变形金刚:难以置信(13)塞伯坦思乡蓝调 —— IDW主线

变形金刚:难以置信(13)塞伯坦思乡蓝调 —— IDW主线

首页枪战射击Lost Light先行服更新时间:2024-06-08





Blaster has repaired the Lost Light‘s long-range subspace network, and Swerve has bribed him with free drinks to let him send the first transmission back to Cybertron. He records a message for his old buddy Blurr, explaining the ship’s explosive departure and the progress of the quest, and then begins to tell the story of the events of the previous day...

A horrible howling sound emerging from Tailgate and Cyclonus‘s hab-suite catches Swerve’s attention on his way to work, but before he can open the door, he is yanked away by Drift, who is preparing to storm the room with Aquafend. They proceed to kick the door in, to discover that the noise was Cyclonus singing a hymn in Old Cybertronian. Suitably chastened, Drift returns to Rodimus‘s office to carry on teaching the captain parrying, and Swerve tags along, asking the ninja-bot to become his new room-mate. Moments later, Ultra Magnus comes storming in, wound tighter than ever and rattling off a list of the crew’s preposterously minor protocol infractions. Rodimus suggests he relax, and proposes that the crew take some “shore leave” on the nearby planet Hedonia, convincing Swerve to show Magnus the planet‘s sights.

On the trip down to Hedonia, Swerve and Tailgate chat about the latter’s choice in roommates and Cyclonus‘s past, and Swerve’s friendship with Blurr, while Magnus desperately tries to relax. Setting down on the planet, Swerve‘s “posse” employ new auto-generated, personality-based holomatter avatars to find a mechanoid-friendly bar; Magnus’s choice of a self-designed avatar based on Verity Carlo leaves them all asking questions. Swerve convinces Magnus to deactivate his fuel intake moderation chip so that he can enjoy drinking, but Whirl exploits the opportunity to slip him a mickey—weapons-grade Nucleon, which knocks Magnus out completely. Two hours later, the rest of the group are playing the “nemesis game”, naming their worst enemies, when Magnus begins to come around and everyone but Swerve immediately flees in fear of repercussions. The sozzled Magnus mopes about his predicament to Swerve, about hating the quest and being hated by everyone and wanting to go back to Cybertron, and almost confesses to enjoying music when he notices Swerve‘s Autobot badge is missing. He dubs the little ’bot a shirker before gulping down another drink and passing out again.

A little later, the others return with trinkets bought from the gift shop; Rung has purchased a new model ship that reminds Skids of the Ark-1, prompting Rewind to play some millennia-old footage of the opening ceremony for the ship‘s launch, in which the crew was named. Suddenly, Cyclonus flies into a rage, flipping over the table and getting into a scuffle with Skids. Tailgate intervenes, urging the others to head back to the shuttle while he calms Cyclonus, and Swerve realises they only have twenty minutes to do so. Whirl quickly flies everyone back to the shuttle, after which they project their holomatters avatars back to the bar in order to transport the still-unconscious Ultra Magnus back via a short-cut through an organics-only area. To do so, he must be in his alternate mode, so they drag him out of the bar and begin jumping up and down on him in order to make him involuntarily transform, and they eventually succeed... except, he’s upside down. After managing him to flip him over, the group drives back to the shuttle, happily commenting on what a good time they‘ve had.

And back at the bar, a perfectly calm Cyclonus reveals something to Tailgate: he knows that he is lying, that he was not on the Ark’s crew manifest - there was a Tailpipe, but no Tailgate. Tailgate realises that Cyclonus made a scene to save him from discovery, and sadly confesses that he never worked in bomb disposal, or the Primal Vanguard: he was actually a waste disposal ‘bot, and he lied about himself because he was despondent over having never even been looked for after he fell through the Mitteous Plateau while on the way to rinse out the Ark-1’s coolant. Cyclonus points out that he‘ll be caught out one day, but offers to share his method of easing sadness: he teaches Tailgate a song in Old Cybertronian, and the pair sing together in the empty bar.

Swerve finishes up his recording, but when Blaster tries to send it to Blurr’s personal hailing frequency, it does not go through. Swerve flashes back to the last time he met Blurr, and we learn it was the only time: he and Blurr were never friends, Swerve was just an over-eager fan who shared one or two sentences about opening a bar with Blurr while getting an autograph, and was fobbed off with a fake hailing frequency. He glumly returns to his bar, and in time, Ultra Magnus arrives, finally recovered from the previous night. He hands Swerve a new Autobot badge, revealing that he remembers everything about the drunken escapade. Swerve cautiously asks him if he‘d like to be his new roomate, but Magnus simply chides him for his familiarity, making implicitly clear that nothing has changed between them.

You will find profound philosophical meanings in the texts of some of the comments here, and then you will understand: "Strong beliefs and enthusiasm, in different dimensions, like beautiful galaxies, Optimus Prime's eyes, long-lasting love, never changed...". This public number will be released gradually, for sci-fi movies, philosophical views, original film reviews. The purpose, of course, is not only to illustrate the film, but to point to the metaphysical meaning outside the film. Looking forward to revealing what is truly pure in this era of forgetting simplicity.


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