燕歌行并序 | 译典

燕歌行并序 | 译典


译 典

2022.1.18 第577期


高 适















选自教育部组织编写《普通高中教科书 语文 选择性必修 中册》第4单元《古诗词诵读》,人民教育出版社,2019


GAO Shi (704-765), styled High Man, born in Bohai County, Cangzhou (present-day Jingxian County, Hebei Province). The poet was a minister and one of the Four Frontier Fortress Poets in the Tang dynasty. The other three were Cen Shen, Wang Changling and Wang Zhihuan. Gao authored the 20-volume Chamberlain Gao’s Collection.(买天春译)

A Swallow Song with a Preface

By GAO Shi

Tr. ZHAO Yanchun and KUANG Yiwen

The Han’s dust whirls in the northeastern parts;

To defeat foes, our general departs.

The soldiers march invincibly onwards;

The Son of Heaven grants them rich awards.

Gongs and drums are roaring beyond the pass;

Banners and flags are winding thru rock mass.

The plumed order darts to the sea of sand;

The Huns’ fire has lightened the northern land.

Mounds and rivers at the front are fading;

Wind and rain the foes’ threats are pervading.

On the battlefield, half soldiers dead be;

In the chief’s tent, singing girls dance on spree.

The desert finds grass in autumn deceasing;

The setting sun sees soldiers decreasing.

The chief does underestimate the foe;

The soldiers can’t make a sally, drained tho.

Armor has worked hard long in the far zone;

Tears streaming, the wives can but cry alone.

In the south of town, young wives live in pain;

At the north Ch’i, soldiers look back in vain.

How could one reach the remote border hall?

Could the wilds offer anything at all?

The clouds are shaken by the shouts of fight;

Cooking pots make cold sounds throughout the night.

Look at the white blades dirty with blood stains;

Fighting to die, would one care about gains?

Don’t you espy how strenuous the battlefield be?

E’en today, we remember Marshal Lee!


赵彦春,博士生导师,上海大学翻译研究出版主任,国际学术期刊Translating China主编,国际汉学与教育研究会会长、传统文化翻译与国际传播专业委员会会长、中国先秦史学会国学双语研究会执行会长、中国语言教育研究会副会长。


ZHAO Yanchun, Professor of English at Shanghai University, Director of Shanghai University Center for Translation and Publishing, Editor of Translating China, President of International Sinology and Education Society, President of Chinese Culture Translation and International Promotion Committee, Executive President of Chinese Classics Bilinguals’ Association, Vice President of China Language Education Association.

KUANG Yiwen, Ph.D. candidate at Shanghai University, specializes in the translation of Chinese culture.




本期作者:高 适




本期排版:曼 曼

《羊角村即景》An Impromptu of Ram Horn Village

《即景》An Impromptu

《苏武慢 · 寒夜闻角》To the Tune of Su Wu’s Slow

《游园【皂罗袍】》To the Tune of Silk Gown

《无衣》No Clothes

《清明游百瑞谷》A Visit to All-Bliss Dale on Pure Brightness Day

《念奴娇 · 过洞庭》 A Visit to Lake Cavehall

《杜陵怀古》Reminiscing the Past at Birchleaf Pear Ridge


《城郊小站》A Bus Stop at the Suburb

《桂枝香 · 金陵怀古》A Bus Stop at the Suburb

《登岳阳楼》Climbing Yüehshine Tower

《浣溪沙·漫步二沙岛江边》To the Tune of Yarn Washing

《中秋民宿记》My Homestay at Mid-Autumn Festival

《庚子岁终路遇阿翁》Coming Across an Old Uncle at the End of 2020

《鹊桥仙》The Magpie Bridge Immortal

《虞美人》Lady Yu

《宴清都 · 途吟》To the Tune of Banquet at Emperor Heaven’s Palace

《临江仙 · 有所感》To the Tune of Riverine Fairy

《涉江采芙蓉》To the Tune of Banquet at Emperor Heaven’s Palace

《鹊踏枝》To the Tune of A Magpie on the Branch

《永遇乐 · 京口北固亭怀古》To the Tune of Happiness Forever

《声声慢》A Long Drone

《玉楼春》To the Tune of Jade Tower Spring

《采桑子》To the Tune of Mulberry Gatherer

《玉楼春》(To the Tune of) Jade Tower Spring

《别凉州》Goodbye to Coolton

《琵琶行并序》A Pipa Player

《念奴娇 · 赤壁怀古》Reminiscing Red Wall

《登高》Climbing High

《梦游天姥吟留别》My Dream of Mt. Sky Mum: To Go or Not to Go

《归园田居(其一)》Back to Nature

《咏菊》Ode to Chrysanthemums

《短歌行》A Short Song Ballad

《归园田居(其一)》Back to Nature

《江上偶成》A Casual Note on the River

《厌读》Tired of Reading

《送仲侯归省》Seeing Off My Cousin Zhonghou Returning Home

《文氏外孙入村收麦》Mr. Wen’s Grandsons Come to Harvest Wheat

《苤苢》The Plantain

《木兰花慢 · 夜泛太湖》To the Tune of Magnolia Slow

《八声甘州 · 丁亥春偕妇登虞山望海楼》To the Tune of Eight Beats of Ganzhou Song

《菩萨蛮 · 渔浦书所见》To the Tune of Buddhaman

《鹊踏枝 · 一水盈盈秋梦浅》(To the Tune of) A Magpie on the Branch

《别云间》Farewell to Clouds

《山坡羊 · 骊山怀古》To the Tune of Hillside Sheep

《水调歌头·泊桐庐》Mooring at Tung Lodge

《菩萨蛮 · 辛巳除夕宿重庆小龙坎大雪》To the Tune of Buddhaman

《鹧鸪天 · 过雨微闻草木馨》(To the Tune of) Partridges in the Sky

《鹧鸪天》(To the Tune of) Partridges in the Sky

《满庭芳 · 香港沦陷后作》To the Tune of the Yard Full of Fragrance

《南乡子 · 登京口北固亭有怀》 Climbing North Firm Tower at Townmouth

《过零丁洋》A Visit to Lonely Ocean

《秦楼月》(To the Tune of ) The Moon over Qin Tower

《踏莎行 · 送寒云宿霭兰室》To the Tune of Treading on Grass

《虞美人·戏朱经农》Kidding Zhu Jingnong

《朝天子 · 咏喇叭》Ode to the Trumpet

《水调歌头·南水北调入京》The South-North Water Diversion Project’s Coming to the Capital

《秋巡徐州》Touring Xuzhou in Autumn

《寄独秀》To Duxiu

《太常引·建康中秋夜为吕叔潜赋》To the Tune of Grand Priest

《南浦·游浣花溪,怜江介之木芙蓉,用玉田韵》To the Tune of South Moor

《鹧鸪天 · 宿森林公园》Putting Up for the Night at a Forest Park

编辑:王傲霏, 二审:曼曼,终审:金石开


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