author-Beebom ContributorBeebom Contributor-Last Updated:2020年5月14日12:13 pm
随着时间的流逝,我们的计算机变得越来越小,越来越便于携带,这种现象,再加上快速的互联网速度和在线会议服务,使我们能够随时随地工作。 对于那些喜欢这种自由的人来说,Google Docs当然是最可靠的产品之一。 除了让我们在线上完成所有工作外,Google Docs以及表格和幻灯片也允许多个用户进行协作和一起工作。 它启发了许多提供相同功能的其他服务的诞生。 现在,甚至提供更好,更强大的编辑功能的现有文字处理软件也正在集成在线协作工具。 因此,如果您对Google文档不满意,并且一直在寻找一些最佳的Google文档替代品,那么我们将列出2020年可以取代Google文档的12大应用。
虽然Google Docs与其他提供类似功能的应用程序并没有落后,但让我们来看看它的一些最佳选择绝对是明智的。 特别是当这些应用程序中的许多应用程序提供更好的编辑环境并且功能更丰富时。 Google Docs非常适合小型项目,但是如果您需要处理复杂的写作项目,那么我们会在列表中提到的一些替代方法为您提供更好的服务。 话虽如此,让我们进入清单,好吗?
1. Microsoft Office Online
如果我们退出Google文档,Office Online绝对值得一提。 这是Microsoft对Google文档的解答,它提供了Google文档的所有基本功能和普通功能。 唯一的区别在于高级功能。 它们彼此都提供一些独特的高级功能,因此比赛保持在高级水平。
例如,Google在其办公套件中提供绘图工具,但Office Online为OneNote提供了一个完整的笔记应用程序。 Microsoft Office Online还带有“告诉我”功能,该功能使您可以在线询问Office本身是否卡住并想知道如何做。 该功能令人惊叹,您所需要做的就是键入您要执行的操作,然后您将开始看到答案(也非常精确)。
现在的问题成立了,为什么您应该从Google文档转到Office Online? 好吧,两者现在都非常强大,并且决定应使用什么完全取决于您的需求。 如果您是Microsoft Office(桌面应用程序)用户,那么您会发现Office Online非常相似,因此很容易适应。 您的所有文档都保存在Microsoft OneDrive中,就像Google文档将文档保存在Google Drive中一样。
此外,如果您是Microsoft Office Suite的忠实拥护者,但又不想为昂贵的套件付费。 Office Online可以被视为完全免费的替代产品,因为它提供的功能几乎相同,而Microsoft Office Suite的高级功能却有所限制。 但是应注意,Office Online仅可与Internet连接一起使用(您可以在脱机时编辑当前文档,而不能进行其他操作),与Google文档不同,它使您可以脱机编辑以及创建文档等。
2. Quip
与其他Online Office套装不同,Quip不提供所有高级文档编辑功能。 但是,如果您正在寻找可在所有设备上提供一些强大协作功能的免费工具,那么Quip就是答案。 它的界面非常直观,可以在智能手机,平板电脑和PC等所有设备上协同工作,这与其他在PC上效果最好的设备不同。
所有文档都带有聊天部分,您可以在其中轻松讨论文档。 这在智能手机上特别方便,可以轻松聊天并与文档和聊天进行交互。 您可以轻松地在线和离线编辑文档,并随时随地讨论主题(在线)。
它还具有新闻提要功能,该功能列出了文档的所有更改,因此您可以跟上更改。 连Google文档都缺乏的东西。 但是,它提供的编辑功能无法帮助您创建一些复杂的文档(例如手册等)。它提供了基本的格式设置和书写功能,并且您最多可以插入图片和表格。 虽然,这些工具足以写一些快速的帖子,文章和不需要太多格式的任何文档。
您可能要试用Quip的主要原因是其强大的协作能力和轻松在所有设备上同步的能力。 如果您不必编写复杂的文档,并且想要确保获得与旅途中的同事协作的最佳界面,那么Quip就是答案。
ONLYOFFICE是Google文档的另一个很好的替代品。 它提供了Google Docs提供的所有普通编辑和协作工具,其界面类似于Office Online。 它带有付费版本,针对中小型企业提供30天免费试用版,以及仅供个人使用的免费在线办公套件。
此列表适用于Google Docs替代产品,因此我们将仅审查可以替代Google Docs的免费版本。 免费版本仅供个人使用,如果您是大公司,则必须选择付费版本,该版本包括公司所需的所有工具,例如邮件服务器,域和CRM工具。
使用ONLYOFFICE,您可以创建文档,电子表格和演示文稿。 您可以在文档中添加评论,也可以直接在文档上进行实时聊天。 这可以帮助您保持专注,并防止您在处理文档时像在Quip中一样在不同的应用程序之间进行切换。
最好的部分是,您可以在ONLYOFFICE上附加一个云存储帐户,以将您的工作保存在一个地方。 您可以连接Google云端硬盘,DropBox,OneDrive,Box和OwnCloud。 在主界面上,您可以下载,移动,删除和共享文档,从而非常轻松地与文档进行交互。
您应该为它而努力,因为它提供了出色的协作以及添加不同的云存储帐户的能力。 它更多地是PC上Quip的增强版本,您可以一站式获得Google Docs的所有标准编辑工具和Quip的协作能力。 但是,它仅适用于Windows和Linux。
