



When Hi-Fi Rush shadow-dropped on January 25, it was a shockingly pleasant surprise. Beautiful, vibrant, playful, the rhythm action platformer quickly won players over. A day later, Hitman World of Assassination appeared, deploying clever roguelike mechanics to reinvent the best stealth game of 2021. A day after that, Dead Space arrived, a faithful but impressive remake of a 2008 classic. The year was off to a great start. Somehow it only got better from there. Nine months later, it’s hard to deny: 2023 feels like one of the best years for game releases in a long time. Possibly ever?

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Some worried The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom would turn out to be more of the same. It was, in fact, a certified banger that turned the Zelda formula upside down once again. Baldur’s Gate 3 came out of nowhere and was all anyone could talk about for an entire month. Just a week after Spider-Man 2 and Super Mario Bros. Wonder, David Lynchian survival horror sequel Alan Wake 2 is finally out. I’ve only played the first couple hours but I’m already in love. Initial reviews have called it a triumph in storytelling. The game of the year race just got a lot more interesting.


It’s been a great year for remakes (Resident Evil 4, Metroid Prime). It’s been a great year for fighting games (Street Fighter VI, Mortal Kombat 1). It’s been a great year for old-school RPGs (Octopath Traveler II, Sea of Stars), surprise indie hits (Dave the Diver, Pizza Tower), and story-driven action games (Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, Final Fantasy XVI). 2023 is the year we got Diablo IV and Starfield. It’s the year that Phantom Liberty saved Cyberpunk 2077. It’s the year an incredible playable documentary called The Making of Karateka spawned an entire new genre. Cocoon!


People started buzzing about 2023 being one hell of a year for games in the spring and early summer, after an unusually exciting first few months of the year. The constant flood of new games after some truly anemic years following the pandemic was overwhelming. The dozens of games with an 85 or higher on Metacritic were hard to deny. The long-awaited arrival of so many expensive blockbusters was impossible to ignore. Most unusual of all, there have been no major disappointments and even plenty of nice surprises. steampunk Soulslike Lies of P has some of the best moments of any game this year. Remnant II is an engrossing shooter that rewards you every time you come back. Even major releases that stumbled, like Lords of the Fallen, seem more than capable of finding their footing again.


The last time the deck felt this stacked was 2017. We got The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and Super Mario Odyssey. We got Dishonored: Death of the Outsider and Uncharted: Lost Legacy, Divinity Original Sin 2 and Persona 5, Cuphead and Pyre, Hollow Knight and Dead Cells, Night in the Woods and What Remains of Edith Finch, Fortnite and PUBG. The list goes on: Horizon Zero Dawn, Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus, Destiny 2, Resident Evil 7, Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice, and Nier Automata. Just an incredible year top to bottom.


That was the midway point for the PlayStation 4 and the Xbox One—and it showed. Sony’s first-party machine was beginning to fire on all cylinders and developers were delivering on the big “next-gen” games they’d been promising. Nintendo, meanwhile, jump-started its new Switch hardware with two of the best games it’s ever made, an incredible coup for a new console launch. The rest was equally serendipitous. It’s not every year that two games go head-to-head in a new genre that redefines industry trends moving forward.

那一年也是PS4和Xbox One问世的年份。索尼的独占游戏开始火力全开,游戏开发者们推出其此前承诺的大型次世代游戏。与此同时,任天堂推出了两款有史以来最好的游戏,那时正值任天堂Switch便携掌机问世,那两款游戏推出对任天堂的掌机成功如虎添翼,当然,其他游戏对Switch成功也很重要。不过,在重新定义游戏行业趋势的未来游戏类型方面,并非每年都能同时见到类似的两款游戏正面交锋。

It reminds me of when Dota 2 and League of Legends both came out in 2013. That was arguably the next high-water mark prior to 2017. It also delivered Grand Theft Auto V, The Last of Us, Super Mario 3D World, Crusader Kings II, XCOM: Enemy Unknown, Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons, Gone Home, The Stanley Parable, Metro: Last Light, and a bunch more. Still, 2023 comfortably beats 2013. There might not be entirely new genres that will recalibrate the market for years to come, but I would take this year’s top 10 over 2013’s any day.


