浙江丽水“文里·松阳”街区保护与更新 | 家琨建筑

浙江丽水“文里·松阳”街区保护与更新 | 家琨建筑

首页模拟经营Just Cooking更新时间:2024-06-26



客户:北京同衡思成投资有限公司 / 松阳思成文里文化发展有限公司






总建筑面积(包括): 更新部分: 2,378㎡ / 保留改造部分: 2,335㎡



Project Name: Culture Neighborhood·Songyang Three-Temple Cultural Communication Center

Location: Songyang County, Lishui City, Zhejiang China

Client: Beijing Tongheng Sicheng Investment Co., Ltd / Songyang Sicheng Wenli Cultural Development Co., Ltd.

Principal Architect: LIU Jiakun

Team: CHEN Kan, YANG Ying, ZHANG Can, LIU Su, HE Qiang, YI Huizhong, LI Wenting

Lighting: Dept. of Lighting Planning & Design, Tsinghua Tongheng Urban Planning & Design Institute

General Contractor: ZhejiangHongxin Construction Co., Ltd.

Site Area:9,813㎡

Total Floor Area (incl.): Regenerated: 2,378㎡ / Remained:2,335㎡

Floors: One (regenerated system)

Photographer: Arch-Exist, PENG Haidong, WU Bo, CAO Yujun, MENG Ning

2017.11 - 2019.11

基地原状 | Site Original Situation ●●

基地建筑遗存原状 | Historical Remains of the Original Site


Situated right in the center of Songyang County, the Confusion Temple and Chenghuang Temple district has been a public activity center and spiritual center for Songyang people since the ancient time, which contains characterized buildings of different historical periods. However, this once spiritual and cultural center was deprived of vitality for decades due to environmental chaotic and business declining.

场地梳理 | Reorganizing Site ●●



The architectural and environmental elements from different ages are precious traces of time, which have witnessed and shaped the functional evolution and life scenarios of this old city. When the transformation begins, how to deal with the relationship between the new and the old so that the former spiritual and cultural center will re-link contemporary life, becomes the focus of design.

This project aims to present a complete and continuous historical segment. It carefully evaluates conditions as well as accommodability of the existing buildings, and protects them correspondingly with hierarchical strategies, so that the remains of different time and space and the memory of the site can blend and coexist.

总平面手绘草图 | Sketch of Master Plan

工作草模 | Working Model

设计策略 | Design Strategy ●●


Sort Out & Open Up


Through the repeated negotiation with local residents, the boundary of the site was defined by the means of the one-foot-one-inch advance and retreat. The design restores the original urban texture and focuses on regenerating the public space around two temples and opening up surrounding pathways into the city circulations.

正面平行投影轴测图 | Front Axonometric Projection


Updated System




A updated system —— a corridor with weathering resistang steel, is embedded into the newly arranged site. With different breadths, the corridor makes a deliberate concession to the existing plantation and the retained relics. The narrower sections act as hallways connecting preserved buildings while the wider ones turn into rooms accommodating new business. The whole building complex is therefore transformed into an open modern garden yet still holds a traditional flavor.

The corridor meanders through the deconstructed neighborhood, just like the cooking process of "Loach Tofu Soup". The deconstructed neighborhood is 'thick' and 'loose', serving as a substrate while the newly intervened corridor is more flexible, opening up connections and protruding tentacles at the street interface.

The new and the old collide with a natural form of "emptiness", recording the trace of the dynamic generation. The growth and entanglement of vines, trees, grass and moss blur the boundary between the corridor and the open space or the buildings remained. The interface of the old and the new is no longer completely separated, but fuses together.

一层平面图 | The First Floor Plan

屋顶平面图 | The Roof Plan

展品/展台 | Exhibit / Booth ●●

廊道整体均为一层,高度低于老建筑檐口,如低平的“ 展台”衬托作为“展品”的保留建筑。新旧并存,原真表达。

The height of the newly-built corridor is slightly lower than the cornice of preserved existing buildings, like the 'booth' serves as a foil to the 'exhibit'. The new and the old coexist with an authentic illustration.

“展品-展台” | "Exhibit-Booth"


The updated system is like the floating boat to water, lightly placed on the site as the whole, avoiding possible damages of historical relics.

更新系统“轻落”在场地上,如船浮于水面 | The updated system is gently placed on the site, like a boat floating on water


廊道节点草图 | Sketch of Corridor Details

廊道节点大样 | The Detail of the Corridor

植入业态 | Implanting Format ●●


The new system continues the local context of the temple culture and the civil culture, and enriches the original business with programs such as bookstore, cafe, museum, and intangible cultural heritage workshops, in order to offer flexible space to hold public events ranging from community activities to international seminars.

原区委办公楼 —— 精品民宿客房

The former district offices —— A boutique hotel

青云路 —— “泛博物馆”游览路径


Qingyun Road —— A "Pan-museum" Tour Route

The traditional pattern that lasted for thousands of years has been restored

修缮后的城隍庙 —— 市井活动舞台

Repaired Chenghuang Temple —— A stage for Traditional Folk Activities

闲置的粮仓 —— 文仓美术馆


The Spare Granary —— Wencang Art Museum

Flexible space to accommodate events of different scales

文仓美术馆墙身构造大样 | The Detail of Wencang Art Museum

拥抱社区 | Embracing Neighborhood ●●

沿青云路剖面长卷 | Unfolded Section Along Qingyun Road



The renovation restores and strengthens the traditional pattern where Qingyun Road is the central axis and two temples are the wings. The newly built open corridor threads and pierces through surrounding pathways and joins once closed neighborhood to the urban environment. The old temples are reactivated, becoming the cultural lounge for varies folk activities.

The new and the old interfaces intertwine through daily scenes; the picture of local life is slowly unfolding, reuniting this old city's popularity. The whole architecture complex is transformed into a pan-museum displaying dynamic cultural life and buildings with hundred - of - year history. It embraces the surrounding neighborhood with an open attitude, and has once again becaome the spiritual center of Songyang.

廊道围合的院落中,稚子学童在香樟树下读书诵诗 | In the courtyard enclosed by the corridor, young children read poems under the camphor tree

新建廊道和街区 | The New Corridor and the Community

廊道入口 | The Entrance of the Corridor

沿青云路廊道内景 | Scenes in the corridor along Qingyun Road

文庙前香樟书院 | The bookstore in front of the temple

廊道内景 | Interior View of the Corridor

廊道与树 | The relationship of the Corridor and Trees

蜿蜒穿行的新建系统 | The Winding Updated System

蜿蜒穿行的新建系统 | The Winding Updated System

鸟瞰青云路 | The Aerial View of Qingyun Road

青云路入口节点 | The Entrance of Qingyun Road

从周边民宅俯瞰街区 | Overlooking the Block from Surrounding Homs

青云路 - 咖啡厅节点 | The Cafe on Qingyun Road

青云路 - 青云台节点 | Qingyun Road-Qingyun Tai

城隍庙前广场 | The Square In Front of Chenghuang Temple

文仓美术馆的不同活动 | Events in Wencang Art Museum

区委楼南侧小树林以及民宿“小堂” | The Small Lobby and the Grove in the S. of former district offices

城隍庙南侧广场 | The South Square of the Chenghuang Temple

融入周边街区肌理 | Integrated into the Surrounding Texture

编辑 | Editor

陈瞰 Kan Chen

王美晨 Meichen Wang

侯晴 Qing Hou

王重锦 Jin Wang



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