SPR but am currently not working in Singapore. Can I apply for SPR for my dependants?


You may submit an application for our consideration on a case-by-case basis.

你可以申请, 给不给就看我心情了,嘿嘿嘿

I am a Singapore Citizen (SC). Can I sponsor my husband for SPR?


You may submit an application for our consideration. Each application is considered on its own merits.

可以,你提交我们会考虑根据他个人情况。(一个大老爷们 你好意思靠女的吃饭么你!!丢人不!)

How long does it take before I know the result of my SPR application?


The processing time is generally 3 months.

通常仨月。 基础是通常。。。通常。。。通。。。。。常。。。。。。。。

How do I apply for SPR if I am overseas?


You may download the appropriate PR application form from our website and submit the completed application form together with all the required documents to Immigration & Checkpoints Authority through any Singapore overseas mission.

去ICA网站下载申请表,然后和所有需要材料一起通过新加坡驻外结构交给ICA。(呵呵, 你有权利提交, 我有权利拒批, 哼哼)

Must I remain in Singapore while the application is still in process?


No, you are free to travel while the application is being processed.

傻啊你~ 我们禁足你了么?? 你爱去那里去哪里!管我们毛事!

What if I do not/cannot produce the required supporting documents, e.g. Income Tax Notice of Assessment, Central Provident Fund Contributions?


You have to provide a written explanation on why you are unable to produce the documents.

书面说明为啥不能提供。 我们还是挺讲道理滴!

How long should she stay before becoming a Singapore Citizen?


Applicants granted SPR under the AIP Scheme are eligible to apply for Singapore Citizenship after 2 years of permanent residence in Singapore.

好烦啊你们, PR 还没拿到 想毛公民!通常两年!!!!!!!

My SPR has been approved. How long does it take for me to collect the Entry Permit/Re-Entry Permit?


Normally you may collect the document(s) within a day. However, if you come near the closing time, you may collect the document(s) the next working day.

拿PR当天立刻马上 at once就可以拿到那个,如果来的太晚了我们要下班了,那就明天再来吧。

Where can a person who has been granted AIP status apply for visa to enter Singapore?


As an AIP holder, he/ she can apply for a visa at our mission in China to visit Singapore. She will only be permitted to stay in Singapore as a social visitor.

AIP 可以在中国大使馆申请 (新加坡驻中国大使馆现已停止个人申请VISA服务)

My SPR has been approved and I am given 2 months to complete the formalities. If I cannot complete the formalities within the 2-month period, can I request for an extension?


If you cannot complete the formalities within the validity period, you have to write in to Immigration & Checkpoints Authority in advance giving the reasons. Your request will be considered accordingly.

向ICA提前声明,并给出理由。理由!!理由, 我们要的合理理由!!

Can I authorise someone to collect the Entry Permit/Re-Entry Permit on my behalf?


Main applicants who are granted SPR under the Professionals/Technical Personnel and Skilled Workers or Entrepreneur Schemes are required to collect the Entry Permit/Re-Entry Permit in person.


Must my wife and children come in person to collect the Entry Permit/Re-Entry Permit?

我老婆孩子必须自己取RE-ENTRY PERMIT么?

No, they do not need to come in person if their sponsor is collecting the Entry Permit/Re-Entry Permit on their behalf. Otherwise, a letter of authorisation stating the person's name and IC number is required. However, the wife and children (15 years old and above) need to come personally to register for the Blue Identity Card.


If my wife/children do not have a passport, can I still apply SPR for them?


A travel document is a prerequisite for SPR application.

你老婆孩子连个护照都没有, 你还想给他们申请PR???

What if I cannot produce my original passport, can I produce a photocopy?


A certified true copy of your passport showing the personal particulars and expiry date is acceptable for the purpose of processing your SPR application.

