


峨嵋武术是中国传统武术流派之一,集拳法、棍法、刀法等多种武术形式于一脉, 其中包括声名远播的峨嵋剑法。此剑起源于春秋战国时期,是一个名为司徒玄空的道人,根据林中飞禽走兽嬉闹夺食的姿态,创编而成的一套实用剑法。

Emei Martial Art is one of the traditional and mainstream forms of martial arts in China. It combines fist, cudgel, broadsword and many other forms of martial arts, including the renowned Emei Sword. The Emei Sword originated in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. A Taoist priest named Situ Xuankong observed the frolics and fights of birds and beasts in the forest, and created the practical sword techniques.



The weapon is extremely sharp, yet light and thin. A direct stab may not be the best option. In general, the practitioner uses circuitous tactics and unexpected attacks on the wrist, throat, heart and other crucial body parts of the enemy. It's about having an element of surprise.



Ren Ping, 39 years old, works at the Chengdu Railway Bureau. He is also the representative heir of Emei Martial Arts in Leshan City. In his spare time, he likes to practice Emei Sword and read ancient books about Emei Martial Arts for tips. The Emei Sword has five characteristics in offense: Hard, soft, agile, fast and smart. Ren has a profound understanding of these words.


“刚就是力量足 柔就是讲究的是身形 身形要柔和要灵动 脆讲的是爆发力 快讲的是速度 巧讲的是一种攻击的技巧。(峨眉)剑法上主要注重一个实战性比较强。”

"Hard means enough strength. Soft means the body should be gentle and flexible. Agile means explosive power. Fast refers to the speed. And smart is the technique. The Emei Sword positions focus on practical uses," says Ren.


"Wield the sword like a bird in flight. Put the sword down like the wind stops." The unique temperament of the Emei Sword is like that of a swordsman. Martial art was originally used to compete, or to defeat an enemy. Through a long period of evolution, it has infused with local cultures and human emotions, gradually changing into its current form.



As a result, practitioners can improve their physical fitness, as well as their personality and morals. It is the reason why Ren loves martial arts so much. While improving himself, he is committed to teaching the Emei Sword to the next generation, in order to pass on the spirit of Emei Martial Arts.



"The essence of martial art is a mental workout. As a successor of the Emei Sword, I should promote Emei Martial Arts to the world," says Ren.


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