4. Dropbox纸
Paper是最简单的协作编辑工具之一,可以被认为是出色的Google Docs替代品。 它是Dropbox的Hackpad的继承者,但具有添加电子表格,图片和指向Dropbox文件的链接的附加功能。 您还可以直接标记可能在您的联系人列表中的其他Dropbox用户,或添加您的Google帐户以邀请他们与您合作。
除了表,媒体和Dropbox文件之外,您还可以向Paper文档添加注释,甚至可以向待办事项列表,日历时间表和代码块添加注释。 您没有像前两项服务那样有许多预设的自定义选项或模板,但是易于使用的界面(更重要的是,免费的界面)可以迫使您选择纸张,而不是此处列出的其他Google文档替代品。
与Google文档相比,Paper更加注重交互和评论。 此外,您可以动态地向文档本身添加很多元素,而不必依赖其他服务。 因此,如果您只是想做笔记或计划并与团队共享,Paper可能是最好,最轻便的选择之一。
编辑选项受到限制,如果您要大量编辑文档,则“纸张”可能不是合适的选择。 但是,如果您经营的是小型公司或企业,并且希望改善工作流程,Paper将是一个很好的选择,并且是协作创作工作的最佳Google Docs替代品之一。
5. Zoho文件
Zoho实际上是一家大型软件公司,致力于开发满足企业需求的软件。 它在2500多名员工中享有很高的声誉,并且拥有大量面向业务的软件,几乎可以满足所有业务需求。 Zoho Docs是其中之一,可提供创建,文档,电子表格和演示文稿的功能。
Zoho Docs提供了与Office Online类似的功能,但它仍然具有独特性,可以抛弃Google Docs和Office Online。
首先,它同时包含基于桌面和基于Web的应用程序,您可以将它们用于在线和离线访问。 在任何平台上编辑的所有内容都将自动同步。 最重要的是,Zoho Docs在您的PC中创建了一个单独的文件夹,添加到该文档中的每个文档都将与Zoho同步,其中还包括其他来源的文档。
协作工具类似于Google文档,因此我们无话可说。 为什么要去Zoho? 原因很简单,如果您喜欢Office Online over Google Docs,则可能要先结帐Zoho。 它几乎具有Office Online提供的所有功能,甚至还有一个名为“搜索菜单”的类似“告诉我”功能。 但是,它提供了脱机工作功能和单独的桌面应用程序,使其比Office Online更好。
6. CryptPad
CryptPad是一组易于使用的在线应用程序,您可以用它们代替Google Docs。 您可以使用流行的格式,包括RTF文档和演示文稿。 除了这两种格式,用户还可以共享民意测验,Trello样式的白板,任务列表,甚至是代码编译器窗口。
除了众多选项之外,CryptPad还可被视为首选的Google Docs替代品之一,原因很简单,这是因为您无需注册即可创建在线文档(但是,如果需要, 您要允许其他人查看文档的内容)。 您会获得大量的编辑工具,就像Google Docs一样,而且配色方案似乎也很熟悉。 共享时,您可以通过链接与其他人共享文档,甚至可以将该文档嵌入在线博客或文章中,这是Google文档或其他替代方法中没有的选项。
除了具有协作能力之外,您还可以与其他参与者聊天。 此外,CryptPad以其加密文件的能力而得名,这可以确保您的文件完全不受知识产权盗窃的影响,并且只能使用加密密钥来访问这些文件。
与Google文档不同,您需要付费才能充分利用CryptPad。 当免费用户在云上获得最高50MB的存储空间时,您可以以5欧元(〜6美元)的价格购买订阅。 注册后,您还可以访问CryptDrive –与CryptPad一起提供的在线文件共享服务。 最后,该应用程序的另一个强大功能是,您只需输入用户名和密码即可登录,而无需输入电子邮件ID。
另外,如果您想要使用AES 256加密的工具,但可以使用Airborn(访问)进行协作,但该工具主要限于Word文档。 它具有灵活的付费计划,并且每月向您收取3.5美元的费用以启用共享功能。
Collabora是基于LibreOffice的在线协作和编辑套件,用于信息丰富的文档。 在线应用程序使用熟悉的MS Office风格的布局带来了一套精心制作的编辑工具。 除了完善的编辑工具栏之外,您还可以添加注释,无论是团队强调编辑还是澄清疑问。
与您只能解析评论的Google文档相比,Collabora中的评论流更加用户友好,您可以分别回复每个评论,将其标记为已解决或删除。 但是,Google允许您自由共享带有链接的评论,Collabora中不提供此链接。
基于服务器的选项和基于云的选项均提供Collabora,对于云版本,您可以从可靠的服务(例如NextCloud,ownCloud和Pydio)获得支持。 在这三者中,您可以自由选择任何一项,具体取决于哪项服务为您提供了三者中最小的延迟。 基于云的Collabora的起价为每用户每年18美元,但是您可以免费试用一个演示。 但是,如果没有互联网连接,则无法使用该服务。
云服务对美国和欧盟的客户最有用,而这些地区以外的客户在使用Collabora时可能会遇到一些滞后。 此外,您必须使用有些过时的界面进行调整,但是广泛的共享选项会让您原谅缺少功能。
