

首页枪战射击Brick Shooter 3D更新时间:2024-05-06

开赛至今,湖人队的三分球非常糟糕,本赛季至今场均命中8.8记三分、三分命中率30.4% 均排名联盟倒数第二,仅比黄蜂强(三分命中率30.3% 场均命中8.7),今天上午,美媒Basketball Forever晒出勇士三铁保罗、维金斯、库明加开赛以来三分球总计85投14中(命中率16%)。其中保罗37中6(16%)、威金斯26中4(15%)、库明加22中4(18%)。可谓是湖勇一家亲,三分铁出天际。引来热议,一起来看看球迷如何评论!

Kuminga has been attacking the basket and his production has been up. Wiggins however has been struggling in a major way. He just need to keep shooting and be confident when he let's it go


I think it’s still early but kuminga has been attacking the basket non stop so he’s been doing his thing for sure and Wiggins should keep shooting the ball and looking for his shots. I think Wiggins should be fine.


They can miss all they want, but the real problem is, this team needs a real big man for rebounds and defense other than Kevon. Who are they expecting crashing the boards?! Curry?! Klay?!


Clearly they're not pure 3 point shooters but Steve Kerr will allow them to constantly pull fron 3. Steve Kerr needs to actually coach. He doesn't have the players he had in the past to help Steph. He needs to coach to the players strength instead of being stubborn and continue to run the same ole system. Other teams have caught up to their usual offense.


if you combine 16 15 18 is equal to 49% that was to high percentage and efficient so how could you call it a brick shot?

如果把 16 15 18 相加,等于 49%,这是非常高的命中率和效率,你怎么能说这是砖头投篮,疯狂打铁呢?

Green is the third best 3 pt shooter


They shouldn't be taken 3s. They should be attaking the basket. Except for cp3.


Timberwolves Wiggins is back!


By the way things are going, I can see the Lakers, Suns, Warriors and Clippers make it to the top 4

… of the 2024 Play-In Tournament


Missing jp3??


It's still too early into the season but if they keep this up for the next ten to fifteen games then the warriors have an issue, but knowing the warriors they always get things around.


JK probably is bad in three’s but it doesn’t deceive the fact that he still has a High percentage FG and he scores more in lesser minutes than the other two


Draymond’s frustrations in games have been getting the best of him lately.. he about to start throwing punches!


If your 3 is not falling….attack the basket. CP3 is not a 3 point shooter. He has certain spots on the floor to make 2 pointers. The others should attack the basket. This team still have a few issues that were not addressed in the off season.


What can I say they can’t shoot or either don’t practice enough or too much pressure for them to make 3


Change the play of the team, stop shooting more and more of those three's..

..attack the basket more and be more efficient..

改变球队的打法,停止投射越来越多的三分球... 攻击篮筐,提高效率。

Least Kuminga gets on the line and Cp3 assists but as for Wiggins... Man what is going on with u? Bad on both ends rn. Gotta wake up soon!


Ooh Chris Paul’s up 15% from a week ago already


Where's Klay's shooting percentage? He's not giving the Warriors anything either! Tells me they're really not good 3 point shooters


dradraymond is shooting over 45% from 3 btw for comparison


Why would they shoot when they have the two best shooters in the league





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