



弱肉强食,物竟天择,适者生存,不适者淘汰 水生到陆生 简单到复杂 低级到高级 脊椎动物由鱼类到两栖类到爬行类 爬行类又分别演化成鸟类和哺乳动物 出现-演化-繁盛-灭绝 不能适应环境就会灭绝。


The survival of animals in nature

In nature, animals are restrained compared with their natural enemies, the main reason is that they are in different ecological niches, resulting in completely different survival rules. In order to escape the predators of natural enemies, the first guarantee of animals is to "know" and the first reaction is to "escape". If they can not escape, then no matter the huge contrast in size, or the lack of defense means, or even the suppression of genes, all determine that they can only be eaten the fate, basically there is nothing to fight back.

Law of the jungle, things have natural selection, survival of the fittest, is unwell is eliminated Aquatic to terrestrial simple to complex Low level to high level of vertebrates by the fish to amphibians and reptiles Reptiles and evolution in birds and mammals - respectively - boom - extinct Can not adapt to the environment will become extinct.

However, the evolution of these animals at the lower level of the food chain in terms of improving the reaction and escape speed, and enhancing the reproductive ability, makes up for the problem of "attribute restraint" to a certain extent, thus ensuring the stable existence of the population.


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