1.Straight leg jeans1.直筒牛仔裤Jeans types according to leg shape/width
This style of jeans has a straight narrow leg shape from the hip to the ankles. It will be the same width along the thighs, knees and leg opening. This leg opening is typically 14-17 inches wide.
2.Skinny jeans (Tight jeans)2. 紧身牛仔裤(紧身牛仔裤)搭配特性:男女士都适穿,这类裤装对腿型要求还是比较高的,如果是萝卜腿型是很不适合穿着这类款式,而瘦长型男一般穿着这样的裤子具有很强的视觉感,显得双腿修长耐看,行走姿态干练飒爽,青春气息浓郁,因此这种裤子适合穿帆布鞋或者中低帮的运动鞋。
This jeans type has a snug fit along the hips and thighs and a tapered leg opening of about 11.5 inches to 13.5 inches and the hem will usually pool around the ankles. Usually made of stretch denim.
3.Tapered jeans锥形牛仔裤搭配特性:男士更适穿,这类裤装在年轻人群中拥有很多簇拥,款式上宽下窄有时候做的很夸张,不过正是因为这样的属性因此,这样的裤子运动性能就显得很不错了,所以这类裤子搭配运动鞋,尤其是当下流行的椰子鞋是非常不错的穿搭风格语言。很潮很跟得上风尚。
This is a pair of jeans which tapers towards the ankle. This style has a very narrow hem with the width at the ankle a lot less wide than the knee.
4.Boot Cut Jeans / Bootleg jeans4.靴型牛仔裤搭配特性:男士更适穿,这类裤子一般男性会穿着比较多。它既不是那种嘻哈风又不是那种直筒牛仔裤的严谨风,而是介于这两者之间的休闲中性风,穿着后着帆布鞋会显得倜傥潇洒感,而且本身穿着舒适度也不错。
This style of jeans is fitted along the hips, thigh, and knee, then has a slight flare at the leg opening – the hem will be 1 to 1 1/2 inches wider than the knee width. The leg opening will be somewhat between 16.5-19.5 inches. It has a tighter fit along the knee – and then flares.
这种款式的牛仔裤沿着臀部,大腿和膝盖安装,然后在腿部开口处略有喇叭口–下摆比膝盖的宽度宽1至1 1/2英寸。腿部开口将介于16.5-19.5英寸之间。它沿膝盖紧贴,然后出现喇叭状。
5.Flared jeans5.喇叭牛仔裤搭配特性:当前女士更适穿,这类裤装原来是作为嬉皮士人群的代表被提及的,当前在女装很多小众风格的设计师中较多的展露,是比较不错的一种款式类型。修饰腿型,拉长腿型效果很显著。
This is the style with a large flare at the jeans’ hem – the width will be narrow at the knee. This is the most common leg type on low rise jeans. The hem will be 2 1/2 to 4 inches wider than the knee width – the leg opening is typically 20-22-23 inches.
这是牛仔裤下摆处有大喇叭口的款式-膝盖处的宽度会变窄。这是低腰牛仔裤上最常见的腿型。下摆比膝盖的宽度宽2 1/2至4英寸-腿部的开口通常为20-22-23英寸。
6.Baggy jeans6.宽松的牛仔裤搭配特性:男女都适穿,这种嘻哈类的裤装,一般出现在从前很多外出户外工作的美国人,因其宽大的设计,因此并不会因为牛仔面料硬邦邦的特性而带来额外下蹲或者行走的不便,非常便于工作,不过后来,这类裤子越来越多的作为了一种亚文化“嘻哈”风格的体现而在服装界崭露头角。
These jeans will be loose along the hips and thighs and have a wide leg opening.
7.Mom jeans7.妈妈牛仔裤搭配特性:女士更适穿,这类牛仔裤的版型做了特别的调整,因为妈妈顾名思义有孩子的缘故,因此骨盆相对于一般女性来说显得更为宽大,这样在设计时候就要额外加宽胯部,臀部乃至腰部的曲线以配合这样的身材变化。因此,其实是局部尺码上的变化而已。
Mom jeans are old fashioned high waisted jeans with a loose fit around the hips and crotch.
