Formula Matift在Matt Field的漂移洞穴

Formula Matift在Matt Field的漂移洞穴


Formula Drift Prep At Matt Field’s Drift Cave

Formula Matift Prep在Matt Field的漂移洞穴

1. Double Everything


2. The Pro Car


3. The Cave


You could tell Matt Field was tired — working 14 hours a day and seven days a week can do that to you. But he wasn’t sleepy, an important distinction.

In fact, for as drained as he might have been, the always-excitable Formula Drift Pro driver seemed more excited than ever. His eyes lit up as he showed us how his shop space has doubled since our last visit, and explained how his team would be fielding two cars for the new FD season, with Pat Goodin competing in Matt’s once-retired S14. Another Pro-spec car was in the shop as well, but I’m already getting ahead of myself.

你可以告诉马特菲尔德累了 - 每天工作14小时,每周工作7天就可以做到。但他并不 困,这是一个重要的区别。

事实上,对于尽可能多的耗尽,总是令人兴奋的Formula Drift Pro驾驶员似乎比以往任何时候都更加兴奋。他向我们展示了自从我们上次访问以来他的商店空间增加了一倍,他的眼睛亮了起来,并解释了他的团队将如何在新的FD赛季中投入两辆赛车,而Pat Goodin将参加Matt曾经退役的S14。另一辆Pro-spec车也在车间,但我已经超越了自己。

Matt’s story behind the wheel really starts off with his dad, an off-road racer. With a bit of racer coursing through his veins, Matt was eight years old when he first drove a quarter midget. By the time his 15th birthday rolled around, Matt was comfortably having a blast thrashing around sideways in an off-road truck with over 600hp.

Although, like many of us, Matt wound up burning time on a skateboard for most of his teenage years. And it was at a skatepark where Matt got his first taste of drifting.



He was skating in Milpitas, California when his friend said something along the lines of, ‘Hey man, my friend is gonna come drift around the parking lot.’ This meant nothing to Matt at the time, but when a red S13 coupe rolled up and started doing donuts and sliding around the lot, Matt’s “mind exploded.” He was instantly hooked.

他在加利福尼亚州的米尔皮塔斯滑冰时,他的朋友说了一句话,“嘿,伙计,我的朋友会在停车场漂流。” 这对Matt当时没有任何意义,但是当一辆红色的S13轿跑车卷起并开始做甜甜圈并在该地段滑动时,Matt的“头脑爆炸了。”他立刻被迷住了。

Although he’s quick to say he was fortunate to be in a driver’s seat from a young age thanks to his family — as well as that he’s extremely grateful for all of the sponsor support he now receives — it’s very clear that Matt has truly earned the place he’s at now. He has worked tremendously hard behind the scenes for the progress we all see from the outside, just like anyone else would have to. It’s extremely inspiring, as it means that really anyone can work their way to the position Matt’s in now – it just takes a pinch of good luck and an immense amount of willpower.

虽然他很快就说他很幸运,因为他的家人而从小就坐在驾驶座上 - 而且他非常感谢他现在所获得的所有赞助人支持 - 很明显马特确实赢得了这个地方他现在在。他在幕后为我们从外面看到的进步付出了巨大的努力,就像其他任何人一样。这是非常鼓舞人心的,因为这意味着现在真的有人可以按照自己的方式进入马特的位置 - 它只需要一点好运和巨大的意志力。

Currently, the short of it is that drifting is Matt Field’s life. Not an extremely profound statement, and probably not all that surprising, either. But there’s no better way to summarize the weeks on end that Matt goes without a day off to continue to realize his ever-growing dreams.


When Sara and I stopped by Matt’s shop, the Drift Cave — which is operated with his business partner Daniel Chow, who is also Matt’s spotter in FD — in January last year, the workspace ended after the black Corvette you see here (more on Z06 FD Pro car in a moment). But due to a recent series of fortunate events, Matt was able to rent the back half of the shop, and knock out the separating wall.

