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As the pet overlords, we hard on the Internet show all the cat. many people fell in the sea of cats, successfully turned into a cat slave.

But many people do not know how to raise a cat, today talk about it with everyone ! On closer inspection, it doesn't seem easy to keep a cat. From the milk meows that whine to the fat cats that weigh ten jin, they eat, defecate and sometimes get sick

This wave raises cat knowledge, pure speak from experience, if agree, please collect and share!


How To Get Aa Cat?


随便一只布偶,一只康曼基,就得上万,普通的也要两千多。这……难道穷逼就不配有猫了吗???NO NO NO,以下都是养猫途径:

As the person that love cat more and more, a lot of people are not satisfied to lie between empty and suck a cat gradually, want a lovely cat, the person that absorbs a cat is much, cat price rises naturally.

Any muppet, a kangmanji, you need tens of thousands, ordinary also want more than two thousand. Doesn't poverty deserve a cat?Here's how to get a cat:





  1. 微博:微博上每天流浪猫狗救助的信息还是挺多的,可以关注一下,也可以关注汪汪遛狗微博,除了猫还有狗可以领养,领养全无偿。
  2. 公众号:关注你所在地区的动物救助公众号,上面有很多领养信息。
  3. 闲鱼:大多是人家家里生的小猫,有卖的,也有免费领养的。(注意,专业猫贩子的猫不要理。)
  4. 豆瓣:关注豆瓣官方宠物猫。
  5. 路边直接拐一只回家。注意安全,最好先喂一周,建立信任,再强行掳走。徒手掳猫,记得带橡胶手套,穿长袖。

Adoption instead of purchase

There are a lot of stray cats now. The barren and indifferent city and human make their life on the street even more difficult.

Adopt one! It's your baby!

Ways to adopt a cat:

Weibo: there are a lot of information about the rescue of stray cats and dogs on weibo every day. You can follow it, and you can also follow the weibo of wang wang walking dogs. Besides cats, dogs can be adopted, and the adoption is free.

Public number: follow the animal rescue public number in your area. It has a lot of adoption information.

Idle fish: most of them are kittens born at home, some are sold, and some are adopted for free. (beware of professional cat dealers' cats.)

Douban: attention douban official pet cat.

Take one straight home from the side of the road. Pay attention to safety, it is better to feed for a week, build trust, and then forcibly remove. Catch cats with your bare hands. Remember to wear rubber gloves and long sleeves.









Buy a cat


Breed cats are generally more stable in personality, and pastoral cats have greater individual differences but better physical health. When choosing a cat breed, do your homework in advance and know how to judge it.

Note when buying a cat:

1. The channel:

Be aware that professional cat dealers, cattery breeders, and cats may carry diseases, genetic inbreeding, and cat to cat infection. Suggest to buy the cub that somebody else's home gives birth to, perhaps go pet store to buy (after sale).

2. Personality:

Be sure to choose according to your preferences. It is important to note that when you choose a cat at the same time, need the cat also choose you, at least don't reject you, the cat's character is very difficult to set-up and see cat if you have any rejection behavior to you, or you are not particularly like cats, require careful consideration, just don't have, remember to choose the cat's top priority is character.









3. Health status:

No earwax, clean and odorless; Eyes are bright and clear; The nose is moist but has no mucus and other thick secretions;

No bad breath, no drooling; The fur is smooth, smooth, shiny, without depilation area;

Mentally active. Sounds healthy. Backyard cats, in particular, should be careful when choosing.

It is not recommended here that we keep cats in other places by air transportation. It is not good for cats, and the cats brought here are not guaranteed. Most weeks of cat diseases are handled by air transportation to deceive consumers.

Suggest in the choice of backyard cats, if you will not distinguish good cat disease cat, can see in advance and then pay a deposit, and so on a week to take, in observation, so can greatly avoid to buy "week cat", sick cat.

4. Age:

Three months or so is the best time to live with a cat mother and friends.


