英语重点难点精讲:out,out of和out f...

英语重点难点精讲:out,out of和out f...

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英语重点难点精讲:out,out of和out from

① out表示“在外,出去”,作形容词或副词,常修饰动词,也可用作表语。

The water will rush out. 水要溢出来了。

He stayed out very late. 他在外面待到很晚。

Mother is out. 妈妈出去了。

② out of是介词短语,表示“在……之外,向……外”。

The children rushed out of the classroom. 孩子们冲出教室。

Fish can't live out of water. 鱼儿离不开水。

She took the book out of the bag. 她把书从书包里拿出来。

③ out of还可以表示“出自,由于,缺乏,脱离,出于,不,没有”等。

out of control失去控制

out of breath气喘吁吁

out of patience不耐烦

out of fashion不流行

out of date过时

out of work失业

out of repair无法修补

two miles out of town离城两里


out of表示静止状态时,反义词是in;out of表示动态时,反义词是into。

The factory is out of town. 那家工厂在城外。

The factory is in town. 那家工厂在城内。

He ran out of the room. 他跑出房间。

He ran into the room. 他跑进房间。

④ out from表示“从某处出来,从某处来”,from后要再跟一个适当的介词。

A cat ran out from behind the door. 一只猫从门后面跑了出来。

She took the book out from beneath the pillow. 她从枕头底下拿出一本书。

He picked a few bad oranges out from among the pile. 他从那一堆橘子中挑出了几只坏橘子。


out of有时可同out from among换用。

She saw some birds flying out of/out from among the bushes. 她看见一些鸟从树丛中飞了出来。


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