刘博士英语公开课32: 读给成人的“童话”:丝绒兔子 4

刘博士英语公开课32: 读给成人的“童话”:丝绒兔子 4


【英语本课内容】今天,我们继续来学习和欣赏《Velveteen Rabbit》的第四节。在第三节里,丝绒兔子和两只真正的兔子见面了。丝绒兔子以前从来没有见过真正的兔子,以为所有的能动的兔子都是装了发条才能动的。当两只真正的兔子对他说,“你不是真的兔子的时候”,他都快哭了,“我是真的,男孩是这么说的!”可是真兔子走开了,再也没有回来。几个星期过去,丝绒兔子变得越发破旧,可是能够成为男孩心目中“真的”兔子,只要男孩爱他,被弄得破旧不堪又有什么关系呢?

什么是“真的”?什么是真正的 “真的”?






1) 鉴于英语在国内的实用用处除了辅助学校英语教育几乎没有,除非父母能够理解英语的其他意义,放弃就好。


2) 给孩子在家里(或是某处)建造一个英语空间,这个空间里孩子可以看见的和听见的只有英语(这一点对成人同样适用);

3) 帮孩子找到对英语的真正兴趣所在。最好的办法其实是父母与孩子一起找到一个对英语的兴趣,如同时学习念一本孩子最爱的英语书等,与孩子一起学英语歌谣、诗歌等等。

4) 刘博士认为, 孩子将来能够迅速“掌握”英语的秘诀是,让孩子在“学习”英语之前,听到至少两年的英语故事/双语故事。

5) 特别强调一个误区:不要把英语口语作为教孩子学英语的主要目的。英语根本不是国内交流语言,而且可以100%替代。英语的故事、音乐、视频甚至游戏的作用都比口语强;






4)接下来,边听音频边阅读,直到听力理解和阅读理解可以同步 (这是阅读 听力突破学习法的练习方法),体验一下你当你看着文字完全可以听懂时候,是什么感觉?



【刘博士译文】丝绒兔子(又名“玩具是如何成真的”) 04

The Velveteen Rabbit (or How Toys Become Real)

By Margery Williams













And then, one day, the Boy was ill.

His face grew very flushed, and he talked in his sleep, and his little body was so hot that it burned the Rabbit when he held him close. Strange people came and went in the nursery, and a light burned all night and through it all the little Velveteen Rabbit lay there, hidden from sight under the bedclothes, and he never even stirred, for he was afraid that if they found him some one might take him away, and he knew that the Boy needed him.

It was a long weary time, for the Boy was too ill to play, and the little Rabbit found it rather dull with nothing to do all day long. But he snuggled down patiently, and looked forward to the time when the Boy should be well again, and they would go out in the garden amongst the flowers and the butterflies and play splendid games in the raspberry thicket like they used to. All sorts of delightful things he planned, and while the Boy lay half asleep he crept up close to the pillow and whispered them in his ear. And presently the fever turned, and the Boy got better. He was able to sit up in bed and look at picture-books, while the little Rabbit cuddled close at his side. And one day, they let him get up and dress.

It was a bright, sunny morning, and the windows stood wide open. They had carried the Boy out on to the balcony, wrapped in a shawl, and the little Rabbit lay tangled up among the bedclothes, thinking.

The Boy was going to the seaside to-morrow. Everything was arranged, and now it only remained to carry out the doctor's orders. They talked about it all, while the little Rabbit lay under the bedclothes, with just his head peeping out, and listened. The room was to be disinfected, and all the books and toys that the Boy had played with in bed must be burnt.

"Hurrah!" thought the little Rabbit. "To-morrow we shall go to the seaside!" For the boy had often talked of the seaside, and he wanted very much to see the big waves coming in, and the tiny crabs, and the sand castles.

Just then Nana caught sight of him.

"How about his old Bunny?" she asked.

"That?" said the doctor. "Why, it's a mass of scarlet fever germs!–Burn it at once.

What? Nonsense! Get him a new one. He mustn't have that any more!"

And so the little Rabbit was put into a sack with the old picture-books and a lot of rubbish, and carried out to the end of the garden behind the fowl-house. That was a fine place to make a bonfire, only the gardener was too busy just then to attend to it. He had the potatoes to dig and the green peas to gather, but next morning he promised to come quite early and burn the whole lot.

That night the Boy slept in a different bedroom, and he had a new bunny to sleep with him. It was a splendid bunny, all white plush with real glass eyes, but the Boy was too excited to care very much about it. For to-morrow he was going to the seaside, and that in itself was such a wonderful thing that he could think of nothing else.

And while the Boy was asleep, dreaming of the seaside, the little Rabbit lay among the old picture-books in the corner behind the fowl-house, and he felt very lonely. The sack had been left untied, and so by wriggling a bit he was able to get his head through the opening and look out. He was shivering a little, for he had always been used to sleeping in a proper bed, and by this time his coat had worn so thin and threadbare from hugging that it was no longer any protection to him. Near by he could see the thicket of raspberry canes, growing tall and close like a tropical jungle, in whose shadow he had played with the Boy on bygone mornings. He thought of those long sunlit hours in the garden–how happy they were–and a great sadness came over him. He seemed to see them all pass before him, each more beautiful than the other, the fairy huts in the flower-bed, the quiet evenings in the wood when he lay in the bracken and the little ants ran over his paws; the wonderful day when he first knew that he was Real. He thought of the Skin Horse, so wise and gentle, and all that he had told him. Of what use was it to be loved and lose one's beauty and become Real if it all ended like this? And a tear, a real tear, trickled down his little shabby velvet nose and fell to the ground.

(To Be Continued.)


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