Graphite Docs是基于区块链的文本编辑器,可用于邀请合作者。 该编辑器使用起来非常简单,并带有一个最小的用户界面,带有直接控件和交互式设计元素。 尽管界面轻巧,但您可以获得所有有用的编辑选项,但免费版本的Graphite Docs中的字体数量限制为三种。
Graphite Docs基于区块链,使用BlockStack登录。除了文本编辑器外,还有一个文件库,即一个由区块链支持的存储驱动器,您可以在其中存储受加密密钥保护的各种文档。 这样可以提高Google文档和其他云端硬盘应用程序的安全性。 您可以通过公共链接与其他用户或也使用Graphite服务的已保存联系人共享文档和文件。
除了文档之外,您还可以访问基本工作表,虽然没有太多选择,但是在这里为单元格分配基本算术函数的便利性非常好。 除此之外,还可以通过中央仪表板看到您的使用情况统计信息,该仪表板绝对可以派上用场,您甚至还可以将Graphite与Medium和Slack等流行应用程序连接起来。
就像Quip一样,Coda不仅仅是文本编辑器,更是一种协作团队计划工具。 首先,您可以在一个文档中以模块化元素的形式添加多个元素,例如图形,表格,视频等。 这个想法是要适应大脑中突然出现的任何想法,而不管它何时出现或如何出现。 为了使您的工作更轻松,Coda允许您通过键入“ @”来启动新任务或标记团队成员。
顶部的编辑工具栏混合了常用的编辑工具,使您想起了WordPress之类的常用CMS编辑器。 可以使用的字体样式或大小没有很多,但这不是这里的主要实用程序。 值得注意的是,与Google文档相比,编辑选项更少,尤其是因为该应用程序的重点是协作而不是简单地进行编辑。
该软件的目的是让用户与他们的团队更加高效和同步,特别是如果您属于远程工作团队的一员。 除了这些编辑功能之外,您还可以在Coda中以IFTTT格式添加注释或自动执行任务。 此外,还有大量的模板目录,您可以利用它们快速完成工作。
10. Bit.AI
Bit.AI是一种旨在提高团队生产力和协作能力的工具,而不仅仅是保留文档。 首先,您会获得广泛的模板目录,可以从中选择,但如果您喜欢自定义布局,也可以创建一个新文档。
在编辑方面,您只能使用数量有限的工具。 这里没有浮动的编辑工具栏,而是有一个浮动栏,这些选项与用于互联网的HTML内容(而非正式或法律文件)最相关。
但是,与共享相关的选项的灵活性相比,Bit.AI领先于Google Docs。 在仪表板上,管理员可以管理或控制被邀请进行协作的用户的所有活动。 用户可以创建多个工作空间并将它们链接到不同的目标,或者将它们分配给不同的团队。 除了分别审核和控制对每个工作区的访问权限外,管理员还可以跟踪其团队共享的每个链接,并检查与该链接相对应的每个文档上的活动。
Bit.AI拥有大量的视频课程数据库,这一事实主要与界面的工作方式有关,这使它更加易于使用。 它与Coda相似,但是在我看来,如果您想更多地关注实用程序而不是编辑选项,那么这里有更多的选项可以使文档进行干净地协作和隔离,使其成为最佳的Google Docs替代品之一。
11. Nuclino
虽然Nuclino可能不如Google Docs受欢迎,但它拥有各种基本工具,可让您创建文档。 您可以使所有文档保持完美的组织,并与团队实时协作。 尝试过该文档创建者和组织者之后,我可以说它对于技术文档而言看起来更加有效。 因此,以防万一Google提供的产品似乎没有足够的功能来让您创建技术文档,我建议您试一下。
在用户界面方面,Nuclino似乎比Google Docs更为直观。 这意味着您无需花很长时间就能掌握该文档创建者的所有信息。 无论是编辑,搜索还是导航,一切都变得更加轻松。 就像Google的产品一样,它还可以邀请您的同事并与他们合作。 由于同时进行编辑,在文本中标记人员和注释,这使得实时协作变得非常无缝。
此外,Nuclino还与Slack等多个生产力应用程序集成在一起,因此您可以一站式创建和组织文档。 即使在兼容性方面,由于该应用程序可在包括iOS,Android,macOS,Windows,Linux和Web在内的大多数主要平台上使用,因此它也为Google Docs带来了激烈的竞争。 虽然Nuclino是免费提供的,但有一些限制,例如最多50个项目和仅5GB的总存储空间,如果您想打破限制,则需要每月支付$ 5。 一切都考虑在内; 它可能是技术文档的最佳Google文档替代品。
如果您正在寻找开源协作文本编辑器,请给Firepad一个实现您期望的机会。 尽管它远没有Google Docs那样功能丰富,但是在协作代码和文本编辑方面可以证明它非常方便。 光标位置同步,文本突出显示,状态检测和版本检查点等功能使您可以轻松地编辑代码。 因此,您可以构建需要协作编辑和文本文档的应用程序。
但是,使Firepad与许多其他竞争对手区分开来的地方在于,它没有服务器依赖性,因为它依靠Firebase Realtime Database来实现平稳的数据同步。 因此,将Firepad添加到任何应用程序甚至静态网站都更加容易。 此外,您还可以使用此代码编辑器在CodeMirror,Ace或Monaco编辑器的帮助下呈现文档,这是另一个优点。
与Google文档相比,Firepad看起来有点过时,因为它缺乏直观的用户界面。 但是,如果您可以忽略沉闷的UI,则可以在任务中找到它,因为它同时支持RTF和代码编辑,更重要的是,您可以轻松扩展其范围,以满足基本文档的要求。 至于兼容性,Firepad可与大多数现代浏览器一起使用,包括Chrome,Safari,Firefox和Opera。
