




import turtle, random # 定义一个类,用来画除了数字方块之外的图形 class BackGround(turtle.Turtle): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.penup() def draw_block(self): self.shape('bg.gif') # 画出背景方块 for i in allpos: self.goto(i) self.stamp() self.color('white', 'white') # 画出其他背景 self.goto(-215, 120) self.begin_fill() self.goto(215, 120) self.goto(215, 110) self.goto(-215, 110) self.end_fill() self.shape('title.gif') self.goto(-125, 210) self.stamp() self.shape('score.gif') self.goto(125, 245) self.stamp() self.shape('top_score.gif') self.goto(125, 170) self.stamp() # 游戏失败及达成2048的提示文字 def judge(self): global flag_win, flag_win_lose_text self.color('blue') judge = 0 # 判断是否还有位置可以移动 for i in block_dic.values(): for j in block_dic.values(): if i.num == 0 or i.num == j.num and i.distance(j) == 100: judge = 1 if judge == 0: # 无位置可移动,游戏失败 self.write(' GAME OVER\n重新开始请按空格键', align='center', font=('黑体', 30, 'bold')) flag_win_lose_text = False if flag_win is True: # 此条件让2048达成的判断只能进行一次 for k in block_dic.values(): if k.num == 2048: # 游戏达成 flag_win = False self.write(' 达成2048\n继续游戏请按回车键', align='center', font=('黑体', 30, 'bold')) flag_win_lose_text = False def win_lose_clear(self): global flag_win_lose_text self.clear() flag_win_lose_text = True def show_score(self): # 分值的显示 global score, top_score if score > top_score: top_score = score with open('.\\score.txt', 'w') as f: f.write(f'{top_score}') self.color('white') self.goto(125, 210) self.clear() self.write(f'{score}', align='center', font=('Arial', 20, 'bold')) self.goto(125, 135) self.write(f'{top_score}', align='center', font=('Arial', 20, 'bold')) # 数字方块类 class Block(turtle.Turtle): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.penup() self.num = 0 def draw(self): self.clear() dic_draw = {2: '#eee6db', 4: '#efe0cd', 8: '#f5af7b', 16: '#fb9660', 32: '#f57d5a', 64: '#f95c3d', 128: '#eccc75', 256: '#eece61', 512: '#efc853', 1024: '#ebc53c', 2048: '#eec430', 4096: '#aeb879', 8192: '#aab767', 16384: '#a6b74f'} if self.num > 0: # 数字大于0,画出方块 self.color(f'{dic_draw[self.num]}') # 选择颜色 self.begin_fill() self.goto(self.xcor() 48, self.ycor() 48) self.goto(self.xcor()-96, self.ycor()) self.goto(self.xcor(), self.ycor()-96) self.goto(self.xcor() 96, self.ycor()) self.goto(self.xcor(), self.ycor() 96) self.end_fill() self.goto(self.xcor()-48, self.ycor()-68) if self.num > 4: # 按照数字选择数字的颜色 self.color('white') else: self.color('#6d6058') self.write(f'{self.num}', align='center', font=('Arial', 27, 'bold')) self.goto(self.xcor(), self.ycor() 20) class Game(): def init(self): back = BackGround() # 实例画出游戏的背景 back.draw_block() for i in allpos: # 画出16个海龟对应16个数字块 block = Block() block.goto(i) block_dic[i] = block game.grow() def restart(self): # 重开游戏的方法 global score, flag_win_lose_text score = 0 for i in block_dic.values(): i.num = 0 i.clear() win_lose_text.clear() game.grow() flag_win_lose_text = True # 此flag为游戏达成或失败出现提示语后的判断,要提示语被clear后才能继续move def grow(self): # 随机出现一个2或4的数字块 block_list = [] for i in allpos: if block_dic[i].num == 0: block_list.append(block_dic[i]) # 挑出空白方块的海龟 turtle_choice = random.choice(block_list) # 随机选中其中一个海龟 