CoCo 英语角第七周--来自 CodeCombater 爸爸的投稿

CoCo 英语角第七周--来自 CodeCombater 爸爸的投稿

首页战争策略With Heroes更新时间:2024-04-21

Kids and Code: Object Oriented Programming with CodeCombat

孩子与编程:使用 CodeCombat 进行面向对象的程序设计 (OOP)

Time flies. It's just a tad under 4 years ago that I wrote about teaching kids to code with which is an amazing resource for young ones to start learning programming basics (CodeCombat is the Official Partner of In that post I shared a photo of my then 6-year-old son Ari holding a laptop.
时间飞逝。 大约4年前,我写了一篇关于如何通过 教孩子们学习编程的文章。 是一个让青少年掌握编程基础知识的绝佳资源(CodeCombat 为 官方合作伙伴)。在文章中,我分享了当时我6岁的儿子Ari拿着笔记本电脑的照片。

He learned a lot about both code and using a PC. I started to let him learn with CodeCombat. There are a few basics I like about CodeCombat.
他学习了很多有关代码和使用PC的知识。我开始让他接触 CodeCombat,因为这个产品有一些特点让我很喜欢。

Firstly, being browser based there's no install, no setups, no elevated privileges required etc etc. Just point and go.


CodeCombat takes you through a progression of levels that gradually introduce new concepts akin to the ones we use in everyday "adult" programming. For example, take a look at the following screen:
CodeCombat 带你逐步升级,循序渐进地引入类似于我们在日常“成人”编程中使用的语法概念。例如以下屏幕截图:

You'll see the language is set to Python and the code window represents a whole bunch of common programmatic constructs including:

这里的语言设置为 Python,并且代码窗口里列举了一大堆常见的程序构造,包括:

You can write your own code; you can then debug the code if the code fails, modify it and re-run, just like we'd do when writing software as a profession. It's somewhat gamified with heroes fighting enemies and animations that make the whole thing a lot more engaging so at least in my experience, it's something he's quite happy sitting down plugging away at for decent amounts of time without it becoming tedious.
你可以编写自己的代码;可以在代码失败的情况下调试代码,对其进行修改并重新运行,就像真正的软件工程师在编写程序时的步骤一样。在某种程度上,CodeCombat 中英雄与敌人对抗的故事情节和动画,使编程这件事情变得更有互动,更加引人入胜。至少在我的经验中,这是孩子很高兴坐下来一段时间而又不会乏味的事情。

That's Code Combat in a nutshell and I'd highly recommend getting your kids involved with it, giving them the opportunity to code.
简而言之,这就是 CodeCombat,我强烈推荐你的孩子参与其中,给他们提供一个编程的机会。
本文原作者 Troy Hunt,Microsoft 区域总监兼安全MVP,也是知名安全网站 Have I Been Pwned (HIBP) 的创始人。


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