Daily Necessities For Cats








Cat food:

If you can't make your own cat meal every day, or don't have enough time to feed your cat, dry food is the key to your cat's survival. If you love your cat, choose a better cat food for your cat as the staple food.

A water container:

Drinking water is particularly important for cats, most cats are mainly to eat dry food, if the drinking water is not good, will get a lot of diseases, similar to stones, urinary obstruction, and even kidney failure, drinking water here must be pure, mineral water, plain water can, do not drink tap water.

A cat toilet (litter) :

Cat is a very love clean pets, so in order to it, also for your own sake, will have to prepare a cat toilet, if can not buy temporarily, can replace with washbasin, should put in cat litter, put the cat litter, cats will put shit to cat litter, you can clean up after, the choice of cat litter here, I recommend using expansive soil in childhood, such as cat after using skilled, with bean curd or pine, etc.. Because of the expansion of dust soil, the cat inhalation will not be good, will also be confused eyes, the male cat rutting easily infected small jj. If the cat can't use it, you can put his poop outside into the litter box, let him familiar with the smell, know the place, slowly will.







A cat out bag:

Your pet will get sick, and even if they don't get sick, they will be out of the house, so buy a bag with a hard bottom. Don't be squashy. Cats don't feel comfortable in there

Scratching board/cat toys:

It's not as important as the ones above, but if you love your boss, go with your might and buy her some toys.

Cat cage:

In fact, prepare a paper box can be, more than 70 percent of the purchase of cat litter are bought in vain, this own free decision.


Immune Insect Rrepellent







Newly bought or adopted cats, it is recommended that we first do a check, do not need a comprehensive check, mainly to check several common cat infectious diseases, such as cat fever, cat nasal branches, genetic abdomen, etc., because once seedlings have one of these diseases, the mortality is very high. If you buy a second cat, then in the absence of these tests, it is best to separate, in case a new cat sick, infected both cats died.


Cat wen and genetic abdomen go to the hospital to check, an 80 or so (for reference only), but the dog walking wang wang to give you another suggestion is to buy test paper on the Internet, general 16 yuan or so, with the test paper measure pregnant truth, there are detailed instructions inside. This allows you to determine the health of your cat for a small amount of money (there is no test paper, but the symptoms are obvious: purulent nasal discharge, sneezing). Wild dog also did not have, (here popularize the knowledge of wild dog briefly: if the kitten that just was born during this period is not carried by the creature of wild dog virus to enter blood to infect through saliva, won't have hydrophobic commonly, so everybody need not worry excessively).










那么,怎么确认猫是处于健康状态呢?一般情况下,兽医应给猫做临床体检,包括体温、呼吸、心跳次数、体表检查和病史询问。正常幼猫的体温为 38-38.5℃,成年猫为38.0℃左右,但都不应超过38.7℃,除非个别的猫从闷热的汽车中刚出来,体温可能稍高。体表检查主要观察有无眼分泌物和鼻涕,口腔粘膜颜色有无异常,眼结膜有无增生血管,有无呕吐、不食,腹泻等现象,有无传染病病史,是否与患病猫接触过。



At present, domestic commonly used vaccines include: imported cat triple vaccine, imported rabies vaccine, domestic rabies vaccine and domestic cat fever vaccine.

Note: only healthy cats should be vaccinated (3 months or so is recommended and in good health, as vaccination is a physical test).

1.Cat triple vaccine:

Feline triple vaccine is an imported feline vaccine, which is used internationally to prevent feline fever, feline calicivirus infection and infectious rhinotracheitis. Immunization methods: cats over 2 months of age need to be immunized (intramuscular injection) twice, 2-3 weeks apart; After that, immunizations will be given once a year. This vaccine is now clinically effective.

2. Rabies vaccine:

There are domestic and imported products for the prevention of rabies. At least 3 months can be immunized cats, protection period for 1 year, should be vaccinated once a year. From the clinical effect, import and domestic rabies vaccine effect are better.

3. Note:

First, only healthy cats can be vaccinated.

