




#10: Shadowplay, Part 2: Patternism

TRANSFORMERS: More Than Meets The Eye





On Cybertron, before the war, Roller flips between the latest news bulletins covering the murder of Senator Sherma and the death of Nominus Prime. Tensions are high as the deadline date for "Proteus's Promise" draws near, the vow made by Senator Proteus that the Decepticons will be recognised as a legitimate political party if 10,000 sign up with the Decepticon Registration Act. Then, an update on the missing Pious Maximus is interrupted by breaking news of a high-speed pursuit in Translucentica Heights...

In the present day, said pursuit is now the subject of Rewind's story, with Chromedome describing how he followed the killer of Senator Momus in an aerial chase, which ended when the murderer collided with one of the reinforced glass walls of the region and exploded against a billboard. On his way back to the crime scene, Chromedome met the warden of Translucentica Heights, Red Alert, who was able to provide evidence that Momus was not killed by Decepticons—he was killed because he secretly was a Decepticon. Prowl's study of the crime scene quickly determined the involvement of a second killer, who then made himself known by opening fire. Pinned down and with Prowl never having seen combat before, the trio seemed doomed until the surprise appearance of Orion Pax, who brought the killer down, only for his Spark to collapse before he could be questioned.

Meanwhile, Ultra Magnus returns to the Lost Light from a reconnaissance mission, and is filled in by Rodimus on the mysterious attack on Red Alert, whose spark is faint but still pulsing. In a makeshift interrogation room converted from Perceptor's lab, Drift is trying to get a confession out of Cyclonus, but when things turn violent, Rodimus and Magnus have to step in. At that point a communique from First Aid clears Cyclonus, as the medic reports that he has discerned the killer's identity.

Before handing the story over to Whirl, Rewind explains that the ex-watchmaker was, at the time, incarcerated in Garrus-1 on Luna 2. When Ratchet points out that Whirl was in prison for assaulting Megatron, the event allegedly responsible for turning him "bad", Whirl furiously interrupts and quickly picks the story up, describing how he summoned Orion away from investigating the senator killings to give him a message. In hopes of revenge against the Senate for ruining his life, Whirl shared with Orion information from a cellmate about a Senate plot involving the death of Pax's senator friend and a bomb "hidden in plain sight". Orion left to act upon this information (leaving Whirl to be viciously beaten by his new cellmate Impactor just a few minutes later), sending Ratchet and Roller to the Academy of Advanced Technology, where trainee theoretician Skids watched them take Orion's senator friend into protective custody.

Narration returns to Chromedome, who prepares to recount how he and Prowl investigated the nearest Relinquishment Clinic, suspecting that the killers had been using borrowed bodies. Rewind is dissatisfied at Chromedome's decision to preface this with a recollection of how he and Prowl stopped to watch a Decepticon protest and talk about what they would do if war broke out on the way, hurrying him along to the events that took place in the clinic itself. While waiting in its lobby, Chromedome remembers how the pair saw a news report based on their findings that cleared the Decepticons of the murders, which left Prowl frustrated as the results were only preliminary. They were then met by clinic tech Trepan, who they easily pegged as squirrelly and promptly cuffed so they could investigate. The pair eventually found a secret facility beneath the clinic that Chromedome was horrified to realize was the Institute, a supposedly-fictitious government facility that practises a forbidden science—brainwashing so heinous it is known only as "Shadowplay". Accessing its mainframe and verifying it as the source of the bodies their killers were using, the pair took the data and absconded without incident, prompting Rewind to resume the position of storyteller and sum up how the pair met back up with Orion, Ratchet, Roller and the senator in Rodion. When the senator identified the list of names from The Institute as all those currently signed with the Decepticon Registration Act, Pax was able to put all the evidence he and his friends have gathered together. Proteus arranged the murders so that the Decepticons could expressly not be found guilty, thereby demonstrating his fairness and leading to a surge in registrants. The bomb mentioned by Whirl would then be pinned on the Decepticons as supposed proof of their "true colors", giving Proteus and Sentinel the excuse needed to use The Institute to brainwash all those registered. Chromedome lamented their lack of knowledge at the bomb's location, but a news report immediately provided the answer: it was the fake Matrix of Leadership in the chest of the deceased Nominus Prime, whose body was to be lain in state the next day. The course of action for Orion's team was clear: they had to steal the Matrix!



You will find profound philosophical meanings in the texts of some of the comments here, and then you will understand: "Strong beliefs and enthusiasm, in different dimensions, like beautiful galaxies, Optimus Prime's eyes, long-lasting love, never changed...". This public number will be released gradually, for sci-fi movies, philosophical views, original film reviews. The purpose, of course, is not only to illustrate the film, but to point to the metaphysical meaning outside the film. Looking forward to revealing what is truly pure in this era of forgetting simplicity.


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