Google文档之所以受欢迎,是因为它易于访问。 由于我们大多数人都将Gmail用作我们的电子邮件服务提供商,因此使用它很有意义。 Google Docs is popular because it’s accessible. Since most of us are using Gmail as our email service provider, it makes sense to use it. 12 Best Google Docs Alternatives You Should UseBeebom Contributor -
Last Updated: May 14, 2020 12:13 pm
Over time, our computers have gotten smaller and more portable, and this phenomenon, coupled with fast internet speeds and online meeting services, has allowed us to work on-the-go. For those who prefer this freedom, Google Docs is surely among the most reliable products. Besides letting us take all our work online, Google Docs – as well as Sheets and Slides – also allows multiple users to collaborate and work together. It has inspired the inception of many other services that offer the same features. Even existing word processing software that offer better and more powerful editing features are also incorporating online collaboration tools now. So, if you are not happy with Google Docs, and you’ve been looking for some of the best Google Docs alternatives, we’ve listed the top 12 apps that can replace Google Docs in 2020.
Best Google Docs Alternatives in 2020
While Google Docs does not lag far behind other apps offering similar functionality, it definitely makes sense for us to take a look at some of its best alternative. Especially when, a lot of these apps offer better editing environment and are richer in features. Google Docs is excellent for small projects, but if you need to handle complex writing projects, you will be better served by some of the alternatives that we have mention on this list. With that said, let’s get to our list, shall we?
1. Microsoft Office Online
If we step down from Google docs, Office Online definitely deserves the first mention. It is Microsoft’s answer to Google Docs and it provides all the basic to average features of Google docs. The only difference comes at advanced features. They both offer some unique advanced feature to each other, so the competition stays at advanced level.
For example, Google offers drawings tool in its office suite, but Office Online offers OneNote with a complete note taking app. Microsoft Office Online also comes with “Tell Me” feature that will let you ask the Office online itself if you get stuck and want to know how to do something. The feature is amazing all you need to do is type what you want to do and you will start seeing answers (quite precise as well).
