七年级下册英语Units 4~5语法专项训练: 祈使句与Why的用法!

七年级下册英语Units 4~5语法专项训练: 祈使句与Why的用法!


七年级下Unit4 祈使句的用法

七下 Unit 4 祈使句的用法


1. (make) your bed right now.

2. Please (not be) late.

3. (not talk) in class.

4. No (swim)!

5.“Please be quiet. No (talk) says our teacher.

6. Lily, (taste) the fruit salad please.


1. Boys and girls, learning an have fun!

A. keep B. to keep

C. keeping D. kept

2.(遂宁中考)- Sam, run in the hallways. It's very dangerous. - Sorry,Ms. Black.

A. do B. don't

C.not D. doesn't

3. Tom, talk loudly in the library. It's impolite.

A. do B. don't

C. must D. mustn't

4. Do you want to be healthy?

Smiling can help you stay healthy.

A. Smile. B. Smiling.

C. To smile. D. Smiled.

5. dressed now. We have to go in ten minutes. - OK,Mom.

A. Getting B. Get

C.To get D. Gets

6.(广元中考)- silent, please! You are in the library. - I'm sorry, madam.

A. Keep B. To keep

C.Keeping D. Kept


1. 上课不要迟到。

(arrive/be late for)



(be/keep quiet)

4.晚饭后不要看电视。要做作业。(do one's homework)



1. You must eat in the dining hall.(改为祈使句)

- the dining hall.

2. You can't listen to music in the classroom.(改为祈使句)

- to music in the class-room.

3. Don't come to my house tomorrow.(改为肯定句)

- my house tomorrow.

4. Wear glasses.(改为否定句)

- glasses.

【重难点1】must/have to的用法

1.(宿迁中考)- All of us follow the traffic rules when going out.

-Exactly! Safety comes first.

A. might B. must C.may D. could

2.(荆州中考)- Mike, I can't stop playing computer games.

- For your eyes, my dear friend, I'm afraid you .

A. could B.may

C. would D. have to

3.(乐山中考)-Must we wear the school clothes tomorrow,Mr. Wang?

- No,you .Only on Mondays. Tomorrow is Tuesday.

A. mustn't B. needn't C.can't

4. 我们周一必须穿校服。

We wear school uniforms on Mondays.

【重难点2 】too many/too much/much too辨析

1. Lily runs (太) fast.She's like a car.

2. I'm not free because I have (太多) homework to do every day.

3. There are people in the store on Sundays.

A.too much B. too many

C.much too D.many too

【重难点3】 relax/relaxed/relaxing辨析

1. I love the game shows because they are very (relax).

2. 你晚上怎么放松一下?

How you in the even- ing?


He after listening to music.

【重难点 4 】strict的用法

1. My parents are always (严格的) with me.

2. My English teacher is always strict me.

A.in B. at C.with D. about

3.Our teacher is strict us our study.

A. with; in B. in; with

C. with; for D. in; at

【重难点5】remember to do sth./remember doing sth.

1.(海南中考)-Peter always remembers the light off when he leaves the room.

- That's great. It's a good way to save energy.

A. shut B. shutting C. to shut


I her in the city.


- telephone me when you arrive there.


一、1.Make 2. don't be 3. Don't talk4. swimming

5. talking 6. taste

二、1.A 句意:孩子们,坚持学习,玩得愉快!本题考查祈使句的肯定句,祈使句的肯定句以动词原形开头。

2.B 句意:“Sam,不要在走廊里跑。这很危险。”“对不起,Black女士。”祈使句的否定句要在句首加don't。

3.B 句意:Tom,不要在图书馆大声说话。那不礼貌。祈使句的否定句用don't加动词原形构成。

4.A 句意:你想要健康吗?微笑吧。微笑能帮助你保持健康。此处是祈使句,祈使句要以动词原形开头。

5.B 句意:“现在穿好衣服。十分钟后我们得走了。”“好的,妈妈。”祈使句以动词原形开头。

6.A 句意:“请保持安静!你是在图书馆里。”“对不起,


三、1.Don't arrive/be late for class. 2. Come here, children.

3.Be/Keep quiet in the classroom. 4.Don't watch TV after dinner.Do your homework.

四、1.Eat in 2. Don't listen3. Come to 4.Don't wear


1.B might 也许,是may的过去式或委婉形式;must-定;may 也许,可以;could 是can的过去式或委婉形式。由答句句意可知,本句句意为:我们所有人出门都必须遵守交通规则。

2.D 句意:“Mike,我忍不住要玩电脑游戏。”“亲爱的朋

友,为了你的眼睛,恐怕你必须(要停下来)。”could能够;may 可以,或许;would将要;have to必须。

3.B 句意:“王老师,我们明天必须穿校服吗?”“不,你们不必。只在星期一。明天是星期二。”must开头的一般疑问句的否定回答用“No,you needn't.”。

4. have to


1. much too2. too much

3.B 句意:在星期天这个店里有太多的人。too much修饰不可数名词;too many修饰可数名词复数。people是可数名词复数,故选B。

【重难点3】1. relaxing 2. do; relax3. is/feels relaxed

【重难点4】1. strict 2.C 句意:我的英语老师总是对我很严格。be strict withsb.意为“对某人要求严格”。

3.A 句意:我们的老师在学习方面对我们要求很严格。be strict with sb.意为“对某人要求严格”;be strict in sth.意为“对某事要求严格”。


1.C 句意: 当 Peter 离开房间时他总是记得关灯。remember to do sth.记得要做某事(未做);rememberdoing sth.记得做过某事(已做)。根据when he leaves the

room 可知,此处是指记得要去关灯。

2. remember seeing 3. Remember to

七年级下Unit5 why 引导的特殊疑问

七下 Unit5 why 引导的特殊疑问


1. It isn't (容易的) to learn English well.

2. - Who is the (美丽的) girl in red?