可以,要TRUE COPY, 就是公正了的之类的吧。 要么给我公证书 要么给我新加坡律师的认证, 没有的话, im sorry see you 娜拉~ 古德白~

Can I sponsor my children who are above 21 years old for SPR?


No. They will have to apply on their own merits.


Can I give up my SPR status and then reapply to become a SPR again in the future?


Yes, but the re-application will be considered on its own merits under the prevailing conditions at that time. You will also need to reinstate whatever CPF contributions (with interest) that you have withdrawn.

可以,要重新申请我们会酌情考虑,并且要交回取走的CPF啥的。(什么!!泼出去的水还能收回来么!! 你傻到一定程度了你!!)

Are parents of SPRs eligible to apply for SPR?


They can apply on their own merits if they are employed in Singapore. Otherwise, their applications have to be sponsored by their child who must be an SC. SPRs cannot sponsor their parents for SPR.


Do I need an employer's sponsorship to apply for SPR?


No, it is not a prerequisite.


I am a SPR but my husband is an employment pass holder. If my child is born outside Singapore, what is his/her residential status?


Your child will not be a SPR by birth. PR。

你的娃不会是PR, 你真天真, 那我们是不是要给你七大姑八大姨也没人一个PR???

How can I apply for SPR for my spouse who is outside Singapore?


You can apply at the nearest Singapore overseas mission.


Can a SPR be a self-employed person?


Yes, the SPR can be self-employed.


Can I apply for SPR immediately after working here?


You can submit an application for consideration as long as you have been issued with a W, E or S Work Pass.

拿W,E,S 准证可以申请,不过就是要被拒。

Are there any re-dress if my application for SPR is rejected?


You can put in an appeal. In your appeal, you should furnish additional reasons/achievements or strong grounds for our re-consideration.

申诉啊~~~申诉, 你敢么!

I have changed employment after submitting my SPR application/receiving my SPR approval. Will it affect the status of my SPR application?


If your SPR application is still under processing, please submit your new work pass togther with the Annex A (to be filled up by your new employer) for our consideration.If your SPR application has been approved, please submit your new work pass together with EP152 (to be filled up by your new employer) for our consideration.

如果PR申请在受理过程中,需要提交新的工作准证和新公司填写的ANNEX A表,如果是PR已经获批的,需要提交新工作准证和新公司填写的EP152,我们会考虑。

I am above 50 years old. Am I still eligible to apply for SPR?


You may submit an application for our consideration. Each application is considered on its own merits.


My SPR application has been approved. However, my employer refuses to sign the EP152. What should I do?


The purpose of the EP152 is for the applicants to confirm that they are still working in the same company as declared in their SPR application forms. If the employer refuses to sign the EP152, ICA is prepared to accept other forms of documentary evidence (e.g. a valid work pass, last 6 months' payslips, etc) of applicant's employment status.


Can I apply for SPR for my parent(s) without a birth certificate?


In the absence of a birth certificate, you have to produce other documentary evidence to prove the relationship between you and your parent(s).


At the time of SPR application, must my parent(s) be present for the interview? 申请PR父母用来面试么?NO。。。。NO。。。NO......

Am I required to produce the marriage certificate, educational papers, birth certificates, etc of my siblings?


You have to produce as many of these documents as possible at the time of submission.

材料越全科越好, 以后万一你犯法了, 我们也容易查出来一条绳上的蚂咋

My father/mother has passed away but has no death certificate. What must I do?


You may produce other documentary proof (e.g. tombstone photograph, etc) for our consideration.


If my parent(s) is/are not staying with me, can I still sponsor them for SPR?


Yes. As long as you are a SC, you may submit an application for our consideration.


Can a divorcee sponsor his second foreign wife for SPR?


Yes. But the sponsor needs to produce the divorce certificate to prove the dissolution of his first marriage.


Can a SC/SPR submit a SPR application for his spouse without producing the marriage certificate at the time of application?


No. The marriage certificate is a prerequisite to prove the marital relationship in his spouse's SPR application.



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