


suseop01:/wind/scrip # ll test/

total 8

-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 278 Feb 9 00:34

-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 63 Feb 9 01:13

drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 16 Feb 9 00:52 soft

suseop01:/wind/scrip # ll

total 4

-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 63 Feb 9 01:13

drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 39 Aug 27 07:50 shell

drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 16 Feb 9 00:52 soft

drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 47 Feb 9 02:37 test

suseop01:/wind/scrip #

suseop01:/wind/scrip # --gzip test mytest.bin "Hello Frank ................" ./

Header is 402 lines long

About to compress 188 KB of data...

Adding files to archive named "mytest.bin"...








CRC: 2690037686

MD5: a44791d9c2d8c2e71b3411ee93181c2c

Self-extractible archive "mytest.bin" successfully created.

suseop01:/wind/scrip # ./mytest.bin --info

Identification: Hello Frank ................

Target directory: test

Uncompressed size: 188 KB

Compression: gzip

Date of packaging: Mon Feb 9 03:20:30 CST 2015

Built with Makeself version 2.1.5 on linux

Build command was: /usr/bin/ \

"--gzip" \

"test" \

"mytest.bin" \

"Hello Frank ................" \


Script run after extraction:


test will be removed after extraction


suseop01:/wind/scrip # --help

Usage: /usr/bin/ [params] archive_dir file_name label [startup_script] [args]

params can be one or more of the following :

--version | -v : Print out Makeself version number and exit

--help | -h : Print out this help message

--gzip : Compress using gzip (default if detected)

--bzip2 : Compress using bzip2 instead of gzip

--compress : Compress using the UNIX 'compress' command

--nocomp : Do not compress the data

--notemp : The archive will create archive_dir in the

current directory and uncompress in ./archive_dir

--copy : Upon extraction, the archive will first copy itself to

a temporary directory

--append : Append more files to an existing Makeself archive

The label and startup scripts will then be ignored

--current : Files will be extracted to the current directory.

Implies --notemp.

--nomd5 : Don't calculate an MD5 for archive

--nocrc : Don't calculate a CRC for archive

--header file : Specify location of the header script

--follow : Follow the symlinks in the archive

--nox11 : Disable automatic spawn of a xterm

--nowait : Do not wait for user input after executing embedded

program from an xterm

--lsm file : LSM file describing the package

Do not forget to give a fully qualified startup script name

(i.e. with a ./ prefix if inside the archive).


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