So how do you make sure a cat is healthy? In general, a veterinarian should perform a clinical examination of the cat, including temperature, respiration, heart rate, physical examination and medical history. The body temperature of normal kittens is 38-38.5℃, and that of adult cats is about 38.0℃, but it should not exceed 38.7℃, unless individual cats just come out of the hot and stuffy car, the body temperature may be slightly higher. The physical examination was mainly conducted to observe whether there were eye secretions and nasal mucus, whether the color of oral mucosa was abnormal, whether there were proliferating blood vessels in the conjunctiva of the eyes, whether there were any vomiting, food loss, diarrhea and other phenomena, whether there was a history of infectious diseases, and whether there was contact with sick cats.

Secondly, after vaccination, there is a certain rate of protection, but the rate of protection is not 100%. This suggests that when the resistance of vaccinated cats drops, they may also become infected if they are exposed to sick cats.







It takes about 7 days for the vaccine to produce a certain amount of antibodies and provide some protection for the cat. Therefore, the cat that has just been inoculated for 1-3 days is not in a safe period and the effect of the vaccine is not fully reflected.

It takes about 20 days to vaccinate cats that have been injected with serum because the serum (which contains certain antibodies) takes a certain amount of time to disappear from the body or to drop below certain levels.

Cats that are in the incubation period of disease (e.g., cat fever) do not become ill at that time, but they become ill within 1-7 days after vaccination and should be treated.

Normal vaccination, should be once a year, can not think that the cat is not out of the house, do not vaccinate, or vaccinate 2-3 times after the vaccine that is safe, do not vaccinate in the future, this will provide an opportunity for the spread of the virus, because, the owner of the cat is to contact the outside world, may be one of the infectious agents.

In addition, the vaccine is biological products, individual cats after vaccination occasionally allergic phenomenon. Therefore, after vaccinating for the cat in the animal hospital, should stay about 10 minutes, observe whether there is respiratory, cardiac number of abnormal changes or even shock phenomenon, if there should be timely veterinary treatment.

It is best not to take a shower for 1 week after vaccination, in case of cold and overheating, which may affect the immune effect, or infection after the needle eye is contaminated. Individual cats with poor immunity. It should be noted that the vaccine itself does not produce enough antibodies after injection.








Insect repellent:

1. External insect repellent:

Outside the body drive insect basically is epidermal a few parasites, for example jump SAO of what, drive insect medicine common, fu lai en, big dote on, SAO li qing of what.

2: internal insect repellent:

The internal insect repellent is mainly targeted at the parasites in the stomach and intestines of cats. If pets always eat meat, especially raw meat, they will produce parasites, which will lead to severe enteritis, blood in the stool, loss of appetite and even death. The e common deworming drugs are bayer, miamba, pamper and so on.

3: note:

Here we need to pay attention to is, the so-called insect repellent is the insect repellent, do not blind insect repellent, because the drug has side effects, blind often take deworming drugs inside the body, will disrupt the metabolism, deposition of toxins, excessive external insect repellent will also stimulate the skin. So everybody will want to determine if indoor environment is very clean, having a cat cat hardly have fleas, if it is found that cats often itch, ear, can push aside hair look, insect insect repellent, in vivo, to observe the cat feces, if pull the worms, with blood, and that there must be some bugs, insect repellent, if you don't tell only choice blind drive, suggest 3 months or half a year at a time. If meat can increase the frequency of the appropriate amount (here is the bayer common insect repellent) if it is caused by the pet coccidia blood, need to take another deworming medicine, then you can go to the pet hospital and ask the doctor.


