


Karina Garcia is one of the world's most popular teachers of slime lessons, making various versions of sticky things.


She has made her slime videos so perfect that she has collected more than 5.7 million subscribers to her online video channel as well as secured a book deal for her DIY slime recipes.


Thanks to her empire that slime built, Karina was able to recently purchase a new six-bedroom home in California, complete with a swimming pool, a game room and a screening room.


Speaking to Cosmopolitan, Karina revealed that she got started in the slime business after finding that there was a lack of recipes online for making slime, which she used to play with as a kid. "I got obsessed with slime, out of nowhere," she said. "There was only like, one recipe for a basic slimy modeling mixture online. So I just decided to go with it."


Her sister, who has her own online channel doing beauty lessons, encouraged Karina to create her own account, so she was off and running.


The slime works created on Karina's channel come in all colors, packed with glitter, and are even sometimes suitable to be eaten.


In seven months, Karina began making money from her slime videos. Very soon after that she was supporting her whole family, including her parents and her siblings, through her hobby.


The money comes not from the recipes or slime sent out to customers, but rather from sponsorship deals and other advertisers including Coca-Cola and Disney.


The payments can come with a sum of between $30,000 and $60,000, with Karina revealing that she makes more than $100,000 total every month.


"There are times when it's $200,000 in a really good month," she said. "I've retired my parents. It's definitely really crazy. That's so much money. Even I can't believe it."



1. slime n. /slaɪm/ any unpleasant thick liquid substance 污浊的泥浆;(令人不快的)黏液。在本文中,slime音译为"史莱姆",类似于柔软的橡皮泥,是近几年很流行的减压玩具。

2. secure v./sɪˈkjʊə(r)/ to obtain or achieve sth, especially when this means using a lot of effort (尤指经过努力)获得,取得,实现。secure a contract/deal订立合同;达成协议。

3.complete with sth including sth as an extra part or feature 包括,含有(额外部分或特征)。complete在该短语中为形容词。

4. out of nowhere appearing or happening suddenly and unexpectedly 突然出现(或发生),出人意料地出现(或发生)

5. sibling n. /ˈsɪblɪŋ/ ( formal ) ( technical术语) a brother or sister 兄;弟;姐;妹

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