Start going farther back and the comparisons get much dicier. When it comes to rankings of rankings, the years that most often get thrown around are 2011, 2010, 2007, 2004, 2001, 1998, 1997, 1994, and 1993. Of these, I’d argue the frontrunners have to be 2007, 2004, 1998, and 2001, in that order. The farther back in time these comparisons go, the bigger a role played by nostalgia and rose-colored glasses. People’s picks will vary wildly based as much on legacy as anything else.

如果再往前追溯,要比较就很棘手。说到排名,最常被说到的年份是 2011 年、2010 年、2007 年、2004 年、2001 年、1998 年、1997 年、1994 年和 1993 年。其中,我认为代表性的是2007年、2004年、1998年和2001年。年代越久远,怀旧等情感方面起的作用就越大,就如同戴上玫瑰色的滤色眼镜,人们对游戏的喜好评选,就像对待遗产或其他与情感相关的因素一样,每个人的差异相当大。

Still, my god, 2007: Super Mario Galaxy, Halo 3, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, Guitar Hero 3, Rock Band, BioShock, Assassin’s Creed, Mass Effect, Uncharted, Portal, Team Fortress 2, Crysis, and STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl. Does 2023 stand a chance? Maybe.

天哪,那么,2007 年的:《超级马里奥银河》、《光环 3》、《使命召唤 4:现代战争》、《吉他英雄 3》、《摇滚乐队》、《生化奇兵》、《刺客信条》、《质量效应》、《神秘海域》、《传送门》、《军团要塞 2》、《孤岛危机》和《潜行者:切尔诺贝利之影》。在2023年,如果要评选你们最喜欢的游戏,还有机会入选吗?有可能!

How do you even begin to compare one year’s release slate against another? There’s no obxtive method, obviously. It’s more art than science, with history, personal taste, and general vibes all swirling around in a vat until the subjective winners bubble up to the surface. What does it mean for it to be the best year in video games? Is it just about having the most best games? The most long-lasting and important ones? The most eclectic mix of outstanding games across multiple genres? Some years are full of great games that don’t stand the test of time. Some have deep benches but few standouts.


To render any kind of verdict, these considerations and others must necessarily be boiled down into a general gut feeling, like a baseball scout weighing player stats against experience and instinct. It’s especially difficult to put value on all the games that might not quite make every top-ten list, but are still crucial to rounding out the prolific feeling of an exceptional year. 2023 might not have a few games that dominated Steam or multiple breakout hits that define the console generation, but it has plenty of dark-horse candidates to round-out any Game of the Year conversation.


A small sample: Blasphemous 2, Oxenfree II, Venba, Shadow Gambit, Chants of Sennaar, Dredge, A Space for the Unbound, World of Horror, El Paso, Elsewhere, Everspace 2, Planet of Lana, Season: A Letter to the Future, Humanity, Terra Nil, and Bomb Rush Cyberfunk. You know it’s been a good year for games when I’ve listed this many and haven’t even gotten to FromSoftware’s Armored Core VI yet, the cult-classic mech shooter series at its most grand and refined. The sheer number of new games released every year is always going up. Most of them are far from terrible. A scary number of them are quite good. 2023 is no exception.

举下面游戏为例:《亵渎 2》、《狼奔豕突 II:失落的信号》、《薇妮巴一家》、《影子诡局:被诅咒的海盗》、《巴别塔圣歌》、《渔帆暗涌》、《无拘无束的空间》、《恐怖世界》、《埃尔帕索》、《别处》、《永恒空间 2》、《拉娜星球》、《季节:致未来的一封信》 、《人性》(Humanity)、《伊始之地》 和 《炸弹冲刺赛博朋克》。大家知道,今年游戏行业作品颇丰,我已经列出这么多游戏,但我还没提到FS社(FromSoftware)的《装甲核心VI》,这是经典的机甲射击系列最伟大和最精致的作品。每年发布的新游戏数量一直在增加。大多数作品质量都称不上糟糕,其中有相当数量的相当不错。2023年也不例外。

Taken all together, is this enough to make this year better than 2017 and the historic milestones that came before it? I’m not entirely convinced. Hindsight is 20/20, and it might take another year or two to bring 2023’s merits clearer into focus. But there’s no doubt, in my mind at least, that it’s the best year for game releases since 2017, and as worthy of being debated as 2007 and all the rest. Bounties like this don’t come around often. Enjoy it while it lasts.



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