The Cat Clean





如果猫咪不是特别脏,不建议洗澡,如果洗澡,一个月不能超过2次,这里科普一下,猫咪皮肤会生成一种油脂,这个油脂一个作用就是保护皮肤,另外一个作用就是滋养毛发,频繁的洗澡,会破坏这层油脂,宠物的毛发可能就越洗越坏。。没打育苗的小猫也不建议洗澡,因为抵抗力差,怕感冒,如果非要洗建议用宠物干洗粉,洗澡后一定要吹干,不吹干容易滋生猫癣。如果主子特别害怕吹风,可以用鹿皮巾 卫生纸擦干。总之,希望大家把精力放在打扫卫生上,不要放在洗猫上。

1. Combing:

Shedding is very common, so every cat owner should buy a cat comb and brush it 1-2 times a week to reduce the amount of flying hair in the house and make the owner more beautiful.

2. Take a shower:

If the cat is not particularly dirty, it is not recommended to take a bath, if take a shower, no more than 2 times a month, science here once, the cat would generate a skin grease, the grease a role is to protect the skin, another role is to nourish the hair, frequent bathing, will destroy this grease, pet hair may wash more more bad.. Did not play the kitten is not recommended to take a bath, because resistance is poor, afraid of a cold, if you do not wash the suggestion with pet dry cleaning powder, after bathing must blow dry, do not blow dry easy to breed ringworm cat. If your owner is particularly afraid of the wind, dry them with a deerskin towel and toilet paper. All in all, I hope you put your energy into cleaning, not washing the cat.





3Eeye excrement:

Cats have eye excrement is normal, people also have, especially Garfield, jinfila these, eye excrement will be more, may also have a little tears, every day to wipe, or the hair under the eyes will become dirty, you can also buy some water to tears, wipe the presence of eye excrement of the hair (note not to wipe the eyes, do not touch the eyes)

4: nail clipping:

Only once a week.


What Do Cats Eat?







A staple food.

A cat food

First of all, I would like to talk about commercial food and natural food, which are two concepts to distinguish dog and cat food in foreign countries. Professional analysis is very complicated.

Simply put, commodity grain prices are low, the main raw materials are some frozen animal carcasses, viscera, and even completely do not contain real meat, just add a variety of additives, inducers, flavor of the expansion of food. Feline long-term edible inferior commodity grain, light shed tears eye excrement is much, hair bursitis black chin, heavy fall ill to death.

Natural food, using natural ingredients (such as chicken, beef, fish, etc.), without any artificial additives, such as: attractant, preservative, pigment, essence, etc.










How to distinguish between natural grain and commercial grain & where to buy?

* first you should learn to read the list of cat food ingredients

1. The first ingredient on the list must be meat.

Identify meats such as chicken, beef, and fish. Chicken powder, beef powder what is not real meat, do not buy.

2. Fats must be specific animal fats or vegetable oils

Animal & vegetable fats such as chicken fat, cow fat, coconut oil. Vague concepts such as animal fat or poultry fat are not acceptable.

The preservative should be natural.

If the preservative is BHA, BHT or Ethozyquin, it's definitely toxic to the cat! The out!

Choose dry cat food with natural preservatives, such as vitamin C, E, rosemary oil, etc.















* second, you should learn to choose the type and brand of cat food

Choose food to want to choose according to cat age commonly, what phase chooses the grain of corresponding phase.

Cat food is classified by age as follows:

Infant cat period (1-3 months) : milk cake food

Litter period (4-12 months) : litter diet

Adult (over 12 months) : adult or whole cat diet (both young and adult)

1. The price and quality of milk cake are ok, only a little bit of oil.

2. There are a number of imported natural food brands available for kittens, adults, and whole cats -- bailey, wellness, wilderness, kirby, GO, NOW, crave, ikena, and formo are all good choices.

In addition, the domestic cat food is almost no natural food, the national production of these years marketing is relatively good royal and biraghi.

The royal list of ingredients is a little more honest at this point.

Do not recommend biriji and royal, national products recommended cat food brand: development treasure, for just graduated, relatively tight shoveling official is a choice.

In addition to give you a list of some poor domestic cat food, do not buy, is some of the flavor of the puffed food, protein content is very low. Cats are carnivores, you know.



