




161.Many_________(hotel) are in town and they are very clean.

162.My father_________(have) two bikes.

163.There ________(be)a book and some pens in my bag.

164.How can I_______(help) you?

165.Look! The police______(eat) under a tree. B:

166.__(be) there any apples in the supermarket?

167.Go along______(three) Street and turn right.

168.You can turn right at the first ________(cross).

169.Can you tell me how_______(get) to the library?

170.There _____(be) a chair and three desks in it the room.


171.(小题1)My uncle often works late because he has a lot of work_________(do).

172.(小题2)After school he often________(go)shopping in the supermarket.

173.(小题3)Does your sister like________(read)in her spare time(业余时间)?

174.(小题4)The children enjoy________(play)soccer after class.

175.(小题5)_______(thank)for helping me.


176.Her brothers enjoy __ (play) soccer after class.

177.Kate spends much time __ (speak) English every morning.

178.Rose can find the hotel __ (easy) with the help of the girl.

179.You should turn right at the second __ (cross).

180.The children love to watch monkeys __ (climb) trees.


181.I am watching my dog _______ (play) with a ball now.

182.Children often enjoy _______ (play) computer games.

183._______ (take) a bus from Sixth Avenue and go down Bridge Street.

184.Walk down New Street and turn left at the first _______ (cross).

185.Do you want _______ (buy) books?



cross restaurant climb behind often

186.—Where's Sally?

—She's _______that tree.

187.Amy saw a cat _______the tree when she passed by(经过).

188.Tina _______helps me with my English.

189.You can wait for me at the second _______ of this road.

190.There are some _______in my neighborhood.


live, near, welcome, turn, dirt

live, near, welcome, turn, dirt

191.(小题1)Just go straight and _________ left.

192.(小题2)The street is very busy and _________. There are too many people on it.

193.(小题3)Do you enjoy _________ in a quiet place?

194.(小题4)Is there a park _________ your home?

195.(小题5)_________ to our Pine District.



211.My grandparents live in the_______ (镇).

212.--Is there a park_______ (在……周围)the hospital? --Yes,there is.

213.Go_______ (穿过)the street.You can see the bookshop.

214.Please sit_______ (在……后面)the little girl.

215.--Is Mrs. Yang in the_______ (办公室)? --No,she isn’t.She is in the classroom.

216.There’s a post o _____next to my school.I often send letters there.

217.There is a hospital n_______here.

218.My mother often puts money in the B_______of China.

219.His father works in a p_______station.He is a policeman.

220.Many children like to eat in a fast food r________.

221.There is a Flew pay p_______in my school.

222.When my father goes out on business(出差),he often stays in a h_______.

223.Do you live on Center S______?

224.First turn left and then turn r______.

225.The bank is a_______from my home.


226.My brother is a waiter. He works in a r_______.

227.Just go a_______ Center Street and t_______ right when you see a post office.

228.Is there a pay phone in the n_______?

229.E_______ me, where’s the bus station?

230.People can get money from the b_______.


231.She gets to the hotel at _____ nine o’clock.

232.My father often takes a 15-minute walk ___________ this river after dinner.

233.I’ll ________ you a visit next month.

234.Please open your book and ______ to Page Five.

235.I _____________ much time reading in the library.

236.The __________ (警察) are looking for the man.

237.The bus stop is not far away from the _______ (医院).

238.There are two middle schools in this small ________ (镇).

239.It’s hard for her to _____________ (爬) the tree.

240.Hebei is in the _________ (北方) of China.


241.The hotel is across________the park.

242.The park is_________the hospital and the factory.

243.I'm new__________the town.

244.The shop is next__________a library.

245.Tom is sitting________front of Jim and Jim is_________Tom.

246.John often plays basketball_________his classmates.

247.--Is there a bank_______here?

--Yes.It’s_________Bridge Street.


248.I like to study in the l ___________.

249.There is a big s___________ on Center Street.

250.Where is the pay p___________?

251.Let’s go to the r___________

161.hotels162.has 163.is 164.help 165.are eating 166.Are 167.third 168.crossing

169.to get 170.is

171.to do 173.goes 175. reading playing Thanks176.playing

177.speaking 178.easily179.crossing180.climbing

181.playing182.playing183.Take184.crossing185.to buy



196.Studying Chinese, English, math197.Playing basketball198.Enjoying beautiful flowers

199.Eating oranges200.Going swimming with friends

201.Fresh fruits 202.Colorful flowers 203.Every day except Mondays 204.Mexico

205.Every weekend


211. town 212. around 213. Across 214. behind

215. office

216.office217.near 218.Bank219.police220.restaurant221.phone222.hotel


226.restaurant 227.acrossturn228.neighborhood229.Excuse230.bank

231.around 232.along 233.pay 234.turn235.spend 236.police 237.hospital



248.library uan249.supermarket250.phone251.restaurant252.hotel


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