AAEO: 授权经济运营商 (Authorized Economic Operator)
ATA: 实际到达时间 (Actual Time of Arrival)
AWB: 空运提单(Air Way bill)
BBAF: 燃油附加费(Bunker Adjustment Factor)
B/L: 提单(Bill of Lading)
B/R:票价 (Bill Rate)
CCFR: 成本加运费(Cost and Freight)
CIF: 到岸价(Cost, Insurance and Freight)
CPT: 运费预付到指定地点 (Carriage Paid To)
CIP: 运费和保险费预付到指定地点 (Carriage and Insurance Paid To)
CY/CY: 整柜交货(Container Yard/Container Yard)
C.Y:货柜场,码头(Container Yard)
CFS: 集装箱货运站(Cargo Freight Station)
C/D: 报关单(Customs Declaration)
C.C: 运费到付(Collect)
CNTR NO.: 集装箱号码(Container number)
C.O: 原产地证明书(Certificate of Origin)
C.S.C: 集装箱服务费 (Container Service Charge)
C/(CNEE): 收货人(Consignee)
C/0: 产地证(Certificate of Origin)
CAF:货币汇率附加费(Currency Adjustment Factor)
CFS: 散货仓库(Container Freight Station)
CHB: 报关行(Customs House Broker)
COMM: 商品(Commodity)
CTNR: 集装箱(Container)
DDAF: 边境交货(Deliver at Frontier)
(Delivered EX Ship)
DES: 岸上交货
DEQ: 码头交货 (Delivered EX Quay)
DDU: 未完税交货(Delivered Duty Unpaid)
DDP: 完税交货 (Delivered Duty Paid)
DDC:目的港码货费(Destination Delivery Charge)
DL/DLS:美元 (Dollars)
D/P:付款交单(Document Against Payment)
DOC: 文件、单据 (Document)
DOC#:文件号码 (Document number)
D/A: 承兑交单(Document Against Acceptance)
DOZ/DZ: 打包 (Dozen)
D/O: 提货单(Delivery Order)
EECRS:紧急回收成本费 (Emergency cost recovery surcharge)
ETA: 到港日 (Estimated Time of Arrival)
ETD: 开船日 (Estimated Time of Delivery)
ETC:接管日 (Estimated Time of Closing)
EBS: 应急燃油附加费 (Emergency Bunker Surcharge)
EBA: 应急燃油调整费 (Emergency Bunker Adjustment)
EPS: 设备位置附加费(Equipment Possition Surcharges)
EXP: 出口 (Export)
EA: 每个 (Each)
FFCA: 卖方交货价 (Free Carrier)
FAS: 船边交货价 (Free Alongside Ship)
FOB: 装船港交货价 (Free on Board)
FCL: 整箱货运 (Full Container Load)
LCL: 拼箱货运(Less than Container Load)
FAF: 燃油附加费 (Fuel Adjustment Factor)
FAC: 传真 (Facsimile)
Form A: 原产地证明书(Certificate of Origin)
F/F: 货运代理 (Freight Forwarder)
FAK: 全货种运费 (Freight All Kind)
FEU: 40英尺集装箱 (Forty-foot Equivalent Unit)
FMC: 联邦海事委员会(Federal Maritime Commission)
FIO: 公司不付装船和卸船的费用 (Freeln and Out)
GGRI: 综合费率上涨附加费(General Rate Increase)
G.W.:毛重 (Gross Weight)
N.W.: 净重 (Net Weight)
G.S.P.: 普惠制 (Generalized System of Preferences)
HHB/L:货代提单 (House BillofLading
H/C: 代理费 (Handling Charge)
IIFA: 燃油附加费中间调整(Interim Fuel Adjustment)
INT: 国际(International)
IMP: 进口(Import)
I/S: 内部销售 (Inside Sales)
IA: 个别调价 (Independent Action)
JP: 日元 (Japanese Yen)
LL/C: 信用证 (Letter of Credit)
Land Bridge: 陆桥(Land Bridge)
LDP: 完税到岸价(Landed Duty Paid)
MMB/L: 总提单(Master Bill ofLading
MIN: 最小 (Minimum)
M/V: 货船 (Merchant Vessel)
MT: 公吨(Metric Ton)
M/T: 计量吨(Measurement Ton)
MLB:迷你陆桥(Mini Land Bridge)
Mother Vessel: 主线船(Mother Vessel)
MTD:多式联运单据 (Multimodal Transport Document)
NNOVCC: 非船舶承运人 (Non-Vessel Operating Common Carrier)
N/F: 通知 (Notify)
O/F: 海运费 (Ocean Freight)
ORC: 原产地收货费 (Original Receiving Charge)
OCP: 货主自行安排运到内陆点 (Overland Continental Point)
OP: 操作 (Operation)
PPOD: 目的港(Port of Destination)
POL: 装货港(Port of Loading)
PSS: 旺季附加费(Peak Season Surcharge)
PR: 价格(Price)
P/P: 预付货运费 (Freight Prepaid)
PCS: 港口拥挤附加费 (Port Congestion Surcharge)
PTF: 巴拿马运河附加费 (Panama Canal Surcharge)
PKG: 包裹(Package)
PCE/PCS: 件数(Piece/Pieces)
P/L: 装箱清单(Packing List)
PCT: 百分比(Percentage)
PUR: 采购 (Purchase)
RREF:参考 (Reference)
RMB:人民币 (Renminbi)
S/D:单证费(Documentation Charge)
S/C:销售确认书(Ssles Contract)
S/B:海关申报单 (Customs Declaration)
S.P:特别点(Special Point)
S/No:序号 (Serial Number)
S.T.C.: 货物情况(Said To Contain)
S.W.L:安全工作载荷(Safe Working Load)
SPS:上海港口附加费(Shanghai port Surcharge)
S.S : 船运 (ship steam)
S/M: 装船标记 (Shipping Marks)
S/(Shpr): 发货人(Shipper)
S/R: 卖价(Selling Rate)
SSL: 船公司 (Steam Ship Line)
SDR: 特别提款机(Special Drawing Rights)
TT/T: 电汇 (Telegraphic Transfer)
T/T: 航程 (Transit Time)
T/S:转船、转运 (Transshipment)
(Terminal Handling Charge)·THC: 码头装卸费
(Truck Delivery Charge)·TDC: 卡车交货费
(Twenty-foot Equivalent Unit)·TEU: 20英尺集装箱
T.O.C: 码头操作费(TerminalOperations Option)
T.R.C: 码头收柜费(Terminal Receiving Charge
TVC/TVR: 定期定量合同 (TimeVolumeContract/Rate)
TTL: 总共 (Total)
VVGM: 货物重量验证 (Verified Gross Mass)
VAT: 增值税 (Value-Added Tax)
VSL: 船 (Vessel)
Vessel/Voyage: 船名/船次
VOCC: 船公司
WT: 重量(Weight)
W/T: 船运(Water Transportation)
W/O: 没有 (Without)
W/M: 以重量吨或尺码吨中从高收费(Weight or Measurement Ton)
W/H:仓库保管费 (Warehouse Handling)
YYAS: 日元升值附加费,码头附加费Yard Surcharges
ZZIP:邮政编码 (Zone Improvement Plan)
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