Now the question holds, why you should move to Office Online from Google docs? Well, both are quite strong right now, and deciding what you should use completely depends on your needs. If you are a Microsoft Office (the Desktop app) user, then you will find Office Online to be very similar, making it easy to adapt to. All your documents are saved in Microsoft OneDrive, just like Google docs saves documents in Google Drive.
Furthermore, if you are a big fan of Microsoft Office Suite, but didn’t wanted to pay for the expensive suite. Office Online can be considered as a completely free alternative to it, as it offers almost same features with a bit limited advanced features of Microsoft Office Suite. It should be noted however, that Office online will only work with an internet connection (you can edit the current document while offline but nothing else), unlike Google docs that let you edit offline as well as create documents, and more.
2. Quip
Unlike other Online Office suits, Quip doesn’t offer all the advanced document editing features. However, if you are looking for a free tool that offers some robust collaboration features on all your devices, then Quip is the answer. Its interface is very intuitive and collaborative on all devices like smartphones, tablets and PC, unlike others that work best on a PC.
All documents come with a chat section where you can easily discuss about the document. This is especially handy on Smartphones, making it simple to chat and interact with both document and the chat. You can easily edit documents both online and offline and discuss the topic (online) on the go.
It also has a news feed feature that lists all the changes to the documents, so you could keep up with the changes. Few things that even Google documents lacks. However, the editing features it offers will not help you create some complex documents like manuals, etc. It offers basic formatting and writing features and will let you insert pictures and tables at max. Although, these tools should be good enough for writing some quick posts, articles and any document that doesn’t require much formatting.