List of domestic toxic cat food:

Wei jia, xi yue, treasure, good master, bigger, YiJiaLang, more noble, love music, the Wolf, every eat fresh, di yug, ShuaiBao, good taste, Abe, meow, al, than joy, cool bear, yue, a pet's, haojue, pet, Mr Pei, miguel, Mr King, pet feast, butch, bo le, baby, biostime, misha, Manuel noriega, the royal K36, the royal cat food ES35, rick, merlot, Virginia, Amy, ling bei, Evolution, phil grams, pie, quarks, resistance to wake real fish, optimal pie, blessing of prosperity, eagle, willy, more than by, baby, PuLi, happy, Muggle cat food, imperial cat food, pindall cat food, seville (fake hills), dorado (fake merlot).


The above salt is too high, oil is too high, no nutritional value, are inducers, preservatives, really not vital to your cat.




















* also, you need to know how to buy cat food

1. Taobao

Don't buy imported cat food on taobao. Mix true false sell of, sell false of, expire of, even if 10 gold crown of shop I also dare not buy, supplier is so a few sources, same.

Recommended shops for purchasing cat food on taobao:

Royal pet food flagship store, biraghi flagship store. Remember the flagship store! Of course, our dog walking platform applets can also purchase biraghi cat food directly.

2. Jingdong

Jingdong self-run, must self-run. But they are often out of stock.

3. Koala overseas shopping

Koala import cat food is more, how to say, it is doubtful, some can sweep anti-counterfeiting code. Pay attention to the comments.

4. Pet mall APP

E pet is an APP specializing in pet food products, with a complete range of domestic and imported brands. When buying imported natural food, it takes about 15 days to get the goods through customs.

I've been buying kirby's cat food up there. But I stopped buying cat food one time because it smelled so bad.

For your reference.

5. Website

The best channel! -- bacchus official website

6. Most recommended place - regular pet shop

The cat food in the pet shop is popular after you buy it, and the cats like it. After the verification of many cats, the possibility of problems is very small, and the quality of the pet shop is guaranteed, TA bei recommends the first choice!

PS: for any cat food, it is recommended to buy the sample food first, choose the brand that the cat likes to eat first, and then choose the food that the cat eats to get used to and has good poop as the main food. Because even the best cat food, your cat may not smell it...

Cats need a transition period to change food. Mix the new food with the old food and eat it for 3 to 7 days. Gradually increase the amount of the new food until the cat gets used to it.


What About Cat Snacks?







Complementary foods and snacks

1. Don't feed your cat human food.

Human food, salt and sugar content is far more than the needs of cats, cats eat human food, prone to vomiting, diarrhea, even cystitis, kidney failure and death.

Fish, chicken, beef, and cats are fine to eat, but they should be boiled in white water, without spices, and chopped up to prevent choking or indigestion. Raw meat feeding may have parasites and is not recommended.

Yogurt, cheese, eggs, you can taste them, don't give them too much. If your cat has a soft bowel movement, you can't eat it. Vegetables and things like that, chop them up and add a little bit to the meat.













2. The cat snacks

A. canned cat & jelly pudding

I don't recommend canned cats. Cats like cans because they contain a lot of food attractant. Most of the cheap canned meat is all kinds of minced meat, meat residue mixture, harmful without benefit. If you do buy, buy a good can, and brands use cat food to recommend brands.

B. small fish

Dried fish are a good snack. But be careful, dried fish are often too salty, heavy metal overknitting, not to buy. Pay attention to buy fresh water dried fish, it is best to taste, salty do not.

C. make your own snacks

Cooking some fish and meat for the cat is also a good choice, which can partially replace the cat food. Cook in white water, chop and cool.

D. cat weed (cat drug hahaha)

There are three kinds of catweed: wheat seedling, mint and silvervine. The cat likes very much, the mood will be very excited, even wallowing crazy ha ha ha ha ~

Wheat seedlings can also help your cat to throw up hairballs.

Don't use too much catnip. Use it when your cat is unhappy.



