

首页角色扮演Be My Match更新时间:2024-05-08

1.A match made in heaven:天生一对

例句:We are a match made in heaven. Let’s get married.

2. To fall head over heels in love:完全下入爱情的泥潭

例句:He has fallen head over heels in love with Jane.

3.To be smitten with someone:完全被某人迷住并且感觉到极大的快乐

例句:Sally is smitten with this Gary chap she met the other day. She can’t stop talking about him.

4. To be the apple of someone’s eye:被某人喜欢并且珍爱着,一般指的是父母

例句:Yasmin can do no wrong. She is the apple of her father’s eye.

5.To be a soul mate :完全理解并且接受另外一个人的人

例句:My husband is my best friend and my soul mate.

6. To take one’s breath away:当你爱上一个人的时候,你就会发现很难去呼吸

例句: You are so beautiful that you take my breath away.

7.To be someone’s one and only :对某人很独特

例句:You will always be my one and only love.

8. To have a crush on someone:迷恋某人(通常指不是很熟的异性)

Sally has had a crush on James since they were at university together. He doesn’t realise this.

9.To fancy someone (British English):感觉某人很有吸引力

例句:My friend really fancies you.

10. To love someone with all of one’s heart and soul:全心全意地爱某人

例句:John loves Leslie with all his heart and soul.


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