The main reason why you may want to try out Quip is for its vast collaboration power and ability to easily sync across all devices. If you don’t have to write complex documents and want to make sure you get the best interface for collaborating with your colleagues on the go, then Quip is the answer.
ONLYOFFICE is another great substitute for Google Docs. It offers all the average editing and collaborating tools Google Docs has to offer with an interface similar to Office Online. It comes with a Paid version with a free 30 day trial targeted towards small to medium businesses and a free online office suite for personal use only.
This list is for Google Docs alternatives, so we are only going to review the free version that can replace Google Docs. The free version is only for personal use, if you are a big company then you will have to opt for paid version that includes all the tools required by a company, such as mail servers, domain and CRM tools.
With ONLYOFFICE you can create Documents, Spreadsheets and Presentations. You can add comments to a document and also live chat right on the document. This helps you remain focused and prevents you from changing between different apps while working on a document, just like in Quip.
The best part is that, you can attach a cloud storage account with ONLYOFFICE to save your work at one place. You can connect Google Drive, DropBox, OneDrive, Box and OwnCloud. Right from the main interface, you can download, move, delete and share documents, making it very easy to interact with documents.
You should go for it, for the superior collaboration it offers and the ability to add different cloud storage accounts. It is more of a beefed up version of Quip on PC, you get all the standard editing tools of Google Docs and collaboration ability of Quip in one place. However, it is only available for Windows and Linux.
4. Paper by Dropbox
Paper is among the simplest collaborative editing tools capable of being counted as great Google Docs alternatives. It is the successor to Hackpad which was also by Dropbox, but with the additional ability to add spreadsheets, pictures, and links to Dropbox files. You can also directly tag other Dropbox users that might be in your contacts list or add your Google account to be able to invite them to collaborate with you.
Apart from tables, media, and Dropbox files, you can also add comments to the Paper document, and even To-do lists, calendar timelines, and blocks of code. You don’t get many preset customization options or templates like the previous two services but the simple-to-use – and more importantly, free – interface can compel you to choose Paper over other Google Docs alternatives listed here.
Compared to Google Docs, Paper is more focused on interactions and comments. Furthermore, you can dynamically add a lot of elements to the document itself without having to rely on other services. So if you just want to make notes or plans and share it the team, Paper is possibly one of the best and the lightest options.
The editing options are limited and if you’re looking to heavily edit your docs, then Paper might not be the appropriate choice. But if you’re running a small company or a business and want to improve your workflow, Paper will be an excellent option and one of the best Google Docs alternatives for collaborative creative work.
5. Zoho Docs
Zoho is actually a big software company that creates softwares that cater to needs of businesses. It has quite good reputation with over 2500 employees and has a robust list of business oriented softwares, with software for almost every business need. Zoho Docs is one of them offering ability to create, documents, spreadsheets and presentations.
Zoho Docs offers features similar to Office Online, but still it is unique enough to ditch both Google Docs and Office Online.
To start with, it comes with both desktop and web based apps which you can use for both online and offline access. Everything edited on any of the platforms will be automatically synced. Best of all, Zoho Docs creates a separate folder in your PC and every document added there will be synced with Zoho, that includes documents from other sources as well.
Collaborations tools are similar to Google Docs, so there isn’t much we can say. Why you should go for Zoho? The reason is simple, if you like Office Online over Google Docs then you might want to checkout Zoho first. It has almost all the features Office Online has to offer, even a similar “Tell me” feature named “Search the menus”. However, it offers offline working capability and a separate desktop app, making it a better choice than Office Online.
6. CryptPad
CryptPad is a set of easy-to-use online applications which you can use as a replacement of Google Docs. You can use popular formats including rich text documents and presentations. Besides these two formats, users can share polls, Trello-style whiteboards, to-do lists, and even a code compiler window.