8.Boyfriend jeans8.男友式牛仔裤搭配特性:女士更适合,这个词组在欧美其实是一种心理感受属性的称呼法,没有特别形状上指代某种类型牛仔裤,因此可以仅作为更宽大的那种款式(女孩子穿了男孩子的衣服的那种感觉)
Boyfriend jeans also have a same relaxed baggy fit as the mom jeans. The kind of jeans that you might borrow from your boyfriend. The extra length is folded up into a cuff. A cropped boyfriend jeans is popular nowadays among youth.
9.Girlfriend jeans9.女朋友牛仔裤搭配特性:女士更适穿些,这个称呼其实是表示一种男款女穿时候的心理感受。指代了这种牛仔裤,从大体上看,这种类别比较大类称呼。其实是表现了一种穿着感受时候的表达。
Girlfriend jeans is a more fitting boyfriend jeans.
10.Stovepipe jeans10.瘦腿牛仔裤搭配特性:近期男士更适穿感,这类款式侧面线条感很不错搭配宽大的皮鞋或者休闲帆布鞋都是很好的选择,另外超长的裤脚也有很好的遮风性,因此这类裤子比较适合秋冬季穿着。
This jeans is a slightly tighter version of straight leg jeans. The leg opening is typically 14 -15 inches wide.
这条牛仔裤是直筒牛仔裤的较紧身版。腿部开口通常为14 -15英寸宽。
11.Cigarette jeans11.香烟牛仔裤搭配特性:男女都适穿,非常青春感的一种款型,下部的直筒感觉上很小孩裤脚的感受,因此可以装点出年轻化的气质倾向,而中国国内本来就是年轻人喜欢穿牛仔,因此这种款式就能更进一步突出年轻化的气质感受了。
This is an ankle length close fitting straight cut jeans – unlike skinny jeans which closely follow the leg shape this type is cut straight from knee to ankle.
12.Kick flare jeans12.提喇叭牛仔裤搭配特性:男女都适穿,穿着后外观感受非常休闲,而且具有很凉爽的穿着感受,是近几年一直流行似乎没有衰退感的夏季款。搭配小白鞋的话会有很赞很潮的直观感,是值得推荐的休闲裤类型。
Kick flare is a similar type of jeans with a figure hugging fit till the knee and then flaring towards the hem. This jeans is tight at the thighs and then from the knee it flares out into a wide hem to your ankles.
13.Bell bottom jeans13.喇叭裤款型牛仔裤搭配特性:当前女士更适穿,这种款式在70年代比较普遍。当时青年男女都很喜欢穿着这种款式,因其完全或者大部分遮盖脚面,因此造成一种下盘很稳健而同时又很修长的视觉效应,具有修饰腿型的明显效果。不过因其拖沓感觉很强烈,近年来作为正式场合下非服装界领域很少会这么穿着。
This is an extreme version of the kick flare jeans. This type of jeans has an exaggerated leg flare and usually comes with low rise jeans and ultra low rise jeans. The jeans is fitting till the knee and then leg flares and the hem creates a bell shape.
14.Relaxed fit jeans14.宽松版型牛仔裤Jeans types according to fit
Fit refers to the ease added to the jeans.
This style has a comfortable loose fit all over at hips, thigh, and legs.
15.Classic fit jeans (Regular fit)15.经典版型牛仔裤(常规版型)搭配特性:男士更适穿,既然是经典款式,那么则说明这类款式具有长期可穿着的属性。在一般情况下,这类牛仔裤如保管得当可穿着几十年。非常适合男士们家中备几条。
This is the traditional style of regular fit jeans with an equal measure of comfort and style. This usually has a straight or slightly tapered leg opening of about 13-16 inches.
16.Slim Fit jeans16.修身牛仔裤搭配特性:男女士都适穿,不过男士需要注意一点,就是裆部可能会显得很紧,因此在穿搭时候需要额外注意这一点,虽然穿着很有型,不过于健康无益。
This is a close-fitting jeans – the jeans fit tightly along the waist, hips, thighs, legs and ankles. It usually comes with a tapered leg. Same as Skinny jeans.
17.Straight Fit jeans17.直筒牛仔裤搭配特性:男士更适穿,这类裤子和西装裤的设计如出一辙,因此搭配休闲皮鞋是再好不过的了,这类款式因裁剪工艺和制作工艺来说相对比较简单,因此市场上产品很多。不过因为局部做工,尺码还是有所不同,因此需要更多试穿来切身体验后选购为妥。
In this style, the knee and ankle are of the same width.