当Sara和我在Matt的商店停下来的时候,Drift Cave - 与他的商业伙伴Daniel Chow一起经营,他也是Matt在FD中的观察员 - 去年1月,工作区在你看到的黑色Corvette之后结束了(更多关于Z06) FD Pro汽车片刻)。但由于最近发生了一系列幸运事件,马特能够租用商店的后半部分,然后拆掉隔离墙。

he extra space means more room for more projects, which also means Matt has been able to add a few members to the Drift Cave team. The shop now includes foreman Andy Ochoa, head fabricator Don Powers, and techs Ryan Field and Ashton Redberg.

In this newly acquired shop space, Matt and Daniel have also been able to start fresh in a sense, applying lessons learned for a more streamlined setup. Still, Matt says he has tons of work to get everything where he needs it to be, not to mention the fact that he wants to paint the old half to match, which will require moving everything back and forth.

All in good time, though, as he has bigger fish to fry with the FD season looming ever closer.

额外的空间意味着更多的项目空间,这也意味着Matt已经能够为Drift Cave团队增加一些成员。该店现在包括工头Andy Ochoa,制造商Don Powers,以及技术人员Ryan Field和Ashton Redberg。



In the corner of the new side of the shop, Matt’s been able to upgrade himself to a proper office, too.


Beyond the typical things you’ll find in an office, Matt’s decorated the space with a lot of cool items he’s picked up throughout his drifting career. The Falken Tire skateboard deck, and the custom Hot Wheels made by Jamie Greenwood are nice touches, but the trophies are really what dominate the space here. It’s not a bad problem to have.


To keep pace with the additional projects in the shop, Drift Cave has picked up new equipment to work alongside their old tools, bringing more processes in-house.

为了跟上店内的其他项目,Drift Cave已经选择了新设备与旧工具一起工作,从而在内部引入更多流程。

More important than the workshop hardware, Matt’s been careful to select the additional hands working in the shop. In particular, he mentioned a tech who has been working with Drift Cave for some months now. Their relationship started while Drift Cave worked on Ashton Redberg’s 350Z, but the owner was eager to help out to help with the build’s budget. Matt insisted that’s not how it worked, as you might expect. But one afternoon, Ashton was finally able to prove himself with a grinder — the most important tool Matt says he owns, and one which is a good way to test someone’s abilities. Immediately, Ashton looked like a really good fit for Drift Cave.

Beyond the extra help, Matt tells us he’s really stoked about Ashton’s progress on his 350Z and can’t wait to see it killing some tires.

比车间硬件更重要的是,Matt一直小心翼翼地选择在店里工作的额外手。特别是,他提到了一个与Drift Cave合作几个月的技术人员。当Drift Cave在Ashton Redberg的350Z上工作时,他们之间的关系开始了,但是业主急于帮助建造预算。马特坚持认为这不是它的工作方式,正如你所料。但是有一天下午,阿什顿终于能够用磨床证明自己 - 马特说他拥有的最重要的工具,以及一个测试某人能力的好方法。阿什顿看起来非常适合漂移洞穴。


hat story paints a deeper picture of Drift Cave and Matt Field, though. This is a shop that will work on everything from top-level drift cars to small jobs that a grassroots enthusiast needs done. Matt laughs, saying it often doesn’t even make sense to pay someone at the shop to do these little jobs, meaning he’s the one who gets stuck with this kind of piecemeal dirty work.

But the beauty of it is that Matt remembers being a kid living paycheck to paycheck, desperately trying to invest in his car. Those days weren’t so long ago, either. He knows exactly what it’s like to be in that place, and whenever physically possible he’ll do what he can to help a beginner enthusiast get his car ready to shred.




The Pro Cars

Of course, the cars that Matt Field and Drift Cave are known for are the ones that play on Formula Drift’s big stage.



当然,马特菲尔德和漂移洞穴所知的车型是那些在Formula Drift的大舞台上演奏的车型。

One such car that hasn’t yet seen the limelight is João Barion‘s new-to-the-field Z06 Corvette. The Brazilian driver made a name for himself getting sideways in a bonkers ’60s fastback Mustang and has petitioned for — and received — his Pro license to compete in Formula Drift.

JoãoBarion的新车Z06 Corvette 就是其中一款尚未引人注目的汽车。这名巴西车手因为自己在一辆疯狂的60年代后背野马中横空出世,并请求并获得了他的Pro牌照参加Formula Drift比赛。

Rather than investing heavily in the 50-year-old Ford to compete at the top level here in the US, Barion opted to build this Z06 Corvette in short order. While his team completed all of the work they were able to do — leaving as many systems as possible near-stock — Drift Cave stepped in to handle the more intense fabrication work.