- She's my sister Mimi.

3. I don't like sloths(树懒)because they're very (懒惰的).

4.My grandpa has a parrot(鹦鹉).It's really (聪明的).


cutescare friend interest danger

1. The little baby is very . We all love her.

2. I don't like lions because they're .

3. Dogs are to us and they are also helpful.

4. Koalas are kind of and cute.

5. Lions are to all of us.


1. do you like this TV program? - Because it's very interesting.

A. Why B. When C. How D.What

2.(淮北期中)My pet dog is very

He can help me find the lost key.

A. lazy B. shy C. small D. smart

3. My sister is very . She doesn't like to meet strangers(陌生人).

A. shy B.fun C.cute D.interesting

4.-What fun The Croods is!

- Yeah! I like the movie, too. It's so .

A. boring B. scary

C. interesting D. sad

5. Susan is very to me. We are

A. friend; friend B. friendly; friend

C. friendly; friends D.friendly; friendly




- you like ?

- they're interesting.



- your sister like dogs?

- they're very. .


- do you like ?

- they're .


Where the lions ?

- They .

重难点 1 kind的用法

1. There are many animals in the zoo. Most of them are cute.

A. kind of; kind of B. kinds of; kinds of C. kinds of; kind of D.kind of; kinds of

2. 我不喜欢这种节目。

I don't like show.


There are clothes in this shop.



- like these dogs?

- Because they are scary.

重难点2 sleepy/sleep/go to bed 辨析

1.Paul didn't well last night and now he feels very .

A. sleep; sleepy B. sleepy; sleep

C. sleep;sleep D. sleepy; sleepy

2. 在周末我的弟弟可以睡一整天。

My brother can on weekends.

3.该睡觉了。It's time .

重难点3 get lost的用法

1. Elephants have a good memory. They can walk for a long time and never .

A. get worried B. get mad

C. get lost D.get angry

2. - I'm afraid we .

- Don't worry. I think the map can help us.

A. get out B. cut down

C. get lost D. eat out


My grandma often ,So I have to help her.

重难点4 be in (great) danger的用法

1. The boy is in the river. He can't go out, so he's .We must save him.

A. on time B. in danger C. at night D. on weekends


These animals are .

3. 这趟航班的所有乘客正处于危险之中。

All the passengers in the flight are .

重难点 5cut down 的用法

1. Our contry is taking action to air pollution.

A. cut down B. cut up C. cut in D. cut off

2.(淮北期中)-Why do you the tree?

-I want to make a desk for my son.

A. help with B. talk about C. arrive at D. cut down


The skirt is too expensive. Can you ?


The tree is in the way and I want to .


一、1. easy 2. beautiful 3. lazy 4. smart

二、1.cute2. scary 3. friendly 4. interesting5. dangerous

三、1.A 句意:“你为什么喜欢这个电视节目?”“因为它很有趣。”答语用 because回答,则问句用why提问。

2.D 句意:我的宠物狗非常聪明。他可以帮我找到丢失的钥匙。

3.A 句意:我的妹妹很害羞。她不喜欢见陌生人。shy害羞的;fun有趣的;cute 可爱的;interesting有趣的。

4.C句意:“(疯狂原始人)多么有趣呀!”“是呀!我也喜欢这部电影。它如此有趣。”boring 无聊的;scary恐怖的;interesting有趣的;sad悲伤的。

5.C句意:Susan她对我很友好。我们是朋友。friendly友好的;be friendly to对……很友好;friend朋友。

四、1.Why do;pandas; Because; kind of

2.Why does;Because; cute

3. Why don't; tigers; Because;really scary

4. are; from; are from South Africa

【重难点1】1C句意:动物园里有许多种动物。它们中的大部分有点可爱。kind of 意为“有点儿;稍微”,用来修饰形容词; kinds of 意为“各种各样的”,后跟名词。根据animals可知,第一空使用 kinds of;根据cute一词可知,第二空应使用kind of。

2. this kind of 3. all kinds of 4. Why don't you; kind of

【重难点2】1.A 句意:Paul 昨天晚上没有睡好,现在他感到很困倦。sleep 动词,意为“睡觉”;sleepy形容词,意为“困倦的”。前一个分句缺少谓语动词,因此用sleep;后一个分句系动词feels 后缺形容词作表语,故应用sleepy。

2. sleep all day 3. to go to bed

【重难点3】1.C句意:大象的记忆力很好。它们能走很长一段时间,从不迷路。get worried变得焦虑;get mad变得恼怒;get lost迷路;get angry生气。题干中提到了“大象记忆力很好”,由此可推断,它们可以走很长时间,从不迷路,故get lost符合题意。

2.C句意:“恐怕我们迷路了。”“不用担心。我认为地图能帮我们。”get out 出去; cut down 砍倒;get lost迷路; eat out 出去吃饭。根据答语可推断,符合题意的短语是get lost。

3. gets lost

【重难点4】1.B 句意:男孩在河里。他出不来了,因此他很危险。我们必须救他。on time按时;indanger处于危险之中;at night 在夜间;on weekends在周末。

2. in great danger3. in danger

【重难点5】1.A 句意:我们国家正采取行动来减少空气污染。Cut down 减少,砍倒;cut up 切碎; cut in打断;cut off 切断。

2.D 句意:“你为什么砍这棵树?”“我想给我儿子做张桌子。”help with 帮助做……;talk about讨论;arrive at 到达;cut down 砍伐。

3. cut down the price/cut the price down4. cut it down



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