18.Stretch jeans18.弹力牛仔裤搭配特性:男女都适穿,同传统的硬邦邦的牛仔布料所不同,这类具有氨纶纤维的穿着舒适度自不多言,而且由于贴身设计透气度也随之上升了,不过这类面料耐久度其实并不太理想,而且在膝盖处也容易在穿着一定次数后产生皱巴巴的感觉,影响外观视觉,所以作为工作服并不太理想哟。
These jeans is made of the fabric mixed with lycra/spandex. The addition of spandex fibers gives jeans a lot of stretch and flexibility.
19.Cargo Fit jeans19.货运工款牛仔裤搭配特性:男女都适穿,非常具有工作装气质的裤子,而且实际上侧袋也是非常大的,具有很好的置物性,本来也是作为工作裤来使用的。
This is a loose jeans style with cargo pockets on the legs.
20.Loose fit jeans20.宽松合身牛仔裤搭配特性:男女都适穿,非常普通的一种款式类型,或许正因为如此,搭配鞋子也几乎是可以做到百搭的。
These jeans has a lot of space along the hips, thighs, and legs – this usually comes in regular and lower rise.
21.Trouser fit jeans21.裤子合身牛仔裤搭配特性:男女士都适穿,稍微感受上有些复古的感觉,而且比较蓬松和拖沓感,因此如果非服装公司的情况下,并不建议在一些正式场合穿着。非常赛朋感的风格。
This is a jean style with a loose fit and straight legs.
22.Easy fit jeans22.容易穿脱牛仔裤搭配特性:男女士都适穿,这里衣服采取额腰部宽紧带的设计元素,因此具有一定的容易穿脱性,此外有时候腰部位置还做了前门襟线和后腰线非水平设计,从而带来更理想的挂腰效果,穿着舒适度是不错的。
It is the same as a relaxed fit with a low rise.
23.Lowrise jeans23.低腰牛仔裤Jeans types according to Waist Levels
Rise refers to the position of the waistband of the jeans. Rise is measured from crotch to the waistband.
In this style of jeans, the waistband is located about 2 to 3 to 4 inches under the belly button/navel. This is a very popular choice for women’s jeans. For a super low rise jeans, the distance from navel could even be 5 inches.
24.Brazilian Low Rise Jeans / Ultra low rise jeans24.巴西低腰牛仔裤/超低腰牛仔裤搭配特性:男女都适穿,有些款式的低腰设计异常夸张,主要都是为了展现性感元素,尤其是腰部的马甲线。因此如果腰部的情况不是很理想的话需要额外注意回避这类款式。
As the name indicates this is a super super low rise jeans.
25.High Waist jeans25.高腰牛仔裤搭配特性:女士更适穿,这类高腰身设计更有些像时装裤版型,在腰身处也能做很多额外的装饰性设计,带来腰部额外的点缀感,这种情况比较多的出现在女装中,因此比较适合女士穿着搭配。
This type of jeans has the waistband sitting a little above the natural waist.
这种牛仔裤的腰带略高于自然腰。26.Midrise jeans26.中腰牛仔裤搭配特性:男女都适穿,非常普通的穿着外观搭配感受。肚脐正好遮挡
The style of jeans with the waistband just below the natural waistband.
27.Skimmer jeans27.七分裤管款牛仔裤Jeans types according to length
This is a short length jeans with the hem somewhere between the knee and the ankle.
28.Cropped jeans (Crops)28.九分牛仔裤(修剪)搭配特性:男女士都适穿,具有一定突出腿型效果的作用。
A jeans style that ends between midcalf and knee – about 3/4th of the way down the calf.
29.Ankle length jeans29.脚踝长度牛仔裤搭配特性:男女都适穿,略微露脚脖的设计带来干练的外观感觉,而修身的做工更突出了这一特性,是近几年比较流行的款式。
This style is cut just above the ankle.
30.Capri jeans30.卡普里牛仔裤搭配特性:男女都适穿,穿上后外观干净利落,脚脖曲线分明,给人以精力十足的感受。另外透气性也很好,所以总体上适合夏天穿着。
This style of jeans has the hem sitting just below the knee or at mid calf.