turtle_choice.num = random.choice([2, 2, 2, 2, 4]) # 赋属性num=2/4 turtle_choice.draw() win_lose_text.judge() show_score_text.show_score() ms.update() def move_up(self): allpos1 = allpos[::4] # 切片为四列 allpos2 = allpos[1::4] allpos3 = allpos[2::4] allpos4 = allpos[3::4] self.move_move(allpos1, allpos2, allpos3, allpos4) def move_down(self): allpos1 = allpos[-4::-4] allpos2 = allpos[-3::-4] allpos3 = allpos[-2::-4] allpos4 = allpos[-1::-4] self.move_move(allpos1, allpos2, allpos3, allpos4) def move_left(self): allpos1 = allpos[:4] allpos2 = allpos[4:8] allpos3 = allpos[8:12] allpos4 = allpos[12:16] self.move_move(allpos1, allpos2, allpos3, allpos4) def move_right(self): allpos1 = allpos[-1:-5:-1] allpos2 = allpos[-5:-9:-1] allpos3 = allpos[-9:-13:-1] allpos4 = allpos[-13:-17:-1] self.move_move(allpos1, allpos2, allpos3, allpos4) def move_move(self, allpos1, allpos2, allpos3, allpos4): if flag_win_lose_text is True: count1 = self.move(allpos1) # 四列或四行依次移动 count2 = self.move(allpos2) count3 = self.move(allpos3) count4 = self.move(allpos4) if count1 or count2 or count3 or count4: # 判断是否有方块移动,有才能继续出现新的数字块 self.grow() def move(self, pos_list): num_list = [] # 为某一列或行的数字块海龟的坐标 for i in pos_list: num_list.append(block_dic[i].num) # 把这些海龟的NUM形成list new_num_list, count = self.list_oper(num_list) # 只是list_oper的方法形成新的list for j in range(len(new_num_list)): # 把新的list依次赋值给对应的海龟.num属性并调用draw()方法 block_dic[pos_list[j]].num = new_num_list[j] block_dic[pos_list[j]].draw() return count def list_oper(self, num_list): # num_list的操作,假设其为【2,0,2,2】 global score count = True temp = [] new_temp = [] for j in num_list: if j != 0: temp.append(j) # temp=[2,2,2] flag = True for k in range(len(temp)): if flag: if k < len(temp)-1 and temp[k] == temp[k 1]: new_temp.append(temp[k]*2) flag = False score = temp[k] else: new_temp.append(temp[k]) # new_temp=[4,2] else: flag = True for m in range(len(num_list)-len(new_temp)): new_temp.append(0) # new_temp=[4,2,0,0] if new_temp == num_list: count = False # 此变量判断num_list没有变化,数字块无移动 return(new_temp, count) if __name__ == '__main__': ms = turtle.Screen() # 主窗口的设置 ms.setup(430, 630, 400, 50) ms.bgcolor('gray') ms.title('2048') ms.tracer(0) ms.register_shape('bg.gif') ms.register_shape('title.gif') ms.register_shape('score.gif') ms.register_shape('top_score.gif') block_dic = {} # 放数字方块海龟的字典,位置坐标为key,对应海龟为value allpos = [(-150, 50), (-50, 50), (50, 50), (150, 50), (-150, -50), (-50, -50), (50, -50), (150, -50), (-150, -150), (-50, -150), (50, -150), (150, -150), (-150, -250), (-50, -250), (50, -250), (150, -250)] flag_win = True # 达成2048的判断,让达成的文字仅出现一次 flag_win_lose_text = True # 用来判断失败或成功的提示文字是否有被清除,不清除不能继续移动方块 score = 0 with open('.\\score.txt', 'r') as f: top_score = int( # 读取score中的数据 show_score_text = BackGround() win_lose_text = BackGround() game = Game() game.init() ms.listen() ms.onkey(game.move_up, 'Up') ms.onkey(game.move_down, 'Down') ms.onkey(game.move_left, 'Left') ms.onkey(game.move_right, 'Right') ms.onkey(win_lose_text.win_lose_clear, 'Return') ms.onkey(game.restart, 'space') ms.mainloop()




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