Common Diseases Of Cats








1. The cat moss

Feline mosses initial stage, cut the wool of feline mosses part first, go to a hospital or buy the relevant ointment besmear of feline mosses on the net go up, wear collar to prevent a cat to lick ointment, had better be quarantine rise, hear feline mosses can infect a person.

Moist environment is easy to breed cat moss, more ventilation, sun. If a large area of feline moss, hurry to the hospital, injection plus medicine quickly, to be patient.

2. Black chin

Hair around the mouth and chin can become dark and moist from salty, oily or spoiled food.

The proposal goes to the hospital prescribing medicine, change cat food.










3. The diarrhea

Eat bad or catch a cold. It is recommended to cut off water and food for 8 hours first. If the cat still has diarrhea and suffers from poor spirits, seek medical advice in time.

If you have vomiting or blood in your stool, get to the hospital immediately.

4. Ear mites

Your cat may be suffering from ear mites, a parasitic disease of the ear canal.

The cat has the ear mite, the ear inside will have the reddish-brown or the black ear canal secretion, by the ear oil, the blood, the inflammation secretion and the ear mite itself to constitute. Seek immediate medical attention.

5. Can't pee

Immediately immediately immediately, midnight also want to send a hospital!!! Don't ask me questions.

If the cat squatted in the cat litter bowl urine, or point urine, may be cystitis or urethral obstruction, rushed to the hospital for catheterization. A full bladder can cause bladder rupture and kidney failure, and that's it.


Cat Health Care




1. Nutrition:

Blood and liver essence high nutrition, vitamins, calcium tablets, snacks. And so on according to one's ability, to pay attention to is not to blindly fill, if not lack of, occasionally eat a bit to enhance the body, do not take medicine when eating, vitamin, calcium magnesium zinc these are trace elements, eat more is not good, snacks when reward, do not feed greedy.



2. Side dish:

Cats eat solid food is lack of water, and most cats do not love to drink water, so we need to suitable for your cat eat some assist food, such as canned, wet food, or homemade cat food, the first cat reward, the second to improve the taste, the third hydrating, like canned ah of what, is not so, so it is not recommended to eat to death. Personally recommend cat rice, (no additives, high quality and low price), when eating cat rice can add a little water, to the owner of hydration.





4)眼病:眼病分病毒性,和细菌性,病毒性症状:眼睛睁不开,流眼泪,眼睛又青色鼻涕状分泌物,眼底也有,这种要用猫咪专用的眼药水名字叫:阿昔洛韦。 细菌性一般就是眼屎红褐色,眼角,眼圈发红,如果是眼球发炎,可以用氯霉素眼药水,或者金霉素眼膏,滴入眼睛里面。如果是眼角发炎,红肿,用金霉素眼膏,涂在眼角即可。

3. Common medicines for pets:

1) gastrointestinal medicine. The gastrointestinal problems of cats are more fragile than that of humans, and they are also the most common problems. Here I recommend some medicines. Probiotics are the best, as are dog-walking platforms, which are cheap and can be eaten first if you find your cat has diarrhea.

2) ear mite: it is used to clean the external ear canal, drop 3-5 drops into it, and let the pet throw out the dirty things by himself, and then wipe it clean once or twice a day until it is clean.

3) cold: children aspirin can, dosage 4 branch 1 measurement to 2 branch 1 meter.

4) eye diseases: viral eye diseases, and bacterial, viral symptoms: eyes do not open, tears, eyes and blue snotty-like secretion, fundus also have, this to use special eye drops called: aciclovir. Bacterial infection is usually eye excrement reddish brown, the corners of the eyes, the rim of the eye red, if it is inflammation of the eyeball, you can use chloramphenicol eye drops, or aureomycin eye ointment, drop into the eye. If the corner of the eye is inflamed and swollen, use aureomycin eye ointment and apply it to the corner of the eye.




After all I've said, I can't remember,

It doesn't matter, collect thumb up first,

consult by yourself after raising a cat

Whether you have a cat now or not is very practical!


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