31.Gaucho jeans31.裙裤款牛仔裤搭配特性:只限女士适穿,主要是具有一定的裙装设计元素,搭配高跟鞋更具有裙装的特性,宽松自如,行走方便。穿着舒适度比较好。
This is a loose jeans style with the hem falling somewhere at midcalf.
32.Retro jeans32.复古牛仔裤搭配特性:男女都适穿,具有怀旧的感觉气质,此外一般选用的也是最早的硬质牛仔面料,比较耐穿不过穿着舒适度和混纺面料无法比拟。
This is a pair of jeans with a different period – a fashion style from the past.
33.Distressed jeans33.做旧牛仔裤Jeans types according to embellishments
This is jeans with a used and old look – deliberately made so with different techniques. This jeans will look faded and have holes, rips, tears and frayed hems. Many innovative methods are used to create this effect. Bleach, stone washing, oven baking etc are some of the popularly used methods.
34.Sand blasted jeans34.磨砂牛仔裤搭配特性:男女士都适合,由于洗白褪色后的视觉效应,可以带来更宽大的腿部从而减少小腿过粗的人视觉效应,因此带来很棒的修正腿型的效果。
This is jeans made with fabric that is washed with sand to get a faded and old look.
35.Dirty washed jeans35.脏水洗牛仔裤搭配特性:男士更适穿,有少许雅痞的特意感,和工业风锈迹的陈旧感,彰显了价值态度和个性。在亚文化中比较多的流露。
This is a pair of jeans made to look like it is dirty – it will be made to look brown or beige with the help of different washes.
36.Tinted / Colored jeans36.有色/ 彩色牛仔裤搭配特性:女士更适穿些,不过颜色的话是展露个性和心情的地方,因此相对而言更感性些情绪上女士是更多些的,从而女士款也就更多了。
This is dyed jeans – denim is dyed in different colours and hues.
37.Slub jeans37.粗纺布牛仔裤搭配特性:一般男女都适穿,比较直白的西装裤款式,搭配衬衫后展现比较青春阳光,有少许遮盖腿型缺陷作用。
This refers to the type of jeans made with denim woven with uneven yarns.
38.Whisker washed jeans38.鲸须水洗牛仔裤搭配特性:男女款式都具有,一般出于透气性及弯腿便利性考虑特意设计也兼而有之,需要试穿后具体亲身感受。因此具有一定的选款难度。
This is a style of jeans with marks that look like whiskers.
39.Ripped jeans39.破洞牛仔裤搭配特性:女士更适穿,搭配性感元素的呈现,男士搭配度不太高。
This style of jeans is distressed and the fabric is deliberately ripped on many areas including pockets, pant, legs, hems, and edge of waistbands.
40.Frayed jeans40.磨破牛仔裤搭配特性:男女都可穿着,不过曾经作为嘻哈风格的代表被提及,当前女性向各种款式更多一些。磨破规格各异,根据个性可以有很多组合。
Here the thread is frayed on edges deliberately as a way of distressing.
41.Carpenter jeans41.木匠牛仔裤搭配特性:出于职业考虑,一般男士更适穿,具有很强的工作服属性,很适合堆叠工具。发挥牛仔面料耐磨和牢固的特性。
These jeans will have a relaxed fit and has an external tool pocket and hammer loop.
42.Corded jeans42.有线(灯芯绒)牛仔裤搭配特性:一般适合男士,稍微显得宽松而休闲,比较闷相较而言更适合秋冬季。
Jeans made of corduroy denim.
43.Lace-up jeans43.系带牛仔裤搭配特性:只适合女士穿,现实具有野性的腿部曲线,展露性感元素。
This has a lacing up at the side seam.
44.Pintuck jeans44.褶皱形牛仔裤搭配特性:女士更适穿,如紧身面料则稍微显得线条感很充分,适合腿型比较好的人。
This is a pair of jeans with a seam down the front of the legs, which looks like a pintuck.
45.Cuffed jeans45.翻边牛仔裤搭配特性:男女都适穿,一般显得比较宽松,更适合青少年期穿着根据腿长调节,能穿2-3年。
This is a jeans with a fold at the hem of the jeans.
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