Besides this wide range of options, CryptPad can be seen as one of the preferred Google Docs alternatives for one simple reason and that is because you don’t need to sign up in order to create an online document(however, it will be needed if you want to allow others to view the contents of the documents). You get a good collection of editing tools, much like to Google Docs, and the color scheme also seems familiar. When it comes to sharing, you can share the document with others over a link or even embed the document in an online blog or article, which is an option not available in Google Docs or other substitutes for it.
Apart from the ability to collaborate, you can also chat with other participants. Furthermore, CryptPad gets its name from its ability to encrypt documents, which ensures that your documents are completely safe from intellectual property theft, and these documents are only accessible using the encryption keys.
Unlike Google Docs, you’ll have to pay to get the most out of CryptPad. While free users get up top 50MB of storage on the cloud, you can buy a subscription starting at 5 euros (~$6). When you sign up you also get access to CryptDrive – an online file-sharing service along with CryptPad. Lastly, another great feature of the app is that you can simply sign in with a username and password, without the need of entering an email ID.
Alternatively, you can use Airborn (visit) for collaboration if you want a tool with AES 256 encryption but the tool is mostly limited to word documents. It has flexible paid plans and it charges you $3.5 per month to enable sharing.
7. Collabora
Collabora is an online collaboration and editing suite based on LibreOffice for information-rich documents. The online application brings an elaborate set of editing tools using the familiar MS Office-style layout. Besides a full-fledged editing toolbar, you also get the ability to add commentswhether it’s for the team to emphasize on an edit or for you to clarify your doubt.
Compared to Google Docs in which you can only resolve comments, the flow of comments in Collabora feels more user-friendly and you can reply to each comment individually, mark it resolved, or delete it. However, Google gives you the liberty to share the comment with a link, which is not available in Collabora.
Collabora is available in both server-based and cloud-based options and for the cloud version, you get support from reliable services such as NextCloud, ownCloud, and Pydio. Out of the three, you’re free to choose any depending upon which service provides the least latency of the three for you. The pricing for cloud-based Collabora starts at $18 per user per year, but you can start by taking a free demo. However, you cannot use the service without an internet connection.
The cloud services are most useful for clients in the US and the EU, and customers outside these regions might face some lag while using Collabora. Furthermore, you’ll have to adjust with the somewhat outdated interface, but the extensive sharing options would make you forgive the lack of features.
8. Graphite Docs
Graphite Docs is a blockchain-based text editor which you can use to invite collaborators. The editor is fairly simple to use and comes with a minimal user interface with direct controls and interactive design elements. Despite the lightweight interface, you get all the useful editing options except for the number of fonts which is limited to three in the free version of Graphite Docs.
Being based on the blockchain, Graphite Docs uses BlockStack to sign in. Apart from the text editor, there is a file vault i.e. a blockchain-backed storage drive where you can store a variety of documents protected with encrypted keys. This provides added security over Google Docs and other Drive applications. You can either share the documents and files with other users via public links or with saved contacts that are also using Graphite’s services.
Besides documents, you can also access basic sheets and while there aren’t a lot of options, the ease of assigning basic arithmetic functions to the cells is pretty great here. Along with all of that, your usage stats are visible through a central dashboard, which can definitely come in handy, and you even get the ability to connect Graphite with popular apps like Medium and Slack.
9. Coda
Much like Quip, Coda is more of a collaborative team planning tool than just a text editor. To begin with, you can add multiple elements in form of modular elements like graphs, table, videos etc. within a single document. The idea is to accommodate any idea that pops up in your brain, irrespective of when or how it comes up. To make your job easier, Coda allows you to initiate a new task or tag a team member by simply typing ‘@’.
The editing toolbar on the top has a mix of commonly used editing tools which will remind you of a common CMS editor like WordPress. There aren’t a lot of font styles or sizes to play with but that’s not the main utility here. Notably, there are fewer editing options compared to Google Docs, especially because the focus of the app is collaboration and not simply editing.