Barion选择在短期内建造这款Z06 Corvette,而不是大肆投资50年历史的福特汽车,以便在美国的顶级车型上竞争。虽然他的团队完成了他们能够做的所有工作 - 尽可能多的系统留下近乎库存 - Drift Cave介入处理更激烈的制作工作。

Then there’s Matt’s good ol’ S14. When this car comes out of retirement for the 2019 season it will become the oldest car competing in Formula Drift at the top level. The idea of Pat Goodin driving the car started out as a joke after Pat got some seat time at LS Fest last year, but over time Matt realized that there’s no reason that this couldn’t be a reality, and Pat jumped on board.

然后是Matt的好'S14。当这款车在2019赛季退役时,它将成为最顶级的Formula Drift中最老的赛车。帕特·古丁驾驶汽车的想法最初是在帕特去年在LS Fest获得一些座位时间之后的笑话,但随着时间的推移,马特意识到这没有理由不能成为现实,帕特跳上了船。

When we stopped by a couple weeks back, the drivetrain was out of the car getting some machine work done. It’s since been completed — and tuned to an apparently conservative 985rwhp/900ft-lb for reliability — and testing has taken place with the new-to-Pat Nissan.

几个星期前我们停下来的时候,动力传动系统已经完成了一些机器工作。它已经完成 - 并且为了可靠性而调整到显然保守的985rwhp / 900ft-lb,并且已经对新的Pat-Nissan进行了测试。

The elephant in the room was Matt’s C6 Corvette, which debuted at Long Beach last year.

房间里的大象是马特的C6 Corvette, 去年在长滩首次亮相。

It’s safe to say this is the build that Matt is most excited about. After all, this car is the reason that Matt does everything he does, day in and day out.

可以肯定地说,这是Matt最为兴奋的构建。毕竟,这辆车是 Matt日复一日地做他所做的一切的原因。

Over the off-season, a number of upgrades have been made to keep the car competitive. One piece in particular that Matt pointed out were the new Parts Shop Max toe control rear knuckles. You can see the parts that allow for extra adjustability (and quickly) out of focus in the left corner of the above shot. Since these photos were taken Matt has buttoned up the car and been out for some testing, reporting that the new parts feel great.


The 7.0L party piece remains up front in the form of an LS-based engine which will surely be making over 1,000hp again this year in a detuned state thanks to a Vortech supercharger, nitrous oxide, and countless upgrades at CBM Motorsports. I have to say, the Falken-themed scalloped heads look damn good, too.

由于Vortech增压器,一氧化二氮以及CBM Motorsports的无数升级,这款7.0L派对车型仍然以LS型发动机的形式保持在前方,今年将在失谐状态下再次超过1,000hp。我不得不说,法尔肯主题的扇形头看起来也很好。

This is a car that is 100% business, made possible only by countless hours in the shop. In recent days Matt has been busy testing and buttoning up the loose ends, and all that’s left to do now is pop on the freshly-painted bodywork from No End Customs and load the cars up in the hauler for the Long Beach season opener this coming weekend.

这是一辆百分之百的商务车,只能在店内无数小时内完成。最近几天,Matt一直在忙着测试并扣上松散的末端,现在剩下要做的就是在No End Customs的新涂漆的车身上弹出,然后将车装入长滩赛季的开幕车中。周末。

Sara and I left at around 9:00pm on a Sunday night, but it looked like Matt was just getting ready to dive into the next project on his Corvette. The off-season is more frantic here than the rest of the year, but the crunch time is coming to an end. Matt says once the FD cars are on the road business can soon return to a normal pace at Drift Cave.


It certainly hasn’t been an easy road, but both Matt Field and Drift Cave have come a very long way since they got started, seeming to exponentially explode in the previous year.

But something tells me this only the beginning…

这当然不是一条简单的道路,但Matt Field和Drift Cave自从它们开始以来已经走了很长的路,看起来在前一年呈指数级爆炸。



The Cave




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