


Emboldened wild animals venture into locked- down cities worldwide


As cities around the world mandate lockdowns,quarantine and social distancing, social media posts about animals frolicking through deserted cities have enchanted people anxiously seeking silver linings.

随着全球多个城市下令实施封锁措施、要求民众接受隔离检疫并保持安全的社交距离,动物们开始在空寂无人的城市里嬉闹玩耍,社交媒体_上有关该话题的帖文也让那些渴求着一线 希望的人为之着迷。

In Nara, Japan, sika deer wandered through city streets and subway stations. Raccoons were spotted on the beach in an emptied San Felipe,Panama. And turkeys have made a strong showing in Oakland, California.


“Normally, animals live in the parts of our cities that we don't use,”said Seth Mangle, who directs the Urban Wildlife Institute at the L incoln Park Zoo in Chicago.“It makes them an unseen presence, kind of like ghosts."


Gangs of wild turkeys aren't an uncommon sight in parts of the Bay Area but it seems they've got a bit more room to wander through neighborhoods they might not normally visit.


Quarantine could continue to affect wildlife in unexpected ways, said Paige Warren, an ecologist at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Fewer people in the streets could drive some species away, she said, especially those who subsist on whatever humans feed them - or leave behind in the trash.


That is the case in Nara Park, where the sika deer一 which look like Bambi have grown accustomed to tourists lining up year-round to feed them rice crackers. Now that the park is devoid of human visitors, the deer have begun wandering into the city looking for food. They've been spotted crossing city streets and walking through subway stations, snacking on potted plants.


In Lopburi, Thailand, the absence of tourists and their tasty snacks left local monkeys brawling over what appeared to be a cup of yogurt.



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