The purpose of this software is to let users be more productive and synchronous with their team, especially if you’re part of a team working remotely. Besides these editing features, you can also add comments or automate tasks from within Coda in an IFTTT format. Furthermore, there’s a huge catalog of templates which you can utilize to get your job done quickly.
10. Bit.AI
Bit.AI is a tool designed for higher team productivity and collaboration rather than simply keeping documents. To begin with, you get a broad catalog of templates that you can choose from but you can also create a fresh document if you prefer a custom layout.
When it comes to editing, you get a limited number of tools. Instead of an editing toolbar resting on the top, there’s a floating bar and these options are mostly relevant for HTML content intended for the internet instead of formal or legal documents.
However, Bit.AI takes the lead compared to Google Docs when it comes to the flexibility of options related to sharing. On the dashboard, admins can manage or control all of the activities of the users invited to collaborate. Users can create multiple workspaces and link them to different objectives or assign them to different teams. Besides individually auditing and controlling access to each of the workspaces, the admins can also track each link which has been shared by their teams and check the activity on each document corresponding to the link.
The fact the Bit.AI has a large database of video lessons, mostly related to how the interface works, makes it more user-friendly. It is similar to Coda, but there are more options here to collaborate and segregate documents cleanly making it one of the best Google Docs alternative, in my opinion, if you want to focus on utility more than the number of editing options.
If you think 1GB of storage is sufficient for your usage, you can use Bit.AI for free, but for better control, added features, and unlimited link tracking, you can buy the paid version for $12 per user per month.
11. Nuclino
While Nuclino may not be as popular as Google Docs, it’s got all sorts of essential tools to let you create documents. You can keep all of your docs perfectly organized and collaborate with your team in real-time.Having tried my hands on this document creator and organizer, I can say that it looks more efficient for technical documentation. So, just in case Google’s offering doesn’t seem to be fully equipped to let you create technical documents, I would recommend you to give it a shot.
In terms of user-interface, Nuclino seems a bit more intuitive than Google Docs. That means you can get a good grip on this document creator without having to go through a long drill. Whether it’s editing, search, or navigating, everything feels snappier.Just like Google’s offering, it also lets you invite your colleagues and collaborate with them. Thanks to the simultaneous editing, tagging people in text, and comments, it makes real-time collaboration quite seamless.
What’s more, Nuclino is also integrated with several productivity apps like Slack so that you can create and organize docs right from one stop. Even in terms of compatibility, it gives strong competition to Google Docs as the app is available on most major platforms including iOS, Android, macOS, Windows, Linux, and web. While Nuclino is available for free with some limitations like up to 50 items and only 5GB of total storage, you will need to shell out $5/month if you want to break the limitations. Everything considered; it’s probably the best Google Docs alternative for technical documentation.
12. Firepad
If an open-source collaborative text editor is what you are looking for, give a chance to Firepad to live up to your expectation. Though it’s nowhere near as feature-packed as Google Docs, it can prove to be more than handy when it comes to collaborative code and text editing. Features like cursor position synchronization, text highlighting, presence detection, and version checkpointing, it can let you edit code with ease. Therefore, you can build an app that requires collaborative editing and text documents.
But what sets Firepad apart from many other rivals is that it doesn’t have server dependencies as it relies on Firebase Realtime Database for smooth data synchronization. As a result, it’s much easier to add Firepad to any app and even static websites. Furthermore, you can use this code editor to render documents with the help of CodeMirror, Ace, or Monaco editors, which is yet another plus.
As compared to Google Docs, Firepad looks a little old-fashioned since it lacks intuitive user-interface. But if you can ignore the dull UI, you can find it up to the task as it has the support for both rich text and code editing, and more significantly you can easily extend its territory to fulfill the requirement of basic documentation. As for compatibility, Firepad works with most modern browsers including Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Opera.
Best Google Docs Alternatives
Google Docs is popular because it’s accessible. Since most of us are using Gmail as our email service provider, it makes sense to use it.
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