

首页休闲益智Fish Diver更新时间:2024-06-23

1. bulge /bʌldʒ/ (v.) 鼓起

2. taper /ˈteɪpər/ (v.) (使)一端逐渐变窄

3. smoothly /ˈsmuːðli/(adv.) 顺利地,顺畅地

4. panic /ˈpænɪk/ (v.) (使)恐慌,(使)惊慌失措

5. convince /kənˈvɪns/ (v.) 说服;使相信;使信服

6. intelligent /ɪnˈtelɪdʒənt/ (adj.) 有才智的;聪颖的、理解力强的

7. noble /ˈnoʊbl/ (adj.) 高尚的;伟大的;崇高的

8. weigh /weɪ/ (v.) 有…重

9. shift /ʃɪft/ (v.) 移动;改变;转移

10. admit /ədˈmɪt/ (v.) 承认

11. mechanically /məˈkænɪkli/ (adv.) 机械地;习惯性地

12. automatically /ˌɔːtəˈmætɪkli/ (adv.) 自动地

1. come out 出去

2. commence to do 着手做某事

3. take sth. out 摧毁(某物)

4. as though 好像;似乎

5. lean against 倚靠

6. decide to do 决定做某事

7. cut sth. up 切碎;剪碎;割碎;剁碎


The line rose slowly and steadily and then the surface of the oceanbulged (鼓起) ahead of the boat and the fish came out.

He came out unendingly (不断的)and water poured (倾泻) from his sides. He was bright in the sun and his head and back were dark purple and in the sun the stripes on his sides showed wide and a light lavender(淡紫色).

His sword (剑,这里指鱼尖尖的嘴) was as long as a baseball bat (球棒) and tapered (一端逐渐变窄) like a rapier (长剑) and he rose his full length from the water and then re-entered it, smoothly (顺利地), like a diver (潜水员) and the old man saw the great scythe-blade (镰刀刀刃状的) of his tail go under and the line commenced to race out.

“He is two feet longer than the skiff (小船),” the old man said. The line was going out fast but steadily and the fish was not panicked (恐慌).

The old man was trying with both hands to keep the line just inside of breaking strength. He knew that if he could not slow the fish with a steady pressure the fish could take out all the line and break it.

He is a great fish and I must convince (说服,引申为制服) him, he thought. I must never let him learn his strength nor what he could do if he made his run. If I were him I would put in everything now and go until something broke.

But, thank God, they are not as intelligent (有才智的) as we who kill them; although they are more noble (高尚的) and more able.

The old man had seen many great fish. He had seen many that weighed(有…重) more than a thousand pounds and he had caught two of that size in his life, but never alone.

Now alone, and out of sight of land, he was fast to the biggest fish that he had ever seen and bigger than he had ever heard of, and his left hand was still as tight as the gripped claws (爪子) of an eagle (鹰).

It will uncramp though, he thought. Surely it will uncramp to help my right hand.

There are three things that are brothers: the fish and my two hands. It must uncramp. It is unworthy of it to be cramped. The fish had slowed again and was going at his usual pace.

I wonder why he jumped, the old man thought. He jumped almost as though to show me how big he was.

I know now, anyway, he thought. I wish I could show him what sort of man I am. But then he would see the cramped hand. Let him think I am more man than I am and I will be so.

I wish I was the fish, he thought, with everything he has against only my will (意志) and my intelligence (智慧).

He settled comfortably against the wood and took his suffering as it came and the fish swam steadily and the boat moved slowly through the dark water.

There was a small sea rising with the wind coming up from the east and at noon the old man’s left hand was uncramped.

“Bad news for you, fish,” he said and shifted (移动) the line over the sacks (布袋) that covered his shoulders.

He was comfortable but suffering, although he did not admit (承认) the suffering at all.

“I am not religious,” he said. “But I will say ten Our Fathers (基督教的主祷词)and ten Hail Marys (万福马利亚) that I should catch this fish, and I promise (承诺) to make a pilgrimage (朝圣) to the Virgin of Cobre if I catch him. That is a promise.”

He commenced to say his prayers mechanically (机械地). Sometimes he would be so tired that he could not remember the prayer and then he would say them fast so that they would come automatically (自动地).

Hail Marys are easier to say than Our Fathers, he thought.

“Hail Mary full of Grace the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners (罪人) now and at the hour of our death. Amen.”

Then he added, “Blessed Virgin, pray for the death of this fish. Wonderful though he is.”

With his prayers said, and feeling much better, but suffering exactly as much, and perhaps a little more, he leaned against the wood of the bow and began, mechanically, to work the fingers of his left hand.

The sun was hot now although the breeze was rising gently (轻轻地).

“I had better re-bait that little line out over the stern (船尾),” he said. “If the fish decides to stay another night I will need to eat again and the water is low in the bottle.

“I don’t think I can get anything but a dolphin here. But if I eat him fresh enough he won’t be bad.

“I wish a flying fish would come on board tonight. But I have no light to attract (吸引) them.

“A flying fish is excellent (极好的) to eat raw and I would not have tocut him up. I must save all my strength now. Christ, I did not know he was so big.”

“I’ll kill him though,” he said. “In all his greatness and his glory (荣耀).”

Although it is unjust, he thought. But I will show him what a man can do and what a man endures.

“I told the boy I was a strange old man,” he said.

“Now is when I must prove (证明) it.”

The thousand times that he had proved it meant nothing. Now he was proving it again. Each time was a new time and he never thought about the past when he was doing it.

I wish he’d sleep and I could sleep and dream about the lions (狮子), he thought. Why are the lions the main thing that is left? Don’t think, old man, he said to himself.

Rest gently now against the wood and think of nothing. He is working. Work as little as you can.

It was getting into the afternoon and the boat still moved slowly and steadily.

But there was an added drag now from the easterly breeze and the old man rode gently with the small sea and the hurt of the cord across his back came to him easily and smoothly.


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